8 research outputs found


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    This paper is a result of authors' involvement in the Project ofRehabilitation of the Ferhad-Pasha’s Mosque.The aim of the project was to construct an authentic buildingusing authentic materials, while respecting the principlesof aesthetics and the approaches of ancient builders. Thebuilding will be reconstructed to the same condition as it wasbefore destruction using similar construction methods. It isforeseen that it will be difficult to comply with this principle,due to significant developments in architecture since the initialconstruction. Monuments are precious things that must berespected, and altered as little as possible. These observationscould lead to contradictory decisions, at times accepting ahigher degree of risk in order to avoid or limit changes to theoriginal concept. The Ferhad-Pasha’s Mosque is the work of ahighly-qualified mimar (builder) and muhendis (engineer), aproduct of Sinan's school.On 7 May 1993 the mosque was dynamited and razed to theground, and the material removed to the city landfill site inRamiće. The computer program SAP 2000 was used to analyzethe minarets with shell elements. Assuming no tension, it wasfound that the stress was exceeded to a greater extent underthe earthquake load. Deformations caused by shear forceshave an insignificant influence upon the rigidity of tall slenderstructures, thus they can be neglected in practical calculations.To reduce the tensile stress, which appears due to seismicmovements, we recommended two solutions

    Preservation of a traditional timber roof: the case of the Handanija mosque

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    In this article, the authors provide a brief overview of their personal involvement in the inspection of the roof timbers of the Handanija Mosque in Prusac. As well as the inspection, the authors were asked to propose a design for the roof structure. The Handanija Mosque, built in 1617, is an important example of the cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the mosque was designated as a National Monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2005. The form, design and proportions of this traditional vernacular building render it a unique example of the classical style.The mosque is rectangular in plan, with sides of 16.30 x 12.70 m, and belongs to the single-space type of mosque with an open porch and stone minaret. It was damaged by shelling during the 1992-1995 war, taking several direct hits to the walls, roof and minaret. The roof timbers were completely destroyed and the rest of the building was badly damaged.The authors suggested amending the structural bearing system by eliminating the hanging trusses and introducing the traditional components of posts, beams, struts and tie beams, as typical of this type of building. A 52.5° roof pitch was suggested, in keeping with Bosnia"s traditional vernacular architecture, which also reduces the intensity of horizontal forces. Authors suggest a 52.5° roof pitch for the following reasons: it is in keeping with the indigenous architecture of Central Bosnia, it reduces the intensity of horizontal forces, and it takes account of the fact that a hand-cut roof cladding does not always ensure identical geometry and pitch

    Food safety – From pioneering steps to the modern scientific discipline

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    Food safety is a story that unites all civilizations, cultures, and nations, and it is interlaced with various methods for making food safer. Concern for nutritious and safe food is as ancient as humankind itself, and many of the food safety issues that persist today are not new. Diverse records from the ancient world, as well as the religious writings of the three monotheist religions, actually refer to food, its intake, and prohibitions, as well as pathological diseases that may follow from inappropriate intake. Over time, food safety has evolved into a scientific discipline concerned with the handling, preparation, transport, and distribution of food to avoid the transmission of illnesses. The current state of food safety knowledge is the result of past discoveries, innovations, and laws. In modern times, the right to consume safe food is a fundamental human right. It contributes to and promotes sustainable development while supporting the economy, trade, and tourism. Nevertheless, despite significant improvements, we still know relatively little about food-borne illnesses and how infections affect humans

    Quantification of some additives in energy drinks using high-performance liquid chromatography

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    Introduction: Energy drinks (EDs) are products in the form of a beverage or concentrated liquid designed to increase both mental and physical stimulations. Their popularity has grown tremendously, especially among children and adolescents, regardless of the growing number of undesirable health consequences associated with their consumption. This study aimed to evaluate the content of additives in EDs available in the Bosnian and Herzegovinian (B&H) markets. Methods: Twenty-two EDs from 15 brands were analyzed. The contents of quinine (QUIN), caffeine (CAF), benzoic acid (BZA), and sorbic acid (SA) were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. Results: The median value of QUIN, CAF, SA, and BZA was 0.15 ppm, 309.05 ppm, 75.35 ppm, and 90.80 ppm, respectively. The highest CAF content variation was found in EDs of brand 4, and the lowest was in brand 6. A statistically significant difference was found between the obtained values in relation to the recommended daily intake of CAF for adolescents by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatrics (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The CAF content in EDs deviates by 10% from the content stated in the product declaration. All EDs on the B&H market should carry a clear warning: “High CAF content must not be mixed with alcohol and is not recommended for children, pregnant and/or lactating women, and CAF-sensitive individuals.” Given the behavioral trends associated with the potential risks of excessive CAF consumption, particularly among youth, national agencies in B&H should recognize areas of intervention such as responsible marketing and advertising, and education and awareness-raising. Further research and monitoring would be needed to determine the effectiveness of the various aspects of the proposed risk management approach

    Effects of A 3-Week Modified Complex Training on Athletic Performance of Women's National Basketball Players

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    Basketball is one of the popular sports in the world, and physical performance is becoming increasingly important in basketball as the game evolves. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of a 3-week modified complex training on athletic performance of women's national basketball players. An experimental study involved the participation of 12 highly trained female basketball players (national team of Bosnia and Herzegovina). Observed variables before and after 3-weeks of modified complex training were 300 yards test, 20-yards test, lane agility and beep test. Means and standard deviations for each of the variables were calculated, and differences pre-to-post performance changes were examined using a paired sample t-test. Three weeks of specific complex training sessions show a statistically significant increase in all tested variables, 300 yards (p≤.001); 20 yards (p≤.001); Lane agility (p≤.001) and beep test (p=.028). It can be concluded that applied complex training program has significantly improved studied parameters of condition preparation of elite female basketball players

    Indicación geográfica protegida de la “carne rostizada de Visoko” - creando la marca

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    „Visočka pečenica“ je trajni suhomesnati proizvod dobiven od najkvalitetnijih dijelova goveđeg mesa (but, leđa sa slabinskim dijelom, plećka i podslabinski dio), suho soljen isključivo kuhinjskom soli i hladno dimljen i sušen. Proizvodnja ovog tradicionalnog proizvoda ima višestoljetnu tradiciju. Karakteristična je za šire područje općine Visoko, smještene u centralnom dijelu Bosne i Hercegovine. Proizvod odlikuje posebna tehnologija proizvodnje karakteristična za navedeno područje, kao i vrhunska kvaliteta. Posebno je interesantna i komercijalno značajna „Visočka pečenica“ koja se proizvodi od dugog leđnog mišića uključujući i slabinski dio (m. longissimus dorsi) tzv. „Visočka zarebnica“. U periodu nakon ratnih događanja u Bosni i Hercegovini, uvidjevši priliku za brzu zaradu, na tržištu se pojavljuje određeni broj mesoprerađivača koji nude plagirane suhomesnate proizvode, deklarirajući ih kao „Visočka pečenica“, nanoseći pri tome ogromnu štetu ugledu i reputaciji ovog proizvoda. U tom pogledu, osnovano je udruženje mesoprerađivača s područja općine Visoko „ViPS“ (Visočka pečenica i suđuka), koje je podnijelo zahtjev prema Agenciji za sigurnost hrane Bosne i Hercegovine za dodjelu oznake zemljopisnog podrijetla za „Visočku pečenicu“. Stoga su u ovome radu prikazani podaci neophodni u procesu zaštite „Visočke pečenice“ oznakom zemljopisnog podrijetla u Bosni i Hercegovini, a u kasnijoj fazi i u Europskoj uniji.„Visočka pečenica“ is permanent charcuterie obtained of high quality parts of beef (haunch, back with the lumbar part, shoulder, and flank), dry salted only with kitchen salt and cold smoked and dried. This traditional product has a centuries-old tradition of manufacturing. Production of this product is typical for wide area of Visoko county, located in the central part of Bosnia and Hercegovina. This product is characterised by high quality and by specific technology of manufacturing typical for mentioned area. „Visočka pečenica“ is particularly interesting and commercially important, it is made of second dorsi muscle including loin (m. longissimus dorsi), also known as „Visočka zarebnica“. In the after-war period in Bosnia and Hercegovina, came sudden realization to earn fast money, so some of the meat processors tried to sell plagiarized meat products under the name of „Visočka pečenica“, that move made damage to the name and reputation of this product. Because of that, association of meat processors from Visoko county „ViPS“ (Visočka pečenica and suđuka) was founded , they requested from Agency for food safety of Bosnia and Hercegovina to be assigned with the protected geographical indication for „Visočka pečenica“. Therefore, in this paper are presented information essential for protection of „Visočka pečenica“ with the protected geographical indication in Bosnia and Hercegovina and in the advanced stage in European Union.Die „Visočka pečenica“ ist ein haltbares trockengepökeltes Fleischprodukt, das aus den besten Rindfleischteilen hergestellt wird (Hüfte, Rücken mit Lendenteil, Schulter und Bereich unterhalb der Lende). Sie wird trocken und ausschließlich mit Speisesalz gepökelt und wird kalt geräuchert und getrocknet. Die Herstellung dieses traditionellen Produktes hat eine lange Tradition. Sie ist charakteristisch für den breiteren Raum der Gemeinde Visoko im zentralen Teil von Bosnien und Herzegowina. Das Produkt zeichnet sich durch eine für die Region charakteristische spezielle Produktionstechnologie sowie durch höchste Qualität aus. Besonders interessant und kommerziell relevant ist die „Visočka pečenica“, die aus dem langen Rückenmuskel und dem Lendenteil (m. longissimus dorsi) hergestellt wird, die so genannte „Visočka zarebnica“. In der Zeit nach den Kriegsereignissen in Bosnien und Herzegowina sehen einige die Möglichkeit für einen schnellen Gewinn. Auf dem Markt erscheint eine Reihe von Fleischverarbeitern, die plagiierte trockengepökelte Fleischprodukte anbieten, die als „Visočka pečenica“ deklariert werden, was dem Ruf und dem Ansehen dieses Produkt einen erheblichen Schaden zufügt. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde die Vereinigung der Fleischverarbeiter der Gemeinde Visoko „ViPS“ (Visočka pečenica und suđuka) gegründet, die der Agentur für Lebensmittelsicherheit von Bosnien und Herzegowina einen Antrag für die Zuteilung der geographischen Herkunft für die „Visočka pečenica“ gestellt hat. Daher wurden in dieser Arbeit die Angaben dargestellt, die für den Schutz der „Visočka pečenica“ mit der geographischen Herkunftsbezeichnung in Bosnien und Herzegowina, später auch in der Europäischen Union, benötigt werden.La salsiccia secca „Visočka pečenica“ è un prodotto a base di carne conservabile per lungo tempo ottenuto da parti della carne di manzo di migliore qualità (coscia, schiena inclusa la parte lombare, spalla e filetto), salata a secco esclusivamente con il sale da cucina, affumicata a freddo e essiccata. La produzione di questo prodotto tradizionale vanta una storia plurisecolare. È un prodotto caratteristico per la grande area del comune di Visoko, che si trova nella parte centrale della Bosnia ed Erzegovina. Il prodotto si distingue per una speciale tecnologia di produzione caratteristica della suddetta zona e per la sua eccellente qualità. Il tipo di „Visočka pečenica“, particolarmente interessante e commercialmente significativo, prodotto con il muscolo della schiena inclusa la parte lombare (m. longissimus dorsi), è cosiddetta „Visočka zarebnica“. Nel periodo successivo alla guerra in Bosnia e Erzegovina, un certo numero di produttori, rendendo si conto dell’opportunità di rapido guadagno, offrivano al mercato prodotti a base di carne essiccata plagiati dichiarandoli come salsicce „Visočka pečenica“, causando enormi danni alla reputazione e prestigio di questo prodotto. Per tali motivi, è stata costituita un’associazione di agricoltori della zona del comune di Visoko „ViPS“ (Visočka pečenica e suđuk), che ha presentato all’Agenzia per la sicurezza alimentare della Bosnia ed Erzegovina la richiesta per l’assegnazione della denominazione di origine protetta per la salsiccia „Visočka pečenica“. Per questo motivo nel presente lavoro sono riportati i dati necessari per il processo di protezione della „Visočka pečenica“ con l’indicazione di origine geografica protetta in Bosnia e Erzegovina e in una fase successiva nell’Unione europea.La “carne rostizada de Visoko” es un producto cárnico crudo-curado de las partes de carne de res de la calidad más alta (la pierna de ternera, el lomo con la falda, el pecho y el flanco), salado en seco solamente por la sal de cocina, ahumado en frío y curado. La producción de este producto tradicional tiene una tradición larga. Es característica para la área más amplia del municipio de Visoko, situado en la parte central de Bosnia y Herzegovina. Le distinguen la tecnología de producción especial, característica para la área mencionada, junto con la más alta calidad. La “carne rostizada de Visoko” es interesante y comercialmente importante y está hecha del músculo largo de la espalda, incluyendo la parte de la falda (m. longissimus dorsi), llamada “filete de lomo de Visoko”. En el período posterior a la guerra en Bosnia y Herzegovina, viendo la oportunidad para la ganancia rápida, en el mercado ha aparecido cierto número de productores de carne que ofrecen productos cárnicos imitados, declarados como la “carne rostizada de Visoko”, causando un daño enorme a la reputación y al prestigio de este producto. Tomando eso en cuenta, fue creada una asociación de los productores de carne del área del municipio de Visoko “ViPS” (La carne rostizada de Visoko y el sucuk), que aplicó a Agencia de Seguridad Alimentaria de Bosnia y Herzegovina para obtener la indicación geográfica para la “carne rostizada de Visoko”. Por eso en este trabajo fueron presentados los datos necesarios en el proceso de la protección de la “carne rostizada de Visoko” por la indicación geográfica en Bosnia y Herzegovina, y en fases siguientes también en la Unión Europea

    Determinazione dei parametri qualitativi dell’agnello arrosto di Visoko ai fini della sua tutela a livello nazionale

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    S ciljem zaštite tradicionalne „Visočke pečene janjetine“ oznakom geografskog porijekla pro-vedena su istraživanja na nacionalnom nivou. Po prvi put je detaljno praćen cjelokupni tehnološki po-stupak proizvodnje, od faze iskrvarenja životinje, primarne obrade trupa i konfekcioniranja mesa, do termičke obrade. Osnovni motiv istraživanja bio je ustanoviti autentičnost ovog specifičnog načina ter-mičke obrade janjećeg mesa i njegovu vezu sa ispitivanim područjem (Visoko). Uz navedeno, jedan od ciljeva je bio laboratorijskim ispitivanjima kvantificirati osnovne kvalitativne parametre. Ustanovlje-ni indikatori kvalitete „Visočke pečene janjetine“ poslužit će kao referentni pokazatelji u predstojećim aktivnostima, prilikom utvrđivanja proizvođačke specifikacije. U radu su utvrđivani senzorni, kemijski i mikrobiološki parametri kvalitete „Visočke pečene janjetine“. Senzorna ocjena pokazala je da je kva-liteta Visočke pečene janjetine ekstra visoka, pri čemu je boja najbolje ocijenjeno svojstvo. Srednje vri-jednosti kemijskih parametara iznosile su kako slijedi: 54,18 % vode, masti 19,44 %, proteina 25,28 %, pepela 1,10 %, NaCl 0,20 %. Prosječna pH vrijednost iznosila je 6,47, a aw 0,958.In order to protect the traditional “Visočka pečena janjetina” (roasted lamb originating in Vi-soko) with a PGI label, a research on a national level was conducted. For the first time the whole tech-nological process of production was monitored in detail, from exsanguination of the animal, primary treatment of the carcass and meat cutting, to thermic processing. The main motive of the research was to establish the authenticity of this specific way to thermally process lamb meat and its connection to the examined area (Visoko). In addition to the stated, one of the goals was to quantify the main quanti-tative parameters by means of laboratory examination. The established indicators of quality of “Visoč-ka pečena janjetina” will serve as referential indicators in the upcoming activities, during the establish-ment of producer specification. In this paper the sensory, chemical and microbiological parameters of quality of “Visočka pečena janjetina” were identified. The sensory evaluation showed the quality of “Vi-sočka pečena janjetina” to be extra high, with colour being the best graded characteristic. The mean values of chemical parameters were as follows: 54,18 % water, fat 19,44 %, protein 25,28 %, ash 1,10 %, NaCl 0,20 %. The average pH value was 6,47, and aw was 0,958.Um die traditionelle "Visočka pečena janjetina" (gebratenes Lammfleisch aus Visoko) mit ein-er geschützten geographischen Angabe zu schützen, wurden Untersuchungen auf nationaler Ebe-ne durchgeführt. Zum ersten Mal wurde der gesamte technologische Prozess der Herstellung im De-tail überwacht, von der Ausblutung des Tieres über die Erstbehandlung des Schlachtkörpers und die Zerlegung des Fleisches bis hin zur thermischen Verarbeitung. Das Hauptmotiv der Untersuchung war es, die Echtheit dieser speziellen Art der thermischen Verarbeitung von Lammfleisch und deren Zusammenhang mit dem untersuchten Gebiet (Visoko) festzustellen. Darüber hinaus war es eines der Ziele, die wichtigsten quantitativen Parameter durch Laboruntersuchungen zu quantifizieren. Die ermittelten Qualitätsindikatoren der "Visočka pečena janjetina" werden bei den kommenden Aktivitäten, im Rahmen der Erstellung der Herstellerspezifikation, als Referenzindikatoren dienen. In dieser Arbeit wurden die sensorischen, chemischen und mikrobiologischen Parameter der Qual-ität der "Visočka pečena janjetina" ermittelt. Die sensorische Bewertung ergab, dass die Qualität von "Visočka pečena janjetina" besonders hoch ist, wobei die Farbe das am besten bewertete Merk-mal ist. Die Mittelwerte der chemischen Parameter waren wie folgt: 54,18 % Wasser, Fett 19,44 %, Ei-weiß 25,28 %, Asche 1,10 %, NaCl 0,20 %. Der durchschnittliche pH-Wert lag bei 6,47, der aw-Wert bei 0,958.Las investigaciones a nivel nacional fueron realizadas con el fin de proteger el cordero asado de Visoko tradicional con la Indicación Geográfica Protegida. Por primera vez fue monitorizado en detal-le todo el proceso tecnológico de la producción, desde el desangramiento del animal, el procesamien-to primario del canal y el despiece de la carne, hasta el tratamiento térmico. El motivo principal de la in-vestigación fue determinar la autenticidad de esta forma específica de tratamiento térmico de la carne de cordero y su conexión con el área examinada (Visoko). Además, uno de los objetivos fue cuantificar los parámetros cualitativos básicos mediante pruebas de laboratorio. Los indicadores de calidad estableci-dos de cordero asado de Visoko servirán como indicadores de referencia en las próximas actividades, al determinar la especificación del productor. En este trabajo fueron identificados los parámetros sensoria-les, químicos y microbiológicos de la calidad del cordero asado de Visoko. La evaluación sensorial mostró que la calidad del cordero asado de visoko es muy alta, siendo el color la característica mejor calificada. Los valores medios de los parámetros químicos fueron los siguientes: agua 54,18 %, grasa 19,44 % proteí-na 25,28 %, ceniza 1,10 %, NaCl 0,20 %. El pH promedio fue de 6,47 y la aw de 0,958.Al fine di tutelare il tradizionale “agnello arrosto di Visoko”, dotato del marchio d’indicazione geografica, sono state condotte ricerche a livello nazionale. Per la prima volta è stato monitorato nel dettaglio l’intero processo tecnologico di produzione, dal dissanguamento dell’animale, alla la-vorazione primaria delle carcasse e al confezionamento delle carni, fino al loro trattamento termico. Il motivo principale della ricerca è stato quello di stabilire l’autenticità di questa specifica modalità di trattamento termico della carne d’agnello e la sua connessione col territorio esaminato (Visoko). Inoltre, uno degli obiettivi era anche quello di quantificare i parametri qualitativi di base mediante prove di laboratorio. Gli indicatori di qualità stabiliti dell’agnello arrosto di Visoko serviranno come indicatori di riferimento nelle prossime attività, in particolare al momento di determinare le speci-fiche di produzione. In questo articolo sono stati determinati i parametri sensoriali, chimici e micro-biologici di qualità dell’agnello arrosto di Visoko. La valutazione sensoriale ha mostrato che la qual-ità dell’agnello arrosto di Visoko è molto alta, con il colore come proprietà di punta. Quanto ai valori medi dei parametri chimici, è stato rilevato quanto segue: 54,18 % di acqua, grassi 19,44 %, proteine 25,28 %, ceneri 1,10 %, NaCl 0,20 %. Il pH medio era 6,47, il valore di acqua libera (aw) 0,958