10 research outputs found

    Igg vezivanje alergena i alergoida polena pelina prethodno izloženih simuliranim uslovima gastrointestinalnog trakta mereno domaćim elisa testom

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    This study considers the influence of exposure to simulated gastrointestinal conditions (saliva, gut, intestine and acidic conditions of the gut) on IgG binding of unmodified allergens and three types of LMW allergoids of Artemisia vulgaris pollen extract obtained by means of potassium cyanate succinic and maleic anhydride. It also concerns the optimization of a self-developed ELISA assay for comparison of the specific IgG binding of mugwort pollen extract and modified mugwort pollen derivatives. The ELISA was conducted with a mugwort pollen extract coupled to the plate, using the sera from 12 mugwort- pollen allergic patients. The exposure to saliva fluid for 2 min did not influence the IgG binding properties of allergens and allergoids. Exposure of mugwort pollen allergens and LMW allergoids to the acidic conditions of the gut did not dramatically change their IgG binding properties. By exposing mugwort pollen extract and LMW derivatives to the SGF conditions for 1 h, the percent of IgG binding epitopes was reduced to a half of its starting value in the extract and to about 30%in all the allergoid samples. After prolonged exposure only the carbamyl derivative showed reduced IgG binding. Changes of the IgG binding potential of all four samples after exposure in SIF followed a similar pattern.Predmet ovog rada je ispitivanje promena IgG vezivanja nemodifikovanih alergena polena A. vulgaris i tri tipa alergoida malih molekulskih masa dobijenih tretmanom sa kalijum-cijanatom, i anhidridima ćilibarne i meleinske posle izlaganja uslovima gastrointestinalnog trakta (saliva, želudac, tanko crevo i kisela sredina želudačnog soka) i optimizacija domaćeg ELISA testa za određivanje IgG vezivanja alergena i alergoida polena pelina.UELISA testu je za pločicu kuplovan ekstrakt polena pelina i korišćeni su serumi 12 pacijenata alergičnih na pelin. Izlaganje salivi u trajanju od 2 minuta ne utiče na IgG vezujuće osobine alergena i alergoida. Izlaganje kiseloj sredini želudačnog soka značajno ne utiče na IgG vezujuće osobine alergena i alergoida polena pelina. Posle izlaganja simuliranom želudačnom soku alergena i derivata u trajanju od 1 sata, procenat IgG vezujućih epitopa u nemodifikovanom uzorku se smanjuje na polovinu početne vrednosti i na oko 30 % kod sva tri derivata. Jedino se kod karbamil-derivata % IgG vezivanja dodatno smanjuje sa produžavanjem izlaganja SGF-u.Promene u IgG vezujućem potencijalu sva 4 uzorka posle izlaganja simuliranim uslovima tankog creva prate sličan obrazac

    Somatostatin-14 izaziva različite promene u timusima prepubertalnih i mladih odraslih pacova

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    Bearing in mind the role of somatostatin in thymus functions, and changes of somatostatin level and expression of its receptors during postnatal life, the aim of this study was to investigate whether centrally applied SRIH-14 induces different changes in the thymic compartments and thymocyte profile in peripubertal and young adult rats. To this end, 4- and 10-week-old male AO rats were cannulated and treated intracerebroventriculary with three doses of SRIH-14, applied every other day. In peripubertal rats, SRIH-14 decreases thymic relative weight and volume, as well as the volume of thymic compartments, especially of deep cortex, as a result of thymocytes loss by apoptosis. Also, SRIH-14 increases the percentage of immature thymocytes preceding the DPTCRαβlow cells (DNTCRαβ-/low, DPTCRαβ-, SPCD8TCRαβ-/low and SPCD4TCRαβ-/low), decreases the percentages of DPTCRαβlow and DPTCRαβhi cells, while the relative proportion of CD4+/CD8+TCRαβhi cells remained unaltered. In young adult rats, SRIH-14 does not lead to changes in relative thymus weight, although decreases the thymic cortex cellularity and volume. In addition, decreases the percentage of DPTCRαβ-/hi cells and increases the percentages of cells within DNTCRαβhi and both SP subpopulations, but much more of the CD8+TCRαβhi subset. These results suggest that the effects of SRIH-14 on the thymus and thymocytes subpopulations are age-dependent.Sa obzirom da literaturni podaci ukazuju da somatostatin ima uticaja na funkciju timusa, kao i da se tokom postnatalnog života menja nivo somatostatina i ekspresija njegovih receptora u timusu, cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita da li SRIH- 14 davan intracerebroventrikularno u prepubertalnih i mladih odraslih pacova, dovodi do različitih promena u zonama timusa i profilu timocitnih subsetova. Mužjacima pacova AO soja, starim 4 i 10 nedelja, ugrađene su kanile u treću moždanu komoru i oni su tretirani somatostatinom, ukupno tri doze, ubrizgane svakog drugog dana. U prepubertalnih pacova tretman somatostatinom dovodi do smanjenja relativne mase i zapremine timusa, kao i zapremine timusnih zona, naročito dubokog korteksa, što je bila posledica gubitka timocita apoptozom. Takođe, SRIH-14 je doveo do povećanja procenta timocita nezrelog fenotipa (DNTCRαβ-/low, DPTCRαβ-, SPCD8TCRαβ-/low i SPCD4TCRαβ-/low) prekusora DPTCRαβlow subpopulacije, smanjenja procenta DPTCRαβlow i DPTCRαβhi subsetova, dok je relativni odnos najzrelijih CD4TCRαβhi i CD8TCRαβhi timocita ostao neizmenjen. U mladih adulta primena somatostatina, iako dovodi do smanjena zapremine i celularosti korteksa ne dovodi do promena u relativnoj masi timusa. Procenat DPTCRαβ-/hi timocita je bio smanjen, dok je procentualno učešće DNTCRαβhi timocita i obe jednostruko pozitivne subpopulacije (CD4TCRαβhi i CD8TCRαβhi, više CD8TCRαβhi) u ukupnom broju timocita bilo povećano. Navedeni rezultati ukazuju da SRIH-14 različito utiče na morfologiju timusa i na subpopulacije timocita pacova u zavisnosti od uzrasta tretiranih životinja

    Digestibilnost alergoida polena pelina u simuliranim uslovima gastrointestinalnog trakta

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    Chemically modified allergens (allergoids) have found use in both traditional and novel forms of immunotherapy of allergic disorders. Novel forms of immunotherapy include local allergen delivery, via the gastrointestinal tract. This study conveys the gastrointestinal stability of three types of mugwort pollen allergoids under simulated conditions of the gut. Allergoids of the pollen extract of Artemisia vulgaris were obtained by means of potassium cyanate, succinic and maleic anhydride. Gastrointestinal tract conditions (saliva, and gastric fluid) were simulated in accordance with the EU Pharmacopoeia. The biochemical and immunochemical properties of the derivatives following exposure to different conditions were monitored by determining the number of residual amino groups with 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid, SDS PAGE, immunoblotting and inhibition of mugwort-specific IgE. Exposure to saliva fluid for 2 min did not influence the biochemical and immunochemical properties of the derivatives. In the very acidic conditions of the simulated gastric fluid, the degree of demaleylation and desuccinylation, even after 4 h exposure, was low, ranging from 10 to 30 %. The digestion patterns with pepsin proceeded rapidly in both the unmodified and modified samples. In all four cases, a highly resistant IgE-binding protein the Mwof which was about 28-35 kD, was present. Within the physiological conditions, no new IgE binding epitopes were revealed, as demonstrated by immunoblot and CAP inhibition of the mugwort specific IgE binding. An important conclusion of this study is the stability of the modified derivatives in the gastrointestinal tract of patients, within physiological conditions. The means that they are suitable for use in much higher concentrations in local forms of immunotherapy than unmodified ones.U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja stabilnosti tri tipa alergoida polena pelina u simuliranom želudačnom soku. Koristeći kalijum-cijanat anhidrid ćilibarne i anhidrid maleinske kiseline, napravljeni su alergoidi polena pelina (Artemisia vulgaris). Saliva i želudačni sok su simulirani na osnovu evropske farmakopeje. Biohemijske i imunohemijske osobine derivata posle izlaganja različitim uslovima, praćene su: određivanjem broja slobodnih amino grupa u reakciji sa TNBS, SDS PAG elektroforezom, imunoblotom i određivanjem pelin-specifičnog imunoglobulina E (IgE). Izlaganje salivi u trajanju od 2 minuta ne utiče na biohemijske i imunohemijske osobine derivata. U kiseloj sredini želudačnog soka ne dolazi do značajnog demaleilovawa i desukcinilovanja. Čak i posle četvoročasovnog izlaganja, taj procenat je u opsegu 10-30 %. Alergoidi pelina se trenutno digestuju pepsinom, sa izuzetkom visoko rezistentne proteinske trake molekulske mase 28-35 kD, koja odgovara važnom IgE-vezujućem proteinu polena pelina. Imunoblotom i CAP-inhibicijom je pokazano da, u okviru fizioloških uslova, ne dolazi do stvaranja novih IgE-vezujućih epitopa. Hemijska stabilnost modifikovanih derivata u simuliranim uslovima želudačnog soka omogućuje da se tokom imunoterapije mogu primenjivati veće doze alergoida nego nemodifikovanog ekstrakta polena pelina

    Changes in the thymus of peripubertal rats induced by centrally applied somatostatin-28

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of centrally applied somatostatin- 28 on morphometric characteristics of the thymus, the thymocyte subpopulations, as well as, on apoptosis and phases of cell cycle in thymocytes. For this purpose, peripubertal male rats were cannulated intracerebroventriculary and treated with repeated, nanomolar concentrations of somatostatin- 28 ( experimental group) or saline ( control group). Animals were sacrificed and their thymuses were used for the analysis of thymocyte subpopulations, cell cycle and apoptosis by flow cytometry and for the evaluation of morphometric parameters by stereological analysis. Our results showed that somatostatin- 28 caused decrease of the thymic mass and volume, as well as total thymocytes number. Stereological analysis revealed volume decrease of thymic cortex and medulla accompanied with cellularity decrease. Somatostatin in the deeper cortex decreased the number of thymocytes, per volume unit, while in outer cortex raised their number. A significant increase in the percentage of double-negative and both single-positive thymocyte subpopulations, in parallel with a diminished percentage of double- positive cells was found. The cellularity of double- positive and single-positive thymocyte subpopulations was decreased. Somatostatin-28 treatment augmented the percentage of apoptotic cells, while the percentage of the cells represented in phases of cell cycle was reduced. These results suggest that somatostatin- 28 induce thymus hypotrophy as result of decreasing cortex and medulla volume and cellularity. Changes in the percentage and cellularity of thymocyte subpopulations and numerical density of thymocytes in outer and deeper cortex, indicate that somatostatin- 28 evoked disturbance in transition of double- negative to double- positive thymocytes

    The effects of chronic stress on thymus innervation in the adult rat

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    Various stressors induce changes in the immune system. However, it has not yet been analyzed how stressors affect thymus innervation. To examine whether chronic stress alters the morphology of the thymus by changing the nerve components of the thymus, adult mate rats, 9-weeks old, were exposed to forced swimming during 21 successive days. The animals were sacrificed by decapitation after the last session and their thymuses were used for analysis of (i) the thymus compartments, (ii) distribution patterns of monoamine-containing nerve profiles and (iii) distribution patterns of acetylcholinesterase (AChE)-containing nerve profiles. Our results show that chronic stress in rats reduces the volume of both thymus cortex and medulla, numbers of thymocytes in the deep cortex and medulla and the density of fluorescent nerve profiles, whereas it increases density of fluorescent cells. The distribution patterns of nerve profiles containing monoamine and AChE were not affected. These changes indicate that chronic stress affects thymus development and T cell maturation by altering the sympathetic nerve component. (c) 2004 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved

    Somatostatin modulates T cells development in adult rat thymus

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    It is well known that somatostatin modulates thymic functions, such as binding to receptors. In order to elucidate the influence of somatostatin on the thymus architecture and the T cells maturation, young adult male rats were treated with somatostatin-28. The results showed that somatostatin-28 decreased thymus weight and cellularity, probably due to alterations in the thymic morphometric parameters. Our results also demonstrated that SRIH treatment reduces number of cells with undetectable alpha beta TCR and cells with low expression of alpha beta TCR, while the number of TCR alpha beta(hi) cells remains approximately the same as the values obtained from the control rats. Besides, in the least mature thymocytes (DNTCR TCR alpha beta(-)) and among the most mature the SPCD4 TCR alpha beta(hi) subset remained unaltered, while SPCD8 TCR alpha beta(hi) decreased. At last, it should be noted that SRIH treatment increases DN thymocytes subsets expressing TCR alpha beta(low/hi) (TCR alpha beta(+)). These results suggest that somatostatin-28 induces reshaping of T cells maturation and, at least partly, contributes to thymic weight loss, through the modulation of the complex neuroendocrine-immune network. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Changes in thymus size, cellularity and relation between thymocyte subpopulations in young adult rats induced by Somatostatin-14

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    The role of somatostatin on inhibition of both normal and tumor cell cycle, secretion of endocrine and exocrine cells, as well as induction apoptosis is well documented. However, its effect on T cell development and thymic structure is not fully clarified. In order to investigate the influence of somatostatin in vivo on the thymus structure and T cell development, the young adult Albino Oxford male rats were intracerebroventriculary treated with somatostatin-14. We examined the thymus compartments and its cellularity, through assessment of morphometric parameters by stereological method, and the relation between thymocytes subpopulations, over expression of CD4, CD8 and T-cell receptor (TCR) alpha beta by flow cytometry. Additionally, we also determined the body and thymus weight of the rats, during the first three months of life, to define the time of SRIH-14 application. A decrease of relative thymus weight from the fourth weeks of postnatal life, and an unchanged relative thymus weight obtained in treated group indicates that SRIH-14 in young adult rats inhibits growth of whole organism, not only thymus. The changes in the absolute number and numerical density of cortical thymocytes indicate that SRIH-14 alters the true lymphoid tissue. SRIH-14 changes relation between thymocyte subsets, increase number of CD4(-)CD8(-)TCR alpha beta(-) and CD4(-)CD8(+)TCR alpha beta(hi) phi thymocyte subsets as well as the CD4(-)CD8(-)TCR alpha beta(low/hi) thymocytes, while decrease number of CD4+CD8+ TCR alpha beta(low/hi) thymocyte subsets. These results indicate that somatostatin-14 is Dot involved in the control of the physiologic involution of the thymus, although induces thymic weight loss through the reduction of true lymphoid tissue. In addition, changes in frequency of thymocyte subpopulations, especially immature cells, indicate that SRIH-14 modulates thymocytes development and maturation. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Somatostatin-14 alters the thymus size and relation among the thymocyte subpopulations in peripubertal rats

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    It is well known that somatostatin exerts a wide range of effects in the body, and acts as an antocrine or paracrine factor in the thymus. However, it has not been investigated yet whether somatostatin alters the thymus size and relation among the thymocyte subpopulations in the peripubertal rats. For this purpose, the peripubertal AO male rats were cannulated intracerebroventriculary and treated with repeated, low doses of somatostatin-14 (experimental group) or saline (control group). Twenty-four hours after the last treatment, we removed and prepared the thymuses for determination of thymocyte subpopulations by flow cytometry. After five days, animals were sacrificed and their thymuses taken for morphometrical analysis by stereological methods. We noticed that somatostatin-14 decreased volumes of thymus cortex and medulla, total number of thymocytes, number of thymocytes in the cortex and medulla and numerical density of thymocytes in deeper cortex. As a consequence of these changes, thymus size was also diminished. The phenotypic analysis of thymocyte subpopulations showed that somatostatin-14 decreased the percentage of CD4(+)CD8(+) cells with low level of TCRalphabeta expression, positively selected CD4(+)CD8(+)TCRalphabeta(high) cells and the most mature CD4(-)CD8(+)TCRalphabeta(high) cells, while the percentage of CD4(+)CD8(-)TCRalphabeta(high) thymocytes was slightly increased. Somatostatin-14 increased the relative proportion of the least mature CD4(-)CD8(-)TCRalphabeta(-/low), CD4(+)CD8(+)TCRalphabeta(-) cells and both of TCRalphabeta(-/low) single positive subpopulations. These results show that centrally applied somatostatin-14, induces hypotrophy of the thymus in peripubertal rats by changing the volumes and cellularities of the thymic compartments. Additionally, increased number of the least mature thymocytes and a deficiency of double positive cells indicate the involvement of somatostatin in the modulation of T cells maturation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved