28 research outputs found


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    Association for Promotion of Holistic Approach to Environment in cooperation with Balkan Environmental Association, University of Zagreb Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and Sisak-Moslavina County have organized the second International Conference ā€žThe Holistic Approach to Environmentā€. Due to the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and continuous earth tremors in Sisak area, conference was taking place in online surrounding via Microsoft Teams interactive platform on May 28th, 2021. Through online presentations and online poster section 77 research papers (scientific, professional and review papers) have been presented by authors from 10 different countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, France, India, Poland, Serbia and Slovenia). Before being presented at the conference, all the papers went through review procedure which was done by 139 reviewers from 13 countries. All the research papers have been collected in a ā€œProceedings bookā€ that is in electronical format (pdf) and is shared with participants (ISSN 2623-677X)

    The effectiveness of novel chlorine dioxide in drinking water disinfection

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    The presence of E. coli in drinking water is not very common, however drinking water polluted with E. coli can lead to infection and could cause serious illness. Water contamination can lead to adverse health effects, including gastrointestinal illness, reproductive problems, and neurological disorders. More than 200 diseases are derived from polluted water. The main objective of present research was to evaluate the effectiveness of novel chlorine dioxide for the inactivation of E. coli in drinking water. Chlorine dioxide is made of two compounds: liquid sodium chlorite and solid sodium-peroxodisulphate Ā»in situĀ«. Chlorine dioxide composition is in accordance with water treatment regulation [1]. In this experiment, different concentrations of chlorine dioxide were added at different temperatures in order to determine the optimal conditions for E. coli removal from drinking water. Results showed that optimal dose is 0.2 mg/L of chlorine dioxide at room temperature, while the same dose was effective at increased temperatures at 30 Ā°C and 40 Ā°C. The contact time was less than 1 min


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    Current management of agro-food waste in Croatia represents a specific environmental problem due to inadequate and uncontrolled management practices of a large portion of this waste stream which can lead to pollution of air, soil, surface and ground water. Application of integrated technologies in agro-food sector has significant potential in terms of waste minimization, energy saving and greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission reduction. Processes development tends to zero emissions of waste. Agro-food waste can be used for production of biofuel through various fermentation processes. Optimization of integrated process systems leads to more effective utilization of resources and waste in order to accomplish sustainable process. The EU targets, 20% of energy generation from renewable sources and 20% reduction of GHG emissions by 2020, can be fulfilled by the implementation of new environmentally-friendly technologies to produce energy and treat waste in a less costly way, in terms of energy consumption and environmental impact.SadaÅ”nje gospodarenje otpadom iz poljoprivredno-prehrambenog sektora u Hrvatskoj predstavlja specifičan problem za okoliÅ” zbog neodgovarajućeg i nekontroliranog gospodarenja velikim dijelom tog otpada, Å”to može uzrokovati onečiŔćenje zraka, tla, povrÅ”inskih i podzemnih voda. Primjena integriranih tehnologija u poljoprivredno-prehrambenom sektoru ima veliki potencijal u smislu smanjenja otpada, uÅ”tede energije i smanjenja emisije stakleničkih plinova. Razvojem procesa teži se nultim emisijama otpada. Poljoprivredno-prehrambeni otpad može se koristiti za proizvodnju biogoriva pomoću različitih procesa fermentacije. Optimizacija integriranog procesnog sustava vodi efikasnijem koriÅ”tenju sirovina i otpada, u svrhu ostvarivanja održivog procesa. Ciljevi EU, 20% energije proizvedene iz obnovljivih izvora i 20% smanjenja emisije stakleničkih plinova do 2020., mogu se ispuniti primjenom novih, ekoloÅ”ki prihvatljivih tehnologija za proizvodnju energije i obradu otpada uz manje troÅ”kove, u pogledu potroÅ”nje energije i utjecaja na okoliÅ”


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    Large quantities of leachate are generated from the water release during the decomposition of the biodegradable waste. The composition of compost leachate is very complex and its treatment is necessary before releasing into the environment. The possibilities of treating compost leachate by electrocoagulation have been extensively studied. The scope of this work was to investigate applicability of the first order kinetic model for degradation of metal and organic compounds from compost leachate by electrocoagulation process. Experimental results showed 75 % removal efficiency of Cu2+ and 65 % of Zn2+, while chemical oxygen demand was reduced by 36 %. According to obtained kinetic parameters, simulation of metal removal efficiency was performed in batch reactor. This way optimal electrocoagulation time which is needed for 95 % efficiency of metal removal was determined at 120th min for Zn2+ and 102nd min for Cu2+

    STEM Approach in Assessment of Microplastic Particles in Textile Wastewater

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    Multidisciplinary engineering approach as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) approach to characterize microplastic particles in household and industrial effluents was performed. Particles released during production, use, and disposal of plastic products now pose a significant burden on the environment. In addition to the consumption of energy, water and chemicals, the impact of the washing process is increasingly reflected in the environmental impact of microplastic particles shed from textiles. This review addresses the influences of chemistry through detergent composition, technology through the washing process, engineering aspect through hydrodynamic effects and transport phenomena, and finally the application of advanced mathematical analysis. The multivariate analysis is a selected method or proof of concept for the characterization of the washing effluents considering the particle release. The results of the cluster analysis show the importance of the temperature of 40 Ā°C and 80 Ā°C, the increase of the number of washing cycles and the addition of detergent as key parameters for the release of MP particles