3,587 research outputs found

    Mid-term outcomes of thoracic endovascular aortic repair for complicated type B aortic dissection

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the mid-term outcomes of thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) of complicated type B aortic dissection. Patients and methods: This retrospective study included a total of 29 consecutive patients (27 males, 2 females; mean age 61.1±11.8 years; range, 34 to 80 years) who underwent TEVAR due to complicated type B aortic dissection at our center between March 2015 and December 2018. All pre-, intra-, and postoperative data were collected. Surgical and discharge notes were reviewed. Results: Of the patients, 27 had hypertension and seven had coronary artery disease. The mean maximum aortic diameter was 50.5±7.7 mm. Suspicion of impending rupture was the most (n=13) associated complication with type B aortic dissection. Six patients (20.7%) had rupture and 10 patients (34.5%) had uncontrolled hypertension. The procedure was performed under elective conditions in 18 patients (62.1%) and under emergency setting in 11 patients (37.9%). Early mortality was developed in one patient (3.4%) due to low cardiac output syndrome. The mean follow-up was 25±11 months. Late mortality occurred in two patients (6.9%) due to lung cancer and sepsis. The overall survival rate was 86.1±9.8% and freedom from aortic re-intervention was 88.8±7.5% at 50 months. Conclusion: Our study results show that TEVAR is a safe procedure associated with good postoperative outcomes, and outstanding mid-term results in complicated type B aortic dissection

    Kâdî Abdülcebbâr’a Göre Arap Dilinde Lafız-Mana İlişkisi ve Abdülkâhir el-Cürcânî’ye Etkisi

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    Arap dilinde lafız-mana tartışması klasik dönemden itibaren dilcilerin önem verdikleri bir konudur. Anagram sistemle telif edilen Kitâbu’l-‘ayn adlı sözlüğe bakıldığında Arap dilinde kullanımda olmayan lafızların dahi zikredildiğini görmek mümkündür. Bu durum Arapça kelimelerin Araplar nezdinde -herhangi bir anlamı haiz olmasa da- ayrı bir öneme sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. Kâdî Abdülcebbâr’a göre ise edebi güzellik sadece sözün birimleri olan kelimelerde aranmaması gerekmektedir. Edebi üstünlük ancak kelimelerin cümle içerisinde birbirleriyle olan bağdaşıklıkları dikkate alınarak söz konusu edilmelidir. Kâdî Abdülcebbâr, düşüncesini temellendirmek için dilin kökeni meselesine vurgu yapmaktadır. Ona göre dil, ilahi bir öğreti sonucu oluşmamış, toplumların uzlaşmaları neticesinde meydana gelmiştir. Ayrıca kelimelerin cümle içerisindeki gramatik konumunu belirleyen i‘râb ve kastedilen anlam dikkate alınarak en iyi kelimenin seçilmesi manasındaki ibdâl kavramları Kâdî Abdülcebbâr’ın konuyla ilgili düşüncesini anlamada önemlidir

    Arap Belâgatında İktibas Sanatı

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    İktibas, Arap belâgatının bedî‘ ilminde ele alınan bir sanattır. Genel olarak iktibas denilince nazımda veya nesirde ayet ve hadîslerden yapılan alıntı akla gelmektedir. İslamiyet’in gelmesiyle birlikte Kur’ân-ı Kerîm ve hadîs-i şerîfler Arap toplumunda birçok alanda olduğu gibi edebiyatta da değişimlere sebep olmuştur. İslamiyet’in getirdiği değerlerden etkilenen edebiyatçılar şiirlerinde veya düzyazılarında duygu ve düşüncelerini aktarırlarken eserlerini lafız ve mana yönünden güçlendirmek için ayet ve hadîslerden alıntılar yapmışlardır. Elinizdeki bu çalışma, iktibas sanatının Arap belagatindeki konumunu etimolojik ve tarihsel süreç de göz önünde bulundurularak incelemek amacıyla yapılmaktadır. Böylece Arap belâgatına ilgi duyanlar iktibas sanatını örnekleriyle birlikte daha yakından görüp öğrenebileceklerdir

    Ultrazvučna procjena debljine bedrene hrskavice u bolesnica sa sindromom policističnih jajnika

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    The aim of the study was to investigate knee cartilage thickness in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) patients using ultrasonography and to assess the effects of sex steroids on osteoarthritis development. A total of 90 female patients were enrolled in the study, including 47 patients diagnosed with PCOS as study group and 43 patients admitted to our hospital for any other complaints as control group. Ultrasonographic evaluation of both knees was performed in all patients. The knee cartilage thickness was measured at lateral condyle, intercondylar area and medial condyle. The measurements were averaged for each region. The mean femoral cartilage thickness was greater in the study group compared with control group in all regions, with a statistically significant difference (p<0.005). In conclusion, we found PCOS patients to have greater mean cartilage thickness, supporting the possible effects of sex steroids on osteoarthritis development.Cilj istraživanja bio je ultrazvučno procijeniti debljinu hrskavice koljena u bolesnica sa sindromom policističnih jajnika (SPCJ) i učinak spolnih hormona na razvoj osteoartritisa. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno ukupno 90 žena, tj. 47 bolesnica s dijagnozom SPCJ kao ispitna skupina i 43 bolesnice primljene na odjel zbog drugih tegoba kao kontrolna skupina. Ultrazvučna procjena obaju koljena učinjena je u svih bolesnica. Debljina hrskavice koljena mjerena je u lateralnom kondilu, interkondilarnom području i medijalnom kondilu te je izračunat prosjek mjerenja za svaku regiju. Srednja debljina koljenske hrskavice bila je veća u ispitnoj skupini u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom u svim regijama, a razlika je bila statistički značajna (p<0,005). Dakle, utvrđeno je da bolesnice sa SPCJ imaju veću srednju debljinu koljenske hrskavice, što govori u prilog mogućeg utjecaja spolnih hormona na razvoj osteoartritisa

    Focus on Coronary Atherosclerosis

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    Atherosclerosis is a vascular disorder consisting of thickening of arteries and lack of elasticity. Result of atherosclerosis is that arteries become narrowed and hardened due to an excessive buildup of plaque around the artery wall. The disease disrupts the flow of blood around the body, posing serious cardiovascular complications. Arteries contain what is called an endothelium, a thin layer of cells that keeps the artery smooth and allows blood to flow easily. Endothelial damage starts the first step of atherosclerosis. After this, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol accumulates in the artery wall. Inflammatory process starts after this accumulation, and macrophages reach the endothelium to clean up cholesterol. But some macrophages are stuck in the affected part of the artery wall in this process. Over time, this results in plaque being built up, consisting of cholesterol and macrophage white blood cells. The plaque clogs up the artery, disrupting the flow of blood. This potentially causes blood clots that can result in life-threatening conditions such as heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases. Atherosclerosis can be seen in all arteries in the body. Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of death in the western countries. Some risk factors are as follows: age, sex, familial predisposition, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking, obesity, insufficient physical activity, etc. Whatever the main reason or the risk factor is, once atherosclerosis is formed, several life-threatening cardiovascular disorders can be seen. So, it has to be revealed

    A Study on the Relationship between the Levels of Loneliness and Smartphone Addiction of Students who are Studying at the Faculty of Sports Science

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    The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between loneliness and smartphone addiction of students studying at the faculty of sports sciences. The study was conducted with the correlational survey method. The study group consisted of a total of 281 students, 61 females (21.7%) and 220 males (78.3%). In the study, Mobile telephone addiction scale developed by Sar, Ayas, and Horzum (2015) was used to investigate the mobile phone addiction levels of the participants. Loneliness scale developed by Demir (1989) was used to measure loneliness levels. According to the results of the study, there was no statistically significant difference between loneliness and smartphone addiction of students according to gender and academic achievement variables. On the other hand, there was a significant difference between loneliness and smartphone addiction according to the departments of the students. Looking at the relationship between loneliness and smartphone addiction levels, it was concluded that there was a statistically significant positive correlation between all sub-dimensions of smartphone addiction and smartphone addiction total score

    Mogu li parametri kompletne krvne slike predvidjeti duboku vensku trombozu?

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate complete blood cell count parameters including red blood cell indices, white blood cell subtypes, and platelet indices for predicting deep vein thrombosis (DVT). A total of 71 (44 male and 27 female) patients with acute femoral and popliteal DVT diagnosed by doppler ultrasonography during a period of seven years (2011-2017) were included in the study. By matching age and gender, 142 (88 male and 54 female) subjects diagnosed with venous insufficiency in the same time interval were assigned as control group. Data were obtained by reviewing hospital records of the study participants, including clinical and demographic characteristics and complete blood cell parameters. Frequencies of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic renal failure, and coronary arterial disease were higher in DVT group as compared to non-DVT group (p<0.05). Hemoglobin and lymphocyte values were lower, and red blood cell distribution width, neutrophil, neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio, and platelet to lymphocyte ratio higher in DVT group as compared with non-DVT group (p<0.05). There was no significant between-group difference in terms of mean corpuscular volume, platelet, mean platelet volume, mean platelet volume to platelet ratio, and platelet distribution width (p>0.05). Hypertension, hemoglobin, neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio, and platelet to lymphocyte ratio were independent risk factors for DVT. We found that hypertension, anemia, neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio, and platelet to lymphocyte ratio were independent risk factors for DVT. In particular, neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio and hemoglobin may be used as novel, inexpensive, and reliable diagnostic tools for DVT.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je procijeniti parametre kompletne krvne slike (KKS) uključujući eritrocitne indekse, podvrste leukocita i trombocitne pokazatelje za predviđanje duboke venske tromboze (DVT). U istraživanje su bila uključena 44 bolesnika i 27 bolesnica, ukupno njih 71, s akutnom femoralnom i poplitealnom DVT dijagnosticiranom Dopplerovom ultrasonografijom tijekom sedam godina (2011.-2017.) i 142 ispitanika (88 muškaraca i 54 žena) izjednačenih po dobi i spolu te s dijagnozom venske insuficijencije postavljenom u istom razdoblju kao kontrolna skupina. Potrebni podaci za sve ispitanike dobiveni su iz njihovih bolničkih zapisa, uključujući kliničke i demografske karakteristike i parametre KKS. Učestalost hipertenzije, šećerne bolesti, kronične opstruktivne plućne bolesti, kroničnog bubrežnog zatajenja i koronarne arterijske bolesti bila je viša u skupini s DVT u usporedbi sa skupinom bez DVT (p<0,05). Vrijednosti hemoglobina i limfoctia bile su niže, a širina distribucije eritrocita, neutrofil, omjer neutrofila i limfocita te omjer trombocita i limfocita bili su viši u skupini s DVT u usporedbi sa skupinom bez DVT (p<0,05). Nije bilo značajne razlike među skupinama u vrijednostima srednjeg korpuskularnog volumena, trombocita, srednjeg volumena trombocita, omjera srednjeg volumena trombocita i širine distribucije trombocita (p>0,05). Hipertenzija, hemoglobin, omjer neutrofila i limfocita te omjer trombocita i limfocita pokazali su se kao neovisni čimbenici rizika za DVT. Utvrdili smo da su hipertenzija, anemija, omjer neutrofila i limfocita te omjer trombocita i limfocita neovisni čimbenici rizika za DVT. Naročito bi se omjer neutrofila i limfocita te hemoglobin mogli rabiti kao novi, jeftini i pouzdani dijagnostički alati za DVT

    Urinary tract infection in pregnant population, which empirical antimicrobial agent should be specified in each of the three trimesters?

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    Objective: We aimed to investigate the bacterial profile and the adequacy of antimicrobial treatment in pregnant women with urinary tract infection. Material and Methods: This retrospective observational study was conducted with 753 pregnant women who needed hospitalization because of UTI in each of the three trimesters. Midstream urine culture and antimicrobial susceptibility tests were evaluated. Results: E.Coli was the most frequently isolated bacterial agent (82.2%), followed by Klebsiella spp. (11.2%). In each of the three trimesters, E.Coli remained the most frequently isolated bacterium (86%, 82.2%, 79.5%, respectively), followed by Klebsiella spp. (9%, 11.6%, 12.2%, respectively). Enterococcus spp. were isolated as a third microbial agent, with 43 patients (5.7%) in the three trimesters. The bacteria were found to be highly sensitive to fosfomycin, with 98-99% sensitivity for E.Coli and 88-89% for Klebsiella spp. and for Enterococcus spp. 93-100% nitrofurantoin sensitivity for each of the three trimesters. Conclusions: We demonstrated that E.Coli and Klebsiella spp. are the most common bacterial agents isolated from urine culture of pregnant women with UTI in each of the three trimesters. We consider fosfomycin to be the most adequate first-line treatment regimen due to high sensitivity to the drug, ease of use and safety for use in pregnancy

    Pelaksanaan Layanan Transportasi Publik Bus Rapid Transit Mamminasata dan Penilaian Pengguna Transportasi (Bus Rapid Transit) Mamminasata

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    Penelitian ini mengangkat masalah pelaksanaan layanan transportasi publik yang dilakukan dengan Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) di kawasan maminasata. Penelitian ini mengkhususkan diri membahas mengenai pelaksanaan BRT maminasata dan pengalaman pengguna BRT mamminasata di Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini bermaksud menjawab dua pertanyaan penelitian yaitu: pertama, bagaimana operasional pengelolaan Bus Rapid Transit mamminasata?, keuda, bagaimana penilaian pengguna transportasi publik kota makassar atas kehadiran transportasi BRT mamminasata ini?. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data adalah wawancara observasi , wawancara dan wawancara mendalam. Informan penelitian ini adalah mereka yang pernah merasakan layanan BRT mamminasata dan untuk mendalami kesan pelayanan tersebut dilakukan wawancara mendalam dengan dinas perhubungan, pegiat isu transportasi dan akademisi bidang perhubungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kalau pengelolaan BRT mamminasata dilakukan oleh dinas perhubungan provinsi sulawesi selatan sebagai penanggungjawab. PD damri sebagai penanggungjawab operasional dan pelaksana lapangan yang menjalankan trayek-trayek yang telah diberi izin oleh pemerintah. Sementara penilaian pengguna BRT mamminasata atas layanan ini melihat dalam tiga penilaian yakni mengenai layanan, mengenai rute dan mengenai fasilitas yang keseluruhan elemen yang dinilai itu masih dianggap kurang baik dalam menjalankan layanan transportasinya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh masih kurang maksimalnya dukungan pemerintah untuk pelaksanaan moda transportasi ini dan juga masih banyak penyesuaian-penyesuaian yang dilakukan oleh pengelola operasional BRT mamminasata dari evaluasi teknis yang dilakukan selama ini