11 research outputs found

    The impact of architectural and urban patterns on the behaviour of an exhibited angular size-illusion

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    This paper continues a research in which it has been confirmed that the angular size-illusion underpins a contradictory effect related to a seeming size-decrease of focused architectural and urban objects as the observer approaches them. It explores the impact of various architectural and urban patterns on the behavior of an angular size-illusion noticeable during movement. To obtain sustainable conclusions, real locations are selected and simplified. Simplification criteria are defined respecting the preconditions necessary to trigger such an illusion. Also, two groups of parameters are formulated, both as illusion quantifiers and illusion qualifiers (such as descriptors and determinants). By analyzing the illusion quantifier's conduct, the established valorization criteria allowed the methodological investigation of influences of illusion determinants on the descriptor's behavior. The outputs-based conclusions are generalized in a form applicable to contemporary architectural and urban practice, making it possible to estimate and control the behavior of the illusion in reality

    Oblaci tačaka kao fotogrametrijske reprezentacije povrŔina linijskih objekata - uticaj ekstrinzičkih parametara snimanja na promenu kvaliteta njihovih tekstura sa aspekta hrapavosti

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    This paper investigates the impact of various extrinsic shooting parameters regarding change of roughness-quality of surface textures of linear objects/elements when presented in the form of unstructured photogrammetrially created point-clouds. To perform this scientifically-wise, two types of specific quality-descriptors are identified: process-quality descriptors and smoothness related quality descriptors. Then, they are precisely defined, computed and mutually correlated. It can be generally concluded that for a fixed focal length, shooting directions perpendicular to the axis of targeted object/element, station-points uniformly radially distributed around it (at a circle of 360 deg.) and obtained process-quality descriptors values that belong to satisfying /recommended ranges, the performed photogrammetric digitalization is declared highly precise and satisfyingly accurate regarding roughness /smoothness and barely prone to object-to-camera distance.Rad istražuje uticaj različitih ekstrinzičnih parametara snimanja povrÅ”ina linijskih objekata /elemenata, na promenu kvaliteta njihovih tekstura sa aspekta hrapavosti u slučaju kada su one fotogrametrijski generisane u vidu nestrukturiranih oblaka tačaka. U cilju uvođenja naučne metodologije u predmetno eksperimentalno istraživanje, identifikovana su (kao relevantna) dva tipa specifičnih deskriptora analiziranog kvaliteta (deskriptori koji opisuju nivo kvaliteta softverskog/fotogrametrijskog procesuiranja digitalnih snimaka izabranog eksperimentalnog objekta /elementa i deskriptori kojima se definiÅ”e postignuti kvalitet hrapavosti tj. stepen očuvanosti glatkoće njegove digitalizovane povrÅ”ine). Ovi deskriptori su, potom, precizno definisani i softverskim putem izračunati. Doneti zaključci su bazirani na analizi ciljno-relevantnih korelacija prethodno dobijenih vrednosti tih deskriptora. Zaključeno je da je za nepromenljivu žižnu daljinu, pravce snimanja upravne na osu linijskog objekta-elementa koji se fotografiÅ”e, za pozicije foto-aparata i fotogrametrijske targete ravnomerno radijalno raspoređene oko te ose (po krugu od 360Ā°), kao i za dobijene vrednosti parametara kvaliteta realizovanog fotogrametrijskog procesuiranja (process-quality descriptors values) koje su u prihvatljivom/preporučenom opsegu, sve digitalizovane povrÅ”ine su predstavljene oblacima tačkama čije generisanje karakteriÅ”u visoka preciznost (precision) i zadovoljavajući nivo tačnosti (accuracy) na koje neznatno utiče distanca sa koje se vrÅ”i snimanje

    Projektovanje solarnih sistema za arhitektonske objekte i BIM alati - pregled relevantnih geometrijskih aspekata

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    The paper systematizes geometric aspects relevant for understanding design of solar systems. The systematization is based on a review of literature dedicated to various kinds of engineers, including architects, involved in a multidisciplinary process of conceptualizing, designing and realization of PV systems. The understanding of the presented geometric aspects, known as solar geometry, is important not only in terms of finding optimal orientation and most effective tilt of solar modules, but also in terms of adequate geometric modelling of faƧade elements of a complex shape (as specific photovoltaic modules) in order to be optimally exposed to the sun all over the year. After providing detailed explanations of the main elements of solar geometry using the tools of spherical trigonometry, the paper discusses the integration of the presented geometric concepts in the BIM environments, and refers the example of Autodesk Revit software through its sun study tool. Analysed are functionalities of all interactive components of the 3D solar path representation. A need for more explicit determination of an incidence angle of the sun rays on a tilted surface is stressed. In the conclusion highlighted is the essential knowledge on solar geometry that needs to be acquired during architectural education, so that architects participating in the BIM working environments could be prepared for efficient conceptualization of integrated solar systems.U radu su sistematizovani najvažniji geometrijski aspekti koji su relevantni za celovito razumevanje projektovanja fotonaponskih sistema. Ova sistematizacija se bazira na pregledu literature namenjene različitim inženjerima, uključujući arhitekte koji su uključeni u multidisciplinarne procese konceptualizacije, projektovanja i realizacije fotonaponskih sistema. Razumevanje prikazanih geometrijskih aspekata, u literaturi objedinjenih pod nazivom solarna geometrija, značajno je ne samo zbog pronalaženja optimalne orijentacije i najefektnijeg nagiba fotonaponskih modula, nego i zbog adekvatnog oblikovanja geometrijski kompleksnih fasadnih elemenata, koji bi trebalo da budu optimalno osunčani tokom cele godine. Nakon detaljnog objaÅ”njenja osnovnih elemenata solarne geometrije koriŔćenjem sferne trigonometrije, u radu je prodiskutovana integracija prikazanih geometrijskih koncepata u BIM okruženja, ilustrovana primerom modula za analize osunčanja u okviru softvera Revit, firme Autodesk. Analizirana je funkcionalnost svih interaktivnih komponenata 3D prikaza sunčeve putanje. NaglaÅ”ena je potreba za eksplicitnijim određivanjem upadnog ugla sunčevih zraka na nagnutu povrÅ” fotonaponskog modula. U zaključnom delu izdvojeno je ono znanje o solarnoj geometriji koje bi bilo neophodno usvojiti u procesu arhitektonskog obrazovanja, kako bi projektanti koji rade u BIM okruženju bili pripremljeni za efikasnu konceptualizaciju integrisanih fotonaponskih sistema

    Prinos NS hibrida kukuruza različitih grupa zrenja u odnosu na gustinu setve

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    In the present study, the grain yield of maize hybrids from different maturity groups at different crop density. Research were carried out 2012 on the site of Sremska Mitrovica. Observed hybrids are characterized by a high genetic potential for yield and belong to different groups (FAO 400, 500 and 600). The difference in yields between maturity groups were statistically significant. The highest average yield was produced by FAO 500. The highest yields were obtained using FAO 600 and NS FAO 500 (6120 kg ha-1, 6030 kg ha-1) at medium density crop of 64 935 plants per hectare. Effect of plant density, unfavorable weather conditions in the year, was such that the average yield of maize increased to medium densities, after which there was a decrease in yield.U radu je proučavan prinos zrna kukuruza kod NS hibrida različitih grupa zrenja pri različitim gustinama useva. Ispitivanja su vrÅ”ena 2012. godine, na lokalitetu Sremska Mitrovica. Posmatrani hibridi kukuruza odlikuju se visokim genetskim potencijalom rodnosti i pripadaju različitim grupama zrenja (FAO 400, 500 i 600). Razlike u prinosima između grupa zrenja bile su statistički značajne. Najveći prosečan prinos zrna ostvario je hibrid FAO 500. Najveći prinosi ostvareni su sa hibridima FAO 600 i FAO 500 (6120 kgha-1, 6030 kgha-1) pri srednjoj gustini od 64 935 biljaka po hektaru. Efekat gustine useva, u klimatski nepovoljnoj godini, bio je takav da su prosečni prinosi zrna hibrida kukuruza rasli do srednje ispitivane gustine, nakon čega je doÅ”lo do smanjenja prinosa

    Kvantifikovanje kvaliteta gustine fotogrametrijski generisanih oblaka tačaka linijskih arhitektonsko-urbanistickih elemenata u funkciji distance sa koje se vrsi snimanje i broja pozicija fotoaparata tj. pravaca snimanja

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    This paper examines the impact of various object-to-camera distances and the number of station-points i.e. various shooting directions with regard to the obtained Density-quality of photogrammetrically created Point-clouds - as digital representations of the existent linear architectural/urban objects/elements. According to an artificial (purified) experimental scene used, the conclusion is that with the chosen focal lengths/object-to-camera distances, with shooting directions perpendicular to the axis of that object, with station-points uniformly radially distributed around it (at a circle of 360deg), and with the obtained values of photogrammetric-software process-quality outputs which belong to the recommended ranges, the achieved density-level of the created Point-clouds may be treated as independent on the camera's radial-movement angle but dependent on the percentage of 'Object's Photo-Coverage': the lower the Coverage, the lower the density. Also, regardless of the Coverage level, the majority of the generated points are generally more 'densimetrically' precise than they are 'densimetrically' accurate.Rad istražuje uticaj distance snimanja i broja koriŔćenih pozicija fotoaparata tj. pravaca snimanja na postignuti kvalitet gustine fotogrametrijski generisanih oblaka tačaka kao digitalnih reprezentacja postojećih linijskih arhitektonsko-urbanističkih objekata/elemenata. Zaključeno je da za koriŔčeno apstraktno (pojednostavljeno) eksperimentalno okruženje, za izabrane žižne daljine/distance sa kojih se fotografiÅ”e fokusirani objekat, pravce snimanja upravne na njegovu osu,za pozicije fotoaparata ravnomerno radijalno raspoređene oko te ose (u punom krugu), kao i za dobijene vrednosti izlaznih papametara kvaliteta relizovanog fotogrametrisjkog procesinga (process-quality output values) koje su u preporučenom opsegu, osvareni nivo gustine generisanih oblaka tačaka ne zavisi od uglovnog koraka rotacije fotoaparata, već od procenta zastupljenosti objekta na fotografji ('Object's Photo-Coverage'): ukoliko je ovajprocenat 'zastupljenosti' manji i gustina je manja. Takođe, nezavisno od nivoa upravo te 'zastupljenosti, generisane tačke (sa aspekta gustine), generalno viÅ”e karakteriÅ”e ostvarena preciznost ('densimetric precision') nego tačnost ('densimetric accuracy')

    Vasorelaxant effect of monoterpene carvacrol on isolated human umbilical artery

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    Carvacrol (CRV) is the main compound of essential oils extracted primarily from Thymus and Origanum species. Its various biological activities were confirmed: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-tumour, antinematodal, and vasorelaxant action. Although vasodilation mediated by CRV was previously described, the exact mechanism of its action has not yet been established. Hence, the aim of this study was to investigate CRV vasoactivity on human umbilical arteries (HUA) and the different pathways involved in its mechanism of action using the tissue bath methodology. CRV caused a significant decrease in vascular tension of 5-HT-pre-contracted umbilical arteries, with EC50 of 442.13 Ā± 33.8 Āµmol/L (mean Ā± standard error of the meanā€”SEM). At 300 Āµmol/L, CRV shifted downward the 5-HT concentrationā€“response curve with a statistical significance of p < 0.001 obtained for the four highest concentrations. At a concentration of 1 mmol/L, CRV completely abolished BaCl2-induced contraction in Ca2+-free Krebsā€“Ringer bicarbonate solution and the BAY K 8644-induced contraction in Krebsā€“Ringer bicarbonate solution (p < 0.001). Isopentenyl pyrophosphate, the antagonist of TRPV3 channel, was able to decrease the efficacy of CRV (p < 0.001). The blocking of L-type Ca2+ channels on smooth muscle cells is the most probable mechanism of CRV-induced vasorelaxation. However, the role of TRPV3 channels in CRV-induced vasodilation of HUA cannot be excluded either

    Higher dose of erythropoietin for anemia correction in Balkan endemic nephropathy patients

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    Introduction. Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN) patients maintained with hemodialysis have more severe anemia than patients with other kidney diseases. Objective. The aim of the study was to compare the improvement of anemia in BEN patients and those with other kidney diseases during treatment with human recombinant erythropoietin (rHuEpo). Methods. The study involved 240 patients on regular hemodialysis for more than one year. Out of them 146 had BEN and 94 other kidney diseases (21 glomerulonephritis, 20 hypertension, 18 diabetes, 10 policystic kidney disease, 5 obstructive nephropathy, 18 other diseases). Treatment with rHuEpo was carried out according to European guidelines for the management of anemia. Results. Patients with BEN were older and were less frequently treated with ACEi than patients with other kidney diseases. At the onset of the study mean hemoglobin level (109.6Ā±22.3 vs. 112.7Ā±11.3 g/l) was significantly lower, but serum ferritin level and rHuEpo dose (65.4Ā±22.3 vs. 57.5Ā±22.5 U/kg/week) were significantly higher in BEN patients than in others. In prospective four months study these differences in hemoglobin levels and rHuEpo doses maintained. The rate of anemia improvement was examined in 15 BEN patients and 10 patients with other kidney diseases at the beginning of rHuEpo treatment. No difference in the rate of anemia improvement was found between the two groups but higher rHuEpo doses were used in BEN patients. Conclusion. Patients with BEN on regular hemodialysis had more severe anemia and required higher rHuEpo doses for maintaining target hemoglobin level

    Transforming Growth Factor-beta(1) in Balkan Endemic Nephropathy

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    Background/Aim: The aim of this study was to compare plasma and urine transforming growth factor-beta(1) (TGF-beta(1)) levels in patients with different stages of Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN) with those in patients with primary glomerulonephritis (GN) and healthy controls. Methods: The study involved 47 patients with BEN (30 with manifest BEN and 17 in the early stage of BEN), 12 patients with GN and 10 healthy controls. Plasma and urine TGF-beta(1) was assayed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: The median plasma TGF-beta(1) levels differed nonsignificantly between the groups (4,908-6,442 pg/ml), but individual plasma TGF-beta(1) levels in BEN patients exhibited the highest dispersion. Median urinary TGF-beta(1) excretion (pg/mg creatinine) was significantly higher in patient groups (manifest BEN: 203, early-stage BEN: 341, GN: 775) than in healthy controls (42). No correlation was found between plasma and urine TGF-beta(1) levels or between plasma TGF-beta(1) levels and creatinine clearance for any of the examined groups. Conclusion: Plasma TGF-beta(1) levels in BEN patients extended over the widest range, but no significant differences were found between the median values for the groups. Median urinary TGF-beta(1) excretion was significantly higher in patients with BEN and GN than in healthy controls. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, BaselMinistry of Science and Ecology of Serbia [145037

    Transforming Growth Factor-beta(1) in Balkan Endemic Nephropathy

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    Background/Aim: The aim of this study was to compare plasma and urine transforming growth factor-beta(1) (TGF-beta(1)) levels in patients with different stages of Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN) with those in patients with primary glomerulonephritis (GN) and healthy controls. Methods: The study involved 47 patients with BEN (30 with manifest BEN and 17 in the early stage of BEN), 12 patients with GN and 10 healthy controls. Plasma and urine TGF-beta(1) was assayed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: The median plasma TGF-beta(1) levels differed nonsignificantly between the groups (4,908-6,442 pg/ml), but individual plasma TGF-beta(1) levels in BEN patients exhibited the highest dispersion. Median urinary TGF-beta(1) excretion (pg/mg creatinine) was significantly higher in patient groups (manifest BEN: 203, early-stage BEN: 341, GN: 775) than in healthy controls (42). No correlation was found between plasma and urine TGF-beta(1) levels or between plasma TGF-beta(1) levels and creatinine clearance for any of the examined groups. Conclusion: Plasma TGF-beta(1) levels in BEN patients extended over the widest range, but no significant differences were found between the median values for the groups. Median urinary TGF-beta(1) excretion was significantly higher in patients with BEN and GN than in healthy controls. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, BaselMinistry of Science and Ecology of Serbia [145037

    Vascular effects of midazolam, flumazenil, and a novel imidazobenzodiazepine MP-III-058 on isolated rat aorta

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    Hypotensive influences of benzodiazepines and other GABAA receptor ligands, recognized in clinical practice, seem to stem from the existence of ā€œvascularā€ GABAA receptors in peripheral blood vessels, besides any mechanisms in the central and peripheral nervous systems. We aimed to further elucidate the vasodilatatory effects of ligands acting through GABAA receptors. Using immunohistochemistry, the rat aortic smooth muscle layer was found to express GABAA Ī³ 2 and Ī±1-5 subunit proteins. To confirm the role of ā€œvascularā€ GABAA receptors, we investigated the vascular effects of standard benzodiazepines, mida-zolam, and flumazenil, as well as the novel compound MP-III-058. Using two-electrode voltage clamp electrophysiology and radioligand binding assays, MP-III-058 was found to have modest binding but substantial functional selectivity for Ī±5Ī²3Ī³ 2 over other Ī±xĪ²3Ī³ 2 GABAA receptors. Tissue bath assays revealed comparable vasodilatory effects of MP-III-058 and midazo-lam, both of which at 100 Ī¼mol/L concentrations had efficacy similar to prazosin. Flumazenil exhibited weak vasoactivity per se, but significantly prevented the relaxant effects of midazolam and MP-III-058. These studies indicate the existence of functional GABAA receptors in the rat aorta, where ligands exert vasodilatory effects by positive modulation of the benzodiazepine binding site, suggesting the potential for further quest for leads with optimized pharmacokinetic properties as prospective adjuvant vasodilators