23 research outputs found
Chemical characterization and storage stability of extra virgin olive oil extracted from Derik Halhalı cultivar
Turkish olive cultivar known as “Halhalı” that is locally grown in Mardin (Derik) province, situated in the southeast Anatolia, was used for virgin olive oil (VOO) production. Halhalı olive was processed in the “Mobile Olive Oil Processing Unit” (TEM Oliomio 500-2GV, Italy) designed as the first mobile olive mill in Turkey. Some chemical and physical properties (colour, UV absorbance values, free fatty acid content, peroxide value, phenolic and tocopherol profiles) were determined and monitored during one year of storing in the dark at room temperature once in every three months. Results showed that up to the eighth month of storage, free fatty acid content, peroxide and UV-absorption values (K232 and K232 values) did not exceed the limits reported by International Olive Council (IOC) and olive oils were categorized as Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO). Colour changed from green to yellow and UV absorbance values altered during storage. Total phenol and vitamin E (α-tocopherol) contents decreased by 18% and 16.38%, respectively. Luteolin and apigenin were the most abundant phenolics and their contents decreased up to 22% and 28% during storing, respectively
How much do we know about the venous thromboembolism? The approach of turkish plastic surgeons to the venous thromboembolism prophylaxis and preferred methods in prophylaxis: A survey study
Giriş: Derin ven trombozu (DVT) ve pulmoner emboli (PE) diğer cerrahi branşlarda olduğu gibi günümüz Plastik Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik cerrahi operasyonlarında da hastalar için önemli bir mortalite ve morbidite nedenidir. Bu çalışmada, Türk Plastik Cerrahların Venöz tromboemboli (VTE) farkındalık düzeyini belirlemek, uygulamakta oldukları VTE proflaksi protokolleri hakkında bilgi edinmek, ülkemizdeki VTE risk faktörlerinin sıklığını belirlenmesi amaçlarıyla uygulanan VTE anketinin sonuçlarının sunulması ve verilerin literatür ile karşılaştırılması amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamızda, Plastik Cerrahi prosedürlerine yönelik DVT ile ilgili 7 sorudan ve 2 sayfadan oluşan bir anket hazırlandı. Bu anket formu basılı ve elektronik olarak hazırlanarak, Türk Plastik Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Derneğinin düzenlediği iki kongrede Türkiye’de çalışan Plastik Cerrahi uzman hekimlerine sunuldu. Ayrıca, anketin elektronik formatı, derneğin forum sayfası üzerinden Plastik Cerrahlara ulaştırılarak sonuçlar e-posta üzerinden toplandı. Bulgular: 57 elektronik, 42 basılı olmak üzere toplam 99 anket değerlendirildi. Anket sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesinde, katılımcıların % 90’in DVT proflaksi uyguladığı, %10 ise uygulamadığı saptandı. Katılımcıların %94’ü preoperatif risk faktörlerini tüm hastaları için sorgularken, %6’sı risk faktörü sorgulaması yapmamaktaydı. Risk grubu sorgulayan cerrahların, en sık karşılaştıkları risk faktörü 93% oranıyla geçirilmiş DVT hikayesi olarak saptanmıştır. Sonuç: VTE‘ye bağlı mortalilite ve morbidite oranlarının azaltılmasında en etkili ve ucuz yöntemin proflaksi olduğunu unutulmamalıdır. Bu bakımdan ülkemiz Plastik cerrahi hasta populasyonuna ait risk faktörlerinin ve toplumdaki edinsel ya da konjenital hiperkoagulabilite oranlarının belirlenmesi ile VTE profilaksisi konusunda kendi branşımıza ait bir protokol oluşturulması gerektiğini düşünmekteyiz.Introduction: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) are important causes of morbidity and mortality for patients undergoing Plastic Surgical operations. In this study we evaluated the results of the survey which is prepared to identify the level of the consciousness about the venous thromboembolism (VTE) of the Turkish Plastic Surgeons. On the basis of this survey we also aimed to define the risk factors for VTE and the preferred methods for VTE prophylaxis. We also compared the results of this survey with the literature. Material and Methods: We prepared a survey composed of 2 pages and 7 questions, regarding the Plastic Surgical operations and VTE. The printed forms of this survey were distributed to the Turkish plastic surgeons in two national congresses of the Turkish Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. The electronic forms were distributed through the web page of the Society and the results were collected via e-mails. Results: The study included 99 surveys (57 electronic and 42 printed). Ninety percent of the participants were administering DVT prophylaxis. Ninety four percent of the participants were evaluating the risk factors for VTE before administering VTE prophylaxis. Conclusion: The easiest and the cheapest way to prevent the morbidity and mortality due to VTE is prophylaxis. It is necessary to find out the risk factors for the Plastic Surgical operations. It is also necessary to create a Plastic Surgery specific protocol for VTE prophylaxis
A new and practical instrument for antihelix scoring: Gillies skin hook
WOS: 000413898700013The patient was presented with prominent ear on the right side unilaterally. Operation was planned beyond written informed consent were taken from patient. He was 23 years old. On the physical examination, we observed underdeveloped antihelical fold and prominent concha. The helix to mastoid distance was measured 25 mm in the upper third, 30 mm in the middle third at its widest point and 22 mm in the lower third. The concha was deep and conchamastoid angle was increased and measuring 80°. The concha scaphal angle was 125°. We used Furnas conchal-mastoid sutures and Mustardé scapha-conchal sutures in the operation. The cartilage was firm and to break strength for reshaping and forming the anti-helical fold, we scored antihelix with Gillies skin hook (Figure 1)
The outcome of coronoidectomy in bilateral coronoid process hyperplasia
WOS: 000429251300009PubMed ID: 28220716Objective: Coronoid process hyperplasia (CPH) of the mandible is a rare condition that can be defined as an abnormal bony elongation of histologically normal bone with the symptoms of progressive, painless difficulty in opening the mouth. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the outcomes of five patients with CPH treated by coronoidectomy, relative to post surgery jaw function. Methods: Five patients with CPH were included in this study. The diagnosis of CPH was confirmed by radiographic and clinical examination of the mandible. All five patients underwent bilateral intraoral coronoidectomy under general anesthesia. The mean maximum interincisal mouth opening for the patients was determined by measurements taken pre-surgery, intraoperative, and at longest follow-up. All five patients underwent postsurgical physical therapy directed towards jaw function. Results: All the patients with limited mouth openings presented with a preoperative maximum interincisal mouth opening of 12.4 mm (range 9-20.3 mm), which was increased to 37 mm (range 22-52 mm) in the operating room after bilateral intraoral coronoidectomy and 42 mm (range 32-52 mm) during the late follow-up. Conclusions: Patients with limited jaw function related to bilateral CPH can benefit by undergoing bilateral coronoidectomies and physiotherapy
Cancer cases in five year period in the secondary health care institution of east anatolia region
Cerrahi ve onkolojik tedavisi tamamlanmış hastalarda, malign tümor nüksünün ilk bulgusu olarak karşımıza çıkabilen lenf nodu tutulumlarında yapılacak olan cerrahi tedavinin hastanın sağkalımına etkisi tartışmalıdır. Bu çalışmada, primer kanser tedavisi sonrasında nüksün ilk bulgusu olarak, aksiller ve inguinal bölgede tümör invazyonu olan dev lenfadenopati nedeniyle kliniğimize konsülte edilen dört hasta,retrospektif olarak incelenerek, tedavi yaklaşımlarımız ve yapılan prosedürlerin sağkalım oranına etkisini araştırılması amaçlanmıştır.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Olguların sağkalım süreleri, metastatik dev lenfadenopati eksizyonu ve postoperatif onkolojik tedavilerin tamamlanması sonrasında radyolojik yöntemler ve klinik veriler izlenerek değerlendirildi.Bulgular: Dev lenfadenopati nedeniyle 1 hastaya aksiller bölgeye, bölge 1,2,3 lenf nodu disseksiyonu, diğer 3 hastaya genişletilmiş inguinal lenf nodu disseksiyonu uygulandı. Disseksiyon materyali patoloji sonucu primer tümör metastazı ile uyumlu geldi. Postoperatif dönemde onkolojik tedavi süreçleri başlandı. Olguların yaklaşık 20 aylık toplam takip süreleri içerisinde nüks ve metastaza rastlanmadı.Sonuç: Dev metastatik lenf nodu tutuumu sonrası değerlendirdiğimiz olgularda, primer tümör tipi, klinik seyirler ile birlikte lenf nodu tutulumuna yönelik uyguladığımız cerrahi prosedürler sonrası sağkalım değerlendirilmiştir. 5 yıllık ortalama sağkalım için henüz net bir katkı sağlandığı söylenmesede devam etmekte olan mevcut takip süresince nüks izlenmemiş olması umut vericidir.After completion of surgical and oncological primary treatment of cancers, the effect of lymphadenectomy on patients' survival is controversial in patients with giant lymphadenopathy which is the first sign of cancer recurrence. In this retrospective study we aimed to evaluate our treatment modalities and effect of surgery to survival in four patients with cancer relapse with giant inguinal and axillary lymphadenopathy.Material and Methods: The survey of the cases are evaluated via radiological and clinic datas after exicision of metastatic giant lympadenopathy and after termination of postoperative oncological therapy.Results: Due to giant lympadenopathy, region 1-2-3 axillary lymp node dissection to one patient and expanded inguinal lymph node dissection to three other patient were performed. The pathology of dissection material was matched with the primary tumor metastase. Oncologic therapy sessions were started in postoperative period. During 20 months follow-up of the cases there was not any recurrence or metastasis.Conclusion: In the cases that were evaluated after giant metastatic lymph node involvement, we assessed primary tumor type, clinical course as well as survival after surgical procedures that we performed for lymph node involvement. The survey is evaluated after clinical follow-up and primary tumor type with the surgery performed for lymph node invasion within the cases we evaluate after giant metastatic lymph node invasion. Although it's been said that there isn't any specific contribution to average 5 year survival it raises hope that there wasn't any recurrence during the follow-ups
A Rheumatoid Nodule of the Hand, an Important and Rare Differential Diagnosis of Swellings of the Hand: Case Report and Literature Review
Swellings of the hand are commonly encountered in a general practice
setting and include a multitude of diagnoses. Although majority
of these lesions are benign, a specific diagnosis should be achieved
for an appropriate treatment. We present a case of a very unusual
rheumatoid nodule on the palmar aspect of the hand, but without
any rheumatological disease, which was initially misdiagnosed as a
tendon sheath tumor. The nodule was successfully treated by surgical
excision. The patient made an uneventful recovery, did not experience
progression to rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and showed no
recurrence during the one-year follow-up. We suggest that when
dealing with patients with a hand mass, a rheumatoid nodule should
be considered as a differential diagnosis. Understanding the cutaneous
expressions of RA can enable early diagnosis, prompt treatment,
and lower morbidity and mortality for the affected persons
Report of two cases of granular cell tumor, a rare tumor in children
Granular cell tumor (GCT) is a rare soft tissue neoplasm. It was first named as “granular cell myoblastoma” in 1926 by Abrikossof. GCT often manifests as a single, painless nodule that shows a slow enlargement in the cutaneous, subcutaneous, or submucosal tissues. It mostly affects adults between ages 30 and 60 years, and is very rare in children. We herein report two children with GCT; the first patient with a tumor in the neck is presented due to the rare occurrence of the tumor in children. The other patient with a tumor in the leg is presented both due to the rare occurrence of the tumor in children and the relatively less common site of occurrence. Both of the patients were female. The mean tumor size was 2.5 × 2 cm. Histopathological examination of the specimens revealed benign granular cell tumor. One of the patients who had positive margin did not follow-up after the first excision of the tumor and she presented with a local recurrence in a year. Then a wide excision was performed and the defect was closed primarily. The second patient had negative margin and had no recurrence during the follow-up period. Granular cell tumor is rare in children. Although it is mostly benign, it may be malignant in approximately 2% of the cases and metastasize. The local recurrence in a year is characteristic for malignant GCT before metastasis. Positive surgical margins are associated with high recurrence rates, therefore total excision of the tumor is crucial for local recurrence. GCT should be included in the differential diagnosis of head and neck masses. It should be remembered that the tumor may arise in atypical locations and there is a possibility of malignancy
Changes occurring in chemical composition and oxidative stability of virgin olive oil during storage
In present study, "Saurani" Turkish olive monocultivar extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) was extracted by using Mobile Olive Oil Processing Unit (MOOPU)" (TEM Oliomio 500-2GV, Italy). Free fatty acid content, peroxide value, moisture content and UV absorbance value, minor and major components and quality characteristics changes were surveyed during a year storage. "Saurani" olive oil samples weren't categorized as EVOO according to the trade standards of International Olive Council (IOC) based on peroxide value, UV absorbance values after five and two months of storing, respectively. Free fatty acid content of VOO samples increased during 12 months' storage, but it was under the IOC limitation for extra virgin olive oil (< 0.8%). According to the results, color values of VOO changed from green to yellow while UV absorbance values altered during storage. Total phenol content decreased from 342.95 to 252.42 ppm in EVOO samples during a year storage time. Luteolin was the most abundant phenolic compound and its decrement was 10%. Tyrosol content of VOO samples increased from 2.80 to 8.81 ppm. Except tyrosol, other phenolic compounds' concentration decreased after a year storage time. alpha-tocopherol contents of VOO sample were 324.60 ppm. After 12 months of storage, about 20.48% of alpha-tocopherol content was destroyed. Amounts of phenolic and tocopherol isomers decreased during storage as expected. Results of this study showed that chemical composition and oxidative stability of VOO samples changed significantly