258 research outputs found

    Stem hight in broomcorn depending on plant spacing

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    EkoloÅ”ki značaj primene elektro-inovativnog uređaja u procesu suzbijanja Ambrosia artemisiifolia L

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    Large amounts of aerosols that linger in the atmosphere are becoming carriers of pollen. Ambrosia artemisiifolia L has the ability to produce large amounts of pollen. Given the high adaptability of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L for the dissemination of the big problem is its suppression. In practice, the most common method of combating Ambrosia is the use of different groups of herbicides which adversely affects the environment. Therefore, the aim of the paper is set to investigate the efficacy of the treatment plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia L supply via innovative devices in the stage of development of vegetative growth of the plants after harvest of wheat. The first results were visible after only 20 minutes, and the total number of plants in the treatment was destroyed after 5 days.Velike količine aerosola koje se zadržavaju u atmosferi postaju nosači polena. Ambrosia artemisiifolia L ima sposobnost produkcije velike količine polena. S obzirom na veliku adaptibilnost Ambrosia artemisiifolia L pri Å”irenju veliki problem je njeno suzbijanje. U praksi najčeŔća metoda suzbijanja ambrozije je koriŔćenje različitih grupa herbicida čime se negativno utiče na životnu sredinu. Zato je za cilj rada postavljeno da se istraži efikasnost tretmana biljaka Ambrosia artemisiifolia L naponom preko inovativnog uređaja u fenofazi vegetativnog porasta biljaka posle žetve pÅ”enice. Prvi rezultati su bili vidljivi posle samo 20 minuta, a ukupan broj biljaka u tretmanu bio je uniÅ”ten posle 5 dana

    Deformisane metlice sirka metlaŔa [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] u zavisnosti od veličine vegetacionog prostora biljaka

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    Field trial was set up in Å ajkaÅ” in 2002 and 2003 to estimate influence of vegetative space per plant on formation of defective broomcorn panicle (spike, crooked, wrinkled). Experiment included two commercial broomcorn varieties (Neoplanta plus and Prima), two row widths (50 and 70 cm) and six different distances among plants in row (5, 9, 13, 17, 21 and 25 cm). All trial variants included certain percentage of defective panicles formed under the influence of vegetative space per plant and agroclimatic conditions. Spike panicles generally appeared in high density and crooked panicles in low density crop. Lowest percentage of defective panicles appeared in crop with 100,000-120,000 plants per hectare. Considering yield, optimum broomcorn planting recommendation is 150,000-160,000 plants per hectare, with 50 cm between rows and 13 cm between plants, or 70 cm between rows and 9 cm between plants in a row.Poljski ogledi koji su obuhvatali dve sorte sirka metlaÅ”a (Neoplanta plus i Prima), dva međuredna razmaka setve (50 i 70 cm) i 6 različitih razmaka biljaka u redu (5, 9, 13, 17, 21 i 25 cm) postavljeni su tokom dve godine (2002. i 2003.) na lokalitetu Å ajkaÅ” radi ispitivanja uticaja veličina vegetacionog prostora biljaka na formiranje deformisanih metlica (čačkalice, lulaste i kudrave metlice). U svim varijantama ogleda formira se određeni procenat deformisanih metlica. Na njihovo formiranje utiče godina i veličina vegetacionog prostora biljaka. U uslovima gustog sklopa formiraju se pretežno čačkalice, dok u retkom sklopu dominiraju lulaste metlice. Najmanji procenat deformacija se formira u porastu sa 100 000-120 000 biljaka na hektar. Uzimajući u obzir prinose, kao optimalno reÅ”enje za setvu preporučuje se sklop od 150 000-160 000 biljaka na hektar, odnosno pri međurednom razmaku od 50 cm, setva na razmak između biljaka u redu 13 cm, a pri međurednom razmaku od 70 cm setva na razmak između biljaka u redu 9 cm

    Stimulation of seeds by low frequency electromagnetic field on some properties of soybean

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    Razvoj nauke i tehnologije dovodi do stvaranja novih pristupa u oplemenjivanju useva i različitih metoda za podsticanje povećanja produktivnosti viÅ”ih biljaka. Jedna od najnovijih metoda je implementacija ekoloÅ”ki prihvatljive tehnike koriŔćenja pulsirajućeg elektromagnetnog polja niskih frekvencija (PEMP). U radu su prikazani rezultati uticaja elektromagnetne stimulacije semena soje na broj zrna po biljci, masu 1000 zrna i prinos zrna u različitim agroekoloÅ”kim uslovima. Soja zauzima važno mesto u pogledu ishrane ljudi i životinja, jer seme soje obiluje bogatim sadržajem ulja, proteina i masti. U trogodiÅ”njem istraživanju u periodu od 2013-2015 koriŔćena je sorta soje Valjevka, gajena pri različitim količinama organskog granuliranog živinskog đubriva formulacije 4:4:4 (kontrola ā€“ bez đubrenja, 750 kg.ha-1 i 1300 kg.ha-1). Pre setve, seme je bilo podvrgnuto stimulaciji elektromagnetnog polja niskih frekvencija (PEMP) u sledecĢim konfiguracijama: kontrola - bez stimulacije i stimulacija naizmeničnim magnetnim poljem (PEMP) sa indukcijom od 30 mT i vreme ekspozicije od 15 min. Utvrđeno je da je varijabilnost ispitivanih parametara zavisila od sva tri faktora i to na statistički značajnom nivou od 1%. Istovremeno, vrednosti ispitivanih parametara je bila najvecĢa u 2014. godini uzgoja u odnosu na 2013. i 2015. godinu (izuzev mase zrna po biljci koja je bila najveća u 2013) pri đubrenju od 1300 kg.ha-1 i stimulaciji semena sa PEMP. Prosečan broj zrna pri stimulaciji semena bio je za 32,64% (77,82) viÅ”i nego bez PEMP (58,67). Masa 1000 zrna sa PEMP je iznosila 155,99 g, Å”to je bilo viÅ”e za 2,06% u odnosu na varijantu bez PEMP (152,83 g). Prosečan prinos zrna soje za sve tri godine istraživanja sa stimulacijom semena je bio 4,85% (3481,25 kg.ha-1) viÅ”i nego bez PEMP (3320,14 kg.ha-1). Stimulacija semana sa PEMP ima ekonomsku opravdanost, obzirom na rast cena soje na svetskoj berzi. Rezultati sugeriÅ”u da PEMP tretman semena soje ima potencijal u kvalitetnoj, bezbednoj i visoko rodnoj proizvodnji i da se suprotstavi neželjenim efektima poput suÅ”e i nedostatka đubriva.The development of science and technology leads to the creation of new approaches in crop breeding and various methods to encourage increased plant productivity. One of the latest methods is the implementation of an environmentally acceptable technique of using a pulsed low frequency electromagnetic field (PEMP). The paper presents the results of the influence of electromagnetic stimulation of soybean seeds on the number of grains per plant, weight of 1000 grains and grain yield in different agroecological conditions. Soybeans occupy an important place in terms of human and animal nutrition, because soybean seeds are rich in oil, protein and fat. In a three-year study in the period from 2013-2015, the soybean variety Valjevka was used, grown with different amounts of organic granular poultry fertilizer formulation 4: 4: 4 (control - without fertilization, 750 kg.ha-1 i 1300 kg.ha-1). Before sowing, the seeds have been subjected to the stimulation of low frequency electromagnetic field (PEMF) in the following configurations: control - without stimulation and stimulation alternating magnetic field (PEMF) with the induction of 30 mT and exposure time of 15 min. It was found that the variability of the examined parameters depended on all three factors at a statistically significant level of 1%. At the same time, the values of the examined parameters were the highest in 2014 in relation to 2013 and 2015 (except for the mass of grain per plant, which was the highest in 2013) during fertilization of 1300 kg.ha-1 and stimulation of seeds with PEMP. The average number of grains during seed stimulation was 32.64% (77.82) higher than without PEMP (58.67). The weight of 1000 grains with PEMP was 155.99 g, which was 2.06% more than the variant without PEMP (152.83 g). The average yield of soybean grain for all three years of research with seed stimulation was 4.85% (3481.25 kg.ha- 1) higher than without PEMP (3320,14 kg.ha-1). Stimulation of seeds with PEMP has economic justification, given the growth of soybean prices on the world stock market. The results suggest that PEMP treatment of soybean seeds has the potential in quality, safe and high-yield production and to counteract the adverse effects such as drought and the lack of fertilizer

    Uticaj međurednog razmaka na broj plodnih nodija kod soje u uslovima navodnjavanja

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    Three row spacings and three soybean cultivars were examined under irrigation conditions during a two-year study. The objective was to determine the influence of row spacing changes on fertile node number of soybean. The analysis of variance was performed on data following a two-factorial split-plot design , with cultivar and row spacing as main plot and subplot factors, respectively (Hadzivukovic 1991). The number of nodes with pods present was significantly dependent on maturity group. The late cultivar was determined to have a significantly greater number of nodes with pods (1.95 to 2.78), as compared to the early and medium maturity cultivars. An increase in row spacing resulted in an increasing number of fertility nodes (12.05, 12.37, and 13.51). A positive correlation was established between yield per plant and fertile node number.U dvogodiÅ”njem istraživanju ispitivana su tri međuredna razmaka i tri sorte soje različite grupe zrenja u uslovima navodnjavanja. Cilj je bio da se ustanovi u kojoj meri promena međurednog razmaka utiče na broj plodnih nodija kod soje. Podaci su obrađeni analizom varijanse po metodi dvofaktorijalnog split - plot ogleda, gde su faktori ispitivanja: sorta (velika parcela) i međuredni razmak (podparcela) (Hadživuković 1991). Broj nodija s mahunama bio je značajno zavisan od grupe zrenja. Kasana sorta, imala je značajno veći broj nodija s mahunama (1.95 do 2.78) u odnosu na ranu i srednjestasnu sortu. Povećanjem međurednog razmaka setve dolazilo je do povećanja nodija sa mahunama (12.05, 12.37, 13.51). Utvrđena je pozitivna korelacija između prinosa po biljci i broja plodnih nodija

    Seed viability of oil crops depending on storage conditions

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    Changes occurring in seed during aging are significant as far as seed quality and longevity are concerned and are a consequence of the effects of different storage conditions. The chemical composition of seed with high oil content is related to specific processes occurring in seed during storage. In this trial, sunflower and soybean genotypes developed in Novi Sad were submitted to accelerated aging for three and five days, and natural aging for six and twelve months, under controlled and conventional (non-controlled) conditions. The obtained results showed that preservation of seed viability depended on storage condition and duration, as well as plant species. Accelerated aging test can be used to predict the length of storage life of sunflower and soybean seed. In comparison to sunflower seed, soybean seed is more sensitive to damage and reduced germination during storage

    Stabilnost hemijskog sastava semena soje

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    Stability of protein and oil content of 13 soybean varieties were examined using linear model across seven locations and during six years. Due to heterogeneity of environments all year/locations was distributed in to two groups, based on achieved yield. Stability of protein content differed in the low and high yielding environments, while average values show only minor differences. In contrast, oil content stability was slightly changed in the low and high yielding environments, while the average oil content were significantly higher in the low yielding environments. Environmental factors influenced the correlation between oil and protein content in soybeans. Negative correlation between protein and oil content was observed only in the high yielding environments, while varieties in low yielding environments lack this well known inverse relation.Ispitivanja stabilnosti hemijskog sastava zrna soje sprovedena su na 13 genotipova soje, Å”est lokaliteta, tokom Å”est godina, koriŔćenjem linearnog modela. Usled heterogenosti uslova uspevanja, svi lokaliteti/godine podeljeni su u dve grupe, u zavisnosti od prinosa. Stabilnost sadržaja proteina u semenu razlikovala se u zavisnosti od visine prinosa, dok kod prosečnih vrednosti nisu zabeležene veće razlike. Nasuprot tome, stabilnost sadržaja ulja u semenu nije se značajnije razlikovala u zavisnosti od prinosa, dok je prosečan sadržaj ulja bio veći na lokalitetima/godinama kada su zabeleženi niži prinosi soje. Uslovi spoljaÅ”nje sredine utiču na korelaciju između sadržaja ulja i proteina. Negativna korelacija između sadržaja ulja i proteina uočena je samo pri visokim prinosima, dok pri niskim prinosima ova negativna veza nije dobijena

    Dužina peteljki sirka metlaŔa pri različitom sklopu biljaka

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    Bromcorn fiber length is determined by measuring the distance between the point at which the fibers start to branch out and the tip of at least two thirds of all the fibers present in a given panicle. This is a very important morphological trait, as it determines the success of the panicle harvest. A two-year investigation was carried out in order to determine the influence of different stand densities on fiber length levels in two broomcorn genotypes. Two row-to-row spacing (50 and 70 cm) and six plant-to- plant ones (5, 9, 13, 17, 21, and 25 cm) were studied. Fiber length was the smallest (42.6 and 45.2 cm) with the highest stand densities, and it increased with increasing plant growing space (63.7 cm and 71.0 cm). .Dužina peteljki sirkovih metlica predstavlja rastojanje između tačke grananja peteljki i mesta gde se nalazi vrh najmanje 2/3 od ukupnog broja peteljki. Ovo je veoma bitna morfoloÅ”ka osobina biljaka sirka metlaÅ”a, od koje zavisi uspeÅ”nost žetve sirkovih metlica. U cilju sagledavanja promene dužine peteljki sirkovih metlica u zavisnosti od različitog sklopa biljaka, izvrÅ”ena su dvogodiÅ”nja istraživanja sa dva genotipa sirka metlaÅ”a. Ispitivana su dva međuredna razmaka od 50 i 70 cm i Å”est različitih razmaka biljaka u redu, (5, 9, 13, 17, 21 i 25 cm). Dužina peteljki bila je najmanja pri najguŔćim sklopovima 42,59 i 45,22 cm, dok je sa povećanjem vegetacionog prostora dužina peteljki bila sve veća - 63,72 i 71,04 cm

    Possibility of applying some technical-technological methods in weed control in sustainable production

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    Održiva poljoprivredna proizvodnja je sve popularnija i zahteva formiranje alternativnih metoda gajenja biljaka. Posebna pažnja usmerava se na istraživanje novih metoda u zaÅ”titi bilja za suzbijanje korova jer je zabranjena upotreba sintetički proizvedenih herbicida. SuÅ”tinu zaÅ”tite biljaka čine preventive mere kao Å”to su biofizičke metode uz primenu različitih bioloÅ”kih sredstava za zaÅ”titu. Cilj rada je da se prikažu istraživanja vrÅ”ena radi iznalaženja novih mera u zaÅ”titi bilja kod suzbijanja korova. Razvoj biofizičkih metoda može se ogledati u efikasnosti upotrebe aparata naponom od 25 kV, ekspozicije 1,5 s na ambroziju posle žetve pÅ”enice. Prvi rezultati bili su vidljivi posle 20 minuta, a ukupan broj biljaka u tretmanu bio je uniÅ”ten posle 5 dana. Takođe, ispitivana je bioloÅ”ka efikasnost bioherbicida na bazi pelargonijske kiseline u suzbijanju različitih korova u koncentraciji 2, 4, 6 i 8% u 4l vode. Koncentracija od 8% je najbrže i najuočljivije delovala na uvenuće ispitivanih korova.Sustainable agricultural production is becoming increasingly popular and requires the formation of alternative methods of plant cultivation. Special attention is directed to the research of new methods in plant protection for combating weeds, as it is forbidden to use synthetically produced herbicides. The essence of plant protection consists of preventive measures such as biophysical methods, with the application of various biological means of protection. The aim of this paper is to present the research performed in order to find new measures in plant protection in weed control. The development of biophysical methods can be reflected in the efficiency of using the apparatus with a voltage of 25 kV, exposure of 1.5 s, on ambrosia after wheat harvest. The first results were visible after 20 minutes, and the total number of plants in the treatment was destroyed after 5 days. Also, the study is the biological efficiency of bioherbicides based on pelargonium acid in controlling various weeds in a concentration of 2, 4, 6 and 8% in 4 l of water. The concentration of 8% had the fastest and best effect on the wilting of the examined weeds
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