26 research outputs found

    Metode razmeštaja i koncentracije stanovništva kao značajan instrument u izradi prostornih planova

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    Prostorna koncentracija stanovništva jedan je od bitnih činioca teritorijalne organizacije. Ona podrazumeva koncentrisanje strukturnih elemenata demografskih sistema u pojedinim rejonima, centrima ili delovima posmatrane teritorije. Stoga demografska analiza mora biti zasnovana na sistematičnim i preciznim podacima o karakteristikama stanovništva date oblasti. U prilog tome i cilj ovog rada jeste predstavljanje osnovnih metoda koncentracije i razmeštaja stanovništva na primeru naselja Južnog Banata. Pravilan izbor i upotreba navedenih metoda je u skladu sa potrebama savremenog digitalnog društva koje nameće neophodnost vizuelizacije tretiranih fenomena. Predstavljanje populacionih fenomena na kartama povećava njihovu razumljivost i primenljivost u različitim sferama društvene prakse. Takođe, primena određenih metoda može poslužiti kao polazište za sprovođenje redistributivnih mera koje bi uslovile uspostavljanje ravnomernog prostornog razmeštaja stanovništva i usklađenijih prostorno-demografskih odnosa

    Settlements of the Zmijanje: Anthropogeographical Study

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    Types of population concentration of Vojvodina from 1961 to 2011

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    Koncentracija stanovništva podrazumeva teritorijalnu koncentraciju odnosno koncentrisanje strukturnih elemenata demografskih sistema u pojedinim rejonima, centrima ili delovima posmatrane teritorije. Savremeni demografski procesi na prostoru Vojvodine manifestuju se kontinuiranim smanjenjem ukupne populacije gotovo na čitavom prostoru. Ovaj trend zahvatio je većinu opština izuzev tri opštine koje u poslednjoj deceniji beleže manji ili veći porast stanovnika. Socioekonomske i društvene prilike u drugoj polovini dvadesetog veka uslovile su redistribuciju i koncentraciju stanovnštva u opštinskim centrima, urbanim naseljima i, na prvom mestu, pokrajinskom centru. Stoga, prostor Vojvodine se odlikuje izraženom nehomogenošću, disperzijom i različitim tipovima koncentracije stanovništva. U ovom radu biće analizirano i izvršeno rangiranje vojvođanskih opština prema tipovima koncentracije stanovništva, u periodu od 1961. godine do 2011. godine. Cilj rada jeste utvrđivanje trenda i prikaz dostignutog nivoa razmeštaja i koncentracije stanovništva posmatranog prostoraThe concentration of population implies territorial concentration ie. the concentration of the structural elements of the demographic system in some regions, centers or parts of the study area. Contemporary demographic processes on the territory of Vojvodina have been manifesting by continuous reduction of the total population of almost the entire area. This trend has swept most municipalities except three municipalities which recorded lower or greater increase in population in the last decade. Socio-economic and social conditions in the second half of the twentieth century caused the redistribution and concentration of population in municipal centers, urban areas and in the first place, the provincial center. Therefore, the area of Vojvodina is characterized by a clear inhomogeneity, dispersion and the different types of population concentration. The following paper analyzes and classifies Vojvodina municipalities according to the type of concentration, in the period from 1961 to 2011. The aim of this paper is to determine the trend and to show the achieved level of distribution and concentration of the population in the study area

    Značaj drumske saobraćajne infrastrukture za regionalni razvoj Banata

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    Razvijena saobraćajna mreža predstavlja važnu komponentu regionalnog razvoja. Njen značaj ogleda se u pružanju mogućnosti za društveno-ekonomski i socijalni razvoj, čime se doprinosi razvoju naselja, efikasnijoj prostornoj organizaciji, uspostavljanju povoljnih unutraregionalnih odnosa i regionalnoj integraciji. Razvojne strategije Republike Srbije podržavaju tezu da je dobro izgrađena saobraćajna mreža preduslov održivog razvoja. U tom kontekstu, u postojećim strategijama i planovima teži se izgranji autoputeva čime se očekuju pozitivni efekti na regionalni razvoj. Težište rada predstavlja analiza postojeće drumske saobraćajne infrastrukture na prostoru Banata, kao i planiranih trasa, sa osvrtom na autoput Beograd-Zrenjanin-Novi Sad. Cilj rada je ukazivanje na značaj drumske saobraćajne infrastrukture kao jednog od najvažnijih faktora lokalnog i regionalnog razvoja Banata, ali i uloge koju planirane saobraćajnice imaju u integraciji i ublažavanju regionalnih razlika na proučavanom prostoru

    Settlements of the Zmijanje: Anthropogeographical Study

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    Not all shrinking cities are similar – a trajectory typologies and diversity of urban shrinkage in Serbia

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    Shrinking cities have become almost ubiquitous during the long transition of post-social Serbia, but the trajectory of urban shrinkage is both spatially and temporary uneven. Since the middle of the 20th century, various patterns of urban population development of cities in Serbia have been observed. The very first cities to record a decline in the total population appeared in the 1960s, but in recent years the majority of cities experienced drastic shrinkage. Since the process of urban shrinkage does not follow a universal pattern, typological classification of cities is of great importance in understanding and delineating the variety of cities shrinking over time. Urban shrinkage trajectory typologies classify cities that have experienced population loss by the path of their population change over time. Set against this background, this paper offers evidence on urban population change, to assess their demographic transformation over the studied period from the 1961 to 2020. The aim of this paper is to reveal the diversity of shrinking cities in Serbia. In this study, we conducted an analysis about population change of 167 urban settlements in Serbia. Towards understanding and comparing the transformation of cities, the typology was performed. Thus, it was possible to distinguish cities with population growth and 5 types of shrinking cities, all of them with various features of urban shrinkage – cities with longterm shrinkage, cities with episodic shrinkage, cities with recent shrinkage, potentially shrinking cities and resurgence cities. Thereby, the outcome of the paper will be the step towards the comprehension of transformations of cities and divergences or similarities between shrinking cities in Serbia. The results are important for a better understanding of the spatio‐temporal patterns and the main factors driving urban shrinkage and its regional differentiation in different historical contexts.Editors: Márton Berki, Zsolt Bottlik, Michael Gentile, Margit Kőszegi, Gábor Nagy, Judit Timár, Gábor Tolnai and Tünde Virág

    Not all shrinking cities are similar – a trajectory typologies and diversity of urban shrinkage in Serbia

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    Shrinking cities have become almost ubiquitous during the long transition of post-social Serbia, but the trajectory of urban shrinkage is both spatially and temporary uneven. Since the middle of the 20th century, various patterns of urban population development of cities in Serbia have been observed. The very first cities to record a decline in the total population appeared in the 1960s, but in recent years the majority of cities experienced drastic shrinkage. Since the process of urban shrinkage does not follow a universal pattern, typological classification of cities is of great importance in understanding and delineating the variety of cities shrinking over time. Urban shrinkage trajectory typologies classify cities that have experienced population loss by the path of their population change over time. Set against this background, this paper offers evidence on urban population change, to assess their demographic transformation over the studied period from the 1961 to 2020. The aim of this paper is to reveal the diversity of shrinking cities in Serbia. In this study, we conducted an analysis about population change of 167 urban settlements in Serbia. Towards understanding and comparing the transformation of cities, the typology was performed. Thus, it was possible to distinguish cities with population growth and 5 types of shrinking cities, all of them with various features of urban shrinkage – cities with longterm shrinkage, cities with episodic shrinkage, cities with recent shrinkage, potentially shrinking cities and resurgence cities. Thereby, the outcome of the paper will be the step towards the comprehension of transformations of cities and divergences or similarities between shrinking cities in Serbia. The results are important for a better understanding of the spatio‐temporal patterns and the main factors driving urban shrinkage and its regional differentiation in different historical contexts.Editors: Márton Berki, Zsolt Bottlik, Michael Gentile, Margit Kőszegi, Gábor Nagy, Judit Timár, Gábor Tolnai and Tünde Virág

    Population dynamics of rural settlements and tourism development in the Stara planina mountain area (Serbia)

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    The process of depopulation represents one of the biggest development problems in Serbia, whereby it is particularly present in its peripheral, mountainous and rural areas, characterized by economic underdevelopment. Given the fact that such areas often possess preserved natural assets, development of tourism industry has been recognized by the decision-makers as an instrument for stimulation of their socio-economic and demographic development. The aim of this paper is to consider the potential influence of tourism on improvement of demographic features of rural settlements, as well as to explore the human resources constraints for tourism development in the subject area. The research encompasses the Stara planina area in the south-eastern part of Serbia, representing not only an example of a mountainous area with a particularly large population decline, but also an example of a tourist destination pointed out by the state authorities as a tourism development priority. The largest part of the area has been protected as a nature park with numerous natural tourist attractions, as well as infrastructure for recreational activities. Starting with the 1960s, due to industrialization in urban centres, this area has been affected by mass rural-urban migrations, which caused depopulation, demographic emptying and changes in vital characteristics and population structures of rural settlements, even their spontaneous termination. The research focused on 50 rural settlements in the area, belonging to four municipalities – Zaječar, Knjaževac, Dimitrovgrad and Pirot, whereby 22 of these settlements already possess accommodation facilities which provide services in tourism. Demographic analysis was used to present the population dynamics of each settlement in the period from 2002 to 2011, whereby the population census data were utilized. In addition, as important indicators of the demographic development of settlements, age and economic structures of the population were also considered. In less than a decade, this area lost one third of its population, whereby negative tendencies were observed in the majority of settlements. Elderly households are predominant in the majority of settlements, with average age of residents being 62.8 years, posing an extremely serious constraint for future economic activity. Regarding the economic structure, the dominance of the primary sector was established (64.0% of residents). Joint analysis of the three utilized indicators (total population and its age and economic structure) suggests that several settlements have more favorable demographic features, indicating them as potential local sources of tourism workforce in the future

    The role of industry for economic development of settlements in South Banat's Danube municipalities

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    After the World War II and the restoration of the country, the rapid industralization process started. In many settlements, predominantly urban, employment increased due to the new factories that were opened. During the political and economic system in Yugoslavia in that time, all enterprises were state-owned, while the private sector consisted of only smaller, mainly craft shops. Until the end of the eighties of the 20th century the industry was the dominant economic activity in Serbia. However, in the 1990's due to the unfavorable political situation the process of balkanization, disintegration of the SFRY, followed by wars and sanctions of the United Nations towards the FRY, the industry began to stagnate, some of the leading companies were operating increasingly difficult due to the impossibility of exporting finished products and importing raw materials. After the end of sanctions and changes in the political system, Serbia is entering the transition process, which is still running today. All these processes did not go beyond the South Banat's Danube municipalities (Pancevo, Kovin, Bela Crkva). The industry of South Banat is characterized by major changes in 21st century. Some companies are bankrupt while other are newly opened. The number of employes in industry has declined, and small and medium-sized enterprises have become dominant in relation to large ones. The aim of this paper is to analyse the development of industry in South Banat settlements in Danube municipalities in the 21st century. The analysis will show polarization on the territory, which led to forming several poles of development and concentration of industry in urban areas

    Демографско и економско опадање градова у Србији – типолошка класификација и регионална диференцијација

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    Urban shrinkage is a process that many European countries have been facing in recent decades. It had started in highly developed regions at the time of deindustrialisation, but since the 1990s, this process has also affected Central, Eastern and South-eastern Europe, with different patterns and dynamics of urban shrinkage. The political and economic crisis in Serbia during the 1990s, as well as the transition from a centrally governed and urban-based industrialisation to a neoliberal market economy, has brought significant changes in the development of cities, which faced declining demographic and economic vitality. This paper is focused on the analysis of the intensity and dynamics of demographic and economic aspects of urban shrinkage in Serbia and on classification of cities according to the different phases of urban shrinkage. Typological classification was performed using the K-means clustering algorithm. The cluster analysis is based on the use of relevant demographic and socio-economic indicators, for the period from 2002 to 2011. After identifying cities that recorded an increase in total population and relatively stable economic development, three types of shrinking cities were determined according to the intensity of demographic and economic shrinkage - cities with low, medium and high shrinkage intensity. The analysis of the main patterns and factors that influenced the different levels of urban shrinkage enabled a better understanding of this phenomenon in Serbia. The results indicate the heterogeneity of urban space due to different levels of demographic and economic shrinkage, thus it can serve as a starting point for future research of uneven urban development in Serbia.Опадање градова (енг. urban shrinkage) је процес са којим се последњих деценија суочавају многе земље у Европи и свету. Започет у високоразвијеним регионима у време деиндустријализације, овај процес је од 1990-их година интензивиран у постсоцијалистичким земљама Европе, у којима је испољио различите просторне обрасце и динамику. Политичка и економска криза у Србији током 1990-их година, као и прелазак са централизоване економије базиране на индустријализацији на неолибералну тржишну економију, донели су значајне промене у развоју градова, а пре свега опадање демографске и економске виталности. Тежиште рада представља утврђивање степена и динамике демографског и економског опадања градова у Србије и детерминисање различитих типова градова сходно интензитету урбаног опадања. Типолошка класификација је извршена применом "K-means" методе кластер анализе. Методолошки поступак је заснован на коришћењу релевантних демографских и социоекономских индикатора, за период од 2002. до 2011. године. Након идентификовања градова који су забележили пораст укупног становништва и релативно стабилан економски развој, детерминисано је три типа градова сходно динамици и интензитету демографског и економског опадања - градови са ниским, умереним и високим интензитетом опадања. Анализом регионалних разлика и фактора који су условили различиту динамику и степен опадања омогућено је јасније сагледавање овог феномена на простору Србије. Резултати истраживања указују на хетерогеност урбаног простора сходно различитом степену демографског и економског опадања градова, те могу послужити као полазна основа за будућа истраживања неравномерног урбаног развоја Србије