346 research outputs found


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    The aim of the paper was to determine the impact of Marijampolė city wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) on the water quality of the Šešupė River. The wastewater and surface water samples were collected from January 2015 until January 2018. The condition of the surface water the Šešupė River condition is assessed 100 meters before the release point and 500 meters after the release point. The results show that the wastewater treatment  is treated efficiently. It has been determined that the values all indicators of wastewater treatment efficiency duration of the study was the same (the function was negative, and the determination coefficients were very low: R2= 0. 03; R2= 0.012; R2= 0.0006 and R2=0.034). The treated wastewater is released from the Marijampolė WWTP into the Šešupe River. The highest concentration according to all examined indicators was in 500 meters after the release of the wastewater. All differences were found to be statistically significant. It shows that, although wastewater is efficiently treated, it has a negative impact on the water quality of the Šešupė River

    Morphological and genetic diversity of European cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos L., Ericaceae) clones in Lithuanian reserves

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    The wild-harvested fruit of Vaccinium oxycoccos (European cranberry) is used medicinally in many European and North American countries; the plant, however, is seldom cultivated. In order to optimize the collection strategy and improve the horticulturally important characters of V. oxycoccos clones, comprehensive investigations of the species are necessary. In the present study we investigated the phenological, morphological and genetic diversity of 29 clones originating from two wild populations growing in two strictly protected Lithuanian reserves, Čepkeliai and Žuvintas. During an ex situ collection at Kaunas Botanical Garden, we observed great phenological variation between the collected V. oxycoccos clones. The following morphological traits most clearly distinguished our study clones: leaf size, berry shape, berry size and fruit colour at full maturity. The genetic variation of V. oxycoccos clones from the two populations was assessed using RAPD and SSR. RAPD analysis conducted with 9 primers resulted in 146 polymorphic loci for the total sample, and SSR analysis with 5 primers revealed 29 alleles for the total sample. A greater degree of polymorphism was demonstrated for the Čepkeliai population than for the Žuvintas population. The study allowed the selection of several clones having promising morphological traits for further testing in the field

    Morphological and genetic diversity of European cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos L., Ericaceae) clones in Lithuanian reserves

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    The wild-harvested fruit of Vaccinium oxycoccos (European cranberry) is used medicinally in many European and North American countries; the plant, however, is seldom cultivated. In order to optimize the collection strategy and improve the horticulturally important characters of V. oxycoccos clones, comprehensive investigations of the species are necessary. In the present study we investigated the phenological, morphological and genetic diversity of 29 clones originating from two wild populations growing in two strictly protected Lithuanian reserves, Čepkeliai and Žuvintas. During an ex situ collection at Kaunas Botanical Garden, we observed great phenological variation between the collected V. oxycoccos clones. The following morphological traits most clearly distinguished our study clones: leaf size, berry shape, berry size and fruit colour at full maturity. The genetic variation of V. oxycoccos clones from the two populations was assessed using RAPD and SSR. RAPD analysis conducted with 9 primers resulted in 146 polymorphic loci for the total sample, and SSR analysis with 5 primers revealed 29 alleles for the total sample. A greater degree of polymorphism was demonstrated for the Čepkeliai population than for the Žuvintas population. The study allowed the selection of several clones having promising morphological traits for further testing in the field

    Berries and Leaves of Actinidia kolomikta (Rupr. & Maxim.) Maxim.: A Source of Phenolic Compounds

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    Berries of Actinidia kolomikta (A. kolomikta) are known for high ascorbic acid content, but the diversity of phenolic compounds has been little studied. The present research aimed to investigate phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in berries and leaves of twelve A. kolomikta cultivars. The UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS technique was used to determine differences among cultivars in the quantitative composition of individual phenolic compounds. Antioxidant activity was determined by DPPH• free radical scavenging and CUPRAC methods. In the present study, 13 phenolic compounds were detected in berries, whereas leaves contained 17 phenolic compounds. Flavonols were the primary class found in both berries and leaves; other identified phenolic compounds were flavan-3-ols, flavones and, phenolic acids; and dihydrochalcone phloridzin was identified in the leaves. The amount and variety of phenolic compounds in berries and leaves and antioxidant activity were found to be cultivar-dependent. The highest total content of phenolic compounds was found in the leaves of the cultivar ‘Aromatnaja’ and in the berries of the cultivar ‘VIR-2’. Results of this study have confirmed that berries and leaves of A. kolomikta could be a valuable raw material for both food and pharmaceutical industries

    Relationship between the Water Quality Elements of Water Bodies and the Hydrometric Parameters: Case Study in Lithuania

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    The larger and deeper lakes and ponds are, the better the conditions for spontaneous water purification, slower hydrobiological processes and slower accumulation of sediment. The goal of this research was to assess the ecological status of selected Lithuanian lentic water bodies and the impact of morphometric indicators on water quality. Multiple studies were conducted on 29 lakes and 10 ponds located throughout Lithuania in 2014–2018. The study proved that higher maxima and average depths of lakes correlate with lower Ptotal, Ntotal yield and macrophyte taxonomic composition values, indicating higher ecological status class. Higher chlorophyll a EQR, ichthyofauna taxonomic composition indicator for Lithuanian fish index LFI and Lithuanian lakes’ macroinvertebrate index indicates a higher ecological class. Larger lake areas contain smaller amounts of Ptotal and Ntotal, indicating better ecological status class; higher ichthyophane taxonomic composition in LFI, zoobenthos taxonomic composition indicator for Lithuanian lakes’ macroinvertebrates index (LLMI) and taxonomic composition of macrophytes MRI indicate better ecological status class. Larger lake areas contain lower chlorophyll a EQR values. Rapid water exchange improves the condition of the lake in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and chlorophyll a EQR values. The faster the water exchange in the lake is, the lower the Ptotal and Ntotal values; faster water exchange in the lake also means higher chlorophyll a EQR values. However, slower water exchange indicates better ecological status of the macrophytic taxonomic composition of the MRI, the ichthyofauna taxonomic composition and the Lithuanian lakes’ macroinvertebrates index indicator of zoobenthos

    Kokį vandenį geria Kauno rajono gyventojai?

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    Šiame tiriamajame darbe analizuojami šachtinių šulinių vandens kokybės tyrimų rezultatai Kauno rajone. Atlikti išsamūs vandens kokybės tyrimai Kauno rajone, Pyplių kaime bei nustatyta įvairių veiksnių įtaka vandens kokybei. Išanalizavus gautus rezultatus, nustatyta, kad šachtinių šulinių vanduo kaimo vietovėse labai užterštas nitratais, organinėmis medžiagomis ir koliforminėmis bakterijomis. Gautus rezultatus galima panaudoti rengiant rekomendacijas kaip išvengti šachtinių vandenų užteršimoInvestigations related to the quality of dug well water in Kaunas region. The exhaustive investigations of water quality have been carried out in Pypliai village, Kaunas region. The impact of various factors on water quality has been estimated. The analysis of investigation results showed the dug well water in rural areas is harmful polluted by nitrates, organic matter, coliformin bacteria's. The received resultants might be used in preparation recommendations for avoiding dug wells water pollutionVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Morphological characteristic of kolomikta kiwi (Actinidia kolomikta)

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    VDU Kauno botanikos sode atlikti margalapės aktinidijos (Actinidia kolomikta) morfologinių požymių tyrimai. Pritaikius sodo augalų veislių vertinimo metodiką, 2000–2004 m. sudaryta atrinktų veislių ir klonų ūglių, lapų, žiedų bei uogų morfologinė charakteristika. Nustatyta, kad margalapės aktinidijos veislės ir klonai statistiškai patikimai skiriasi generatyvinių, mišriųjų ir vegetatyvinių ūglių ilgiu, lapų margavimo intensyvumu, žiedų dydžiu bei jų išsidėstymu. Moteriškos veislės ir klonai skyrėsi uogų dydžiu ir forma. Išskirti šie mažiausiai nuo aplinkos sąlygų priklausantys fenotipiniai požymiai: lapų margavimo intensyvumas, žiedų dydis ir išsidėstymas, moteriškųjų žiedų kuokelių ilgis ir uogų forma. Jie turėtų būti naudojami identifikuojant margalapės aktinidijos pavyzdžius genetinėje kolekcijojeInvestigation of morphological peculiarities of kolomikta kiwi (Actinidia kolomikta) were accomplished in Kaunas Botanical Garden of VMU. Morphological characteristic of shoots, leaves, flowers, and berries was structured according to the methods of horticultural plants evaluations in 2000–2004 m. Statistically reliable differences in length of generative, mixed, and vegetive shoots, leaves variegation intensity, flower size and arrangement were ascertained. The cultivars and clones of kolomikta kiwi differed in berry size and shape. The morphological peculiarities which are independent of environmental conditions, such as intensity of leaves variegation, flowers size and their distribution, stamens length in female flowers, and berry shape were designate. These peculiarities should be used by identification of kolomikta kiwi accessions in genetic collectionVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Irano vandens ištekliai ir jų paslaptys

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    Miškų ir ekologijos fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Sodinės šilauogės

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    Šilauogės ir kiti vertingi uoginiai augalai: "Mano ūkio" priedasBotanikos sodasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta