29 research outputs found

    Stable Gastric Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 Macroscopic Effect on Haematoma and Swelling in Spinal Cord Injured Rats

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 effect on counteracting haematoma and swelling caused by spinal cord injury

    Potential role of peripheral and central vascular failure in neuroleptic, amphetamine and domperidone pharmacodynamics and toxicolog

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    Vascular failure is a pathological entity that seems to be antecedent to various pathological processes. This investigation theorized that vascular failure-related phenomena would be apparent in early phases after the application of neuroleptics, amphetamine, and domperidone before their expected behavioral and neurological symptoms. BPC-157 pentadecapeptide (BPC157) showed vascular failure mitigating properties in previous investigations and was used to further elaborate findings


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    This study aimed to investigate tourniquet-induced compartment syndrome of the limb, consequential development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, and its counteraction with pentadecapeptide BPC 157 therapy

    OCT4 imunohistokemija nakon laparoskopske limfadenektomije kod bolesnika s tumorom testisa

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    Twenty to thirty percent of patients with clinical stage I testicular tumor have metastases in the retroperitoneum. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of OCT4 immunohistochemistry in histopathologic diagnosis of lymph node metastases in patients with nonseminomatous germ cell testicular tumors. All clinical stage I patients with staging laparoscopic retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy from 2001 until 2009 were included. Archived materials of dissected lymph nodes were reassessed and additional immunohistochemical staining with OCT4 antibody was performed in patients diagnosed as free from metastases. Each slide was visually estimated for the percentage of tumor cells showing nuclear immunoreactivity for OCT4. The study included 93 patients, of which 30 (32.3%) had initially positive retroperitoneal lymph nodes. Of the remaining 63 patients, materials were missing for 5 patients, so additional immunohistochemical staining was performed in 58 patients. Of these, two (3.4%) patients were OCT4 positive, suggesting a conclusion that they were initially misdiagnosed as stage I and metastasis free. OCT4 proved its value in detecting retroperitoneal metastases. Staging laparoscopic retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy for nonseminomatous germ cell testicular tumors in clinical stage I is a reasonable option for selected patients.Dvadeset do trideset posto bolesnika s tumorom testisa kliničkog stadija I. ima metastaze u retroperitoneumu. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi vrijednosti OCT4 u patohistoloÅ”koj dijagnostici metastaza u limfnim čvorovima dobivenih laparoskopskom retroperitonealnom limfadenektomijom za utvrđivanje proÅ”irenosti bolesti. U istraživanje su uključeni bolesnici kliničkog stadija I. koji su operirani u razdoblju od 2001. do 2009. godine. Učinjena je ponovna procjena arhiviranih patohistoloÅ”kih materijala pričem su uzorci bolesnika za koje je prvobitno utvrđeno da nemaju metastaza dodatno imunohistokemijski obrađeni protutijelima OCT4. Za svako stakalce vizualno je procijenjen postotak tumorskih stanica jezgre kojih su pokazale imunoreakciju za OCT4. Istraživanjem su uključena 93 bolesnika od kojih je 30 (32,3%) inicijalno imalo metastaze u retroperitonealnim limfnim čvorovima. Od preostala 63 bolesnika pet ih nije imalo dostupne materijale za analizu te je imunohistokemijsko bojenje učinjeno za 58 bolesnika. Među njima dijagnosticirali smo dva (3,4%) bolesnika koji su imali limfne čvorove pozitivne na OCT4. Njima je inicijalno utvrđen krivi stadij bolesti, čime smo zaključili kako je OCT4 potvrdio svoju vrijednost u otkrivanju retroperitonealnih metastaza. Laparoskopska retroperitonealna limfadenektomija u svrhu utvrđivanja stadija bolesti predstavlja razumnu opciju za probrane bolesnike u kliničkom stadiju I. neseminomskih tumora zametnih stanica testisa

    Secondary Hypertension due to Isolated Interrupted Aortic Arch in a 60-Year-Old Person ā€“ One-Year Follow up

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    Interrupted aortic arch (IAA) is a congenital defect characterized by loss of luminal continuity between the ascending and descending aorta1. It is a rare malformation with an estimated incidence of perinatally diagnosed cases of 3 per million live births3. The condition is considered extremely rare in adults. However, its true prevalence in this population is unknown. We have found 30 case reports of IAA in adults in literature, 5 of whom were older than 50 years. Four of them had type A IAA. Arterial hypertension is a typical co-morbidity. In this report we describe a 60-year-old male patient who had a type A asymptomatic IAA. Although we initially suspected the aortic coarctation, further invasive procedures revealed complete interruption of the aortic arch just distal to the origin of the left subclavian artery. The patient underwent surgical repair, followed by full recovery and near-normalization of blood pressure

    Primjena diodnog lasera u histeroskopiji: Å”to trenutno znamo i Å”to možemo očekivati u budućnosti?

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    Histeroskopija je metoda vizualizacije Å”upljine maternice koja se koristi u svrhu dijagnosticiranja i liječenja intrakavitarne patologije. Zahvaljujući razvoju tehnike uloga histeroskopije mijenjala se od dijagnostičke, preko operativne u operacijskoj dvorani, do operativne u ambulantnom okruženju. Cilj ovog preglednog članka je analizirati uporabu diodnog lasera u histeroskopiji i minimalno invazivnim postupcima u području ginekologije, raspravljajući o pozitivnim i negativnim aspektima ove tehnologije s posebnim osvrtom na buduće primjene i perspektive u području ambulantne kirurÅ”ke histeroskopije

    Comparative Analysis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Men and Dogs

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    Concerning the important differences in the ethiopathology of hepatocelular carcinomas (HCC) in humans and dogs, our work describes the expression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFr), cytokeratine 19 (CK19), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and transforming growth factor beta receptor (TGFb-r) in tumors arising in both species. Investigation included 25 cases of human and 8 cases of dog tumors. All human cases were noted in cirrhotic livers, while in dogs the tissue adjacent to tumor was not changed. In humans in two cases hepatitis B virus (HBV) and in one case hepatitis C virus (HCV) were determined. Investigation showed lack of TGFb-r reaction in six cases of canine HCC, while in humans only one case was negative. In most tumors specific hepatocyte antigen Hepatocyte Paraffin 1 marker (Hep Par 1) was mainly positive with markedly decreased reaction compared to the normal hepatocytes, while cytokeratine 19 for billiary epithelium was negative. The result of our investigation rise the question about the possible role of tumor suppressor gene TGFb-r in the development of HCC in dogs and in the same time emphasizes its importance in human diseases

    Comparative Analysis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Men and Dogs

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    Concerning the important differences in the ethiopathology of hepatocelular carcinomas (HCC) in humans and dogs, our work describes the expression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFr), cytokeratine 19 (CK19), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and transforming growth factor beta receptor (TGFb-r) in tumors arising in both species. Investigation included 25 cases of human and 8 cases of dog tumors. All human cases were noted in cirrhotic livers, while in dogs the tissue adjacent to tumor was not changed. In humans in two cases hepatitis B virus (HBV) and in one case hepatitis C virus (HCV) were determined. Investigation showed lack of TGFb-r reaction in six cases of canine HCC, while in humans only one case was negative. In most tumors specific hepatocyte antigen Hepatocyte Paraffin 1 marker (Hep Par 1) was mainly positive with markedly decreased reaction compared to the normal hepatocytes, while cytokeratine 19 for billiary epithelium was negative. The result of our investigation rise the question about the possible role of tumor suppressor gene TGFb-r in the development of HCC in dogs and in the same time emphasizes its importance in human diseases

    Henoch-Schƶnlein purpura nephritis in children: experience of the two tertiary care centers for pediatric and adolescent rheumatology of the Republic of Croatia from 2006 to 2017

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    Cilj istraživanja: Valjalo je utvrditi vrste bubrežnih komplikacija, indikacije za biopsiju, načine liječenja te moguće ishode u bolesnika s Henoch-Schƶnleinovim purpurnim nefritisom (HSPN). Ispitanici i metode: Retrospektivna analiza podataka bolesnika s Henoch Schƶnleinovom purpurom (HSP) liječenih u Klinikama za pedijatriju Kliničkoga bolničkog centra Zagreb i Kliničkoga bolničkog centra Split, u razdoblju od 2006. do 2017. godine, u kojih se razvila bubrežna bolest prema kriterijima EULAR/PRINTO/PRES-a. Rezultati: Od 378 bolesnika s HSP-om u 81 (21,4%) razvila se bubrežna bolest, u 43 dječaka (53,1%) i 38 djevojčica (46,9%), s medijanom dobi 8,4 godine (2,5 ā€“ 16,8). Uočen je statistički značajan porast broja bolesnika s HSP-om tijekom jeseni i zime. Dob bolesnika pri dijagnozi pokazala se kao mogući prognostički čimbenik bubrežne bolesti. S poviÅ”enjem dobi bolesnika veći su izgledi za razvoj bubrežne bolesti, pri čemu se u dobi od 1 do 17 godina sa svakom godinom vjerojatnost razvoja nefritisa povećava u prosjeku oko 2,25%. Jednak broj bolesnika imao je istodobno hematuriju i proteinuriju (44,45%) te izoliranu hematuriju (44,45%), a njih samo 11,1% izoliranu proteinuriju. Biopsija bubrega obavljena je u 37 bolesnika (45,7%), a najviÅ”e bioptiranih bolesnika bilo je iz skupine s istodobnom hematurijom i proteinurijom (70,3%). Djeca s izoliranom hematurijom odnosno s izoliranom proteinurijom najčeŔće su liječena glukokortikoidima, dok su djeca s istodobnom hematurijom i proteinurijom najčeŔće liječena glukokortikoidima i inhibitorima enzima koji konvertira angiotenzin. Imunosupresivnim lijekovima liječeno je ukupno 16% bolesnika, među kojima je najviÅ”e onih iz skupine s istodobnom hematurijom i proteinurijom (69,2%). Samo se u jednog bolesnika (1,2%) razvilo bubrežno zatajenje uz potrebu za primjenom dijalize, dok je ishod ostalih ocijenjen kao dobar. Zaključak: Najvažniji čimbenik konačnog ishoda bolesnika s HSP-om jesu bubrežne komplikacije. Da bi se ovi bolesnici mogli optimalno liječiti, potrebno je donijeti konsenzus o indikacijama za biopsiju bubrega u HSPN-u te validirati postojeće patohistoloÅ”ke klasifikacije radi utvrđivanja koja od njih najbolje korelira s nepovoljnim ishodom bolesti.Aim: To determine types of renal complications, indications for biopsy, treatment methods and possible outcomes in patients with Henoch-Schƶnlein purpura nephritis. Patients and methods: Retrospective analysis of medical data of HSP patients treated at the Department of Paediatrics, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, and the Department of Paediatrics, University Hospital Centre Split, during the period from 2006 to 2017, who developed kidney disease according to EULAR/PRINTO/PRES criteria. Results: Out of 378 patients diagnosed with HSP, 81 (21.4%) developed kidney disease, out of whom 43 boys (53.1%) and 38 girls (46.9%), with the median age 8.4 years (2.5 16.8).. A statistically significant increase of patients with HSP was during autumn and winter. There is a greater chance of nephritis with the increase of patients age at diagnosis. For every year (from 1 to 17 years) the chances increase by around 2.25%. Equal number of patients, 44.45%, had both hematuria and proteinuria or isolated hematuria, and only 11.1% isolated proteinuria. Renal biopsy was performed in 37 patients (45.7%), and most biopted patients were from concurrent hematuria and proteinuria group (70.3%). Children with isolated hematuria or with isolated proteinuria were most often treated with corticosteroids while children with hematuria and proteinuria were most often treated with corticosteroids and angiotensin- -converting enzyme inhibitors. Immunosuppressives were used in 16% of the patients, including most of those in the group with concurrent hematuria and proteinuria (69.2%). Only one patient (1.2%) developed renal insufficiency with the need for dialysis, while the outcome of the others was evaluated as good. Conclusion: Renal complications are the most important factor in the outcome of patients with HSP. For the optimal treatment of these patients it is necessary to bring consensus about the indications for kidney biopsy in HSP, and also to validate the existing pathohistological classification to affirm which one best correlates with the adverse outcome of the disease

    With food to health : proceedings of the 10th International scientific and professional conference

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    Proceedings contains 13 original scientific papers, 10 professional papers and 2 review papers which were presented at "10th International Scientific and Professional Conference WITH FOOD TO HEALTH", organised in following sections: Nutrition, Dietetics and diet therapy, Functional food and food supplemnents, Food safety, Food analysis, Production of safe food and food with added nutritional value