25 research outputs found

    Benefits of inoculation with azotobacter in the growth and production of tomato and peppers

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of Azotobacter chroococcum in tomato and pepper growth and production by using two types of inoculation - seed inoculation and seedling inoculation. The effect of inoculation was observed thirty days after sowing, thirty days after transplanting, and in the phase of technological maturity. The following were measured: height of the plants, dry matter of the plants and number and the weight of the fruits. Inoculation had a positive effect on these in both plants. With tomato, better results were achieved when seedlings were inoculated. With pepper, the length of the plant and the dry matter were greater with seedling inoculation, whereas the number and the weight of the fruits were greater with seed inoculation

    Batch fermentation of black tea by kombucha: A contribution to scale-up

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    Local domestic Kombucha was used in fermentation of 1.5 g L-1 of black tea (Indian tea, " Vitamin ", HorgoÅ”, Serbia and Montenegro), sweetened with approximately 70 g L'1 of sucrose. Inoculation was performed either with 10% or 15% (v/v) of fermentation broth from previous process. The fermentation was conducted in geometrically similar vessels with 0.4 L, 0.8 L, 4 L and 8 L of substrate, at 22Ā±1 Ā°C for 28 days. The samples were analyzed after 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 10, 14 and 28 days, so that their pH values, content of total acids sucrose, glucose and fructose contents, as well as contents of ethanol and vitamin C were determined. Based on the experiment design, the response surface for the product pH, as a function of time, beverage volume and inoculum concentration, was defined in the form of a second-order polynomial. From the obtained response surface, a formula for scaling-up of the process was derived

    Nutritive characteristics of probiotic quark as influenced by type of starter

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    Quark was manufactured, under laboratory conditions, by standard batch process, from two types of milk: I) partially skimmed, with 1.6 % of fat and II) whole milk, with 3.5 % of fat. As starters, two probiotic cultures were applied: I) DVS-Probio-TecTM ABT- 1, Lactobacillus acidophilus-5, Bifidobacterium-12, S. thermophilus and II) DVS-Probio-TecTM ABT-2, Lactobacillus acidophilus-5, Bifidobacterium-12, S. thermophilus. Also, the traditional cheese culture (CH - N22) was used. The obtained Quark samples were tested by standard methods in order to determine their nutritive characteristics. The results have shown that probiotic starter ABT-1 ensured the highest level of utilization of fat, proteins, lactose and phosphorus from partially skimmed milk. Probiotic culture ABT-2 was less effective, but combined with the traditional starter and applied to a whole milk could give Quark with acceptable nutritive characteristics. When sensory characteristics of products were tested, it has been proven that the application of ABT-2 culture and combination of probiotic starters ABT-2 and traditional culture gave good products with typical mild flavor. On the contrary, inoculation with ABT-1 probiotic starter resulted in lower-quality products in case of both kinds of milk applied.

    Kvantitativna i kvalitativna procena obrasca hoda kod bolesnika sa Parkinsonovom boleŔću

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    Background/Aim. Postural impairments and gait disorders in Parkinson's disease (PD) affect limits of stability, impaire postural adjustment, and evoke poor responses to perturbation. In the later stage of the disease, some patients can suffer from episodic features such as freezing of gait (FOG). Objective gait assessment and monitoring progress of the disease can give clinicians and therapist important information about changes in gait pattern and potential gait deviations, in order to prevent concomitant falls. The aim of this study was to propose a method for identification of freezing episodes and gait disturbances in patients with PD. A wireless inertial sensor system can be used to provide follow-up of the treatment effects or progress of the disease. Methods. The system is simple for mounting a subject, comfortable, simple for installing and recording, reliable and provides high-quality sensor data. A total of 12 patients were recorded and tested. Software calculates various gait parameters that could be estimated. User friendly visual tool provides information about changes in gait characteristics, either in a form of spectrogram or by observing spatiotemporal parameters. Based on these parameters, the algorithm performs classification of strides and identification of FOG types. Results. The described stride classification was merged with an algorithm for stride reconstruction resulting in a useful graphical tool that allows clinicians to inspect and analyze subject's movements. Conclusion. The described gait assessment system can be used for detection and categorization of gait disturbances by applying rule-based classification based on stride length, stride time, and frequency of the shank segment movements. The method provides an valuable graphical interface which is easy to interpret and provides clinicians and therapists with valuable information regarding the temporal changes in gait.Uvod/Cilj. Poremećaji hoda i ravnoteže kod bolesnika sa Parkinsonovom boleŔću (PD) uključuju i poremećaje stabilnosti, održavanja ravnoteže prilikom hoda i nemogućnost adekvatne reakcije na iznenadne perturbacije. U kasnijim fazama bolesti neki bolesnici razvijaju i epizode motornog bloka, odnosno 'frizing' tokom hoda. Objektivno praćenje i merenje karakteristika hoda i promena obrasca hoda tokom progresije bolesti mogu pomoći kliničarima jer ukazuju na promene koje bi dovele do padova i ugrozile bolesnika. Cilj rada bio je razvoj metode koja bi identifikovala ovakve epizode kod bolesnika sa Parkinsonovom bolesti. Razvijeni bežični sistem sa senzorima mogao bi se koristiti za posmatranje efekata terapije ili progresije bolesti. Metode. U radu je prikazan sistem za objektivnu procenu obrasca hoda. KoriŔćenjem bežičnog senzorskog sistema koji koristi akcelerometre, žiroskope i senzore sile, moguće je dobiti procenu parametara hoda, ali i identifikovati 'frizing' epizode karakteristične za PD. Uz pomoć ovog sistema snimljeno je 12 bolesnika, te je na osnovu snimljenih signala razvijen novi softverski alat koji omogućava praćenje parametara hoda. Rezultati. Na osnovu dužine koraka, trajanja koraka i frekvencije pokreta, razvijen je algoritam za klasifikaciju tipova koraka i uočavanje promena frekvencija pokreta tokom hoda. Prikaz rezultata ovog sistema je dat kroz primer jednog bolesnika. Zaključak. Opisani sistem za procenu hoda može biti koriŔćen za kategorizaciju poremećaja hoda kroz posmatranje promena u dužini i trajanju koraka, kao i frekvencija segmenata noge. Razvijeni metod omogućava iliustrativni prikaz i grafički interfejs koji je jednostavan za interpretaciju i omogućava dobijanje informacija koje kliničarima mogu ukazati na trenutne promene u obrascu hoda

    Senzorski sistem za objektivnu motornu procenu na osnovu tapping-a prstima i stopalom

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    Background/Aim. Finger tapping test is commonly used in neurological examinations as a test of motor performance. The new system comprising inertial and force sensors and custom proprietary software was developed for quantitative estimation and assessment of finger and foot tapping tests. The aim of this system was to provide diagnosis support and objective assessment of motor function. Methods. Miniature inertial sensors were placed on fingertips and used for measuring finger movements. A force sensor was placed on the fingertip of one finger, in order to measure the force during tapping. For foot tapping assessment, an inertial sensor was mounted on the subject's foot, which was placed above a force platform. By using this system, various parameters such as a number of taps, tapping duration, rhythm, open and close speed, the applied force and tapping angle, can be extracted for detailed analysis of a patient's motor performance. The system was tested on 13 patients with Parkinson's disease and 14 healthy controls. Results. The system allowed easy measurement of listed parameters, and additional graphical representation showed quantitative differences in these parameters between neurological patient and healthy subjects. Conclusion. The novel system for finger and foot tapping test is compact, simple to use and efficiently collects patient data. Parameters measured in patients can be compared to those measured in healthy subjects, or among groups of patients, or used to monitor progress of the disease, or therapy effects. Created data and scores could be used together with the scores from clinical tests, providing the possibility for better insight into the diagnosis.Uvod/Cilj. Tapping tj. tapkanje prstiju Å”ake i stopala se uobičajeno koristi u neuroloÅ”kim ispitivanjima kao test motorike. Prikazan je novi sistem koji sadrži inercijalne senzore i senzore sile, kao i odgovarajući softver za kvantitativnu procenu dijagnostičkog motornog testa na osnovu tapping-a prstima i stopalima. Uz pomoć ovog sistema moguća je objektivna evaluacija motornog obrasca bolesnika, a samim tim i lakÅ”e postavljanje određenih dijagnoza i praćenje progresa bolesti ili terapije. Metode. Minijaturni inercijalni senzori su bili postavljeni na vrhove prstiju u cilju kvantifikovanja pokreta prstiju. Senzor sile postavljen je na jagodicu jednog prsta i merio je silu primenjenu u toku tapping-a - tapkanja kažiprsta o palac. Za ocenu tapping-a stopalom, inercijalni senzor je postavljen na gornji deo stopala ispitanika koje je bilo postavljeno na platformu za merenje sile. Pomoću ovog sistema mogu se posmatrati brojni parametri poput broja i trajanja svakog pokreta, ritma i promena ritma, brzine otvaranja i brzine zatvaranja prstiju, primenjene sile, promene ugla između prstiju, i na osnovu ovih parametara može se vrÅ”iti detaljna analiza motornog stanja bolesnika. Sistem je testiran na 13 bolesnika sa Parkinsonovom boleŔću i 14 zdravih ispitanika. Rezultati. Sistem je omogućio jednostavno merenje navedenih parametara i grafički prikaz kvantitativnih razlika u ovim parametrima između zdravih ispitanika i bolesnika sa neuroloÅ”kim oboljenjem. Zaključak. Novi sistem za tapping prstima i stopalima je kompaktan, jednostavan za upotrebu i efikasan za prikupljanje podataka o bolesniku. Izmereni parametri mogu se koristi za poređenje bolesnika sa zdravim ispitanicima, ili sa drugim grupama bolesnika, ali i za praćenje progresa bolesti ili efekata terapije. Dobijeni podaci mogu se koristiti zajedno sa rezultatima drugih kliničkih testova, dajući tako mogućnost za bolji uvid u dijagnozu

    Preparation of 90Y-Labeled Tin Fluoride Colloid for Radiosynovectomy

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    In this study, tin fluoride colloid (SnF-c) was prepared, labeled with 90Y and characterized with respect to its physicochemical properties. Particle size of SnF-c, at constant concentration of SnF2, was dependent on pH, concentration of NaF, temperature and time. The particle size of SnF-c decreased with an increase in NaF concentration and a decrease in reaction mixture pH. Radiolabeling yield of 90Y-SnF-c at higher temperature increased and it was greater than 98% for the preparation at 95 oC. Due to high labeling yield and stability, 90Y-SnF-c might be a promising agent for radiosynovectomy.Physical chemistry 2012 : 11th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 201

    Modeling of simultaneous ultra filtration and diafiltration with real flux

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    A mathematical model of diafiltration with variable volume is presented in this study. The characteristics of the process were examined, both with constant flux and variable flux. In the case of variable flux, the equations for the flux were taken from the literature, based on different theories. The time dependence of the macro solute concentration, the amount of out-wash liquid, the out-wash degree of the micro solute were studied. The results show that the accomplishment of a high concentration of macro solutes, required more time and out-wash liquid. In order to remove small amounts of micro solutes larger amounts of out-wash liquid must be used. For high degrees of out-washing, the velocity of the process increases and the amount of out-wash liquid decreases. It was observed that the rejection coefficient decreased with macro solute penetration through the membrane causing decrease of the process velocity

    Effects of acutely applied methionine on plasma oxidative stress markers and AchE activity in rat cardiac and brain tissue

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    Second Joint Meeting of Slovak and Serbian Physiological Societies "Physiology without frontiers" : May 15-18, 2016, Smolenice Castle, Bratislava, Slovakia

    The effect of nematophagous fungus Duddingtonia flagrans on the gastrointestinal parasites in sheep

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    Sheep production has serious problems due to the spread of intestinal parasites. These parasites cause loss of appetite, maldigestion, slow growth in body weight and wool, all of which results in economic losses as well. The control measures of infestation with strongyloid parasites in ruminants have until now been based mainly on the organization of grazing and the use of antihelmintics. However, due to the occurrence of resistance, alternative methods of control have been introduced. The use of nematophagous fungus Duddingtonia flagrans, which is capable of decreasing the number of infectious larvae and eggs in feces, has been successful. The aim of this study was to determine whether Duddingtonia flagrans decreases the number of eggs of Trichostrongylus spp in sheep feces. Fecal samples of thirty-four sheep were examined and the parasites were found in twelve sheep, six of which were fed with the fungus, and six of which were used as the control. According to Ļ‡2 test, at the level of certainty of p<0,005, a statistically important difference in the number of eggs was observed between the sheep which were given the fungus and those which were not