297 research outputs found

    Twenty years later: The war did (not) begin at Maksimir an anthropological analysis of the media narratives about a never ended football game

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    The aim of this work is an analysis of the media narratives about the never ended football match between Dynamo Zagreb and Red Star Belgrade on May 13 1990. The article focuses on the media coverage twenty years after the incident in the context of the game's acquired mythic status, symbolically marking the beginning of the war in former Yugoslavia. The object of the analysis are Serbian and Croatian media with the aim of revealing the strategies of representing this event in the period of the normalization of the relations in the region. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177026: Cultural Heritage and Identity

    Historical tradition in Serbian genre literature

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    This paper discusses two Serbian science-fiction stories with a special emphasis on the motives in their narrative structure; the motive analysis is focused on those motives that represent a transposition of 'historical tradition' elements. The key words connecting images appearing in this context are: fear of losing (national) identity and a strategy of resistance towards those, who presumably, want to 'take over' the identity. In this sense, a return to 'the historical tradition', in the analyzed texts, aims to reassess certain past models indicating at the same time those that have successfully served and endured as historical models in this discourse

    Politics on the Football Field. An Overview of the Relationship between Ideology and Sport in Serbia

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    This paper focuses on the historical context of the interrelation of sports and ideology in Serbia. Firstly, it focuses on the period between the end of WWII and the end of the 1980s, as well as on the role of sports in the activities of the communist and socialist ideology in Yugoslavia. Secondly, it demonstrates the ways in which football fans assumed the role of the carriers of nationalistic ideology in the political occurrences of the final decade of the twentieth century. The third segment of the paper brings into focus the activities of football fans in the new millennium when, after the wars of the 1990s, Serbia, at least nominally, became a state that internalizes “European values“, and ensured its position of an EU-acceding country. The central argument of the paper refers to the historically conditioned positioning of football fans that, as a group, still hold the role of an important political actor. They simultaneously act as subjects of the neo-liberal politics of the European periphery and keepers of the “national spirit“, which can be let out of the bottle again, if and when needed

    Child Marriage Among the Roma Population in Serbia : Ethnographic research

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    Child marriage occurs in the general population in Serbia, and is most commonly encountered among poor populations and in rural areas. The practice, however, is noticeably present in Roma communities, where, according to UNICEF’s Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), more than half of all girls are married before turning 18 years old. This report presents the findings of research on child marriage in Roma communities in Serbia, with a focus on the key factors that influence the existence and reproduction of the practice. The analysis conducted encompassed diverse risk and change factors present in Roma communities, ranging from the impact of social and cultural norms, economic factors and perceptions of the importance of education, to marginalization of these communities as a consequence of pressure from the majority environment. The analysis focused in particular on the interconnection of these factors and their differing impact depending on the local contex

    Estimation of 1D-confluence model parameters in right-angled discordant beds’ confluences using 3D numerical model

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    Parameters of 1D confluence models are originally defined for concordant beds’ (CB’s) confluences. This paper aims at estimating these parameters for discordant beds’ confluences using numerical simulation results of 3D flow. A 3D finite-volume based model SSIIM2 that was successfully validated in CB’s confluences is applied in this study, too. Confluences with the low,moderate and maximal observed bed elevation discordance ratio values are analysed for three characteristic hydrological scenarios: dominance of the tributary flow, equal contributions of the combining flows and dominance of the main-river flow. It is shown that: 1) the mean flow angle δ approaches junction angle α with the increase in bed elevation discordance, especially when tributary flow dominates, 2) the value of Hager’s correction coefficient σ is not constant and 3) the contribution of the tributary flow to the 1D momentum equation is under predicted when either parameter δ or σ is used for its estimation


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    This paper presents the comparison of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis (MLRA) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) as the statistical analysis tools. Most influential statistical parameters for choosing right modeling tool are evaluated in this investigation. Investigation was performed on real statistical data set obtained after measurements of the process parameters underindustrial conditions

    On the possibilities of application of exchange discharge model in estimation of a rating curve at a river gauging station

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    The exchange discharge model (EDM) is the model that was developed for the estimation of a stage-discharge curve and flood routing in compound channels. It was thoroughly tested against experimental data in different compound channel layouts. However, there is a little evidence on its application in rivers. This paper studies EDM performance in estimating stage-discharge curve at two gauging stations on the same river with different hydraulic conditions and compares its results with the traditional, divided channel method (DCM). The contribution of momentum fluxes due to turbulence diffusion and mass exchange to the total energy loss are analysed. It is found that EDM parameter values (ψt and ψg) depend on the hydraulic conditions at a gauging station. In the case of M1-type water surface profile, the ψt-value increases and the effect of mass transfer is negligible. In the case of M2-type profile, the ψt-value decreases and the momentum flux due to mass transfer becomes dominant. Nonetheless, the lower ψt-value does not result in smaller additional loss due to turbulence diffusion, since the velocity difference between the main channel and the floodplain increases. Although the EDM and DCM provide approximately the same total discharge, EDM gives more realistic discharge distribution (main channel discharge is reduced and that on the floodplain is increased by 30-40% due to mass transfer caused by non-prismaticity of the channel).September 1-6, 2019, Panama City, Panama Editor: Lucas Calv

    The Forgotten People. Roma in Serbia During the Covid-19 Crisis

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    Roma are arguably one of the most vulnerable and discriminated communities in Europe, which is particularly the case in Central and South East Europe. Their status mostly derives from long-lasting discrimination and marginalization, which leads to extreme poverty, low educational status, unemployment and bad living conditions. Until recently, significant number of Roma didn't have access to the health care system due to their "invisible status" as a consequence of the lack of identification documents. In this presentation I will focus on the specific case of Roma living conditions in Serbia, particularly during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic. The government measures such widely popular "lockdowns", limited access to health care etc., had a serious impact on many Serbian citizens. However, the most deteriorating effect of the Covid-19 related policies was on the most vulnerable population – Roma communities. Since most of them are involved in the "grey economy", depending on collecting and selling goods in the streets or in green markets, the impact of restricted mobility left them without a main source of income. Without social protection and security guaranteed by the state, they were left alone, depending only on occasional efforts made by centers for social work, humanitarian organizations and INGOs who had provided food and basic goods. Deriving from ethnographic data collected in various Roma settlements, in this presentation I will show the strategies of care developed within communities, facing not just the pandemic condition, but also structural constraints related to their accessibility to services available to other citizens in Serbia

    Transformation of „Socialist“ Holidays in Transitional Serbia

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    Циљ овог рада јесте испитивање трансформације прославе Дана победе над фашизмом у транзиционој Србији, са нарочитим акцентом на случају обележавања овог празника 2005. године. Aутор кроз овај аналитички оквир испитује начин на који се конструишу идентитети учесника у корпусу прослава, питање рецепције порука организатора скупа од стране учесника, као и утицај тих порука на преузимање одређених идентификационих пракси.When somebody mentions the holidays of the countries behind „the iron curtain―, the picture of impressive parades demonstrating military force, ostentatiously decorated streets and cheerful citizens saluting their beloved leader, is the simultaneous equivalent behind our eyes. This picture was to be seen throughout the communist world up to the middle eighties. Social Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was no exception to the general communist manner. Excessively pompous attention had been devoted to the day that celebrated victory over fascism, which thus had represented the holiday of the highest importance. The prevailing role of the nationalist discourse in the public life of Serbia, which was taking charge during the nineties, initiated dethronement of the holiday, consequently celebrated only symbolically by the persistent descendants of the former Communist Party. The aim of this paper is to elucidate the process of transformation this holiday had been submitted to during the transitional period in Serbia, with an illustration and special stress on the celebration in 2005. The public meeting organized on Ravna Gora on May 15 th 2005 and the last part of the celebration of the Victory Day will be the framework of this analysis. The assembly first gathered on this place in 1990 in order to reinvestigate the Chetnik movement importance in the Word War II, which was proclaimed to have been traitor by the communist historiography. Ever since 1990 the symbolic gathering has served the purpose of collective reminiscence of the Chetnik movement. For the first time, in 2005 the meeting changed its essential character by being organized and supported by the nationalist government putting it into anti-fascist – Victory day context. The dominating identification practice among the participants of the gathering is, as what we may conclude, so-called nationalist project, whereas, the intention of the organizers is to represent a cosmopolitan, anti-fascist identity. The organizer's aim, actually, is to send the message conveying a democratic and pro-European character of the meeting through media presenting the event. Furthermore, the organizer firms the identity mentioned negotiating with what seems to be antagonistic, the nationalist discourse, equaling with the ideological core of the meeting, taking the mutual strive for Chetnik movement reanimation as legitimizing all this despite the considerable differences in perception of the project. Meanwhile, the state conducted various celebrations of this holiday, which, however, gave legitimacy to partisan – communist (internationally recognized) fight and its heritage. This form of dualism in the intention of government to celebrate one holiday is direct consequence of what is evident in Serbia surviving transitional period: opposite but coexisting ideological discourse. What seems to prove this statement is the fact that parallel with the celebration on Ravna Gora, Belgrade was occupied celebrating Day of Europe. Emphasis on the day that represents the beginning of the European integration could be the frame of general perception of the manifestations held from May 8 th to May 15 th 2005. Acknowledging the existence of two main ideological fractions consequently antagonist identities, an attempt to ascribe a super-identity embodied in pro-European and cosmopolitan discourse, is likely to be seen as a solution to the ideological conflict by the government. Reinterpretation of history thus is not being executed by elucidating historical truths. Largely due to the lack of social consensus, the message of the collective Serb membership in the „grand European community― is sent.През периода на комунистическото управление Денят на победата над фашизма е празнуван по най-тържествен начин, като това е включвало и големи военни паради по улиците на Белград. На тази дата е придавано голямо значение не само заради победата над фашизма, но и поради факта, че тогавашната СФРЮ е представлявала симво- лен продукт на партизанската борба срещу немския окупатор за времето на Втората световна война. Крахът на комунистическия режим в значителна степен намалява значението на отбелязването на този празник, който паралелно със засилването на националистическия дискурс е „разчитан― като един от продуктите от наследството на Титова Югославия. През 2005 г. в Сърбия по повод на шестдесетгодишнината от победата над фашизма отново бе придадено важно значение на отбелязването на този юбилей. Все пак това се случи в коренно променен констекст, с оглед на това, че държавата официално поддържаше събранието за организиране на т. нар. наследници на Югославската армия в Отечеството, известни като „четническо движение―, възприемано в публичното пространство като колаборационистко и през комунистическия период, и днес. Същевременно със засилването на влиянието на Европейския съюз върху бившите комунистически държави, Девети май все повече се възприема в Сърбия и като Ден на Европа, т.е. като дата за отбелязване на началото на сътворяването на това, което ни е познато днес като Европейска общност. Целта на настоящата работа ще бъде да покаже противоречивото възприемане на отбелязването на тази дата в публичното пространство на Сърбия. От една страна, акцентът ще бъде поставен върху анализа на идеологическата реинтерпретация на резултатите от Втората световна война, а от друга – ще се фокусираме върху възприемането на Деня на Европа в контекста на изграждането на това, което би могло да бъде наречно „европейска идентичност― на гражданите на Сърбия. Като аналитична рамка ще послужи и медийното представяне на тези събития, преди всичко в ежедневния и седмичния печат.Зборник радова Етнографског института САНУ 22 / Collection of Papers of the Institute of Ethnography SASA 2

    Sur le football, l’anthropologie et la transition. Récits sur la violence et la sécurité dans la Serbie contemporaine

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    The aim of this paper is to determine the ways in which the culture one lives in is conceptualized through the understanding of modern football. The focus is on the overlapping and negotiation of identity politics determined by the local cultural context, while also taking note of the increasing globalization of the sport itself. Special attention will be given to the discourse on safety, it being one of the key narratives about modern football. By following the media narratives on the topic, especially those concerning the murder of the French supporter Brice Taton in Belgrade in 2009, I will attempt to point out the images which dominate the conceptualization of contemporary domestic football, and through this, the period of transition which Serbia is currently going through.L’objectif de cette étude est de définir la manière dont sont, par l’intérmédiaire de la conception du football contemporain, conceptualisées les idées sur la culture dans laquelle on vit, avant tout à travers le prisme de superposition et de négociation des politiques identitaires conditionnées par le contexte culturel local mais, en même temps avec la prise en compte de la mondialisation croissante de ce sport. Nous nous concentrons particulièrement sur le discours de sécurité, celui-ci étant important pour l’état du football contemporain. En suivant les récits médiatiques rattachés à ce thème, avec un accent particulier sur le meurtre du supporter français Brice Taton à Belgrade en septembre 2009, je m’efforcerai de rendre compte des représentations dominantes dans la conceptualisation du football serbe contemporain, et par conséquent de la période de transition où se trouve actuellement la Serbie.Tema broja: Popularna kultura (ur. Bojan Žikić) / Thematic Issue: Popular Culture (ed. Bojan Žikić)