1 research outputs found

    Semiotic analysis and representation of Batman image in comic books and movies

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    Bakalaura darba tēma ir ā€žBetmena tēla reprezentācija: komiksu grāmatu un filmu semiotiskā analÄ«zeā€. Darbs sastāv no teorētiskās daļas, kurā tiks apskatÄ«ti nepiecieÅ”amie jēdzieni un teorijas par semiotiku, naratÄ«vu, kinematogrāfiju, varoņiem, grafiskajām novelēm un komiksu grāmatām, metodoloÄ£iskas daļas, kurā tiks aprakstÄ«tas metodes, semiotiskā un diskursa analÄ«ze, un no empÄ«riskās daļas, kurā tiks veikta filmu un komiksu grāmatu un grafisko noveļu analÄ«ze. PētÄ«juma mērÄ·is ir analizēt Betmena tēlu kinofilmās un komiksos, saprast un izdarÄ«t secinājumus par to, kā Betmena tēls un viņa pasaule filmās atŔķīras no komiksiem, kā arÄ« saprast, kādas semiotiskas un diskursa nozÄ«mes var atrast filmās un komiksu grāmatās par Betmenu. Darbs beidzas ar secinājumiem. Atslēgvārdi: Betmens, grafiskā novele, komiksi, diskursa uzbÅ«ves un semiotiskā analÄ«ze.The theme of this bachelor paper is ā€žSemiotic analysis and representation of Batman image in comic books and moviesā€. This research consist of theoretical part, which includes theory and definitions of semiotics, narrative, cinema, hero, comic book, graphic novel, a methodological part, which describes methods of research that are used in this work: a semiotic and discourse analysis and empirical part, which includes semiotic and discourse analysis of the movies and comic books and graphic novels. The goal of this work is to analyze the image of Batman in comic books and movies, as well as to understand how his image from movies is different from his image in comic books and to understand which semiotic and discourse meanings can be found in every comic book or movie about Batman. The conclusions are provided in the end of the work. Keywords: Batman, graphic novel, comic book, discourse buildings tasks, semiotic analysis