27 research outputs found

    Samanføying av damkonstruksjon Fv.659 Nordøyvegen

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    Denne oppgåva vart i stand av Møre og Romsdal Fylkeskommune og omhandlar ei samanføying av ein midlertidig og permanent damkonstruksjon på Hestøya, som inngår i fylkesvegprosjektet Nordøyvegen. Oppgåva handlar om å vurdere moglege løysingar for samanføying, prosjektere den mest gunstige løysinga og utarbeide eit konkurransegrunnlag, som beskriver omfanget og utførselen av løysinga. Leveransen av oppgåva skal synleggjere for byggherre om ei samanføying er formålsteneleg eller ikkje. Gjennom oppgåva vil lesaren få ei teoretisk innføring i oppbygginga av damkonstruksjonar, moloar og konkurransegrunnlag. Vidare vil lesaren få kjennskap til korleis vi har brukt metodane synfaring, eigne innmålingar og intervju til å kome fram til den mest gunstige samanføyinga. Funna vi kjem fram til undervegs i oppgåva vert drøfta fortløpande. Vi har kome fram til at samanføying ved å nytte skuldermoloprinsippet er den mest gunstige løysinga. Resultata framstillast i form av skisser, teikningar, berekningar og eit konkurransegrunnlag. For at byggherre skal kunne avdekke det mest formålstenlege alternativet har vi innhenta eit prisoverslag på vår løysing

    Is empiric proton pump inhibition in patients with symptoms of extraesophageal gastroesophageal reflux justified?

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    Abstract Background The prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) has had a marked increase in Western countries with a paralleling interest in extraesophageal (EE) manifestations of GERD, including laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR). There are considerable differences in clinical practice between gastroenterologists, otolaryngologists and pulmonologists. Methods In this narrative review we address some of these controversies concerning EE manifestations of GERD and LPR. Results It is disputed whether there is causal relationship between reflux and the numerous symptoms and conditions suggested to be EE manifestations of GERD. Similarly, the pathophysiology is uncertain and there are disagreements concerning diagnostic criteria. Consequently, it is challenging to provide evidence-based treatment recommendations. A significant number of patients are given a trial course with a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) for several months before symptoms are evaluated. In randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and meta-analyses of RCTs PPI treatment does not seem to be advantageous over placebo, and the evidence supporting that patients without verified GERD have any benefit of PPI treatment is negligible. There is a large increase in both over the counter and prescribed PPI use in several countries and a significant proportion of this use is without any symptomatic benefit for the patients. Whereas short-term treatment has few side effects, there is concern about side-effects after long-term use. Although empiric PPI treatment for suspected EE manifestations of GERD instead of prior esophageal 24-hour pH and impedance monitoring is included in several guidelines by various societies, this practice contributes to overtreatment with PPI. Conclusion We argue that the current knowledge suggests that diagnostic testing with pH and impedance monitoring rather than empiric PPI treatment should be chosen in a higher proportion of patients presenting with symptoms possibly attributable to EE reflux

    The enterochromaffin-like [ECL] cell-central in gastric physiology and pathology

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    Background: Studies on the regulation of gastric and pancreatic secretion began more than 100 years ago. Secretin was the first hormone postulated to exist, initiating the field of endocrinology. Gastrin produced in the antral mucosa was the second postulated hormone, and together with histamine and acetylcholine, represent the three major gastric acid secretagogues known since 1920. For a long time, the mast cell was the only recognized histamine-producing cell in the oxyntic mucosa and, in the mid-1980s, the ECL cell was recognized as the cell producing histamine, taking part in the regulation of gastric acid secretion. Methods: This review is based upon literature research and personal knowledge. Results: The ECL cell carries the gastrin receptor, and gastrin regulates its function (histamine release) as well as proliferation. Long-term hypergastrinemia results in gastric neoplasia of variable malignancies, implying that gastric hypoacidity resulting in increased gastrin release will induce gastric neoplasia, including gastric cancer. Conclusions: The trophic effect of gastrin on the ECL cell has implications to the treatment with inhibitors of acid secretion

    The Enterochromaffin-like [ECL] Cell—Central in Gastric Physiology and Pathology

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    Background: Studies on the regulation of gastric and pancreatic secretion began more than 100 years ago. Secretin was the first hormone postulated to exist, initiating the field of endocrinology. Gastrin produced in the antral mucosa was the second postulated hormone, and together with histamine and acetylcholine, represent the three major gastric acid secretagogues known since 1920. For a long time, the mast cell was the only recognized histamine-producing cell in the oxyntic mucosa and, in the mid-1980s, the ECL cell was recognized as the cell producing histamine, taking part in the regulation of gastric acid secretion. Methods: This review is based upon literature research and personal knowledge. Results: The ECL cell carries the gastrin receptor, and gastrin regulates its function (histamine release) as well as proliferation. Long-term hypergastrinemia results in gastric neoplasia of variable malignancies, implying that gastric hypoacidity resulting in increased gastrin release will induce gastric neoplasia, including gastric cancer. Conclusions: The trophic effect of gastrin on the ECL cell has implications to the treatment with inhibitors of acid secretion

    and gastric acid: an intimate and reciprocal relationship

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    Helicobacter pylori (Hp) is the main cause of gastritis, peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer. There are still unanswered questions related to the interaction between Hp and man, like what determines the susceptibility for the initial infection and the mechanisms for the carcinogenic effect. The initial infection seems to require a temporal gastric hypoacidity. For Hp to survive in the gastric mucous layer, some acidity is necessary. Hp itself is probably not directly carcinogenic. Only when inducing oxyntic mucosal inflammation and atrophy with hypoacidity, Hp predisposes for gastric cancer. Gastrin most likely plays a central role in the Hp pathogenesis of duodenal ulcer and gastric cancer

    Helicobacter pylori and gastric acid: An intimate and reciprocal relationship

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    Helicobacter pylori (Hp) is the main cause of gastritis, peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer. There are still unanswered questions related to the interaction between Hp and man, like what determines the susceptibility for the initial infection and the mechanisms for the carcinogenic effect. The initial infection seems to require a temporal gastric hypoacidity. For Hp to survive in the gastric mucous layer, some acidity is necessary. Hp itself is probably not directly carcinogenic. Only when inducing oxyntic mucosal inflammation and atrophy with hypoacidity, Hp predisposes for gastric cancer. Gastrin most likely plays a central role in the Hp pathogenesis of duodenal ulcer and gastric cancer