25 research outputs found

    An interesting combination of anterior and posterior arch defects of atlas

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    TURAN SONMEZ, Feruza/0000-0001-8817-8521WOS: 000376447200014PubMed: 26482979

    CT versus grayscale rib series for the detection of rib fracture

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    Saritas, Ayhan/0000-0002-4302-1093; Saritas, Ayhan/0000-0002-4302-1093WOS: 000361839300037PubMed: 26306432

    Sigmoid Diverticulitis: Our Experiences with 13 Patients

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    Objective: We aimed to present our treatment approach and results of the treatment in patients with the diagnosis of sigmoid diverticulitis. Material and Methods: In this study, we evaluated patients who presented to the emergency unit between March 2009 and February 2010 and have been diagnosed with sigmoid diverticulitis. The data were prospectively collected and retrospectively analyzed. Our patients were classified and staged according to Hinchey’s classification system. The results of the treatment, complication rates, and duration of hospitalization were presented in the light of the literature. Results: Thirteen patients (9 males, 4 females) with a mean age of 52 years and median age of 58 (35-58 years) were diagnosed with sigmoid diverticulitis. Five patients underwent laparotomy (Hinchey III-IV), while Hartmann’s procedure was carried out in 4 patients and resection and primer anastomosis was performed in 1 patient. Eight patients who were classified as Hinchey I-II (diverticulitis-abscess) were followed up with medical treatment. The mean duration of hospitalization was 8.6 (4-21 days) and 17.4 (10-27 days) days in Hinchey I-II and III-IV groups, respectively. All patients in the laparotomy group developed at least one complication. Conclusion: Hinchey stage III-IV sigmoid diverticulitis requires laparotomy. Complication rates are higher and duration of hospitalization is longer in patients with Hinchey stage III-IV when compared to those with Hinchey I-II. We conclude that Hinchey stage I-II diverticulitis can be successfully managed with medical treatment. (The Me di cal Bul le tin of Ha se ki 2012; 50: 21-4

    Bronchiolectasis due to giant thoracic vertebral osteophytes

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    Balbay, Ege Gulec/0000-0002-1557-7019WOS: 000366655100013PubMed: 26196099

    Düzce Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi'nde 5 Yıllık Pediatrik Trakeotomi Deneyimimiz

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    Amaç: Trakeotomi en eski cerrahi uygulamalardan biridir. Çocuklarda trakeotomi endikasyonları son dönemlerde değişmiştir. Günümüzde akut enfeksiyonlar yerine daha çok uzamış entübasyon, üst solunum yolu obstrüksiyonu, nöromüsküler ve kraniofasial anomalilere bağlı olarak trakeotomi uygulanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada amacımız, pediatrik olgularda trakeotomi endikasyonları ve komplikasyonları ile ilgili deneyimlerimizi sunmaktır. Yöntemler: Bu çalışmada Haziran 2010-Haziran 2015 tarihleri arasında trakeotomi açılan 17 çocuk hasta geriye dönük olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Hastaların yaşları, cinsiyetleri, trakeotomi endikasyonları, entübe kaldıkları süre, komplikasyonları ve son durumları kaydedilmiştir. Bulgular: Kliniğimizde 17 pediatrik hastaya trakeotomi uygulanmıştır. Taburcu olan hastalar 3 aylık rutin kontrollerle izlenmiştir. Hastaların 6'sı (%35.29) izlem süresince primer hastalıkları nedeniyle kaybedilmiştir. Bulardan biri (%5.88) yaşamla bağdaşmayan anomalileri bulunan bir günlük yenidoğandı. Trakeal travma nedeniyle bir hastaya (%5.88) acil trakeotomi uygulanmıştır. Hastalarımızdan biri (%5.88) dışında hiçbiri dekanüle edilememiştir. Bir hastamızda kazara dekanülasyon, bir hastamızda da ameliyat sahasında kanama olmuştur. Toplam minör komplikasyon oranımız %11.76 iken, majör komplikasyonla karşılaşılmamıştır. Taburcu olan hastalardan ikisine (%11.76) rutin kontrollerinde stomanın daralması nedeniyle stoma genişletilmesi operasyonu uygulanmıştır. Sonuç: Günümüzde pediatrik olgularda trakeotomi ço- ğunlukla entübasyonun yapılamadığı üst solunum yolu obstrüksiyonlarında veya uzamış entübasyon durumlarında uygulanmaktadır. Özellikle uzun süreli entübasyon gereken hastaların ailelerine eğitim verilerek, hastaların taburcu edilip evde bakımları sağlanabilmektedir.Objective: Tracheotomy is one of the oldest surgical procedures. Pediatric tracheotomy indications have changed in recent decades. Currently, tracheotomy is performed because of prolonged intubation, upper airway obstruction, neuromuscular, and craniofacial anomalies instead of acute airway infections. This study aims to present our experience regarding indications and complications of tracheotomy in pediatric patients. Methods: We retrospectively evaluated 17 pediatric patients who underwent tracheotomy because of prolonged intubation, increased pulmonary secretions, and upper respiratory tract obstruction from June 2010 to June 2015. The patients’ age, gender, tracheotomy indications, duration of intubation, complications, and actual clinical condition were recorded. Results: Tracheotomy was performed on 17 pediatric patients in our clinic. Discharged patients were followed with a 3-month routine check. Six patients (35.29%) had died because of a primary disease during follow-up, and one (5.88%) of them was a one-day-old newborn who had anomalies that were incompatible with life. In one patient, emergency tracheotomy was performed because of a tracheal trauma. None of the patients has been decannulated except one (5.88%). One (5.88%) patient had an accidental decannulation, while another had bleeding in the operation field. The total minor complication rate was 11.76%, and no major complication was observed. Two (11.76%) of the discharged patients underwent re-operation for widening of the tracheotomy stoma during their routine visit. Conclusions: Currently, tracheotomy in pediatric patients is mostly performed for prolonged intubation and upper respiratory tract obstruction for which intubation is not possible. Tracheotomy enables the discharge of these patients after training their families