15 research outputs found


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    The paper analyzes the methodology of determining thesize of containers and their exchangeability in a terminal. Thesize of containers affects the exchangeability as well as the averageusability of capacity and the lack of uniformity in the deliveryof cargo suitable for container transport. These assumptionsdefine the size of the depot, the lengths and widths of theroad and railway tracks and manipulation areas, and also thenumber and size of shipping quays. Apart from these elementsthe static and dynamic capacity of the terminal depend also onthe handling equipment

    Bimodalne transportne tehnologije - faktor povezivanja Jugoslavije i EZ

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    This paper deals with different methods of bi-modal transport technology as well as the possibility of their application. The concept and term of bi-modal technology has been defined, respective advantages and disadvantages have been reviewed and a comparison drawn as to their economical aspect based upon respective data for piggy-back transport.</p

    Prometna potražnja i robni tokovi u funkciji integralnog transporta

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    As a result of an extensive research, different models of review and follow-up/monitoring of transport demand and freight flows have been obtained. Transport demand is either related either to the origin or destination while freight flows may be incoming and outgoing (inward and outward-bound) in (to) a given location or facility, as for instance a container terminal. Furthermore, simulation and mathematical models of monitoring and review of distribution channels and transport flows optimization have been dealt with in this paper.</p

    Model za određivanje kapaciteta riječnih pristaniÅ”ta

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    This paper deals with the model for determining the capacityof a river port. The basic parameters of the model are determinedby the size of the aquatorium and the possibilities of locatingquays in the dock basin as well as their number. Thenumber of quays and the static and dynamic capacity of theport - harbour depend on the sizes of the vessels planned fordocking. The analysis considers the push tows Europe 1 and 2and the Danube barges on the basis ofwhich the length of theoperative coastline is determined which in turn is related to the/,ength of the railway tracks, roads, and cargo depots

    Customs Representation in Simplified Customs Procedures in Republic of Croatia

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    When introduced in 2000 the use of authorized consigneeand consignor status was not particularly popular among companies,despite its apparent advantages. The number of the statususers compared to the total number of exporters and importerswas almost negligible. The aim of this paper was to find outto which extent the simplified customs procedures have beenaccepted in Croatia through an objective outline of advantagesand disadvantages that the companies - users of the simplifiedprocedures face on a daily basis

    Metodologija utvrđivanja potrebite mehanizacije za rad i usluživanje kontejnerskog terminala

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    The paper deals with the methodology for establishing the units of mechanized fleet for operation and handling in container terminals. Selection of the type and number of manipulation equipment is completed based upon the computation (estimate) taking account of the time needed for the completion of individual operation, and setting the time quota for loading and unloading. Also included in the computation is the capacity of reloading equipment from which we are able to work out the utilization-related i.e. actual capacity. By review of dimensions and capacities of container cranes and straddle carriers the methodology for selection of the needed fleet is completed.</p

    Traffic Linking of the Baltic and the Central European Countries with the Adriatic

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    The paper analyses new projects of the European trafficnetwork as well as the extension of conidors defined in 1997 inHelsinki. For connecting of the Baltic and Central Europeancoun/Jies with the Ad1iatic, the projects TEM 1 and 2, ViaBaltica and TINA are of great importance. The programme ofthe TINA project includes road and railway conidors and relieson the 7th Danube conidor. The interrelations between trafficbranches in the EU are presented, with the greatest share ofroad traffic, followed by railway and 1iver traffic. The compOiisonindicates similar relations between single transp01tationbranches in the period from 1979 to 1991 in the Republic ofCroatia

    The Impact of European Traffic Policy and Traffic Routes on the Development of the Ports of Rijeka and Place

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    Sea ports are the key segment of the traffic and economicdevelopment of maritime countries. Pan-European transportcorridors include the most important sea pmts and sea routes.They are an extension of the existing land corridors.The most important and the most promising crossings oftraffic corridors between the Central European, Pannonianand Adriatic areas, with the naturally shortest traffic routes directedtowards the Croatian sea ports are Corridor 58 ( Rijeka-Zagreb-Budapest) and Corridor 5c (Ploce-Sarajevo-Osijek--Budapest). The primary purpose of this work is to study the importanceof the existing trading conditions and new investmentundertakings in the context of increase in competitiveness of theports of Rijeka and Place.The authors' attention is particularly directed to the constructionof new port terminals to increase the traffic potentialsof the Croatian sea ports. The formed conception with its characteristics,the methodology applied, and research results representthe quality starting points in determining a uniform portpolicy of the Republic of Croatia within the European trafficsystem

    Logistics as Element of Improvements in Storage, Distribution and Transportation of Goods

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    The work considers the notion and the importance of logisticsas an element of improvements in storing, distribution andtransport of goods. There is always room for improvements inthis segment of economic activities and they are necessary in orderto optimise the flow of goods from the manufacturer to theend user. The purposefulness and real efficiency of business logisticsis presented using the example of a Croatian company.Also, the importance of further development and implementationof logistics in Croatia is continuously being emphasisedthroughout this work

    Introduction, development and implementation of telematics-supported intelligent transport systems

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    Significant increase in traffic demand at the end of the 20th century and the increasing anthropogenic environmental pollution have resulted in the need to introduce the telematics-supported intelligent transport systems in all the traffic branches. The work presents the development and the basic characteristics of transport systems managed by information and communication technologies. It also gives an overview and explanation of the operation of some of the numerous telematic systems in traffic, and a detailed presentation of the telematics-controlled public transport of the city of Helsinki. It also presents the possible development and advantages of implementing telematics in the transport along the river Danube through Austria