3 research outputs found


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    Animal welfare (AW) is a term denoting how the animals are coping with the conditions in which they live. A precise welfare assessment assumes a multidisciplinary approach, and modern evaluation protocol incorporates both the animal-based and non-animal-based measures. Due to the different welfare score classes, this study’s objective was to determine the variability of biochemical and hematological parameters, as well as the body condition score. The study was conducted involving 145 Holstein cows, randomly chosen from the six commercial dairy cow farms. The dairy cows’ welfare assessment checklist consisted of seventy items, pursuant to the CReNBA protocol. The biochemical parameters in blood and the milk plasma were determined using the Beckman Coulter AU400 (Beckman Coulter, FRG) automatic clinical chemistry analyzer. The obtained results indicate that the lower albumin, triglyceride, iron, and calcium values were detected in the cows bred on the farms that were ranked lower concerning the farm management and farm infrastructure levels. In the milk plasma, the concentration of albumins was higher (P<0.05) on the farms that were ranked lower concerning the farm management, infrastructure level, and total score scale. Iron concentration was higher (P<0.05) in the cows from the farms ranked lower concerning farm infrastructure and on the farms that were ranked higher concerning the animal level. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate was higher on the farms with worse marks on the farm infrastructure level and total AW score.Dobrobit životinja predstavlja procjenu stanja životinja kojima reagiraju na podražaje iz okoline. Precizna procjena dobrobiti podrazumijeva multidisciplinaran pristup, a suvremen evaluacijski protokol uključuje mjerenja na životinjama i mjerenja koja uključuju smještaj, hranidbu i upravljanje farmom. Svrha ovoga istraživanja bila je odrediti varijabilnost biokemijskih i hematoloških pokazatelja, kao i tjelesnu kondiciju, s obzirom na različite bodovne razrede dobrobiti. Istraživanje je provedeno na 145 krava holsteinske pasmine, nasumično odabranih na šest komercijalnih farma mliječnih krava. Kontrolni popis procjene dobrobiti mliječnih krava sastojao se od 70 pitanja prema protokolu CReNBA. Biokemijski pokazatelji u krvi i mliječnoj plazmi određeni su automatskim kemijskim analizatorom Beckman Coulter AU400 (Beckman Coulter, SRNj). Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju da niže koncentracije albumina, triglicerida, željeza i kalcija u krvi imaju krave na lošije ocijenjenim farmama s obzirom na menadžment farme i infrastrukturu. S obzirom na pokazatelje infrastrukturnih karakteristika farme, menađmenta i ukupnu ocjenu farme, koncentracija albumina u mliječnom serumu bila je veća (P<0.05)u krava s lošijom ocjenom. Sedimentacija eritrocita bila je brža na lošije ocijenjenim farmama s obzirom na infrastrukturu farme i ukupnu ocjenu dobrobiti

    Certain dietary minerals and udder health in dairy cows

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    Mastitis, upala mliječne žlijezde jedna je od tri glavne bolesti koje utječu na profitabilnost proizvođača mlijeka i najskuplja bolest intenzivnog mliječnog govedarstva. Ekonomski gubici nastaju zbog odbacivanja mlijeka, povećanog izlučenja krava, troškova lijekova, rada veterinara i rada samih stočara. Međutim, sve je više dokaza da hranidba može imati značajan učinak na imunosni sustav, čime utječe na incidenciju infekcije i tijek mastitisa. Glavni utjecaj hranidbe na zdravlje vimena je putem supresije imunosnog sustava. Loš sastav obroka ne uzrokuje mastitis, ali može olakšati bakterijama da se udomaće u mliječnoj žlijezdi, što rezultira povećanom stopom mastitisa. Mliječna žlijezda krava često je izložena potencijalnim patogenima, ali većina krava ne dobije mastitis jer je njihov imunosni sustav adekvatan da spriječi infekciju. Cilj ovog rada je rasvijetliti povezanost između određenih minerala iz hrane i mastisa u mliječnih krava. Minerali dokazano imaju učinak na proizvodnju i reprodukciju, a njihov nedostatak može rezultirati imunosupresijom. Minerali koji utječu na zdravlje vimena su: selen, bakar, cink, kalcij, fosfor, magnezij, sumpor, mangan i molibden.Mastitis, an inflammation of the mammary gland, is one of the three main diseases that affect the profitability of milk producers and the most expensive disease of intensive dairy cattle farming. Economic losses occur due to the rejection of milk, increased excretion of cows, the cost of medicines, the work of veterinarians, and the work of the herdsmen themselves. However, there is increasing evidence that nutrition can have a significant effect on the immune system, thereby influencing the incidence of infections and the course of mastitis. The main influence of feeding on udder health is through the suppression of the immune system. A poor diet does not cause mastitis, but it can make it easier for bacteria to colonize the mammary gland, resulting in an increased rate of mastitis. The mammary gland of cows is often exposed to potential pathogens, but most cows do not develop mastitis because their immune systems are adequate to prevent infection. This work aims to describe the relationship between certain minerals from food and mastitis in dairy cows. Minerals have been proven to affect production and reproduction, and their deficiency can result in immunosuppression. Minerals that affect the health of the udder are selenium, copper, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, manganese, and molybdenum

    Certain dietary minerals and udder health in dairy cows

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    Mastitis, upala mliječne žlijezde jedna je od tri glavne bolesti koje utječu na profitabilnost proizvođača mlijeka i najskuplja bolest intenzivnog mliječnog govedarstva. Ekonomski gubici nastaju zbog odbacivanja mlijeka, povećanog izlučenja krava, troškova lijekova, rada veterinara i rada samih stočara. Međutim, sve je više dokaza da hranidba može imati značajan učinak na imunosni sustav, čime utječe na incidenciju infekcije i tijek mastitisa. Glavni utjecaj hranidbe na zdravlje vimena je putem supresije imunosnog sustava. Loš sastav obroka ne uzrokuje mastitis, ali može olakšati bakterijama da se udomaće u mliječnoj žlijezdi, što rezultira povećanom stopom mastitisa. Mliječna žlijezda krava često je izložena potencijalnim patogenima, ali većina krava ne dobije mastitis jer je njihov imunosni sustav adekvatan da spriječi infekciju. Cilj ovog rada je rasvijetliti povezanost između određenih minerala iz hrane i mastisa u mliječnih krava. Minerali dokazano imaju učinak na proizvodnju i reprodukciju, a njihov nedostatak može rezultirati imunosupresijom. Minerali koji utječu na zdravlje vimena su: selen, bakar, cink, kalcij, fosfor, magnezij, sumpor, mangan i molibden.Mastitis, an inflammation of the mammary gland, is one of the three main diseases that affect the profitability of milk producers and the most expensive disease of intensive dairy cattle farming. Economic losses occur due to the rejection of milk, increased excretion of cows, the cost of medicines, the work of veterinarians, and the work of the herdsmen themselves. However, there is increasing evidence that nutrition can have a significant effect on the immune system, thereby influencing the incidence of infections and the course of mastitis. The main influence of feeding on udder health is through the suppression of the immune system. A poor diet does not cause mastitis, but it can make it easier for bacteria to colonize the mammary gland, resulting in an increased rate of mastitis. The mammary gland of cows is often exposed to potential pathogens, but most cows do not develop mastitis because their immune systems are adequate to prevent infection. This work aims to describe the relationship between certain minerals from food and mastitis in dairy cows. Minerals have been proven to affect production and reproduction, and their deficiency can result in immunosuppression. Minerals that affect the health of the udder are selenium, copper, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, manganese, and molybdenum