2 research outputs found

    Comparison of Chemical Constituents of Some Plant Species of Lamiaceae Family Grown Conventionally and Organically

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    In this study, the chemical constituents of Origanum onites, Salvia officinalis and Lavandula officinalis plants belonging to Lamiaceae family grown by conventional and organic methods were determined by soxhlet extraction. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) method was used to determine the chemical constituents of conventionally and organically grown plant samples. When the results of the analyses were examined, out of 97 chemical components of Salvia officinalis plant, 50 components were determined from plants grown with conventional farming methods and 78 components were determined from plants grown with organic farming methods. Of the 38 components detected in Origanum onites, 36 components were determined from plants grown with conventional farming methods and 38 components were determined from plants grown with organic farming methods. Out of 60 components of Lavandula officinalis, 40 components were determined from plants grown with conventional farming methods and 60 components were determined from plants grown with organic farming methods. In terms of chemical structure, the components are divided into different classes as hydrocarbons, monoterpenes, monoterpenoids, sesquiterpenes, sesquiterpenoids, diterpenes, diterpenoids, fatty acids and derivatives, and phenolic compounds

    Determination of Tamarindus İndica seed fatty acid components using ultrasound-assisted microwave extraction method

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    Bu tez çalışmasında Tamarindus İndica tohumunun yağ asidi bileşenleri üzerine ultrason destekli mikrodalga ekstraksiyon yöntemi kullanılarak bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Tamarindus İndica, dilimize demirhindi olarak geçmiştir. Tropik bölgelerde bulunmakla birlikte özellikle Mısır ve Hindistan’da yetiştirilmektedir. Meyveleri 12-15 cm uzunluğunda kahverengi ve baklagiller görünüşlüdür. Tamarindus sindirim sistemi üzerinde olumlu etkilerinin yanı sıra mükemmel bir C vitamini ve zengin bir antioksidan kaynağıdır. Ayrıca kan şekerinin dengede tutulmasında faydaları ispatlanmıştır. Tez çalışmasında ultrason destekli mikrodalga ekstraksiyon yönteminin geleneksel Soxhlet ekstraksiyon yönteminden çok daha hızlı olduğu görülmüştür. Yağ asidi bileşenleri Gaz Kromatografisi-Kütle Spektroskopisi (GC-MS) yöntemiyle belirlenmiştir. Analiz sonuçları incelendiğinde en fazla ürüne çözücü olarak etil alkol ve metil alkol kullanıldığında ulaşılmıştır. En iyi ikinci çözücü asetondur. En az ürün ise hekzan çözücü olarak kullanıldığında ulaşılmıştır. Kullanılan her çözücü türünde linoleik asit ve araşidik asit tespit edilmiştir. Önemli bir yağ asidi olan kaprik asit, ligroserik asit ve nervotik asite sadece metil alkol ekstraksiyonunda saptanmaktadır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Tamarindus İndica, Ultrason Destekli Mikrodalga Ekstraksiyon, Soxhlet EktraksiyonIn this thesis, a research was carried out on the fatty acid components of Tamarindus Indica seed using the ultrasound assisted microwave extraction method. Although it is found in all tropical regions, it is especially grown in Egypt and India. It is an important tree species due to its yellow and pinkish flowers, different leaves, its impressive appearance of 20-25 m and the taste of its fruits. Both the leaf, bark, flower and fruit of the tree have very healing ingredients. Its fruits are 12-15 cm long, brown and legumes look. Besides its positive effects on the digestive system, Tamarindus is very important source of vitamin C and a rich antioxidant. It has been found that ultrasound assisted microwave extraction method is much faster than the traditional method of Soxhlet extraction in determining Tamarindus Indica seed fatty acid. Fatty acid components were determined by GC-MS method. When the analysis results were examined, the most products were reached when using ethyl alcohol and methyl alcohol as a solvent. The second best solvent is acetone. The least amount of product was reached when it was used as a hexane solvent. Linoleic acid and arachidic acid were identified in each type of solvent used. Capric acid, an important fatty acid, is detected only in the extraction of methyl alcohol to the ligameric acid and nervotic acid. Keywords: Tamarindus İndica, Ultrasound Assisted Microwave Extraction, Soxhlet Extractio