25 research outputs found

    Kızıl Şahin (Buteo rufinus)'de yeni bir bit türü: Aegypoecus guralpi sp. n. (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera)]

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    A total of ten louse samples were collected from a long-legged buzzard (Buteo rufinus) in Hatay province in Mediterranean Region of Turkey. All of the louse samples were identified as a new species morphologically and named as Aegypoecus guralpi

    New records for stratiomyidae (Diptera) from Ordu and Hatay provinces in Turkey

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    In this study, new or rarely collected species of Turkish Stratiomyidae has been recorded. Beris kovalevi Rozkošný and Nartshuk, 1980 and Pachygaster leachii (Curtis, 1924) species are recorded the first time for the Turkish Fauna. Pachygaster atra (Panzer, 1798) was recorded for the first time in Ordu, while Chloromyia formosa (Scopoli, 1763) was recorded for the first time in Ordu and Hatay provinces. All species were photographed as to be seen with their important morphological characters and the distributions of these species were briefly discussed

    Lasiopa aktasii Üstüner & Hasbenli, 2014, sp.n.

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    Lasiopa aktasii sp.n. Figs. 12–22 Holotype: Turkey: Kayseri, Yahyalı, Derebag Village, elev. 1400 m, 26 July 1993, 1 male, Hasbenli leg. Paratypes: Turkey: Kayseri, Yahyalı, Derebag Village, elev. 1400 m, 26 July 1993, 1 male, 1 female, Hasbenli leg. Kayseri, Yahyalı, Derebag Village (Derebag waterfall vicinity), elev. 1250 m, 14 July 2002, 5 males, Üstüner leg. Kayseri, Sarız, Ayranlık köyü, 1600 m, 25 July 2003, 1 female, Üstüner leg. Kayseri, Sarız, Ayranlık köyü, 1616 m, 20 July 2005, 1 male, Hasbenli leg. Diagnosis. Antenae relatively short and slender, basal segments black, flagellomeres reddish brown; apical part of flagellomere 4 and two following ones with short black hairs. Last flagellomere stout, conical, with short hairs. Postpronotal calli pale yellow. Legs black but knees and basitarsi yellow. Medial process of genital capsule with short branches without membrane between them, genital capsule with prominent outer basal projection in lateral view. Female head black, with a pair of yellow frontal spots and elongate postocular spots. Description. Male (Figs 12–15). Length: body 9.0–9.5 mm, wing 6.0–6.5 mm. Head black, almost hemispherical in lateral view. Eyes with dense brown hairs, about 0.5 times as long as scape. Frons parallel-sided, narrow, length subequal to pedicel. Frontal index about 4.5. Frons and face black, face only slightly prominent in dorsal and lateral views. Postocular area in lower half as wide as scape length. Antennae relatively short and slender, about 1.10–1.13 mm long, about 0.85 times as long as head, antennal index about 1.66. Basal segments black, almost equal: scape and pedicel each about 0.2 mm long. Flagellum consisting of 6 flagellomeres, about 0.7 mm long. Flagellomeres reddish brown; apical part of flagellomere 4 and two last flagellomeres dark brown; apical part of flagellomere 4 and two following ones with short black hairs. Flagellomere 4 about as long as flagellomere 3. Last flagellomere stout, conical, with short hairs. Last two flagellomeres about 0.24 mm long, about 1.2 times as long as scape. Head pile as long as scape is long, fine, mostly erect, greyish to white. Proboscis short and enlarged. Thorax black, punctate, only anterior half of anepisternum bare and shinning. Postpronotal calli pale yellow. Thoracic pile whitish, mostly erect, fine and longer than scape. Legs: coxa and femur black but knees, posterior tip of femur, anterior third of tibia and basitarsi yellow, last 4 tarsal segments darkened on external surface, orangeyellow in internal surface. Wings slightly brownish infuscated, stronger veins yellowish brown. Halter pale yellow, with basal third of stem darkened. Abdomen black, with 3 pairs of narrow lateral markings on posterior margins of tergites 2–4, posterior margin of tergite 5 also yellow. Inner end of each spot almost rounded. Venter black, with yellow lines at posterior margin of sternites 3–4. Abdominal pile shorter than thoracic pile and mostly inconspicuous, adpressed, whitish dorsally and ventrally. Male teminalia (Figs. 18–22): epandrium shorter than that of L. krkensis and L. balius (L. manni group) and swollen at lateral sides; proctiger elongate-oval. Medial process of genital capsule with short branches without membrane between them and stouter than in L. manni an L. krkensis, genital capsule with prominent outer basal projection in lateral view and slightly longer than dorsal process of genital capsule in lateral view. Aedeagal complex long, sickle-like in lateral view, simple, almost parallel-sided, and lateral parts separated almost to basal third of complex. Female (Figs. 15–17). Length: body 9.0–9.5 mm, wing 6.0–6.5 mm. Head black, with a pair of yellow frontal spots and elongate postocular spots. Frons occupying about 2 / 5 of head width (about 1: 2.45 mm), somewhat enlarged above antennae. Eyes short, with moderately dense dark hairs. Postocular band about as broad as scape is long. Face prominent in lateral view. Antennae as in male, but thickened in middle. Head pile silvery white, short, mostly adpressed, long and erect ventraly. Thorax as in male. Postpronotal calli large yellow. Postalar calli with yellow spots. Yellow spot present at point of confluence of transverse suture and notopleural suture on scutum and wing base. Short adpressed pale thoracic pile whitish grey. Abdomen as in male, with usual yellow lateral markings on tergites 2–4, posterior margin of tergite 5 also yellow. The yellow abdominal lateral markings and yellow line on tergum 5 wider than in male, reaching almost 1 / 2 of tergite length and connected along abdominal margin on tergites 2–4. Venter black, with yellow lines on posterior margin of sternites 3–5. Etymology. The species is named in honor of the late Prof. Dr. Metin Aktaş, a prominent Turkish entomologist who contributed significantly to the knowledge of Turkish and Palaearctic insect species.Published as part of Üstüner, Turgay & Hasbenli, Abdullah, 2014, Two new species of LasioPa (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) from Turkey, pp. 119-130 in Zootaxa 3815 (1) on pages 122-123, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3815.1.8, http://zenodo.org/record/22574

    Lasiopa aksarayiensis Üstüner & Hasbenli, 2014, sp.n.

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    Lasiopa aksarayiensis sp.n. Figs. 1–11 Holotype: Turkey: Aksaray, Gözlükkuyu Village, elev. 1294 m, 0 1 July 2005, 1 male, Hasbenli leg. Paratypes: Turkey: Aksaray, Gözlükkuyu Village, elev. 1294 m, 0 1 July 2005, 1 male, 2 females, Hasbenli leg. Diagnosis. Antennae relatively shorter than head. Legs black but knees and all tarsal segments yellow, last 3 tarsal segments darkened on external surface. Small yellow spots present at the edges of postpronotal calli. Medial process of genital capule with short, spine-like branches without membrane between them and genital capsule with prominent outer basal projection in lateral view. Female head black, with a pair of yellow frontal spots and elongate postocular yellow spots. Description. Male (Figs 1–3). Length: body 9.0 mm, wing 6.0 mm. Head black, almost hemispherical in lateral view. Eyes with dense brown hairs about 0.6 times as long as scape. Frons narrow, less than pedicel length, slightly divergent toward antennae. Frontal index about 3.8. Frons and face black. Postocular area swollen in lower half of head in lateral view, about 0.6 times as wide as scape length. Antennae relatively shorter than head, about 0.92 mm long and 0.52 times as long as head height, mainly black, slender, antennal index about 2.0. Basal segments mainly black, apical part of scape and pedicel brown. Scape about 1.6 times longer than pedicel: scape about 0.17 mm, pedicel about 0.13 mm. Flagellum consisting of 6 flagellomeres and about 0.62 mm long. Basal three flagellomeres thick, black and densely punctate. Last three flagellomeres conical. Basal half of 4 th flagellomere and last two flagellomeres brownish. 4 th flagellomere shorter than 3 rd, about 0.65 times as long as 3 rd. Last flagellomere spine like and slender, about 0.15 mm, at least longer than 2 preceding ones, about 0.86 times as long as scape and without hairs. Head pile as long as scape is long and fine, mostly erect, whitish. Proboscis short and stout. Thorax black, punctate, only anterior half of anepisternum bare, shinning. Small yellow spots present at the edges of postpronotal calli. Postalar calli inconspicuously brownish. Thoracic pile whitish, mostly erect, fine, about two times longer than scape. Legs: coxa and femur black but knees and all tarsal segments yellow, last 3 tarsal segments darkened on external surface. Femur and tibia with long, erect, witish hairs. Wings slightly pale brownish infuscated, stronger veins yellowish brown. Halter pale yellow, with darkened stalk. Abdomen black, with 3 pairs of narrow markings laterally on posterior margins of tergites 2–4, occupying about 1 / 4 their length, yellow lateral marking on tergite 4 proceeding inwards more than those on tergites 2–3. Posterior margin of tergite 5 also yellow. Inner end of each spot on tergite 2 almost rounded, those on tergites 3-4 slightly widened inwards and tapered towards tip. Venter black. Abdominal pile shorter than thoracic pile and mostly inconspicuous, adpressed, whitish dorsally and ventrally. Male terminalia: (Figs 7–11): Epandrium shorter than that of L. krkensis and L. balius (L. manni group) and also L. aktasii; U-shaped, less swollen at sides than that in L. aktasii; proctiger elongate-oval. Medial process of genital capule with short, spine-like branches without membrane between them and slender than that in L. aktasii, genital capsule with prominent outer basal projection in lateral view, its length almost equal to length of dorsal process of genital capsule in lateral view, slightly shorter than that in L. aktasii. Aedeagal complex long, sickle-like in lateral view, more bended in basal third than in L. aktasii, simple, almost paralel-sided, lateral parts separated almost to basal third of complex. Female (Figs 4–6). Length: body 9.0 mm, wing 6.0 mm. Head black, with a pair of yellow frontal spots and elongate postocular yellow spots. Frons occupying about 3 / 7 of head width. Eyes with inconspicuous, short, sparse dark hairs. Postocular band fairly broad, about as broad as basal antennal segments combined are long. Face slightly prominent in lateral view. Antennae mainly black as in male, but thickened in middle. Head pile silvery white, short and mostly adpressed, only long and erect ventraly. Proboscis darkened brown, short, stout. Thorax as in male, with small yellow spots at edge of postpronotal calli. Postalar calli brownish. Thoracic pile short and adpressed, whitish grey. Legs and wings as in male. Halters pale yellow, with darkened stalk. Abdomen as in male, with usual yellow lateral markings on tergites 2–4, posterior margin of tergite 5 also yellow. Yellow lateral markings on tegites 2–4 well separated along abdominal margin and more proceeding inwards on tergite 4 than on tergites 2–3. Venter completely black. Etymology. The species is named after the type locality Aksaray Province from the Central Anatolian stepe in Turkey.Published as part of Üstüner, Turgay & Hasbenli, Abdullah, 2014, Two new species of LasioPa (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) from Turkey, pp. 119-130 in Zootaxa 3815 (1) on pages 120-122, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3815.1.8, http://zenodo.org/record/22574

    Lasiopa caucasica Pleske 1901

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    Lasiopa caucasica (Pleske, 1901) Figs. 23–33 Materal examined. Turkey: Bolu, Gerede, Yenicaga, Ada Village, elev. 1070 m, 13 June 1996, 1 male, Hasbenli leg. Kayseri, Yahyalı, Derebag Village (Derebag woterfall near), elev. 1280 m, 2 June 1997, 2 males, 2 females, Hasbenli leg. Kayseri, Yahyalı, Derebag Village (Derebag woterfall near), elev. 1280m, 25 June 1997, 2 males, 2 females, Hasbenli leg. Isparta, Aksu, Yaka Village, Cayır Platau, elev. 1710 m, 27 June 2000, 1 male, 2 females, Üstüner leg. Isparta, Yenişarbademli-Aksu Road, elev. 1780 m, 14 July 2000, 1 male, Üstüner leg. Turkey: Niğde, Çamardı, Demirkazık Village, elev. 1635 m, 11 July 2002, 1 male, 1 female, Üstüner leg. Artvin, Yusufeli, Irmakyanı Village, elev. 560 m, 16 May 2004, 1 female, Hasbenli leg. Artvin, Yusufeli, Pamukçular-Halilderesi position, elev. 713 m, 17 May 2004, 2 males, 2 females, Hasbenli leg. Artvin, Yusufeli, Arpacık Village Road, Karakaya Position, 17 May 2004, 1 male, Hasbenli leg. Artvin, Yusufeli, Sahinkaya Hill, elev. 553 m, 18 May 2004, 1 male, Hasbenli leg. Artvin, Yusufeli, Kınalıçam Village, elev. 672 m, 24 May 2004, 1 male, Hasbenli leg. Artvin, Yusufeli, Çevreli Village, elev. 697 m, 11 June 2004, 2 males, 7 females, Hasbenli leg. Artvin, Yusufeli, Yeliltepe Village, elev. 674 m, 12 June 2004, 4 males, 1 female, Hasbenli leg. Artvin, Yusufeli, Barhal Road, elev. 805m, 12 June 2004, 2 females, Hasbenli leg. Artvin, Yusufeli, İshan Village, elev. 660m, 12 June 2004, 1 male, 3 females, Hasbenli leg. Turkey: İzmit, Demirciler Village, Ballıkayalar National Park, elev., 15 June 2004, 1 male, Hasbenli leg. Osmaniye, Düziçi, Karasi Village, elev. 1035 m, 21 June 2004, 1 female, Hasbenli leg. Mersin, İçel, Kavaklı Village, elev. 1203 m, 20 May 2005, 1 male, 2 females, Hasbenli leg. Ankara, Kızılcahamam, Demirören Village, elev. 852 m, 0 9 June 2005, 2 males, 1 female, Hasbenli leg. Turkey: Niğde, Ulukışla, Darbogaz Village, elev. 1610 m, 15 June 2005, 2 males, Hasbenli leg. Niğde, Ulukışla, Darboğazı Village, elev. 1721 m, 0 6 June 2006, 2 males, 1 female, Hasbenli leg. Niğde, Ulukışla, Maden Village, elev. 1712 m, 0 6 June 2006, 4 males, 9 females, Hasbenli leg. Niğde, Ulukışla, Maden Köyü, elev. 1526 m, 0 6 June 2006, 2 male, 5 female, Hasbenli leg. Mersin, Atlılar Village, elev. 1422 m, 0 8 June 2006, 2 males, 10 females, Hasbenli leg. Mersin, Güzeloluk, Yağda Village, elev. 1364 m, 10 June 2006, 4 males, 10 females, Hasbenli Leg. Mersin, Çamlıyayla, Sebil Village, between Sebil Village-Cehennemdere, elev. 1741 m, 10 June 2007, 6 males, 4 females, Hasbenli leg. Mersin, Separation of the village road Atlılar-Aslan Village 2.km, elev. 1388 m, 11 June 2007, 2 males, 7 females, Hasbenli leg. Konya, Selcuklu, Uluihsaniye Village, elev. 1300 m, 0 9 June 2009, 1 male, 1 female, Üstüner leg. Konya, Selcuklu, Akpinar Village, elev. 1270 m, 0 9 June 2009, 5 males, 8 females, Üstüner leg. Konya, Meram, Hasanseyh Village, elev. 1500 m, 17 June 2009, 1 females, Üstüner leg. Ardahan, Posof, Yeniköy Village, elev. 1946 m, 17 July 2011, 3 males, Hasbenli leg. Ardahan, Posof, Gümüskavak Village, elev. 1531 m, 18 July 2011, 4 females, Hasbenli leg. Diagnosis. Male (Figs. 23–25, 29– 33). Eyes densely brown haired. Frons and postocular area more prominent. Face about as long as scape in lateral view, postocular area in lower third as wide as pedicel length. Antenna longer than head in lateral view. Antenna mainly black, apical flagellomere thick, as long as preceding one and densely haired Thorax black, thoracic pile yellowish grey, about as long as basal two antennal segments combined. Legs entirely black. Abdomen with usual yellow lateral markings being moderately large and almost pointed inwards (Rozkosný, 1983). Female (Figs. 26–28). Head black, without any pale spots. Frons occupying about 1 / 3 of head width, somewhat convergent toward antennae. Face and postocular band more prominet in lateral view. Antennae shaped as in male, last flagellomeres even more densely haired. Thoracic pile semi-adpressed, golden yellow on scutum, paler on pleura. Abdominal lateral marking occupying about 1 / 3 of tergite length, tapered inwards (c.f. Rozkošný, 1983).Published as part of Üstüner, Turgay & Hasbenli, Abdullah, 2014, Two new species of LasioPa (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) from Turkey, pp. 119-130 in Zootaxa 3815 (1) on pages 124-125, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3815.1.8, http://zenodo.org/record/22574

    Two new species of LasioPa (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) from Turkey

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    Üstüner, Turgay, Hasbenli, Abdullah (2014): Two new species of LasioPa (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) from Turkey. Zootaxa 3815 (1): 119-130, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3815.1.

    Lasiopa pseudovillosa Rozkosny 1983

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    Lasiopa pseudovillosa Rozkošný, 1983 Figs. 34–44 Material examined. Turkey: Antalya, Alanya, Sıhlar Village, elev. 1250 m, 16 May 1999, 3 males, 2 females, Üstüner leg. Antalya, Alanya, Çayırarası Village, elev. 1210 m, 26 May 2001, 3 males, Üstüner leg. Burdur, Bucak, Çamlık Village, elev. 1238 m, 28 May 2001, 2 males, Üstüner leg. Konya, Hadim, Begreli Village, elev. 1450 m, 19 May 2010, 2 males, Üstüner leg. Diagnosis. Male (Figs 34–36, 40- 44). Eyes with dense, long brown hairs. Frons distinctly divergent toward antennae. Head only moderately protuberant on face and lower postocular area. Antennae black, last 3 flagellomeres with short black hairs, last flagellomere thick. Thorax black, only anterior 1 / 2 of anepisternum and mediotergite bare and shinning. Thoracic pile fine and long, white. Postpronotal calli partly brownish. Legs mainly black. Abdomen black, with relatively large transverse yellow lateral markings at posterior margin of tergites 2–4 and yellow posterior margin on tergite 5. Female (Figs. 37–39). Frons almost parallel sided, occupying about 2 / 5 of head width. Head black, with a pair of yellow frontal spots and elongate postocular spots. Eyes with short, erect, dense, dark brown hairs. Postocular band about as broad as scape is long. Antennae as in male, sometimes more thickend at middle. Thorax and abdomen as in male, Abdominal lateral markings sometimes rather wide and more pointed or fused in middle of tergite 4 (cf. Rozkošný, 1983)Published as part of Üstüner, Turgay & Hasbenli, Abdullah, 2014, Two new species of LasioPa (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) from Turkey, pp. 119-130 in Zootaxa 3815 (1) on page 126, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3815.1.8, http://zenodo.org/record/22574

    Figure 11 from: Yimlahi D, Üstüner T, Zinebi S, Belqat B (2017) New records of the soldier flies of Morocco with a bibliographical inventory of the North African fauna (Diptera, Stratiomyidae). ZooKeys 709: 87-125. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.709.13364

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