35 research outputs found

    Influence of fertilization on growth of Thuja occidentalis \u27Smaragd\u27

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    Danas je još uvijek, nažalost, analiza tla u rasadniku prije sadnje određene ukrasne vrste rijetkost. Isto tako nije uobičajeno da se preporuke za gnojidbu temelje na konkretnim rezultatima stanja hraniva u tlu. Stoga je u rasadniku postavljen pokus na vrsti Thuja occidentalis \u27Smaragd\u27, kako bi se korištenjem dvije razine kompleksnog mineralnog gnojiva (NPK 10-20-30) ispitao utjecaj gnojidbe na rast i razvoj biljaka, uspoređujući ih s negnojenom varijantom. Provedena istraživanja su pokazala da je gnojidba mineralnim gnojivom neovisno o količini utjecala je na porast visine biljaka tuje u odnosu na negnojenu varijantu. Gnojidba od 400 kg/ha NPK 10-20-30 utjecala je na porast visine biljaka za 20,8 cm u jednoj kalendarskoj godini, odnosno za razdoblje pokusa 38,62 cm. Gnojidba od 800 kg/ha NPK 10-20-30 utjecala je na porast visine biljaka za 21,51 cm u jednoj kalendarskoj godini, odnosno za razdoblje pokusa 40,73 cm. Na temelju kemijskih analiza tla utvrđeno je da u tlu nije došlo do značajnih promjena.Even today, the soil used in nursery gardens is still rarely analyzed prior to planting individual horticultural plants. It is not common either, to base fertilization recommendations on actual results of soil analyses. Therefore, an experiment was set up in the nursery garden using the species Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’ (Arbor Vitae) with the objective to check the influence of fertilization to plants growth, comparing fertilized varieties with the non-fertilized one. During the experiment two varieties of a complex fertilizer (NPK 10-20-30) were used. Research results have shown that fertilization using fertilizers, disregarding the quantity used, improved the growth of Arbor Vitae plants in comparison with their non –fertilized variety. Use of 400 kg/ha of NPK 10-20-30 caused the plants to grow 20,8 cm during one calendar year, i.e. 38,62 cm during the experimentation period. Use of 800 kg/ha of NPK 10-20-30 caused the plants to grow 21,51 cm during one calendar year, i.e.40,73 cm during the experimentate period. Chemical analyses showed no significant changes in the soil

    Influence of harvest times on the fatty - acids composition of extra virgin olive oil of \u27Buća\u27 and \u27Leccino\u27 varieties in Istria

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    Provedena istraživanja imala su za cilj utvrditi utjecaj roka berbe na masno-kiselinski sastav ekstra djevičanskih maslinovih ulja sorte ‘Leccino’ i ‘Buža ‘ koje su uzgajane na dva različita lokaliteta, na području Istre. Jedan od maslinika smješten je uz obalu mora (Barbariga), a drugi na nadmorskoj visini od 250 m (Veli Mlun, Pračana–Buzet). Berba je obavljena u dva karakteristična roka s ujednačenim stupnjem zrelosti plodova na obje lokacije. Rezultati kemijskih analiza ukazuju na značajne razlike u udjelu palmitinske, stearinske, oleinske, linolne, linolenske, gadoleinske i arahinske kiseline u ekstra djevičanskim uljima, ovisno o roku berbe. Pod utjecajem ranijeg roka berbe bile su niže vrijednosti sadržaja: palmitinske kiseline u uljima obiju sorti s hladnijeg područja, stearinske i arahinske kiselina u uljima sorte ‘Leccino’ s toplijeg područja, oleinske kiseline u uljima obiju sorti iz toplijeg područja, linolne kiseline u uljima sorte Buža iz hladnijeg područja te linolne, linolenske i gadoleinske kiseline u uljima sorte ‘Leccino’ s obje lokacije. Pod utjecajem kasnijeg roka berbe bile su niže vrijednosti sadržaja: palmitinske kiseline u uljima sorte ‘Leccino’ s toplijeg područja, oleinske kiseline u uljima obiju sorti iz hladnijeg područja, linolne i arahinske kiseline u uljima sorte ‘Buža’ iz toplijeg područja te linolenske i gadoleinske kiseline u uljima sorte ‘Buža’ s oba područja.The conducted researches had a goal to determine the effect of harvesting period on fatty- acid content of extra virgin olive oils of “Leccino” and “Buža” sorts, which were cultivated in the area of Istria, on two different localities. One of olive- groves was located by the sea (Barbariga) and the other one on 250 m of height above sea- level (Veli Mlun, Pračana- Buzet). Harvesting was performed in two characteristic periods when the degree of maturity of fruits on both localities was about equal. Chemical analyses’ results indicate significant differences in the content of: palmitinic, stearinic, oleinic, linoleic, linolenic, gadoleinic and arachidonic acid in extra virgin oil, depending on the harvesting period. Under the influence of an earlier harvesting period there were lower values in the content of: palmitinic acid in oils of both sorts from the colder area, stearinic and arachidonic acid in oils of “Leccino” sort from the warmer area, oleinic acid in oils of both sorts from the warmer area, linoleic acid in oils of “Buža” sort from the colder area and linoleic, linolenic and gadoleinic acids in oils of “Leccino” sort from both areas. Under the influence of a later harvesting period there were lower values in the content of: palmitinic acid in oils of “Leccino” sort from the warmer area, linoleic and arachidonic acids in oils of “Buža” sort from the warmer area and linolenic and gadoleinic acids in oils of “Buža” sort from both areas

    The effect of olive-grove location on fatty - acid content of extra virgin olive oil of Buža and Leccino sorts in Istria

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    Provedena istraživanja imala su za cilj utvrditi utjecaj lokacije maslinika na masnokiselinski sastav ekstra djevičanskih maslinovih ulja. Masno-kiselinski sastav određivan je u ekstra djevičanskim uljima dobivenim od sorti „Leccino“ i „Buža“ koje su uzgajane na dva različita lokaliteta na području Istre. Jedan od maslinika smješten je uz obalu mora (Barbariga), a drugi na nadmorskoj visini od 250 m (Veli Mlun, Pračana–Buzet). Mjerenjem temperatura u fazi zrenja ploda utvrđeno je da je lokacija Barbariga primila višu sumu aktivnih temperatura za sve istraživane pragove od 7.0, 10.0, 12.5 i 15.0ºC. Rezultati kemijskih analiza ukazuju na značajne razlike u udjelu palmitinske, palmitoleinske, oleinske, stearinske, linolne, linolenske, arahinske te gadoleinske kiseline u ekstra djevičanskim uljima, ovisno o lokalitetu i sorti. Značajno veće količine oleinske, linolne i linolenske kiseline utvrđene su u uljima sorte ‘Leccino’ u hladnijem području, a kod sorte ‘Buža’ u toplijem području. Veće količine palmitinske i manje količine stearinske i arahinske kiseline utvrđene su u uljima obiju sorti u toplijem području, dok je sadržaj gadoleinske kiseline u ulju sorte ‘Buža’ bio veći u toplijem području.The conducted researches had a goal to determine the effect of olive- grove location on fatty- acid content of extra virgin olive oils. The fatty- acid content was determined in extra virgin olive oils of “Leccino” and “Buža” sorts, which were cultivated in the area of Istria, on two different localities. One of olive- groves was located by the sea (Barbariga) and the other one on 250 m of height above sea- level (Veli Mlun, Pračana- Buzet). By measuring temperatures in the phase of fruit maturing it was determined that Barbariga location received a higher sum of active temperatures for all the temperature grades from 7.0, 10.0, 12.5 and 15.0 ºC. Chemical analyses’ results indicate significant differences in the content of: palmitinic, palmitolenic, oleinic, stearinic, linoleic, linolenic, gadoleinic and arachidonic acids in extra virgin oils, depending on the locality and the sort. Significantly higher quantities of oleinic, linoleic and linolenic acids were determined in oils of “Leccino” sort in the colder area and of “Buža” sort in the warmer area. Higher quantities of palmitinic and lower quantities of stearinic and arachidonic acids were determined in oils of both sorts in the warmer area, whereas the content of gadoleinic acid in the oil of “Buža” sort was higher in the warmer area

    The effect of olive-grove location on fatty - acid content of extra virgin olive oil of Buža and Leccino sorts in Istria

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    Provedena istraživanja imala su za cilj utvrditi utjecaj lokacije maslinika na masnokiselinski sastav ekstra djevičanskih maslinovih ulja. Masno-kiselinski sastav određivan je u ekstra djevičanskim uljima dobivenim od sorti „Leccino“ i „Buža“ koje su uzgajane na dva različita lokaliteta na području Istre. Jedan od maslinika smješten je uz obalu mora (Barbariga), a drugi na nadmorskoj visini od 250 m (Veli Mlun, Pračana–Buzet). Mjerenjem temperatura u fazi zrenja ploda utvrđeno je da je lokacija Barbariga primila višu sumu aktivnih temperatura za sve istraživane pragove od 7.0, 10.0, 12.5 i 15.0ºC. Rezultati kemijskih analiza ukazuju na značajne razlike u udjelu palmitinske, palmitoleinske, oleinske, stearinske, linolne, linolenske, arahinske te gadoleinske kiseline u ekstra djevičanskim uljima, ovisno o lokalitetu i sorti. Značajno veće količine oleinske, linolne i linolenske kiseline utvrđene su u uljima sorte ‘Leccino’ u hladnijem području, a kod sorte ‘Buža’ u toplijem području. Veće količine palmitinske i manje količine stearinske i arahinske kiseline utvrđene su u uljima obiju sorti u toplijem području, dok je sadržaj gadoleinske kiseline u ulju sorte ‘Buža’ bio veći u toplijem području.The conducted researches had a goal to determine the effect of olive- grove location on fatty- acid content of extra virgin olive oils. The fatty- acid content was determined in extra virgin olive oils of “Leccino” and “Buža” sorts, which were cultivated in the area of Istria, on two different localities. One of olive- groves was located by the sea (Barbariga) and the other one on 250 m of height above sea- level (Veli Mlun, Pračana- Buzet). By measuring temperatures in the phase of fruit maturing it was determined that Barbariga location received a higher sum of active temperatures for all the temperature grades from 7.0, 10.0, 12.5 and 15.0 ºC. Chemical analyses’ results indicate significant differences in the content of: palmitinic, palmitolenic, oleinic, stearinic, linoleic, linolenic, gadoleinic and arachidonic acids in extra virgin oils, depending on the locality and the sort. Significantly higher quantities of oleinic, linoleic and linolenic acids were determined in oils of “Leccino” sort in the colder area and of “Buža” sort in the warmer area. Higher quantities of palmitinic and lower quantities of stearinic and arachidonic acids were determined in oils of both sorts in the warmer area, whereas the content of gadoleinic acid in the oil of “Buža” sort was higher in the warmer area

    Influence of Drain Spacing upon the Quantity of Nitrogen Leached

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj razmaka drenova na količinu ispranog dušika, pri standardnoj agrotehnici, u ekološkim uvjetima istočne Slavonije. Poljski pokus postavljen je u razdoblju 1993-1994. godina, na agroekološkoj postaji Kapelna-Donji Miholjac, na amfiglejnom tlu, hidromelioriranom otvorenom kanalskom mrežom i drenskim cijevima razmaka 10, 20 i 40 m, po split-plot metodi u tri ponavljanja. Test kultura bila je ozima pšenica, sorta Marija. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da postoje razlike u koncentraciji nitratnog i amonijskog dušika u tlu, ovisno o razmaku drenova, položaju parcela i vremenu uzorkovanja. Značajno niže koncentracije nitratnog dušika utvrđene su na parcelama iznad drenova u odnosu na parcele izmeðu drenova, neovisno o razmaku drenova. Dušik u drenažnim i podzemnim vodama prisutan je uglavnom u nitratnom obliku. Najveća prosječna koncentracija nitratnog dušika u drenažnoj vodi 25,9 mg NO3-N/l i podzemnoj vodi 16,7 mg NO3-N / l , utvrđena je pri razmaku drenova 10 m, a najniža pri razmaku drenova 40 m. Signifikantno najveća količina ispranog dušika 11,2 kg N/ha utvrđena je pri razmaku drenova 10 m, dok razlike u količini ispranog dušika između razmaka drenova 20 i 40 m nisu bile signifikantne. Relativno male količine ispranog dušika, unatoč visokim koncentracijama nitrata u drenažnoj vodi, rezultat su malog drenažnog isteka u istraživanom razdoblju.The research goal was to determine the influence of drainpipe spacing onthe quantity of nitrogen leached, under standard agricultural practices, in the ecological conditions of eastern Slavonija. The field trial was set up at the agroecological station Kapelna-Donji Miholjac in the period 1993-1994, on amphigley soil, drained through an open channel network and drainpipes spaced 10, 20 and 40 m, according to the split-plot method with three replications. Winter wheat, cultivar Marija, served as test crop. Research results revealed differences in the concentration of nitrate and ammonium nitrogen in soil, depending on drainpipe spacing, plot location and sampling time. Significantly lower concentrations of nitrate nitrogen were recorded on plots overlying drainpipes compared to the plots situated between drainpipes, regardless of drainpipe spacing. Nitrogen in drainage water and groundwater was mainly present in the nitrate form. The highest average concentration of nitrate nitrogen in drainage water of 25.9 mg NO3-N / l and in groundwater of 16.7 mg NO3-N / l were recorded at the drainpipe spacing of 10 m, and the lowest at the drainpipe spacing of 40 m. The significantly highest quantity of leached nitrogen of 11.2 kg N/ha was recorded at the drainpipe spacing of 10 m, whereas differences in the leached nitrogen quantities between drainpipe spacing of 20 and 40 m were not significant. The relatively small quantities of nitrogen leached, despite high nitrate concentrations in drainage water, resulted from the low drainage discharge during the trial period

    Influence of Soil Reaction on Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium Dynamics in Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    Influence of soil reaction on phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium dynamics in grapevine was studied on the variety Sauvignon Blanc in 2007, in the Plešivica wine-growing region. Investigations were conducted on three vitisol subtypes: dystric cambisol (pHKCl 3.73-3.76), pseudogley (pHKCl 4.67-4.69) and rendzina on marl (pHKCl 7.21-7.27). To establish the amount and dynamics of P, K, Ca and Mg in plant material, leaf samples were taken three times during the growing period: at the flowering and veraison stages and at the end of the growing period. At all sampling times, significantly higher leaf contents of P, Ca and Mg were found on alkaline soil compared to acid soils, while differences in K levels were not statistically significant. Differences in P contents may be explained by better solubility and thereby better availability of P from Ca-phosphates compared to Al, Mn and Fe-phosphates in acid soils. In addition, the cation ratio K/(Ca+Mg) that has a significant influence on grape quality, was also determined in leaves. Compared to optimal values (0.30–0.40), the least favourable ratio K/ (Ca+Mg) was recorded at flowering on acid soils (0.38–0.77) and at harvest on calcareous soil (0.12–0.27). Differences in the content of sugar and total acids in must indicate a positive correlation between leaf contents of P, Ca and Mg and sugar content of must, and a negative correlation between leaf contents of P, Ca and Mg and the total acid content of must