56 research outputs found

    Lipid and essential oil constituents of cota hamzaoglui Özbek & vural (Asteraceae)

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    Essential oils of Mentha species from Marmara region of Turkey

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    The genus Mentha L. (Lamiaceae) is represented in the world by 62 taxa including 18 species and 11 hybrids. In Turkey, 15 taxa exist. In the course of the present work, 90 samples belonging to 11 Mentha taxa collected from the Marmara region of Turkey in north western Turkey were hydrodistilled to obtain essential oils, which were then subjected to gas chromatographic (GC) and GC/mass spectrometric (GC/MS) analyses. Fifty-six percent of the samples contained 3-oxo-1,2-epoxy type compounds (piperitenone oxide, cis- and trans-piperitone oxide) as the main constituents in their oils, whereas 25% contained 3-oxo compounds (menthone, isomenthone, pulegone, menthofuran, piperitone, piperitenone and isopulegol). Ten percent of the samples comprised 2-oxo compounds such as carvone, cis-and trans-dihydrocarvone; 2% contained 1,8-cineole and 1% contained trans-sabinene hydrate as the main constituent in the oils; 5% belonged to an unknown category found in the five oils of Mentha longifolia

    Different alternatives of reconstruction for complicated tissue defects localized on proximal femur [Uyluk proksimaline yerleşen komplike doku defektleri için farkli rekonstrüksiyon seçenekleri]

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    Repair of complex inguinal region defects still creates problems for plastic surgeons. Healing of groin wounds sometimes poses difficulties because of insufficient thickness and poor vascularity of the skin (1). After primary recontrouction, wound infection and dehisence frequently occur (2). For the reconstruction of inguinal region it appears to be necessary to use pediculated or free flaps that are better vascularized, when all these situations have been considered (3). In these reports we discussed different reconstructive alternatives of the inguinal region tissue defects