6 research outputs found

    Bioeconomy-based food industry of Serbia: The role of intellectual capital

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    The aim of this exploratory study was to determine most useful indicators of intellectual capital in Serbian food industry. The study investigated managers' perceptions of indicator usefulness and practical application. They were top and middle managers from 18 food organizations, committed to the bioeconomy. The survey items were divided into human, structural, and relational capital. A closed-ended questionnaire was used to collect data, later analysed by SPSS 21 statistical software. The results have demonstrated that all indicators were seen as very important, with relational capital being the most useful of all

    Some management challenges for food companies in the Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    This paper aims to explore controlling, one of the key management functions, and autonomy at work, a determinant of employee control. Another purpose of this research is to examine the differences in autonomy or, more precisely, to find out to what degree autonomy among non-managers may affect creativity, innovation and business performance of an organization. The research was performed in food companies in the Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The data collected via a questionnaire were analysed by the SPSS statistical software. Five-level Likert scale was used to rate the responses. The main findings show that employees in food companies in Serbia perceive a higher level of autonomy than their counterparts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that the level of autonomy varies among different departments, the highest being in marketing and sales


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    The aim of this study is to examine the perception of cohesion in highly interdependent sports teams, compare cohesion in different sports, and then compare social and task cohesion. The participants were 205 professional sports players in the city of Belgrade, Serbia. They are engaged in five different sports: Football/soccer, basketball, volleyball, handball, and water polo. The Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ) was used to collect the data. All the analyses were carried out with the SPSS 22 statistical software. The results have shown moderately-high levels of all four aspects of cohesion (Group Integration-Task, Group Integration-Social, Individual Attractions to the Group-Task, and Individual Attractions to the Group-Social) in all sports. Overall, perception of task cohesion is higher than perception of social cohesion. The study also reveals that the type of sport played impacts the level of cohesion, with basketball players having the highest scores of all.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi percepcija kohezije u visoko međuzavisnim sportskim timovima, da se uporedi kohezija u različitim sportovima, a zatim uporede socijalna kohezija i kohezija zadatka. Ispitanici su bili 205 profesionalnih sportista iz Beograda koji se bave različitim sportovima: fudbalom, koÅ”arkom, odbojkom, rukometom i vaterpolom. Za sakupljanje podataka koriŔćen je GEQ upitnik (The Group Environment Questionnaire). Sve analize su obavljene uz pomoć statističkog softvera SPSS 22. Rezultati su za sve sportove pokazali umereno visok nivo sve četiri dimenzije kohezije: grupna integracija na osnovu zadatka (GI-T), grupna integracija ā€“ socijalna dimenzija (GI-S), individualna privrženost grupi na osnovu zadatka (IATG-T) i individualna privrženost grupi ā€“ socijalna dimenzija (IATG-S). Ukupno gledajući, percepcija kohezije zadatka je viÅ”a nego percepcija socijalne kohezije. Istraživanje je takođe pokazalo da vrsta sporta utiče na nivo kohezije, pri čemu koÅ”arkaÅ”i imaju najviÅ”i nivo percepcije kohezije od svih sportova


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    This paper aims to explore controlling, one of the key management functions, and autonomy at work, a determinant of employee control. Another purpose of this research is to examine the differences in autonomy or, more precisely, to find out to what degree autonomy among nonmanagers may affect creativity, innovation and business performance of an organization. The research was performed in food companies in the Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The data collected via a questionnaire were analysed by the SPSS statistical software. Five-level Likert scale was used to rate the responses. The main findings show that employees in food companies in Serbia perceive a higher level of autonomy than their counterparts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that the level of autonomy varies among different departments, the highest being in marketing and sales

    Opportunities to revitalise rural tourism through the operation of agrarian cooperatives

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    Agrarian cooperatives are still in a period of transition. Practice shows that it is necessary to reconsider the business activities performed in the sector. Under the 2015 Cooperatives Act, rural tourism was recognised as a business activity, but the legal move has had no practical implications. In order to identify opportunities for the revitalisation of rural tourism, a study has been carried out based on interviews with the general managers of agrarian cooperatives. Their views have been analysed to gauge their awareness of the effects of rural tourism on rural areas arising from the operation of cooperatives, and the potential of human resources to implement the consequent organisational changes. In addition, the potential of agrarian cooperatives has been explored in the context of external surroundings. The results of the research have shown that the general managers view positively the revitalisation of rural tourism as part of the operation of the cooperatives, and that they are aware of the favourable impacts of tourism on rural areas, but that incompetence of the staff in the cooperatives has been a main obstacle to such a development