20 research outputs found

    Büyük oranda şekil değiştirebilen bir insansız hava aracı kanadının hibrit firar kenarı kontrol yüzeyinin tasarım ve analizi.

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    In this thesis, the design and analysis of a hybrid trailing edge control surface of a fully morphing unmanned aerial vehicle wing having the ability to perform both camber and decamber morphings were conducted. The design of the control surface was done by CATIA V5-6R2012 package program. Two distinct designs, so-called open cell and closed cell designs were initially analyzed via Finite Element Method by using the commercial software ANSYS Workbench v14.0 in in-vacuo condition. Several trade-off studies including material, geometry and servo actuator feature variations were considered in order to decrease the weight of the control surface while still assuring the structural safety. The designed control surface was also considered as being under the aerodynamic load obtained from the planned flight mission profile of the unmanned aerial vehicle. During the Computational Fluid Dynamics analyses, Pointwise® V17.2R2 package program was used to generate the aerodynamic mesh, and Stanford University Unstructured (SU2) V3.2.1 open-source software was used as a solver. It was shown that the designed control surface is capable of performing both camber and decamber morphings both in in-vacuo condition and under the aerodynamic loading.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Konvansiyonel ve Konvansiyonel Olmayan Kontrol Yüzeylerine Sahip İnsansız Hava Aracı Kanatlarının Aerodinamik Özelliklerinin Değerlendirilmesi

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    Bu bildiride insansız hava aracına ait bir kanattaki kontrol yüzeyleri konvansiyonel ve konvansiyonel olmayan iki farklı konfigürasyonda aerodinamik açıdan incelenmiştir. Aerodinamik analizler için Pointwise® V17.0- R2 ve SU2 V2.0.001 adlı paket programlar kullanılmıştır. Konvansiyonel kontrol yüzeylerini hareket ettirebilecek tork miktarı aerodinamik veriler kullanılarak hesaplanmıştır. Konvansiyonel olmayan kontrol yüzeylerini hareket ettirecek tork miktarı ise bu çalışmadaki aerodinamik verileri kullanarak diğer bir çalışmada hesaplanmıştırIn this work, aerodynamic analysis of an unmanned aerial vehicle wing having conventional and unconventional control surfaces was conducted. Pointwise® V17.0-R2 and SU2 V2.0.001 package programs were used for the analysis. Required torque to deflect conventional control surfaces was calculated by using aerodynamic data obtained from the analysis. Required torque to deflect unconventional control surfaces was calculated in another proceeding using aerodynamic data obtained in this stud

    Büyük Oranda Şekil Değiştirebilen Kontrol Yüzeylerinin Yapısal Özelliklerinin Değerlendirilmesi

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    In this work the excitation forces, which are necessary for the required displacements of morphing control surfaces of an UAV, are studied. The work has been conducted within the context of an EU FP7 project ‘CHANGE, Combined morpHing Assessment software usiNG flight Envelope data and mission based morphing prototype wing development’ (CHANGE, 2012). The possible control surfaces of the wing were generated using CATIA V5-6R2012 software. Finite element analysis of the control surfaces was conducted by ANSYS 14.0 package program

    Büyük Oranda Şekil Değiştirebilen Bir Hibrid Firar Kenarı Kontrol Yüzeyinin Tasarımı ve Analizleri

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    It is envisioned that the fully morphing wings and/ or control surfaces, as they can increase the aerodynamic efficiency of the airplanes in every phases of the flight, could play significant role in the reduction of pollution in environment and also make airplanes always fuel efficient. In this study, the design and analyses of a fully morphing trailing edge control surface, which is developed within the scope of CHANGE Project, are presented. The Project was a 7th Framework Programme Project of European Commission,. The design is conducted with CATIA V5-6R2012 and the structural analyses are done by ANSYS® Workbench™ v14.0 package programs. In Computational Fluid Dynamic analyses, Pointwise® V17.2 R2 package program is used in order to generate the aerodynamic mesh and SU2 (Stanford University Unstructured) V3.2.1 open source software is used as flow solver. The hybrid control surface is composed of aluminum, composite and fully compliant materials. The downward or upward deflection of the control surface is achieved by utilizing miniature servo actuators inside the control surface volume and by the help of compliant material due to its capability to extend significantly. In the study, silicone-based compliant material is considered. The control surface is indigenously designed and the locations and types of the required servo actuators are selected accordingly. It is aimed that the control surface which has its baseline profile as NACA6510 could morph into several other target profiles at different flight regimes. The structural Finite Element Analyses are conducted for both in in-vacuo condition and under aerodynamic loading. It is successfully shown that the indigenously designed control surface can efficiently morph into target profiles both in in-vacuo condition and under aerodynamic loading.Büyük oranda şekil değiştirebilen kanat ve/ veya kontrol yüzeylerinin, uçağın aerodinamik verimini tüm uçuş evrelerinde arttırabilmelerinden dolayı, hem yakıt tasarrufu sağlamada hem de çevre kirliliğini azaltmada etkin rol oynayabilecekleri düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışmada, bir Avrupa Birliği 7. Çerçeve programı olan CHANGE projesi kapsamında sürdürülen, büyük oranda şekil değiştirebilen bir firar kenarı kontrol yüzeyinin tasarımı, yapısal ve aerodinamik analizleri incelenmiştir. Tasarım CATIA V5-6R2012 paket programı, yapısal analizler ANSYS® Workbench™ v14.0 paket programı kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Hesaplamalı Akışkanlar Dinamiği analizleri için gerekli aerodinamik çözüm ağı Pointwise® V17.2 R2 paket programı kullanılarak elde edilmiş, akım çözücüsü olarak SU2 (Stanford University Unstructured) V3.2.1 açık kaynak yazılımı kullanılmıştır. Hibrit kontrol yüzeyi alüminyum, kompozit ve büyük oranda esnek malzemelerden oluşmuştur. Kontrol yüzeyinin aşağı veya yukarı şekil değiştirmesi yüzey içine yerleştirilen küçük boyutlu servo uyarıcılar ve büyük oranda şekil değiştirebilen esnek malzeme sayesinde elde edilebilmiştir. Çalışmada esnek malzeme olarak silikon bazlı bir elastomer değerlendirilmiştir. Kontrol yüzeyi gerek boyut, gerekse de malzeme olarak özgün olarak tasarlanmış; istenilen şekil değiştirebilmeleri sağlamak için gerekli servo uyarıcıların tipleri ve yerleri belirlenmiştir. NACA6510 profiline sahip kontrol yüzeyinin uçuşun farklı evrelerinde farklı profillere dönüşebilmesi amaçlanmış ve yapısal sonlu elemanlar analizleri hem vakum ortamında hem de aerodinamik yükler altında yapılmıştır. Çalışmalar sonucunda özgün olarak tasarlanan kontrol yüzeyinin gerek vakum ortamında, gerekse de aerodinamik yükler altında verimli olarak çalıştığı gösterilmiştir

    A Hybrid Trailing Edge Control Surface Capable of Camber and Decamber Morphing

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    This study presents the design and analysis of a novel hybrid trailing edge control surface that is capable to perform both camber and decamber morphing. The design was conducted with CATIA V5-6R2012 package program. Structural analyses were performed with Finite Element Method by using ANSYS® Workbench™ v14.0 package program both in in-vacuo condition and under aerodynamic loading. The aerodynamic loads were calculated by Computational Fluid Dynamics analyses. The required aerodynamic mesh was generated by Pointwise® V17.2 R2 package program, and SU2 (Stanford University Unstructured) V3.2.1 open source software was used as flow solver. The results prove that the designed control surface is capable of performing both camber and decamber morphing both in in-vacuo condition and under aerodynamic loading