5 research outputs found

    Percentage amino acid identity among all ungapped positions between pairs; predicted PRV proteins and the homologues proteins from three reovirus prototype strains.

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    a,b,c<p>Ref. <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0070075#pone-0070075-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a> for gene segment annotations and names of homologues proteins in MRV, ARV and GCRV. Identity values are from separate pairwise alignments of the protein sequences.</p>d<p>Value from a manually adjusted pairwise alignment of the two proteins.</p>f<p>GCRV does not appear to have a cell attachment protein homologue to σ1/σC.</p

    Proteins encoded by the PRV genome and functional properties as predicted from comparative studies with selected reovirus prototype strains.

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    a<p>L1-M3 PRV gene segments are annotated according to mammalian reoviruses (MRV). PRV L1 has been changed to L3, and vice versa, compared to that suggested by <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0070075#pone.0070075-Palacios1" target="_blank">[1]</a>. PRV S-class gene segments are annotated according to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0070075#pone.0070075-Palacios1" target="_blank">[1]</a>. For mammalian reovirus (MRV), avian orthoreovirus (ARV) and grass carp reovirus (GCRV) several proteins are produced from alternative reading frames or by post-translational proteolytic cleavage. In the latter case, if the exact cleavage site is known, the lengths of both proteolytic fragments are included in the table.</p>b<p>T3D = Type 3 Dearing strain.</p>c<p>GCRV contains an eleventh genomic segment which encodes a non-structural protein, NS26. VP7 is homologues to σ3/σB.</p>d<p>Cytotoxic, nonfusogenic integral membrane protein <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0070075#pone.0070075-Key1" target="_blank">[96]</a>.</p

    Expression and subcellular localization of the S1-encoded σ3 and p13 proteins in mammalian VERO and salmonid CHSE cells.

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    <p>Immunofluorescent staining of σ3 or p13 (green colour), and staining with the trans-Golgi marker WGA (red colour). Transfected VERO cells (A) and CHSE cells (B) expressing both σ3 and p13 from the large S1 ORF (upper panels), and p13 expression from the S1 internal ORF (lower panels). Nuclei are stained with DAPI (blue colour). Yellow colour indicates colocalization of p13 and WGA. Non-transfected cells stained with WGA and anti-p13 serum was used as controls (CTRL).</p

    The PRV genome.

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    <p>Gene segments are assigned according to mammalian reoviruses. Open reading frames (ORFs) and putative encoded proteins are indicated by regions in grey, with start and end positions indicated. Non-translated regions (UTR’s) at gene segment ends are shown in black. Gene segments L2, S1 and S2 are possibly polycistronic.</p

    Multiple sequence alignment of PRV σ1 with MRV T3D σ1.

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    <p>Black lines represent putative nuclear export signals (NEP) in MRV and PRV, respectively, as predicted by NetNes 1.1. ▪ = L<sub>149</sub> in the MRV protein involved in a second predicted NES. ▴ = residues in the MRV protein involved in binding to sialic acid residues. The alignment has been manually adjusted.</p