2 research outputs found

    Transformational role of the teacher in distance learning

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    Suvremeno druÅ”tvo koje teži gospodarskoj stabilnosti razvoj treba temeljiti prvenstveno na ulaganju u kvalitetu ljudskog potencijala, a time i u sustav obrazovanja. Cjeloživotnim učenjem pojedincima je omogućeno usavrÅ”avanje postojećih i razvoj novih kompetencija. Nastavnici su nositelji promjena, imaju veliku odgovornost za provedbu nastavnog procesa, za odabir pristupa poučavanju, Å”to će u konačnici utjecati na studentova postignuća. Zbog toga je važno ulagati u razvoj nastavničkih kompetencija. Očekuje se da budu spremni prilagoditi se promjenama, da sami budu nositelji promjena i u skladu s time mijenjaju svoje uloge. Upravo je nastava na daljinu tijekom pandemije od nastavnika zahtijevala novu ulogu, stil vodstva te drugačiji pristup poučavanju. O radu tijekom akademske godine 2020./2021. autori su proveli istraživanje među nastavnicima visokoÅ”kolskih ustanova. Cilj je bio pokazati da se u uvjetima nastave na daljinu povećavanjem potreba za primjenom nastavničkih digitalnih kompetencija smanjuju potrebe za primjenom nastavničkih socijalnih kompetencija. Rezultati su u nastavku.The contemporary society striving for economic stability will be based primarily on investing in the quality of human resources, and thus in the educational system. Through lifelong learning, individuals are able to improve the existing and develop new competencies. Teachers are the bearers of change, and the responsibility they assume in the teaching process ā€“ choosing the teaching approach ā€“ is great, and will ultimately affect students; achievement. That is why it is important to invest in the development of teacher competencies. They are expected to adapt to change willingly, to be the bearers of change themselves and to adjust their roles accordingly. It was distance learning during the current pandemic that required teachers to take on a new role, a leadership style and a different approach to teaching. In the academic year of 2020/2021, Zoretić, Čižmek Vujnović and Ilić conducted a survey among teachers at higher education institutions with the aim to show that distance learning increases the need for digital competencies of the teachers, thereby decreasing the need for social competencies

    DIGI4Teach - Handbook

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    One of the important outputs of our DIGI4Teach consortium is this Handbook, which consists of two parts. Part A contains an analysis of the most important descriptive research results conducted within the DIGI4Teach Erasmus+ project regarding the use of digital technology in teaching economic disciplines in partner countries. Part B contains twelve case studies from different areas of economics and business (accounting, finance, marketing, tourism and trade) that were prepared using various digital tools and they can be freely used in classes or other forms of education