24 research outputs found

    The importance of surgical timing in inguinoscrotal surgical pathologies [İnguinoskrotal cerrahi patolojilerde cerrahi zamanlamanın önemi]

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    Aim: Various inguinal pathologies can occurred if the processus vaginalis cannot closed fully. The aim of this study was to evaluate all patients who underwent inguinoscrotal surgery operations between 2011 and 2018 in our clinic, in terms of age, gender and accompanying with another operation, retrospectively. Material and Methods: In this study, records of 807 patients who were performed inguinal surgery operations including 558 inguinal hernia repair, 184 orchiopexy and 65 hydroselectomy between 2011 and 2018 at Duzce University, Faculty of Medicine, Pediatric Surgery Department were evaluated retrospectively. Results: Mean age of the 558 patients who underwent inguinal hernia operation was 3.0±3.6 years, and 288 (51.6%) patients were older than 2 years of age. Of the patients who performed inguinal hernia operation, 411 (73.7%) were male and 147 (26.3%) were female. There was a statistically significant difference in terms of inguinal hernia repair side according to gender (p=0.038), and left inguinal hernia repair rate in females was detected higher than in males. Mean age of the 184 patients who performed orchiopexy operation was 4.0±3.4 years old, and only 46 patients (25.0%) who underwent orchiopexy were younger than 2 years of age. Mean age of the 65 patients who performed hydrocele operation was 4.6±4.1 years old. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it is seen that the community does not have enough information about the right operation time of inguinal hernia and undescended testis, and that the society should be informed about this issue. © 2019, Duzce University Medical School. All rights reserved

    A Low Cost and Non-Complicated Circumcision; When, How, Where, Who Should Be Made by?

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    WOS: 000493402900016Objective: Circumcision, in Turkey as a Muslim country is one of the most commonly performed operation. The aim of this study is to retrospectively evaluated circumcision datas and discuss about 'a low cost and non-complicated circumcision; when, how, where, who should be made by'. Methods: 4059 patients who were circumcised between 2011-2018 were included in the study. The age of the patient, time of operation, presence of accompanying surgical pathology (inguinal hernia, undescended testis, hydrocele, etc.) and anesthesia type (local only, sedoanalgesia and general) were evaluated. Results: The mean age of 4059 patients was 4.1 years (+/- 3.29). The number of patients who had circumcised 6 year was 1590 (39.17%). 422 (10.40%) of patients who underwent circumcision had additional surgical pathology. The most common additional surgical pathologies were inguinal hernia (n=212, 50.24%), undescended testes (n=100, 23.70%) and hydrocele ( n=32, 7.58%). Conclusions: Since the circulation of complicated surgical operations is intense, especially in the 3rd level public university hospitals are more appropriate to perform circumcision in patients who require additional operation to reduce the cost and hospitalization. If additional operation is not required, circumcision should be performed by private health institutions or certified 1st level family physicians. In terms of childhood psychology, it is important to take measures to increase the level of knowledge of families at this issue, since a significant number of families still circumcised their children aged 2-6 years

    Investigation of Vitamin D Deficiency inPre-School Children During Summer Season

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    Aim:Vitamin D deficiency is an important public health problem, especially affecting children. Theaim of our study is to evaluate the serum 25 (OH) vitamin D levels of children during the summer and to determine some features such as exposure to the sun, oral vitamin D supplementation, and to examine the parameters that affect serum vitamin D levels.Methods:In our study, children aged between 12 and 83 months were included. A questionnaire was answered by families. In this cross-sectional study, serum 25 (OH) vitamin D levels of children and biochemical parameters were examined.Results:The mean serum 25 (OH) vitamin D level was 27.0±12.4 ng/ml. Vitamin D deficiency was found 17%, and vitamin D insufficiency was 6%. The children that taking daycare indoors and body mass index <5th percentile had lower serum 25 (OH) vitamin D levels. Children between the ages of 12-36 months and children with chronic diseases were found to have a shorter time to benefit from sunlight.Conclusion: The rate of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency (<20 ng/ml) in children were found at 23% in summer season. Families and caregivers should be informed about vitamin D and should be aware of safe sun exposure.2-s2.0-8511960514

    Foreign body aspiration with the right upper lobe atelectasis

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    Yabancı cisim aspirasyonu ( YCA) çocuklarda sık görülen ve hayatı tehdit eden komplikasyonlara neden olabilen acil bir durumdur. YCA genellikle 3 yaş altı çocuklarda sık görülür.YCA; trakeal tam tıkanma veya perforasyon, larinks ödemi, bronkospazm, endobro nsiyal kanama, pnömotoraks, kardiyak arrest gibi ciddi sorunlara yol açabilirken, tanı konulamamış, geç dönemde ise genellikle pnömoni, bronşit atelektazi, bronşiektazi, bronş strüktürü veya bronşiyal astım gibi tanılarla karsımıza çıkabilirler. Bizim 13 a ylık olgumuzda YCAa bağlı sağ üst lob akciğer atelektazisi gelişmiş ve solunum sıkıntısına neden olmuştu. Bu olgu yabancı cisim aspirasyonunun beklenmedik bir şekilde sağ üst lob atelektazisine neden olması yönüyle sunuldu.Foreign body aspiration (FBA) is common in children and is an emergency situation that can cause life -threatening complications. FBA is usually common in children under 3 years of age. FBAs early can be lead to serious problems such as cardiac arrest complete tracheal obstruction or perforation, laryngeal edema, bronchospasm, endobronchial bleeding, pneumothorax. Undiagnosed late period, we encountered with diagnoses such as usually pneumonia, bronchitis, atelectasis, bronchiectasis, bronchial structure asthma or bronchial. The presen t case of 13 -month male infant with FBA, lung atelectasis of the right upper lobe and respiratory distress had been developed. This case is reported to emphasize FBA can cause unexpected aspect of the right upper lobe atelectasis

    Paradoxal aspects in circumcision

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    A Case of Bronchogenic Cyst Mimicking Foreign Body Aspiration

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    WOS: 000330470200013PubMed: 23823265Bronchogenic cysts (BCs) can be life threatening if they compress vital structures in infants and small children. In particular, subcarinal cysts can be life-threatening and compromise the airways. In infants, the initial presentation may be respiratory distress. We report a case of mediastinal cystic mass compressing the main left bronchus. The case was an 18-month-old boy who had been admitted with acute respiratory distress. Chest x-ray showed overdistension of the left lung and a mediastinal shift. Foreign body aspiration was diagnosed. Magnetic resonance imaging was performed, which has shown a mediastinal cystic mass; therefore, the patient underwent thoracotomy. Surgical intervention revealed a subcarinal extrapulmonary BC that compresses the left main bronchus. The diagnosis of BC was confirmed with pathological investigation. In this report, we present a case of BC with the emphasis on the differential diagnosis with foreign body aspiration

    A case of isolated thrombocytopenia due to cobalamin deficiency

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    WOS: 000297198800012PubMed: 22015492The most common form of isolated thrombocytopenia is idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) in childhood. Hence, pediatricians consider a possible diagnosis of ITP in patients with isolated thrombocytopenia who are admitted to hospital with complaints of skin findings such as petechiae, purpura, and ecchymosis. It is well known that cobalamin deficiency may also cause thrombocytopenia together with anemia and leukopenia in children. However, isolated thrombocytopenia due to cobalamin deficiency has rarely been reported in literature. In this case report, we present a 7-year-old female patient with isolated thrombocytopenia that was improved by cyanocobalamin therapy

    A case of bronchogenic cyst admitted by recurrent pulmonary infection

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    Bronkojenik kist embriyonik foregutun anormal tomurcu klanması sonucu gelişen ender rastlanan bir bozukluktur. Bazen doğumda solunum sıkıntısına neden olurken bazen de erişkin döneme kadar asemptomatik kalabilir. Basıya bağlı klinik bulgular yenidoğan ve süt çocukluğu dönemindeki en önemli yakınmalardır. Burada tekrarlayan akciğer enfeksiyonu nedeniyle izlenen 9 aylık bronkojenik kist olgusu sunu lmuştur. Tekrarlayan akciğer enfeksiyonu etiyolojisinde bro nkojenik kistin de göz önünde bulundurulması gerektiğini vurgulama k istedik.Bronchogenic cyst is a rare disorder that result from abno rmal budding of embrionic foregut. While it sometimes ca uses to respiratory distress at birth, it may also remain asymptomatic until adulthood. Clinical symptoms due to compression are mo st frequent complaints in neonatal and infancy period. Herein, a nine month old case of bronchogenic cyst followed for recurrent pulmonary infections was presented. We would like to emphasize that the bronchogenic cyst should be considered on etiology of r ecurrent pulmonary infections