5 research outputs found

    The Digital Signature Scheme MQQ-SIG

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    This document contains the Intellectual Property Statement and the technical description of the MQQ-SIG - a new public key digital signature scheme. The complete scientific publication covering the design rationale and the security analysis will be given in a separate publication. MQQ-SIG consists of n−n4n - \frac{n}{4} quadratic polynomials with nn Boolean variables where n=160, 196, 224 or 256

    Electronic voting systems

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    We present the cryptographic primitives needed in the construction of electronic voting systems based on homomorphic encryptions and on verifiable secret sharing. Then "The theory and implementation of an electronic voting system" by Ivan DamgÄrd, Jens Groth and Gorm Salomonsen is presented as an example of electronic voting systems based on homomorphic encryptions, while "Multi-authority secret-ballot election with linear work" by Ronald Cramer, Matthew Franklin, Berry Schoenmakers and Moti Yung is presented as an example of electronic voting systems based on verifiable secret sharing. Moreover, the mathematical background for these systems are studied with particular emphasis on the security issues of the relevant sub-protocols. Comparing these two examples we find that the presented voting system based on verifiable secret sharing is more secure then the one based on homomorphic encryptions, both in regard to privacy and robustness. On the other hand, we find that the presented voting system based on homomorphic encryptions is more efficient then the one based on verifiable secret sharing

    Hash Functions and Gröbner Bases Cryptanalysis

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    Hash functions are being used as building blocks in such diverse primitives as commitment schemes, message authentication codes and digital signatures. These primitives have important applications by themselves, and they are also used in the construction of more complex protocols such as electronic voting systems, online auctions, public-key distribution, mutual authentication handshakes and more. Part of the work presented in this thesis has contributed to the \SHA-3 contest" for developing the new standard for hash functions organized by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. We constructed the candidate Edon-R, which is a hash function based on quasigroup string transformation. Edon-R was designed to be much more efficient than SHA-2 cryptographic hash functions, while at the same time offering same or better security. Most notably Edon-R was the most efficient hash function submitted to the contest. Another contribution to the contest was our cryptanalysis of the second round SHA-3 candidate Hamsi. In our work we studied Hamsi's resistance to differential and higher-order differential cryptanalysis, with focus on the 256-bit version of Hamsi. Our main results are efficient distinguishers and near-collisions for its full (3-round) compression function, and distinguishers for its full (6-round) finalization function, indicating that Hamsi's building blocks do not behave ideally. Another important part of this thesis is the application of Gröbner bases. In the last decade, Gröbner bases have shown to be a valuable tool for algebraic cryptanalysis. The idea is to set up a system of multivariate equations such that the solution of the system reveals some secret information of the cryptographic primitive. The system is then solved with Gröbner bases computation. Staying close to the topic of hash functions, we have applied this tool for cryptanalysis and construction of multivariate digital signature schemes, which is a major hash function application. The result of this is our cryptanalysis of the public-key cryptosystem MQQ, where we show exactly why the multivariate quadratic equation system is so easy to solve in practice. The knowledge we gained from finding the underlying weakness of the MQQ scheme was used to construct a digital signature scheme. The resulting scheme, MQQ-SIG, is a provably CMA resistant multivariate quadratic digital signature scheme based on multivariate quadratic quasigroups. The scheme is designed to be very fast both in hardware and in software. Compared to some other multivariate quadratic digital signature schemes, MQQ-SIG is much better in signing and private key size, while worse in key generation, verification and public key size. This means that MQQ-SIG is a good alternative for protocols where the constrained environment is on the side of the signer

    On the Randomness and Regularity of Reduced EDON-R Compression Function

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    EDON-R is one of the candidate hash functions for the ongoing NIST competition for the next cryptographic hash standard called SHA-3. Its construction is based on algebraic properties of non-commutative and non-associative quasigroups of orders 2 256 and 2 512. In this paper we are giving some of our results in investigation of the randomness and regularity of reduced EDON-R compression functions over quasigroups of order 2 8 and 2 16. Our experiments show that the Bellare-Khono balance of EDON-R compression function is high. Actually, for the reduced EDON-R with quasigroups of order 2 8 we show that the compression function is perfectly balanced, while with quasigroups of order 2 16 the Belare-Khono balance is ”(R16) = 0.99985