69 research outputs found

    Developmental and behavioral outcomes of uncomplicated monochorionic diamniotic twins born in the third trimester

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    Background: Relatively little is known about the neurodevelopmental and behavioral outcomes of monochorionic diamniotic (MCDA) twin pregnancies where there are no antenatal complications peculiar to monochorionicity or prematurity. Methods: Twenty-two MCDA twins (44 children) with an average age of 4.3 years, and with no antenatal complications detected by 28 weeks of gestation, were recruited from a feto-maternal unit database. Parents completed a battery of neurodevelopmental and behavioral assessment questionnaires. Results: Eighteen children (41%) were identified as having developmental or behavioral concerns, predominantly of mild severity, which in turn were associated with a lower birth weight of medium effect size (Cohen’s d=0.59). Conclusion: MCDA twins delivered in the third trimester with no antenatal monochorionic complications in the first two trimesters appear to be at risk for subtle neurodevelopmental difficulties, associated with a lower birth weight. Ongoing developmental surveillance of these children during preschool-age is indicated for early identification and intervention


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    Ovaj rad se bavi strojnim učenjem i njegovim korištenjem u svrhu izrade aplikacije za kolorizaciju crno-bijelih slika. Kao pomoć pri izradi aplikacije su se koristile otvorene biblioteke za strojno učenje. U prvom dijelu rada je objašnjeno strojno učenje, njegova podjela i njegovi glavni algoritmi. Također su objašnjene i međusobno uspoređene neke od najpopularnijih otvorenih biblioteka za strojno učenje. U drugom dijelu je objašnjen rad izrađene aplikacije, te algoritma strojnog učenja koji se je koristio pri njezinoj izradi. Za kraj su prikazani rezultati aplikacije zajedno s evaluacijom implementiranog modela

    "Are you available for the next 18 months?" - methods and aims of a longitudinal birth cohort study investigating a universal developmental surveillance program: the ‘Watch Me Grow’ study

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    BACKGROUND Universal developmental surveillance programs aimed at early identification and targeted early intervention significantly improve short- and long-term outcomes in children at risk of developmental disorders. However, a significant challenge remains in providing sufficiently rigorous research and robust evidence to inform policy and service delivery. This paper describes the methods of the 'Watch Me Grow' study that aims to maximise accurate early detection of children with developmental disorders through a partnership formed between policy makers, service providers and researchers. METHODS/DESIGN A mixed methods study design was developed consisting of: (1) a qualitative study of parents and health service providers to investigate barriers and enablers of developmental surveillance; (2) recruitment of a birth cohort and their longitudinal follow-up to 18 months of age to: a) assess risk factors for not accessing existing developmental surveillance programs and b) estimate the prevalence of children identified with developmental risk; (3) comparison of surveillance outcomes with a reference standard at 18 months of age to assess the diagnostic test accuracy of existing and alternative developmental surveillance tools; and (4) comparison of developmental surveillance models to inform policy recommendations. Data linkage will be used to determine the uptake and representativeness of the study participant group versus non-participants. DISCUSSION The Watch Me Grow study is expected to provide a collaborative opportunity to enhance universal developmental surveillance for early accurate identification of developmental risk. This will also provide quality evidence about identification of developmental risk and access to services to be embedded in existing practice with linkages to policy development.This study (APP 1013690) was funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia, through a partnership grant with the NSW Kids and Families (NSW Health) and in-kind support from University of New South Wales, La Trobe University, South Western Sydney Local Health District and Sydney Children’s Hospital Network

    Outcomes of a Comparison Study into a Group-Based Infant Parenting Programme

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    This paper reports on a quantitative evaluation of a group-based programme designed to promote parent-infant attachment and child development. Whilst group-based parenting programmes are recommended for treating and preventing conduct disorder in older children, there is, as yet, little evidence as to whether they have a positive effect on very young children and their carers’. Recent UK Government initiatives to support families and improve parenting skills in the first 2 years of children’s lives have increased the demand for the delivery and evaluation of community-based programmes. Eighty mother–child dyads were recruited from nine areas to intervention (n = 54) and control condition (n = 26). Baseline measures were collected in the children’s home when the infants were on average 3-months-old, and follow-up measures were collected 6 months post-baseline (N = 63). Mothers’ positive play behaviours were independently coded from video recordings taken in the home. Other measures included self-reported maternal confidence and mental well-being, assessed infant development and home environment. Socio-demographic data was collected once at baseline. After controlling for baseline scores, control mothers were observed to be significantly less sensitive during play with their baby at the 6 months follow-up with a significant increase in confidence. No differences were found between the groups on the other measures. This paper provides limited evidence for the effectiveness of the Incredible Years Parents and Babies group-based programme delivered in the first year of life. Further evaluation, particularly with parents at increased risk of poorer outcomes is needed to confirm and extend these results

    The most frequent irregularities regarding municipal debt and the comparison with debt problems in foreign municipalities

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    Zadolževanje slovenskih, pa tudi tujih, občin je urejeno z državnimi predpisi, zakoni in pravilniki. Poleg zakonodaje s področja zadolževanja lokalnih skupnosti v Sloveniji, smo v nalogi predstavili temeljno zakonodajo zadolževanja lokalnih skupnosti v Republiki Hrvaški, Avstriji, Turčiji in Romuniji. Zakonodaja poleg najvišjega možnega obsega zadolževanja opredeljuje tudi dovoljene vrste in postopke zadolževanja lokalnih skupnosti. Osredotočili smo se na lokalne skupnosti v Sloveniji in na praktičnih primerih prikazali napoved zadolževanja občine v odloku o proračunu, izkazovanje zadolževanja na koncu leta v zaključnem računu proračuna, bilanci stanja ter premoženjski bilanci občine. Občine morajo o vsakršni spremembi, ki se nanaša na zadolževanje, le-to poročati na Ministrstvo za finance RS, kar smo na primeru iz aplikacije »e-Dolg občine« v nalogi tudi prikazali. Najpogostejše nepravilnosti in pomanjkljivosti pri zadolževanju občin se pojavljajo pri načrtovanju zadolževanja v proračunu in kasneje pri izvrševanju proračuna v delu, ki izkazuje račun financiranja. Proučevane občine so presegale dovoljen obseg dolgoročnega in kratkoročnega zadolževanja, se zadolževale brez soglasja pristojnega ministrstva ter izdajala poroštvene izjave tudi tistim pravnim osebam, ki jim jih glede na določila predpisov ne bi smele izdati. Nepravilnosti se pojavljajo tudi pri napačnem izkazovanju zadolženosti v poslovnih knjigah občine. Podobne nepravilnosti pri zadolževanju občin smo zaznali tudi pri tujih občinah, ki smo jih zajeli v raziskavo. O problematiki zadolževanja slovenskih občin smo izvedli raziskavo, v katero je bilo zajetih 74 % vseh slovenskih občin. Proučevali smo vrste zadolženosti slovenskih občin, obročno odplačilo obveznosti oz. blagovne kredite, likvidnostno zadolževanje, načrtovanje in realizacijo zadolževanja ter odplačila dolga, pa tudi upoštevanje priporočil revizorjev v zvezi z zadolževanjem občin. Temeljni namen naloge je predstavitev nepravilnosti in pomanjkljivosti pri zadolževanju občin po posameznih vrstah zadolževanja ter na podlagi tega predstaviti priporočila za odpravo teh nepravilnost v prihodnje.The borrowing of Slovenian and foreign municipalities is regulated with national regulations, laws and rules. In addition to the legislation from the field of borrowing of local communities in Slovenia, the thesis presents the fundamental law from the field of borrowing of local communities in the Republic of Croatia, Austria, Turkey and Romania. In addition to the highest possible level of borrowing, the legislation also defines the allowed borrowing types and procedures in the case of local communities. We have focused on local communities in Slovenia and presented the forecast of borrowing of the municipality in the budget decree, based on practical cases, the reporting of borrowing at the end of the year within the final budget calculation, the balance sheet and assets sheet of the municipality. The municipalities have to report each change regarding borrowing to the Ministry of finance of the Republic of Slovenia, which we have presented in thesis in the case of the application “e-Dolg občine”. The most common irregularities and deficiencies in borrowing of municipalities are occurring in the planning of borrowing within the budget and later during the realization of the budget in the part, which shows the financial calculation. The studied municipalities have exceeded the allowed amount of long- and short-term borrowinghave been borrowing without the approval of the competent ministry and also issued affidavits to those legal persons, who were not eligible to receive them, according to the regulations. Irregularities are also appearing in the case of false reporting about borrowing within municipal books. Similar irregularities in borrowing are also noticeable in foreign municipalities, included in the research. We have carried out a research about borrowing of Slovenian municipalities, which included 74% of all Slovenian municipalities. We have studied the types of borrowing of Slovenian municipalities, the payment of the debt in instalments or credits for goods, liquidity borrowing, the planning and realization of borrowing and the payment of the debt. We have also studied the consideration of recommendations of auditors regarding the borrowing of municipalities. The fundamental purpose of the thesis is to present irregularities and deficiencies in borrowing of municipalities by individual types of borrowing and based on this to present the recommendations to remedy these irregularities in the future

    Automation of heating system with warm air and wood stove

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    Tema diplomskega dela Avtomatizacija ogrevalnega sistema s toplim zrakom in pečjo na drva se na prvi pogled morda ne zdi pomembna, pa vendar je tudi na področju tako preprostega načina ogrevanja, kot je peč na drva oziroma toplozračni kotel na polena, z avtomatizacijo moč doseči večji nadzor, daljinsko vodenje in upravljanje. V svojem diplomskem delu sem prikazal, na kakšen način smo obstoječi toplozračni kotel na polena, ki ogreva zrak neposredno iz prostora, avtomatizirali. Z avtomatizacijo smo dosegli lažje upravljanje peči, čim daljše vzdrževanje temperature peči, prihranek pri času in porabi polen ter daljinsko spremljanje stanja peči. Glavni del diplomskega dela tako opisuje uporabljene komponente, potrebne za izdelavo avtomatizacije peči, električni načrt, program za krmilnik Unitronics Samba, izdelavo elektro omarice, uporabljene senzorje na peči in delovanje avtomatizacije.The theme of the diploma thesis The automation of the heating system with warm air and the wood stove, may seem not to be important. But with the automation of the simple way of heating, such as a wood stove or a hot-air boiler, we can reach greater control, remote control and operation. In my diploma thesis I show how we automatize our existing warm air stove, which heats the air directly from the room. With automation, we achieved easier operation of the wood stove, the longer maintenance of the stove temperature, time saving and consumption of firewood and remote monitoring of the condition of the stove. The main part of the diploma thesis describes the components used for the stove automation, the electric plan, the program for the Unitronics Samba controller, the electric cabinet, the used stove sensors and the operation of automatization