15 research outputs found

    Od psihoterapije do utopije

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    At certain times, the psychotherapy approaches overstep the scientific borders of legitimate explanation that grant their status as scientific theories and a set of therapeutic practices. Its author attempts to provide three philosophical theses on philosophical grounds and the philosophical aspirations of psychotherapies. The arguments provided are historical (including social networks in the history of philosophy and psychology), epistemological and systematic. In this paper, three areas of such attempts are analyzed: sociological psychologism, that is, description and explanation of social conditions by means of a certain psychotherapeutic approach; understanding psychology as a world-view; and using mental health theory as a model of building a better society, that is, a utopia. Special attention is dedicated to B. F. Skinner's behavioral utopia Walden Two. Keywords: psychotherapy, philosophy of science, utopia, B. F. SkinnerOdnos psihoterapije i filozofije vrlo je dinamičan i obostrano utjecajan. Lako je prepoznati izvjesne filozofske utjecaje u pojedinim psihoterapijama; primjerice, klasični empirizam kod Freuda, Kantovu epistemologiju kod Junga, američki pragmatizam u biheviorizmu, filozofski romantizam i egzistencijalizam u brojnim terapijama humanističkog pristupa... (detaljnije o utjecajima vidi Jones and Butman 32). U drugom smjeru, psihološke spoznaje, u mnogo navrata u potpunosti nepredviđene igdje u filozofskoj spekulativnoj produkciji, izrazito su utjecale na postojeće filozofske teorije i izazivale nove pristupe. Tvrdnja se može ilustrirati dvama (ne)slavnim pokusima iz socijalne psihologije: Milgramovom studijom o poslušnosti te Zimbardovim zatvorskim pokusom. Prva je ukazala na neočekivano visok postotak ispitanika koji su (u simuliranim uvjetima) zadavali potencijalno smrtonosan elektrošok, a druga je pokazala koliko kontekst utječe na induciranje nasilja čuvara prema zatvorenicima. Primjenjujući delfi-metodu, Milgram (Obedience to Authority 30-31) skupio je procjene stručnjaka i nestručnjaka o očekivanu ponašanju ispitanika i one su pokazale zapanjujuću razliku naspram empirijskih ishoda – procijenjeno je da će 0,1% ispitanika elektrošokove zadavati do kraja, dok su ispitivanja pokazala da taj postotak raste do 65% (33). Logički biheviorizam u filozofiji znanosti, problem odnosa um-tijelo (za detaljnu sistematizaciju logičkog prostora ovog problema vidi Ludwig 10-11) ili pitanja vezana uz umjetnu inteligenciju u filozofiji uma samo su neke od ilustracija utjecaja filozofskih teorija na psihologiju. Fokus je našeg istraživanja na politikama koje proizlaze iz psihoterapijske teorije i prelaženju granica koje postavlja znanstveni diskurs

    The elements of philosophy of language in Tolkien\u27s "History of Middle-earth"

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    U Tolkienovoj "Povijesti Međuzemlje" mogu se prepoznati njegovi stavovi, kao lingviste, o naravi jezika. Ovo se ispitivanje temelji na pretpostavkama o projektivnoj naravi fantazijske literature, analogističkoj teoriji naravi imena u filozofiji jezika, te teoriji fonetičke ikoničnosti. Analiza hrvatskog tradicijskog bestijarija upućuje da se ova pojava može identificirati stastičkim metodama, poimenice za fonološko svojstvo prekidnosti. Kao autor četrnaest umjetnih jezika, Tolkien je pretočio u leksik i strukturu pisma ideju o poklapanju biti jezika i svijeta: fonetska struktura, konotativne asocijacije i ustroj tengwara skladno prate etičku dimenziju objekata na koje referiraju. Na koncu se navodi nekoliko istraživanja koja potvrđuju početne teze i u nefantazijskoj okolini.We can recognise in Tolkien\u27s "History of Middle-earth" his attitudes, as a linguist, toward the nature of language. This inquiry is based upon presuppositions of projective nature of fantasy literature, analogistic theory of word\u27s nature in the philosophy of language, and phonetic iconicity theory. The analysis of Croatian traditional bestiary concludes that we can identify these phenomenons by means of statistic method, in this case, for phonological feature of discontinuity. Tolkien is the author of fourteen artificial languages, and he made plain in vocabulary and in the structure of the letters the idea of concordance between a language and the world: phonetic structure, connotative associations and structure of tengwar are in tune with ethical dimension of referred objects. In the end, several researches are stated that confirms our presuppositions in non-fantasy surrounding

    Recepcija hrvatskih filozofa i digitalna humanistika

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    This paper discusses links between digital humanities and philosophy, which have been connected for a long time. The paper focuses on the representation of Croatian philosophers in specialized encyclopedias and dictionaries. Main areas at the intersection of the two disciplines are targeted: generating repositories, creating social networks for experts, and new approaches to analyzing digitalized content. In this context, the paper analyzes the (under-)representation of several Croatian philosophers in tertiary sources. The results show that the number of philosophers with name entries in encyclopedias is small, that the number of languages for the existing articles is also small, and that there are certain inaccuracies in those articles. Finally, the paper suggests certain procedures to remedy the present condition.[1

    Technophobia in Digital Culture. Some Philosophical Issues

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    Tehnofobija je iracionalan strah od utjecaja tehnologije ili tehnoloških artefakata. Filozofski interes za tehnofobiju leži u tri sfere: spoznajnoj, egzistencijalnoj i filozofsko-antropološkoj. U posljednjih pet desetljeća računala su uvelike promijenila i filozofiju. Autori polaze u ocrtavanju problema tehnofobije u filozofiji od pojave tehnofobijskih komentara sa svakim skokom naprijed u sredstvima komunikacije. Sljedeće područje analize je spekulativna fikcija. Utvrdivši značaj spekulativne fikcije za filozofiju, nudi se pregled tehnofobijskih teza u nekim antologijskim djelima spekulativne fikcije.Technophobia is an irrational fear of either technological influence or technological artifacts. Philosophical interest for technophobia is threefold: epistemological, existential and philosophical- anthropological. In the last five decades, computers have changed in major many areas of human life, including philosophy. The authors have started rendering technophobical issues in philosophy with emergence of technophobical objections to each leap forward in communication medium. Next area of analysis is speculative fiction. Determining the philosophical importance of speculative fiction, authors offered an overview of technophobical thesis in some of anthological works

    Zadatak moralnoga deontičkog rasuđivanja: Je li moralno rasuđivanje posebno?

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    Domain theory suggests that moral rules and conventions are perceived differently and elicit a different response. A special procedure was designed to test this hypothesis in a laboratory setting using a deontic reasoning task. The goal was to gain insight into the cognitive and metacognitive processes of deontic reasoning from simple deontic premises. In the 3x2x2 within-subjects design, we varied rule-content (moral, conventional, abstract), rule-type (obligation, permission) and the induced dilemma (punishment dilemma, reward dilemma). Participants (N = 78) were presented with 12 laws. After memorizing a law, eight cases were presented to participants so that they make a quick judgment. Participants were tasked with punishing rule-violators, ignoring rule-conformists, and rewarding rule-supererogation. Response times (RT) and accuracy were measured for each judgment, and final confidence was measured after a set of judgments. No differences were expected between rule-types, except for superior performance for moral content and punishment dilemmas. RT correlated negatively with confidence levels, while accuracy correlated positively. Moral reasoning was more accurate than conventional and abstract reasoning, and produced higher confidence levels. Better performance was found for punishment dilemmas than reward dilemmas, likely due to the presence of a cheater-detection module; but the differences were not found in moral reasoning. Moral reasoning was also independent of rule-type, while conventional and abstract reasoning produced superior performance in obligation-type than in permission-type rules. A large drop-off in accuracy was detected for rules that allowed undesirable behaviour, a phenomenon we termed the "deontic blind spot". However, this blind spot was not present in moral reasoning. Three lines of evidence indicate a qualitative difference between the moral and other deontic domains: (1) performance for moral content was independent of rule-type, (2) moral content produced an equal activation of violator- and altruist-detection modules, and (3) moral content produces higher levels of confidence.Teorija domena pretpostavlja da se moralna i konvencionalna pravila drugačije percipiraju i rezultiraju različitim odgovorima. Osmišljena je procedura za testiranje ove hipoteze u laboratorijskim uvjetima koristeći zadatak deontičkog rasuđivanja. Cilj je bio dobiti uvid u kognitivne i metakognitivne procese deontičkog rasuđivanja polazeći od jednostavnih deontičkih premisa. Korištenjem nacrta 3x2x2 s ponovljenim mjerenjima manipulirali smo sadržajem pravila (moralna, konvencionalna, apstraktna), tipom pravila (obaveze, dopuštenja) i induciranom dilemom (dilema kažnjavanja, dilema nagrađivanja). Sudionicima (N = 78) prikazano je 12 zakona. Nakon što su zapamtili zakon, prezentirano im je osam slučajeva za koje su morali donijeti brzu odluku. Zadatak im je bio kažnjavanje prekršitelja, ignoriranje konformista i nagrađivanje supererogatornih. Mjereno je vrijeme odgovora i točnost za svaku odluku te konačna sigurnost nakon jednog niza odluka. Nisu očekivane razlike između tipova pravila, ali je očekivana bolja izvedba kod moralnih sadržaja i dilema kažnjavanja. Vrijeme je odgovora bilo negativno, a točnost pozitivno povezana s razinom sigurnosti. Moralno rasuđivanje bilo je točnije od konvencionalnog i apstraktnog te je dovelo do više razine sigurnosti. Bolja je izvedba utvrđena pri dilemama kažnjavanja u usporedbi s nagrađivanjem, vjerojatno zbog prisutnosti modula za detekciju varalica, ali te razlike nisu utvrđene pri moralnom rasuđivanju. Moralno je rasuđivanje također bilo neovisno o tipu pravila, dok su konvencionalno i apstraktno rasuđivanje doveli do bolje izvedbe pri obavezama nego dopuštenjima. Velik je pad u točnosti utvrđen za pravila koja su dopuštala nepoželjna ponašanja, što je fenomen koji smo nazvali "deontička slijepa pjega". Ipak, ova slijepa pjega nije bila prisutna pri moralnom rasuđivanju. Zaključno, rezultati upućuju na kvalitativne razlike između moralne domene i ostalih: (1) izvedba pri moralnom sadržaju nije ovisila o tipu pravila, (2) moralni je sadržaj proizveo jednaku aktivaciju modula detekcije varalica i altruista te (3) moralni je sadržaj proizveo viši stupanj sigurnosti

    Investigation of mixed mode I and II fracture mechanical behaviour of SLS printed IASCB specimens by digital image correlation

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    This work focuses on the fracture mechanics properties of polyamide (PA) for selective laser sintering (SLS) and investigates the capability of additive manufacturing process to build 3D artificial cracks, otherwise impossible to create by classic methods. IASCB semi-circular specimen with tilted crack subjected to asymmetric three-point bend loading were tested in order to cover a wide range of stress intensity factors (KI, KII and mixed modes) and T-stress. Moreover, Digital Image correlation (DIC) technique was used by full strain field analysis with the purpose of evaluating the fracture behaviourThe authors wish to acknowledge the support of European Commission through the project “Advanced design rules for optimal dynamic properties of additive manufacturing products – A_MADAM”, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 734455.Publishe