13 research outputs found

    Matrix string interactions

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    String configurations have been identified in compactified Matrix theory at vanishing string coupling. We show how the interactions of these strings are determined by the Yang-Mills gauge field on the worldsheet. At finite string coupling, this suggests the underlying dynamics is not well-approximated as a theory of strings. This may explain why string perturbation theory diverges badly, while Matrix string perturbation theory presumably has a perturbative expansion with properties similar to the strong coupling expansion of 2d Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 2 pages, latex, minor clarifying changes of wordin

    Finite-Time Amplitudes In Matrix Theory

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    We evaluate one-loop finite-time amplitudes for graviton scattering in Matrix theory and compare to the corresponding amplitudes in supergravity. We find agreement for arbitrary time intervals at leading order in distance, providing a functional agreement between supergravity and Matrix theory. At subleading order, we find corrections to the effective potential found from previous phase shift calculations in Matrix theory.Comment: 12 pages, harvmac, reference added, typo correcte

    D-brane recoil

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    It is shown that there are logarithmic operators in D-brane backgrounds that lead to infrared divergences in open string loop amplitudes. These divergences can be cancelled by changing the closed string background by operators that correspond to the D-brane moving with constant velocity after some instant in time, since it is precisely such operators that give rise to the appropriate ultraviolet divergences in the closed string channel.Comment: Plain TeX, 5 page

    Baryons and Flux Tubes in Confining Gauge Theories from Brane Actions

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    We study baryon configurations in large N non-supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theories, applying the AdS/CFT correspondence. Using the D5-brane worldvolume theory in the near-horizon geometry of non-extremal D3-branes, we find embeddings which describe baryonic states in three-dimensional QCD. In particular, we construct solutions corresponding to a baryon made of N quarks, and study what happens when some fraction ν\nu of the total number of quarks are bodily moved to a large spatial separation from the others. The individual clumps of quarks are represented by Born-Infeld string tubes obtained from a D5-brane whose spatial section has topology R×S4R \times S^4. They are connected by a confining color flux tube, described by a portion of the fivebrane that runs very close and parallel to the horizon. We find that this flux tube has a tension with a nontrivial ν\nu-dependence (not previously obtained by other methods). A similar picture is presented for the four-dimensional case.Comment: LaTeX, 20 pages, 6 eps figures; v2: added reference, corrected numerical error in Eqs. (13) and (23

    A finite cutoff on the string worldsheet?

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    D-brane backgrounds are specified in closed string theories by holes with appropriate mixed Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions on the string worldsheet. As presently stated, the prescription defining D-brane backgrounds is such that the Einstein equation is not equivalent to the condition for scale invariance on the string worldsheet. A modified D-brane prescription is found, that leads to the desired equivalence, while preserving all known D-brane lore. A possible interpretation is that the worldsheet cutoff is finite. Possible connections to recent work of Maldacena and Strominger, and Gopakumar and Vafa are suggested.Comment: 7 pages, RevTex; v2: typos corrected, superstring calculation included, discussion expanded - to be published in Phys.Rev.

    The Noncommutative Bion Core

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    We examine noncommutative solutions of the nonabelian theory on the world-volume of N coincident D-strings. These solutions can be interpreted in terms of noncommutative geometry as funnels describing the nonabelian D-string expanding out into an orthogonal D3-brane. These configurations are `dual' to the bion solutions in the abelian world-volume theory of the D3-brane. In the latter, a charge N magnetic monopole describes N D-strings attached to the D3-brane with a spike deformation of the world-volume. The noncommutative D-string solutions give a reliable account of physics at the core of the monopole, where the bion description is expected to breakdown. In the large N limit, we find good agreement between the two points of view, including the energy, couplings to background fields, and the shape of the funnel. We also study fluctuations traveling along the D-string, again obtaining agreement in the large N limit. At finite N, our results give a limit on the number of modes that can travel to infinity along the N D-strings attached to the D3-brane.Comment: 22 pages, refs adde