71 research outputs found

    Kombinacione sposobnosti i način nasleđivanja nekih karakteristika korena Å”ećerne repe

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    Sugar beet breeding is very complex because it involves numerous sugar beet root traits that must be measured and investigated, as a basis to create hybrids with high yield, high sugar content and appropriate root shape. In this paper were investigated combining abilities and mode of inheritance for root weight, root diameter and dry matter content of different sugar beet genotypes. Combining abilities were assessed by line x tester method. The mode of inheritance was assessed by evaluation of hybrids versus parents mean. For the estimation of combining abilities and mode of inheritance of analyzed traits were used 8 monogerm pollinators, 3 monogerm cms lines and their 24 F1 hybrids. The mode of inheritance for root weight and root diameter for most hybrid combinations was dominance of better parent. For inheritance of dry matter content intermediate level and partial domination of one parent were obtained.Oplemenjivanje Å”ećerne repe je izuzetno složeno zbog velikog broja osobina korena koje treba ispitati da bi se stvorili hibridi sa visokim prinosom korena, sadržajem Å”ećera i odgovarajućeg oblika korena. U ovom radu su ispitivane kombinacione sposobnosti i način nasleđivanja mase korena, prečnika korena i sadržaja Å”ećera različitih genotipova Å”ećerne repe. Analizom linija x tester utvrđene su opÅ”te i posebne kombinacione sposobnosti roditelja. Način nasleđivanja je određen upoređenjem srednjih vrednosti hibridnih kombinacija i roditelja. Kao materijal u ovom radu koriŔćeno je 8 monogermnih opraÅ”ivača, tri monogermne cms linije i 24 F1 hibrida dobijena ukrÅ”tanjem. Način nasleđivanja za masu korena i prečnik korena kod većine hibridnih kombinacije je bio dominacija boljeg roditelja. Način nasleđivanja sadržaja suve materije bio je intermedijaran i parcijalno dominantan

    Prinos i kvalitet korena Å”ećerne repe u zavisnosti od roka setve

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    Poslednjih nekoliko godina na teritoriji Srbije vremenske prilike poprimaju ekstremna obeležja, od izrazitih suÅ”a u 2012. i 2015. do enormnih količina padavina i poplava u 2014. godini. U takvim uslovima gubici u proizvodnji Å”ećerne repe su sve veći, a kao glavni razlog ističu se bolesti truleži korena u suÅ”nim i pegavost lista (Cercospora beticola) u kiÅ”nim godinama. Pored promene klimatskih uslova treba imati u vidu i da su se patogeni brzo adaptirali i postali otporni na postojeću tehnologiju hemijske zaÅ”tite Å”ećerne repe. DugogodiÅ”nja primena preparata sa istim ili sličnim aktivnim materijama i specifičnim mehanizmom delovanja u naÅ”oj zemlji dovela je do razvoja rezistentnosti patogena na različite grupe fungicida. Da bi smanjili gubitke i obezbedili napredak u proizvodnji Å”ećerne repe, neophodne su promene u tehnologiji gajenja ove kulture i prilagođavanje novonastalim klimatskim i biotičkim promenama

    Korelacije korenskih svojstava monogermnih genotipova Å”ećerne repe iz slobodne oplodnje i njihova varijabilnost

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    The aim of this study was to analyze six open-pollinated monogerm sugar beet genotypes for the important root traits, to examine their hybrids with one (CMS) tester and to estimate the correlation between the traits. Root weight, dry matter content, dry matter yield per root, circumference of root and height of the root head were analyzed. All of the tested hybrids showed better results for root weight and dry matter yield per root than their parents. It was not possible to predict superior hybrid combination based solely on the characteristics of parents. Parents with the lowest root weight per se produced the test hybrid with the highest root weight. Parents showed a positive correlation between root weight and dry matter content and this could help sugar beet breeders to choose the most suitable selection criteria.Cilj ovog rada je bilo ispitivanje Å”est novih jednokličnih genotipova Å”ećerne repe poreklom iz slobodne oplodnje, kao i njihovi hibridi za najvažnija korenska svojstva. Određeni su koeficijenti korelacije između svojstava. Nakon zavrÅ”ene vegetacije analizirani su: masa korena, sadržaj suve materije, prinos suve materije po korenu, obim korena i visina glave korena. Utvrđeno je povećanje mase korena i prinosa suve materije po korenu kod svih test hibrida u poređenju sa roditeljima. Za razliku od hibrida, kod roditelja je ustanovljena pozitivna korelacija između mase korena i sadržaja suve materije. Na osnovu karakteristika roditelja per se nije moguće predvideti superiorno hibridno potomstvo, jer su roditelji sa najmanjom masom korena dali hibride sa najvećom masom korena

    Effect of thinning date and genotype on some phenological and quality characteristics of sugar beet seed

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    We analyzed the effect of thinning date and genotype on some phenological and quality characteristics of sugar beet seed produced by the over wintering method in two calendar years. Experiments were conducted in sugar beet seed plots located in the agro-ecological region of southern Bačka. The earlier genotype C had a higher correlation coefficient between the number of seeds per inflorescence branch and seed germination than the later genotype S. The two genotypes had similar correlation coefficients between the length of inflorescence branch and the number of seeds. Compared with thinning in the spring, the fall thinning had significant effects on the length of the inflorescence branch, number of seeds per inflorescence branch and seed viability

    Effect of Sugar Beet Genotype, Planting and Harvesting Dates and Their Interaction on Sugar Yield

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    Climate changes are affecting the plant production, including sugar beet growing especially in the southern and central parts of the Europe. Modifying the sowing and harvesting dates are one of the most often used adaptations in sugar beet cultivation. The aim of this study was to assess the interactions between planting date and sugar beet genotypes for different harvest dates with recommendation for duration of vegetation period for specific hybrids in order to achieve the best performance and to evaluate influence of climatic factors on sugar yield. Three-way analysis of variance and AMMI (Additive main effect and multiple interactions) analysis were performed to investigate interaction between main factors. Analysis of variance revealed that genotypes (G), planting date (PD), harvest date (HD) and interaction G x PD significantly affected sugar yield in 2016. In 2017 genotypes, planting date, harvest date and G x PD interaction significantly affected sugar yield on probability level of 1%, while PD x HD interaction had significant effect on probability level of 5%. Results of AMMI analysis enabled discrimination of genotypes with the highest level of stability in certain planting dates. Hybrids with combined yield and sugar content (NZ type) should have the advantage in earlier planting dates compared to of sugar beet hybrids with higher sugar content (Z type). However, in shortened vegetation period Z type hybrids are more stable and with better sugar yield results. Results of our study suggest that delaying the harvest date decreases differences between sugar yields obtained from hybrids sown in different planting dates. Major factors in the study affecting sugar yield were growing degree days, insolation and number of days from planting to harvest


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    The North American aphid Rhopalosiphoninus latysiphon (Davidson, 1912) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) was found in Serbia for the first time. It is a polyphagous species, mainly feeding on roots, bulbs and tubers. This cryptic living species was detected in yellow water traps on fields of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad (Rimski Šančevi) during the monitoring of aphid flight activity in sugar beet. In total, three specimens were trapped in 2019 and 2020. The main morphological and biological characteristics of the species are given in the text

    Evaluation of sugar beet genotypes for root traits by principal component analysis and cluster analysis

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    Sugar beet is the most important crop for sugar production in Europe. Wide genetic variability is essential in sugar beet breeding programs. The aim of this study is to evaluate variability for the main root traits and differences between monogerm and multigerm sugar beet genotypes from the breeding collection at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops. The following traits were analyzed: root weight (g), dry matter content (%), root head weight (g), root/head ratio (%), number of cambial rings, root length (cm) and root diameter (cm). Mean values for two years per genotype were standardized and used for analysis. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis (CA) were used to examine the level of diversity for 20 genotypes and to rank the contributions of the variables. According to CA genotypes could be placed into five main groups, where a large number of multigerm genotypes were put in one group. On average multigerm genotypes were characterized by higher mean values for root weight, length, diameter and lower root head ratio. Multigerm genotypes had higher coefficients of variation for nearly all measured root traits

    Development and application of qRT-PCR for sugar beet gene expression analysis in response to in vitro induced water deficit

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    Sugar beet is a significant industrial crop, often grown in the areas where summer drought can severely limit root yield and sugar content. In order to improve development of sugar beet cultivars with increased drought tolerance it is necessary to understand plant response to water stress at the genomic level. Since recent research efforts have focused on the molecular response of the plant in order to identify water deficit inducible genes, the aim of this investigation was to develop qRT-PCR methodology for the quantification of gene expression in sugar beet under conditions of water deficiency in vitro. Sugar beet genotypes, selected for different response to water deficit, were grown and multiplied in vitro. Axilary shoots were placed on micropropagation media with 0%, 3% and 5% PEG, for 28 days. To determine reaction of sugar beet genotypes to in vitro induced water deficit changes in number of axillary shoots, shoot fresh weight and dry matter content were measured. Total RNA was extracted from leaves and reverse transcribed into cDNA, which served as matrix in real-time PCR reaction using TaqMan technology. The housekeeping gene for glutamine synthetase was used as endogenous control, while the genes for alpha amylase and osmotin-like protein were target genes. The relative quantification values for each target gene were calculated by the 2(-Delta Delta Ct) method. Selected candidate genes differed in relative gene expression among genotypes and applied PEG treatments. The obtained results indicated that qRT-PCR protocol was efficient and accurate, showing the potential to be used in further expression analysis of candidate genes involved in sugar beet reaction to water stress

    Effect of nitrogen mineral nutrition in extreme climatic conditions on sugar beet production

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    Continuous advancements in plant breeding and the development of new hybrid varieties are occurring alongside the challenges posed by climate change. Consequently, there is an ongoing need to reassess agricultural practices. Fertilisation, particularly with nitrogen, plays an important part in plant production. Nitrogen is a critical element required in significant quantities for optimal crop growth, influencing the yield of various crops. However, it's important to acknowledge that nitrogen is a dynamic element, and substantial nitrogen reserves cannot be retained within the soil. Given the distinct requirements of sugar beet cultivation, where nitrogen not only impacts root yield but also profoundly influences root quality, it becomes important to improve fertilisation management. Therefore in our study we focused on assessing the effects of five different nitrogen fertiliser levels (40, 80, 120, 160, and 200 kg N/ha) on root yield and quality of two commercial sugar beet hybrids

    Uticaj inokulacije sa Azotobacter chroococcumna mikroorganizme u rizosferi i prinos Å”ećerne repe u organskoj proizvodnji

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    The effect on sugar beet yield parameters and microbiological soil staĀ­tus was studied using two techniques of sugar beet inoculation with strains of Azotobacter chroococcum. Cultivar 'Drena' was used in the study, and field trial was set under the conditions of organic farming system in Bački Petrovac. A mixture of three strains of Azotobacter chroococcum was used as microbial fertilizer. Inoculation was performed by: (A) incorporation of strains into soil before sowing; and (B) repeated incorporation of strains into soil two weeks after sowing. PGP characterization of the strains confirmed the ability of producing indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) from 12.63 Ī¼g ml-1 to 14.95 Ī¼g ml-1, nitrogen fixation, and P-solubilization. Positive effects on the number of azotobacter and free nitrogen fixers in rhizosphere were obtained by inoculation, as well as positive effects on the tested sugar beet yield parameters. The largest increase in root yield, yield of crystal sugar, and yield of polarised sugar compared with the control was obtained by repeated soil inoculation, ranging from 22 to 23%.Ispitan je efekat dva načina inokulacije Å”ećerne repe sa sojevima Azotobacter chroococcum na parametre prinosa Å”ećerne repe i mikrobioloÅ”ki status zemljiÅ”ta. U ispitivanjima je koriŔćena sorta Drena, a eksperiment je postavljen u sistemu organske proizvodnje u Bačkom Petrovcu. Kao mikrobioloÅ”ko đubrivo koriŔćena je smeÅ”a tri soja Azotobacter chroococcum. Inokulacija je izvrÅ”ena na dva načina: (A) inkorporacija sojeva u zemljiÅ”te pre setve, (B) ponovljena inkorporacija sojeva u zemljiÅ”te dve nedelje nakon setve. PGP karakterizacijom koriŔćenih sojeva utvrđena je sposobnost produkcije indol-3-sirćetne kiseline (IAA) od 12.63 Ī¼g ml-1do 14.95 Ī¼g ml-1, azotofiksacije i fosfosolubilizacije. Inokulacijom je dobijen pozitivan efekat na broj azotobaktera i slobodnih azotofiksatora u rizosferi, kao i na ispitivane parametre prinosa Å”ećerne repe. Najveće povećanje prinosa korena, prinosa kristalnog i polarizacionog Å”ećera dobijeno je na varijanti ponovljene inokulacije zemljiÅ”ta i kretalo se od 22 do 23% u odnosu na kontrolnu varijantu
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