130 research outputs found

    Financing SMEs in Serbia

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    The sector of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) has an extremely important role for the Serbian economic development. This sector accounts for 99.7% of business entities, and it accounts for 2/3 of overall employed population, generates over 2/3 of aggregate profits, and over 40% of exports and 60% of imports of the Serbian economy. Further development of this sector greatly depends on the support which entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises get from the financial sector. Although Serbian financial sector has been noticeable improved in several last years, where the most significant development has been within banking sector, the necessary support for the SMEs is still on the law level. The commercial bank loans are very expensive and unaffordable for the majority of interested entities. The financial support for the SMEs provided by the state agencies and organizations has increased in the past period, but still do not meet all the needs of the SME sector. How an entrepreneur or small and medium-sized enterprise could get financial source and what is its price, is the issue examined within this paper

    Neka iskustva u proizvodnji mlijeka u općini Gornji Milanovac

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    Osnovni cilj ovog izlaganja je da u kratkim crtama upoznam ovaj skup s naporima koje činimo da bi u ovim zaista teÅ”kim uvjetima privređivanja obezbijedili Å”to veću proizvodnju mlijeka


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    During project field activities conducted in May 2021 in the territory of the Landscape of Outstanding Features ā€œDolina Pčinjeā€ at the locality Vogance, one dead and trampled specimen of the web-spinning sawfly Caenolyda reticulata (Linnaeus, 1758) was found. The new finding is the first report of the species from Serbia, as well as from the Balkans, and significantly expands its known distribution into southeast Europe. The host plants of this species are pines (Pinus spp.), of which black pine (Pinus nigra subsp. nigra) occurs in the Pčinja River valley

    Impact of the Russian Import Ban on the Serbian Pork Exports and Prices

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    In this paper we analyze the impact of the Russian import ban for pork originating in the EU on the Serbian domestic pork prices. We use an Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL) in order to investigate if the Russian import ban affected the short-run and long-run price transmission from the selected reference markets (i.e. EU and Russia) to the Serbian domestic pork prices. The price transmission analyses indicate significant decrease in the long run price transmission between the EU and Serbian domestic pork markets. The opposite is true for Russian-Serbian price relations. The short-run price dynamics indicate significant increase in Serbian price adjustments after the Russian import ban towards price changes in both EU and Russian markets

    Developing self-modifying code model

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    This paper presents the technology of constructing and linearization of binary program utilized for program generation, analysis and transformation into a self-modifying code. An example model of the self-modifying software system and its experimental application in vehicle control have been presented in this paper. The module responsible for vehicle control comprising two subsystems has been created within the simulation software. The first subsystem has emerged through the classical software process developed by a human-programmer. The second subsystem has been created as a result of a separate piece of software substituting the part of a programmer in a software process part. The result of this approach is software creation in conjunction with natural and Artificial Intel- ligence in addition to experimental integration into the vehicle control system

    Developing self-modifying code model

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    This paper presents the technology of constructing and linearization of binary program utilized for program generation, analysis and transformation into a self-modifying code. An example model of the self-modifying software system and its experimental application in vehicle control have been presented in this paper. The module responsible for vehicle control comprising two subsystems has been created within the simulation software. The first subsystem has emerged through the classical software process developed by a human-programmer. The second subsystem has been created as a result of a separate piece of software substituting the part of a programmer in a software process part. The result of this approach is software creation in conjunction with natural and Artificial Intel- ligence in addition to experimental integration into the vehicle control system

    The biological significance of differences in cows and sows colostrum and milk composition

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    The objective of this work was to compare the composition of colostrum and milk of cows and sows (content of dry matter, protein, milk fat and lactose, concentration of IGF-I and insulin) in samples taken on the first, second, third and seventh day after parturition, and then based on the differences in composition to determine a biological significance of nutrition of newborn during the earliest stages of their life. The investigation inluded 14 cows of Holstein breed and 14 sows of Landrace breed. The content of dry matter and the concentration of proteins in both colostrum and milk samples were statistically significantly higher in regard to sows mammary glands secretion, taken on the first day after the parturition (p<0,01 and p<0,001, individually), but their decrease in mammary glands secretion was more pronounced in the cows than the sows, during the first seven days. The concentration IGF-I was statistically significantly higher in the cows colostrum and milk in regard to the sows during the whole investigation period, while the concentration of insulin was significantly higher in the sows in regard to the cows during the same period. The concentrations of milk fat and lactose in cows milk samples were significantly lower in regard to the sows in all period of the study. On the basis of the obtained results, it can be concluded that there are significant differences in the composition of milk and colostrum of both the investigated animal species. The differences are probably the result of evolutionary adaptation of mammal gland function to nutrition, energy and protection requirements of these young animals in their early postnatal life. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46002

    Variational Approach to Heat Conduction Modeling

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    It is known that Fourierā€™s heat equation, which is parabolic, implies an infinite velocity propagation, or, in other words, that the mechanism of heat conduction is established instantaneously under all conditions. This is unacceptable on physical grounds in spite of the fact that Fourierā€™s law agrees well with experiment. However, discrepancies are likely to occur when extremely short distances or extremely short time intervals are considered, as they must in some modern problems of aero-thermodynamics. Cattaneo and independently Vernotte proved that such process can be described by Heavisideā€™s telegraph equation. This paper shows that this fact can be derived using calculus of variations, by application of the Euler-Lagrange equation. So, we proved that the equation of heat conduction with finite velocity propagation of the thermal disturbance can be obtained as a solution to one variational proble

    ANFIS based prediction of the aluminum extraction from boehmite bauxite in the Bayer process

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    This paper presents the results of nonlinear statistical modeling of the bauxite leaching process, as part of Bayer technology for alumina production. Based on the data, collected during the year 2011 from the industrial production in the alumina factory Birač, Zvornik (Bosnia and Herzegovina), nonlinear statistical modeling of the industrial process was performed. The model was developed as an attempt to defi ne the dependence of the Al2O3 degree of recovery as a function of input parameters of the leaching process: content of Al2O3, SiO2 and Fe2O3 in the bauxite, as well as content of Na2Ocaustic and Al2O3 in the starting sodium aluminate solution. As the statistical modeling tool, Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) was used. The model, defi ned by the ANFIS methodology, expressed a high fi tting level and accordingly can be used for the effi cient prediction of the Al2O3 degree of recovery, as a function of the process inputs under the industrial conditions

    Mogućnosti plasmana poljoprivrednih proizvoda Kolubarskog okruga na tržiÅ”te Istarske županije

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    I pored ogromnih prirodnih potencijala Kolubarskog okruga u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji, velika ograničenja razvoja poljoprivrede i R. Srbije i Kolubarskog okruga ā€“ ā€ždolazeā€œ od ekstenzivne proizvodnje (samim ti i neproduktivne) i neorganizovanih tokova prometa i otkupa poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Pored toga, usitnjeni poljoprivredni proizvođači nemaju nikakvih znanja (niti finansijskih mogućnosti) u pogledu uvođenja potrebnih standarda i koriŔćenja marketinga u cilju izgrađivanja robnih marki, tržiÅ”ne segmentacije ili biranja izvoznih tržiÅ”ta i ponude na njima. S druge, Istarska županija jeste regija koja značajno može pomoći Kolubarskom okrugu, pre svega, na polju prenoÅ”enja znanja i iskustava u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji i marketingu. Takođe, Istarska županija jeste značajno izvozno tržiÅ”te, posebno, u vreme letnje turističke sezone, koje traži upravo one proizvode koje je Kolubarski okrug u stanju da ponudi: zdrave i kvalitetne poljoprivredne proizvode, a pre svih: meso i prerađevine od mesa, kao i voće i voćne prerađevine
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