99 research outputs found

    Vegetacija prirodnih šumskih rubova na području Ćićarije i Učke (NE Istra, Hrvatska)

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    »Saum« (fringe) vegetation was sampled in Ćićarija and on the Učka mountain range according to the standard procedures of the Braun-Blanquet method. The following associations were determined: Knautio illyricae-Physospermetum verticillati ass. nova, Cirsio pannonicae-Peucedanetum cervariae van Gils et al. 1975, Cirsio-Clematidetum rectae van Gils et al. ex Čarni 1997, Libanoto-Laserpitietum sileris van Gils et al. 1975, Scorzonero villosae-Trifolietum alpestris Čarni 1997 and Veronicetum barrelierijacquinii van Gils et al. 1975 corr. Čarni 1997. The associations are classified within the suballiance ictamno-Ferulagenion van Gils et al. 1975 (Geranion sanguinei R. Tx. in T. Müller 1962, Origanetalia T. Müller 1962, Trifolio-Geranietea Müller 1962).Istraživanje vegetacije prirodnih šumskih rubova u Ćićariji i na Učki obavljeno je po standardnoj Braun-Blanquetovoj metodi. Utvrđene su sljedeće zajednice: Knautio illyricae-Physospermetum verticillati ass. nova, Cirsio pannonicae-Peucedanetum cervariae van Gils et al. 1975, Cirsio-Clematidetum rectae van Gils et al. ex Čarni 1997, Libanoto-Laserpitietum sileris van Gils et al. 1975, Scorzonero villosae- Trifolietum alpestris Čarni 1997 i Veronicetum barrelieri-jacquinii van Gils et al. 1975 corr. Čarni 1997. Asocijacije su uvrštene u podsvezu Dictamno-Ferulagenion van Gils et al. 1975 (Geranion sanguinei R. Tx. in T. Müller 1962, Origanetalia T. Müller 1962, Trifolio-Geranietea Müller 1962)

    Hacquetia v četrto leto

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    Hacquetia begins its fourth year of publication with the issue that has just come out. The journal has been entered into certain international databases with this year’s publication. In substance, the journal Hacquetia includes articles on local themes on the one hand and articles on themes referring to a wider area on the other. The latter facilitates the establishment of the journal in the international research databases. However, the publications in such journals enable younger contributing writers to take their place gradually among the already established researchers.Pred nami je prva številka četrtega letnika revije Hacquetia. S tem letnikom je revija že vodena v nekaterih mednarodnih podatkovnih zbirkah. Po vsebini je revija Hacquetia razpeta med objavljanjem lokalnih tematik na eni strani in tematik s širšega območja na drugi strani, kar ji omogoča uveljavljanje v mednarodih raziskovalnih tokovih. Objave v takšnih revijah pa omogočajo mlajšim piscem prispevkov, da si postopoma pridobe mesto med uveljavljenimi raziskovalci

    Numerička analiza vegetacije šumskih rubova preddinarskog područja u jugoistočnoj Sloveniji

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    The paper deals with numerical analyses of the forest edges in SW Slovenia. A large number of relevés made according to the Braun-Blanquet method was collected from different sources and was subject to different analyses (Programme packages SYN-TAX and CANOCO were used). The results show their relations and positions in the cultural landscape.Predstavljena je vegetacija šumskih rubova u preddinarskom fitogeografskom području Slovenije. Fitocenološke snimke te vegetacije, skupljene iz različitih izvora, podvrgnute su numeričkoj analizi. Rezultati analize ukazuju na međusobne odnose pojedinih zajednica i njihov položaj u kulturnom krajoliku. Najprije su ukratko prikazane najčešće šumske zajednice preddinarskog područja Slovenije, na čijim rubovima raste istraživana vegetacija. To su: Vaccinio myrtilli-Carpinetum (M. Wraber 1969) Marinček 1995, Piceo abietis- Quercetum (M. Wraber 1969) Marinček 1995, Abieti albae-Carpinetum (Marinček 1976) Marinček 1995, Blechno-Fagetum Ht. ex Marinček 1970, Casta- neo-Fagetum sjlvaticae Marinček et Zupančič (1979) 1995, Arunco-Fagetum Kosir 1962, Ostryo-Fagetum Wraber ex Trinajstić 1972, Hacquetio-Fagetum Košir 1962, Lamio orvalae-Fagetum (Ht. 1938) Borhidi 1963, Ramunculo platanifolii-Fagetum Marinček et al.1993, Genisto januensis-Pinetum sylvestris Tomažič 1942, Lathyro nigrae-Quercetum petraeae Ht. (1938) 1958. Melam- pyro vulgati-Quercetum petraeae Puncer et Zupančič ex Zupančič 1994, Hacquetio-Fraxinetum Marinček in Wallnöfer et al. 1993, Carici elongatae-Alnetum glutinosae Koch 1926, Salicetum triandrae (Male. 1929) Noif. 1955 i Salicetum albae Issl. 1926. Ordinacija nitrofilnih zajednica šumskih rubova (sl. 3) pokazuje gradijent od zajednice najvlažnijeg staništa Chaerophyllo-Petasitetum, preko zajednica Phalarido-Petasitetum, Urtico-Lamietum orvalae, Anthriscetum sylvestris, Urtico-Aegopodietum, Chaerophylletum aurei, Chaerophylletum bulbosi do zajednica Heracleo-Sambucetum i Torilidetum japonicae na razmjerno najsušim staništima. Osim toga prikazan je na ordinati gradijent od najheliofilnije zajednice Fleracleo-Sambucetum do najskiofilnije zajednice Torilidetum japonicae. Dijagram ordinacije zajednica prirodnih šumskih rubova (si. 6) pokazuje na apscisi podjelu na termofilne zajednice sveze Geranion sanguinei (Geranio- Peucedanetum i Knautio-Dictamnetum) i mezofilne zajednice sveza Trifolion medii i Teucrion scorodoniae (Knautio-Melampyretum, Trifolio-Agrimonietum, Agrimonio-Vicietum i Cruciato-Melampyretum). Na ordinati je vidljiv gradijent od zajednice koja raste na najbogatijem tlu (Knautio-Melampyretum nemorosi) do zajednice Cruciato-Melampyretum, koja raste na siromašnom i kiselom tlu. Ordinacija zastornih zajednica (si. 7) pokazuje tri ili četiri tipa sindinam- skih kontakata: a) Brachypodio-Ostryetum, b) Ostryo-Cornetum, Ligustro-Pru- netum, Omphalodeo-Coryletum, c) Cornus sanguinea - zajednica, Carpino- Prunetum ili Rubo-Coryletum, d) Cornus sanguinea - zajednica, Rubo-Coryle- tum sambucetosum nigrae

    Hacquetia: 20th year ahead

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    Hacquetia is entering 20th year and in editorial we are presenting history of journal in this period, statistics of authors diversity, geographical distribution of published papers and bibliometrics. We highlighted fruitfull collaboration with guest editors, the most cited articles and presented future goals.Hacquetia je vstopila v dvajseti letnik in v uvodniku predstavljamo zgodovino revije v tem obdobju, statistiko raznolikosti avtorjev, geografsko razširjenost objavljenih člankov in bibliometrijo. Izpostavili smo plodno sodelovanje z gostujočimi uredniki, najbolj citirane članke in predstavili cilje za prihodnost

    »Saum« (fringe) vegetation (Trifolio-Geranietea) in the Republic of Macedonia

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    The paper deals with the saum (fringe) vegetation of the Republic of Macedonia. Anew suballiance Lathyro laxiflori-Trifolienion velenovskyi suball. nova of the Geranion sanguinei Tx. in Müller 1962 (Origanetalia Müller 1962. Trifolio-Geranietea Müller 1962) is described as well as the following associations: the Lathyro laxiflori-Trifolietum balcanici ass. nova, the Chaemaecytiso heuffelii-Trifolietum medii ass. nova and the Trifolietum velenovskyi-alpestris ass. nova. Two communities were found and classified according to the deductive method within the Vicia varia community [Geranion sanguinei] and the Vicia tenuifolia community [Geranion sanguinei]

    »Saum« (fringe) vegetation (Trifolio-Geranietea) in the Republic of Macedonia

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    The paper deals with the saum (fringe) vegetation of the Republic of Macedonia. Anew suballiance Lathyro laxiflori-Trifolienion velenovskyi suball. nova of the Geranion sanguinei Tx. in Müller 1962 (Origanetalia Müller 1962. Trifolio-Geranietea Müller 1962) is described as well as the following associations: the Lathyro laxiflori-Trifolietum balcanici ass. nova, the Chaemaecytiso heuffelii-Trifolietum medii ass. nova and the Trifolietum velenovskyi-alpestris ass. nova. Two communities were found and classified according to the deductive method within the Vicia varia community [Geranion sanguinei] and the Vicia tenuifolia community [Geranion sanguinei]

    Landscape transformation in the low karst plain of Bela krajina (SE Slovenia) over the last 220 years

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    The changes in land use, landscape structure and heterogeneity in Bela krajina were compared over a time interval of 220 years and linked to the socioeconomic factors. A significant increase of forested areas in the past 220 years is evident, which has led to forestation of open pastures. Until 1913, the landscape was agricultural. After human emigration at the beginning of the 20th century and World War I, the land was partly abandoned. During and after the World War II local inhabitants migrated from the region. The land structure changed and became of a transitional type. The third wave of emigration started in the 1960s. By around 1980, the study area had become completely forested. After 1981, the number of inhabitants again increased in settlements near traffic routes but people were employed in other economic activities. This trend had no significant impact on the landscape. The study shows that the present landscape structure is substantially different from those in past and reflects the current social and economic features

    Vegetation as the Bioindicator of Human-induced Degradation in Karst Landscape: Case Study of Waste-filled Dolines

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    Mismanagement practices, such as unsustainable waste disposal, created many degraded sites. In karst landscapes, old uncontrolled landfills are often located in dolines (sinkholes). Buried waste material in dolines represents degradation of landform, habitats and a potential danger of groundwater pollution. Buried waste provides heterogeneous ecological conditions on the surface, thus plant communities or individual plant species that developed on the surface of landfills can be used as a bioindicators of waste-filled doline sites and therefore indicators of land degradation. We aimed to discover the potential of vegetation to detect unknown locations of old dump-sites in suffusion dolines in Logaško polje (Dinaric Karst, Slovenia), either by plant communities or by plant species. We aimed to ascertain whether vegetation can indicate the dumping period by estimation of community succession stage. Locations and the age of waste-filled dolines (doline-dumps) were preliminary identified by a historical landscape study. Thus, we used time series of aerial photographs and digital photogrammetry tools for 3D modelling of historical terrain. Ecological evaluation was based on sampling the floristic composition of plots (5x5 m). We analysed ecological conditions by Ellenberg bioindicator values, structure by life history traits and naturalness by hemerobic levels of plants. We studied in detail 30 up to 50-years-old waste-filled dolines that are interspersed by dry and mesic grasslands. Ecological evaluation demonstrated that the main driver of ecological diversity at doline-dumps is the time at which the doline was backfilled and succession started. Annual and eutrophic communities dominate the youngest doline-dumps, middle aged doline-dumps are covered by nitrophilous perennial forbs and, finally, communities developed towards mesic grassland. We conclude that plant communities in combination with diagnostic plant species can be used as a bioindicators of doline-dumps in agricultural landscape of Logaško polje and can therefore indicate the sites of potential groundwater pollution sources but not the type of long-time buried waste.Key words: suffusion dolines, plant communities, waste dumping, Ellenberg indicator values, polje