27 research outputs found

    Uporedna istraživanja u socijalnoj politici

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    The paper analyses the importance, possibilities, forms, advantages and difficulties of comparative research in social policy, which becomes more and more actual in the world. This research is a prerequisite for scientific foundation of social policy and its successful conduct, i.e. setting and selection of actual social aims, as well as for representation of the most adequate instruments and measures for their achievement. There is an ever increasing scientific and practical need for comparative research of social policy. Therefore the issue of possibility for using others' experiences is suggested not only to theoreticians, but also to practitioners. Correct understanding of contemporary social policy requires both the knowledge of different systems of social policy and of their historical legacy. Connection and interdependence of contemporary world requires knowledge and monitoring of developments in the world as a whole, and also in its certain parts.U radu se analizira značaj, mogućnosti, vidovi, prednosti i teÅ”koće uporednih istraživanja u socijalnoj politici, koja postaju sve aktuelnija u svetu. Ova istraživanja predstavljaju uslov naučnog fundiranja socijalne politike i njenog uspeÅ”nog vođenja, odnosno postavljanja i izbora pravih socijalnih ciljeva, kao i predstavljanja najadekvatnijih instrumenata i mera za njihovo postizanje. Za uporednim istraživanjem socijalne politike postoji sve izraženija naučna i praktična potreba. Zato se pitanje mogućnosti koriŔćenja tuđih iskustava nameće ne samo teoretičarima već i praktičarima. Za pravilno razumevanje savremene socijalne politike neophodno je poznavanje različitih sistema socijalne politike,kao i poznavanje njihovog istorijskog nasleđa. Povezanost i međuzavisnost savremenog sveta zahteva poznavanje i praćenje zbivanja u svetu kao celini, ali i njegovim pojedinim delovima

    Zdravstvena zaŔtita u Srbiji - uslov socijalne sigurnosti

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    This concise approach to health protection in Serbia analysis, in short, modern concept of health protection, achieved level of development of health services in former Yugoslavia comparing to developed and former socialist states, crisis of system, necessary reforms, as well as challenges being faced by all societies attempting to improve health protection. Reform of health protection system is a complex continual process which must be harmonized with development of political, economic and social-political system of any country

    Komparativne analize socijalnih politika

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    Comparative analyses of social policies are becoming increasingly actual, being a prerequisite for scientific foundation of social policy as well as for its successful pursuance on the levels of state, local community, enterprises, family etc. These analyses are necessary for selecting the most favorable social goals and representing the most adequate instruments and measures for obtaining optimum social effects. The article offers an insight into scientific explanation of contemporary processes and mechanisms of social policy, regularity of 'behavior' and developments of its constitutive elements under diverse economic and social-political circumstances as well as a perspective of its development. There is an increased understanding that comparative analysis is not only possible and desirable, but that it also offers useful knowledge and reveals alternatives to existing regulations often accepted as the only ones. .Komparativne analize socijalnih politika postaju sve aktuelnije, jer su one uslov za naučno zasnivanje socijalne politike, kao i njeno uspeÅ”no vođenje na nivou države, lokalne zajednice, preduzeća, porodice, itd. Ove analize su uslov za izbor pravih socijalnih ciljeva i predstavljanje najadekvatnijih instrumenata i mera za postizanje optimalnih socijalnih efekata. Rad pruža uvid u naučno objaÅ”njenje savremenih procesa i mehanizama socijalne politike, zakonitosti 'ponaÅ”anja' i kretanja njenih konstitutivnih elemenata u različitim ekonomskim i druÅ”tveno-političkim uslovima, kao i perspektive njenog razvitka. U porastu je shvatanje da je komparativna analiza ne samo moguća i poželjna, već i da pruža korisna saznanja i otkriva alternative postojećim uređenjima, često prihvaćenim kao jedinim.

    Istraživanje u oblasti međunarodne socijalne politike - ugroženo ljudsko blagostanje

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    A need to do research work is included in the activities of a number of international organizations and institutions in the field of social policy. The United Nations and their specialized institutions organize and support international technical aid and cooperation, exchange of information, follow up and examination of phenomena of importance for the social situation in the world and publish the research results. In the present article have been analyzed the activities of the UN Research Institute for Social Development which has been engaged in research on social developments in the world for more than forty years.Niz međunarodnih organizacija i institucija, u sklopu svoje delatnosti u oblasti socijalne politike, imaju potrebu za istraživanjem. Ujedinjene nacije i njene specijalizovane institucije organizuju i podstiču međunarodnu tehničku pomoć i saradnju, razmenu informacija, praćenje i proučavanje pojava od značaja za socijalnu situaciju u svetu i publikuju rezultate istraživanja. U radu se razmatraju aktivnosti Instituta za istraživanje socijalnog razvoja UN, koji se viÅ”e od četrdeset godina bavi istraživanjem socijalne situacije u svetu

    Obrazovanje i profesionalno usavrŔavanje socijalnih radnika u Srbiji

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    Having analyzed the education program for social workers in Serbia and the measures taken following the recommendations of the Bologna declaration, the author concludes thus are created the conditions for students work to achieve better quality and the efficacy of studies to improve

    The social paradigm in psychiatry as a link between social work and psychiatry in theory and practice

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    Social paradigm in psychiatry serves to encompass the definition of an individual as a psycho-social being in this branch of medicine. The "social revolution" in psychiatry has sparked interest in social vectors affecting the aetiology of mental illnesses, as well as rehabilitation and treatment success among psychiatric patients. In line with numerous innovations introduced by the social model in psychiatry, social workers have been integrated into multidisciplinary teams working with psychiatric patients. The social model has underscored the need to view and process the socio-economic and interpersonal aspects of functioning among psychiatric patients, while the methods and theories of social work have become inevitable factors in planning activities directed towards prevention and treatment of mental illnesses. This paper analyses important characteristics of the social paradigm in psychiatry that has facilitated the process of drawing psychiatry and social work closer together. A comparison between practical implications of the three great paradigms in psychiatry is given, followed by an indication of theoretical specificities of social work that has enabled bidirectional interaction between the two related scientific areas. The paper provides an overview of activities that are seen as duties of social workers within multidisciplinary teams who work with psychiatric patients, and that represent a legacy of the convergence between social work and psychiatry

    Evropske socijalne vrednosti - izazovi za socijalnu situaciju u Srbiji

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    Novo shvatanje socijalne politike

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    This concise elaboration of new understanding of social policy points to the multiplicity of different interpretations of social policy and contemporary tendencies in concepts about social policy in developed countries of market economy. The paper considers contemporary reconsiderations of social-political concepts, changes in understandings of social policy in developed countries, elaboration of new concept of contemporary European social policy and activation of civil society in solving social problems.U ovoj, sažetoj elaboraciji novog shvatanja socijalne politike ukazano je na mnoŔtvo različitih tumačenja socijalne politike i na savremene tendencije u koncepcijama o socijalnoj politici u razvijenim zemljama tržiŔne privrede. Rad razmatra savremena preispitivanja socijalnopolitičkih koncepcija, izmene u shvatanjima socijalne politike u razvijenim zemljama, razradu novog koncepta savremene evropske socijalne politike i aktiviranje civilnog druŔtva u reŔavanju socijalnih problema

    Emerging of the Socialist Welfare States in Serbia and Montenegro

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    The socialist welfare states of Serbia and Montenegro have been gradually developing in the post War period. Despite the new, Marxist paradigms, the welfare states were embeded in the previously existing social ā€œinfrastructures.ā€ Therefore, the paper starts from the institutional theoretical framework and especially, path dependence concept, with a view to exploring the trajectory of changes in the welfare states from capitalism to socialism. The focus of the paper is on social insurance principle and welfare providers. While there was a path reproduction regarding the social insurance, there were variations regarding the welfare providers

    Socijalna politika u zaŔtiti mentalnog zdravlja i prevenciji bolesti zavisnosti

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    Razmatranja zaÅ”tite mentalnog zdravlja i prevencije bolesti zavisnosti unutar nauke i prakse socijalne politike mogu se pozicionirati, između ostalog, u okvire države blagostanja. Praktične adaptacije teorijskih pristupa državi blagostanja rezultovale su različitim politikama u oblasti mentalnog zdravlja, čiji su karakteristični tipovi opisani i analizirani u radu. U osnovi različitih pristupa politika u praksi nalaze se različite interpretacije kompleksnih relacija koje se mogu uspostaviti između koncepta slobode u socijalnoj politici i (ne)slobode koju kreiraju bolesti zavisnosti. Stavke politike, njenog dizajna i logike, imaju ključni značaj u kontekstima države blagostanja, sa važnim i neposrednim posledicama za politike zaÅ”tite mentalnog zdravlja i prevencije bolesti zavisnosti. U radu se stoga razmatraju izazovi preoblikovanja ā€žproblemaā€ bolesti zavisnosti u predmet politike i njegove interpretacije, a zatim i četiri osnovne argumentacije koje se nalaze u osnovi kreiranja politika zaÅ”tite mentalnog zdravlja. Rad se zasniva na kvalitativnoj analizi postojeće literature iz oblasti socijalne politike o mentalnom zdravlju. Osnovni cilj je ukazivanje na veze između ovih oblasti, uz zagovaranje pristupa koji bi efektivno rezultovao koordinacijom i partnerstvima.Considerations of mental health protection and addiction diseasesā€™ prevention within the theory and practice of social policy can be positioned, interalia, within the topic of the welfare state. Practical adaptations of theoretical approaches to the welfare state resulted in the variety of policies in the field of mental health. Their types are described and analyzed in this paper. The roots of different policy approaches in the practice stem from the differences in the interpretations of complex relations that can be established between the concept of freedom in social policy and (un)freedom created by addiction diseases. Policy items, its design and logic, are crucial in the contexts of welfare states, with important and immediate implications for the policies of mental health protection and addiction diseasesā€™ prevention. Therefore, the paper discusses the challenges of transforming a ā€žproblemā€ of addiction disease into the subject matter of policy and its interpretation. Further, it considers four basic argumentation underlying the creation of the policy of mental health protection. The paper is based on the qualitative analysis of the literature on mental health in the field of social policy. Its main aim is to explore the relations between the the fields of mental health and social policy, while advocating for an approach that would effectively result in the coordination and partnership