55 research outputs found

    Environmental Hazard Assessment of Jarosite Waste Using Batch Leaching Tests

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    Jarosite waste samples from TrepƧa Zinc Industry in Kosovo were subjected to two batch leaching tests as an attempt to characterize the leaching behavior and mobility of minor and major elements of jarosite waste. To achieve this, deionized water and synthetic acidic rain leaching tests were employed. A two-step acidic treatment in microwave digestion system were used to dissolve jarosite waste samples, followed by determination of Al, Ag, As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, P, Pb, S, Si, Sr, and Zn by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The validation of the procedure was performed by the analysis of two geochemical reference materials, S JR-3 and S Jsy-1. Two toxicity leaching tests revealed a high metal releasing of Cd, Cu, Ni, Mn, Pb, Zn, and As, and the metal release risk for these elements is still very high due the low pH and acid rain. The statistical analysis showed useful data information on the relationship between elements in jarosite samples in two different extraction conditions (deionized water and synthetic acid rain). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License


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    U članku se izlažu rezultati obrade i analize osnovnih značajki i postavki pristupa naknadi za priključak kupca i proizvođača električne energije na elektroenergetske prijenosne i distribucijske mreže. Iskazuju se obuhvati i značenja osnovnih ili modificiranih varijanti pristupa naknadi za priključak Å”irem kontekstu elektroenergetskog sustava i tržiÅ”ta električne energije. Svi navedeni aspekti ilustriraju se na dostupnim svjetskim rjeÅ”enjima i iskustvima, te na rezultatima analogne metodoloÅ”ke obrade koja je primijenjena na umrežene cjevovodne energetske toplinske i plinske sustave. Namjera autora je ukazati na bitne značajke i postavke različitih pristupa naknadama za priključak, važnost razvidnosti odnosa naknada za priključak i naknada za koriÅ”tenje mreža, te posljedice različitih pristupa za korisnike mreže, posebno proizvodne objekte obnovljivih izvora energije.The article sets out the results of elaboration and analysis of the basic features and premises for an approach to charges for connecting consumer and generator of electricity to the transmission and distribution network. The scope and significances of basic and modified versions of approaches to connection charge in the general context of electrical energy system and the electrical energy market are shown. All the aspects are illustrated from available world experience and practice as well as according to results of analogous methodological treatment applied to networked thermal energy and gas piping systems. It is the intention of the authors to draw attention to the essential features and assumptions of the different approaches to connection charges, the importance of transparency in the relations between connection charges and network use charges, and the consequences of different approaches to network users, particularly of renewable energy source generating plants

    Electrochemical Characterization of Bronze Exposed to Outdoor Atmosphere

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    The aim of this work was to examine corrosion behaviour of bare and artificial patinated bronzes during exposure to urban outdoor atmosphere. Studies were conducted on copper and two different bronzes in order to evaluate the influence of substrate composition on patina composition and electrochemical behaviour. Additionally, two different patination methods were compared. Corrosion behaviour was examined using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy with gel-electrolyte electrochemical cell. The composition of patina was determined by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy. The obtained results showed that all studied artificial patinas initially decrease the corrosion resistance of copper and bronzes but in time their corrosion resistance improves, and even for certain combinations, artificial patina-bronze corrosion resistance is higher than that of naturally patinated bronze. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Training of adult psychiatrists and child and adolescent psychiatrists in europe : a systematic review of training characteristics and transition from child/adolescent to adult mental health services

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    BACKGROUND:Profound clinical, conceptual and ideological differences between child and adult mental health service models contribute to transition-related discontinuity of care. Many of these may be related to psychiatry training. METHODS:A systematic review on General Adult Psychiatry (GAP) and Child and Adult Psychiatry (CAP) training in Europe, with a particular focus on transition as a theme in GAP and CAP training. RESULTS:Thirty-four full-papers, six abstracts and seven additional full text documents were identified. Important variations between countries were found across several domains including assessment of trainees, clinical and educational supervision, psychotherapy training and continuing medical education. Three models of training were identified: i) a generalist common training programme; ii) totally separate training programmes; iii) mixed types. Only two national training programs (UK and Ireland) were identified to have addressed transition as a topic, both involving CAP exclusively. CONCLUSION:Three models of training in GAP and CAP across Europe are identified, suggesting that the harmonization is not yet realised and a possible barrier to improving transitional care. Training in transition has only recently been considered. It is timely, topical and important to develop evidence-based training approaches on transitional care across Europe into both CAP and GAP training

    Relationship Between Osteonecrosis of the Jaw and Bisphosphonate Treatment

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    Terapija bisfosfonatima i njezina etiopatogenetska povezanost s aseptičkom osteonekrozom čeljusti važan je javnozdravstveni problem danaÅ”njice. Svrha je rada pregledom suvremene znanstvene literature utvrditi posljedice viÅ”estrukog djelovanja bisfosfonata (antiosteoklastična aktivnost, citotoksičnost na meka i koÅ”tana tkiva, antiangiogeneza, genski čimbenici, poremećena ravnoteža između osteoklasta i osteoblasta). Terapija bisfosfonatima jedan je od najčeŔćih uzroka razvoja osteonekroze čeljusti. EpidemioloÅ”ki podaci pokazuju da se javlja u bolesnika koji su uzimali jedan ili kombinanciju nitrogenih bisfosfonata. Najvažniji čimbenici rizika za ovu nuspojavu su vrsta bisfosfonata (napose visokopotentni pamidronat i zoledronat koji se daju intravenski), njihova doza i duljina medikacije te vrsta bolesti zbog koje se propisuje terapija. Pojava osteonekroze čeljusti zabilježena je uglavnom u onkoloÅ”kih bolesnika i u samo 5 % bolesnika s osteoporozom koji su liječeni bisfosfonatima. U patogenezi osteonekroze povezane s bisfosfonatima važno je, sa stajaliÅ”ta dentalnomedicinske prakse, dobro opće oralno zdravlje jer se osteonekroza javlja napose nakon prethodnoga parodontoloÅ”kog i oralnokirurÅ”kog zahvata.Bisphosphonate treatment and its aetiopathogenic association with aseptic osteonecrosis of the jaw is one of the more prominent public health issues today. The aim of this review is to see into the mechanisms of bisphosphonate effects on bones described in literature (anti-osteoclastic activity, cytotoxicity, antiangiogenesis, genetic factors, and imbalance between osteoclasts and osteoblasts). Bisphosphonate treatment is the dominant cause of jaw necrosis. Epidemiological data show an exclusive incidence of osteonecrosis of the jaw in patients who took one or a combination of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates. Risk factors vary by the bisphosphonate potency (particularly risky are the highly potent pamidronate and zoledronate, which are given intravenously), dosage, duration of treatment, and the illness. Jaw necrosis is most common in oncology patients, and only 5 % in patients with osteoporosis. From a dental-medical point of view, a good oral health is important because osteonecrosis often appears after a periodontal or oral surgical procedure

    Training of adult psychiatrists and child and adolescent psychiatrists in europe

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    Background: Profound clinical, conceptual and ideological differences between child and adult mental health service models contribute to transition-related discontinuity of care. Many of these may be related to psychiatry training. Methods: A systematic review on General Adult Psychiatry (GAP) and Child and Adult Psychiatry (CAP) training in Europe, with a particular focus on transition as a theme in GAP and CAP training. Results: Thirty-four full-papers, six abstracts and seven additional full text documents were identified. Important variations between countries were found across several domains including assessment of trainees, clinical and educational supervision, psychotherapy training and continuing medical education. Three models of training were identified: i) a generalist common training programme; ii) totally separate training programmes; iii) mixed types. Only two national training programs (UK and Ireland) were identified to have addressed transition as a topic, both involving CAP exclusively. Conclusion: Three models of training in GAP and CAP across Europe are identified, suggesting that the harmonization is not yet realised and a possible barrier to improving transitional care. Training in transition has only recently been considered. It is timely, topical and important to develop evidence-based training approaches on transitional care across Europe into both CAP and GAP training
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