4 research outputs found

    Prevalencija ovčje estroze (Oestrus ovis Linnaeus, 1761, Diptera: Oestridae) i rizični čimbenici njezina širenja u istočnoj Turskoj.

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    This study was carried out to estimate the prevalence, larval burden and some risk factors of ovine oestrosis in 328 heads of randomly selected sheep slaughtered in one year at Van, eastern Turkey. Of the total heads, 127 (38.71 %) were infested with Oestrus ovis (Linnaeus, 1761, Diptera: Oestridae) larvae. The prevalence of O. ovis was 51.68 % in summer, 40.69 % in spring, 35.80 % in autumn, and 23.61 % in winter. The differences between seasons were statistically significant (P<0.05). Out of a total of 511 larvae collected, 17 % were L1, 29 % L2, and 54 % L3 larvae. All three larval instars were observed in all study months, apart from the fact that no first-stage larvae were seen in December and March. The overall larval intensity for the infested sheep was 4.02, with 3.42 in spring, 3.80 in summer, 4.03 in autumn and 5.82 in winter. The infestation rates were 41.26 % in female and 34.42 % in male sheep. The infestation rate in sheep less than 2-years-old was 23.33 %, in those 2 to 4 years-old 36.42 % and inj those older than 4 years old 48.43 %. Sheep with dark head color had a higher risk than sheep with white and spotted heads (P<0.05).Ovo istraživanje provedeno je radi procjene prevalencije, opterećenja ličinkama i čimbenika rizika estroze u 328 nasumično odabranih ovaca na klaonici u Van-u u istočnoj Turskoj. Od toga broja je 127 ovaca (38,71%) bilo invadirano ličinkama ovčjeg štrka Oestrus ovis (Linnaeus, 1761, Diptera: Oestridae). Prevalencija O. ovis iznosila je 51,68 % ljeti, 40,69 % u proljeće, 35,80 % u jesen i 23,61 % zimi. Sezonske razlike bile su statistički signifikantne (P<0,05). Od ukupno 511 prikupljenih ličinaka 17 % bile su ličinke L1, 29% L2 te 54 % L3. Razvoj svih triju stupnjeva ličinaka bio je promatran svaki mjesec tijekom istraživanja, osim što ličinke prvog stupnja nisu bile ustanovljene u prosincu i ožujku. Prosječna jačina invazije po ovci iznosila je 4,02: na proljeće 3,42, ljeti 3,80, u jesen 4,03 te zimi 5,82. Stupanj invazije iznosio je 41,26% u ovaca i 34,42% u ovnova. Stupanj invazije u životinja mlađih od 2 godine iznosio je 23,33%, u onih u dobi od 2 do 4 godine bio je 36,42 %, a u onih starijih od 4 godine bio je 48,43 %. Ovce s tamnom bojom dlake na glavi imale su veći rizik od oboljevanja u usporedbi s ovcama koje su imale bijelu ili šarenu glavu (P<0,05)

    Stomoxys (Diptera, Muscidae) and Transmission of Some Important Parasitic Diseases by Stable flies

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    Stomoxys sinekleri, çiftlik hayvanlarının ve bazen de insanların deri ve kanlarında yaşayan pek çok patojen için mekanik vektörlük yapmaktadır. İmmun sistem baskılayıcı etkileri yanında, kan kaybı, stres, iştah kaybı, deri lezyonlarına yol açar ve hayvanları oldukça rahatsız ederler. Hayvanların bu sineklerden kendilerini korumak için bir araya toplanmaları da patojen etkenlerin mekanik bulaşmasına katkı sağlar. Stomoxys sinekleri Trypanasoma sp, Besnoitia sp, Habronema microstoma, Onchocerca sp. ve Dirofilaria sp. gibi parazitlere taşıyıcılık yapmaktadırlar. Kozmopolit bir yayılış gösteren Stomoxys calcitrans’ın hayvan ve insanlara patojen etkenleri bulaştırmada önemli bir vektörlük profiline sahip olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu konunun önemi gereği gelecekte yapılacak araştırmalara ışık tutması amacıyla bu insektin morfolojisi, biyolojisi, tıbbi önemleri, kontrol metodları ile ilgili son bilgiler ve literatürler incelenerek derleme yapılmıştır.Stomoxys flies are mechanical vectors of various pathogens existing in the blood and skin of livestock, but sometimes humans. In addition to their immune suppressive effects, they have quite a few disturbance effects on skin lesions, reduction of food intake, stress and blood loss. To protection from flies, the gathering of animals also contribute development of mechanical transmission of pathogens. Dirofilaria sp, Onchocerca sp, Habronema microstoma, Besnoitia sp and Trypanasoma sp are transmitted by Stomoxys. Stomoxys calcitransindicate a cosmopolitan distribution is known as a profile of an significant vectoring transmitting pathogens to the animals and humans. Due to importance of this subject, a review has been made concerning the morphology, biology, medical importance, control methods of the Stomoxys flies so that future investigations may benefit

    Prevalencija ovčje estroze (Oestrus ovis Linnaeus, 1761, Diptera: Oestridae) i rizični čimbenici njezina širenja u istočnoj Turskoj.

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    This study was carried out to estimate the prevalence, larval burden and some risk factors of ovine oestrosis in 328 heads of randomly selected sheep slaughtered in one year at Van, eastern Turkey. Of the total heads, 127 (38.71 %) were infested with Oestrus ovis (Linnaeus, 1761, Diptera: Oestridae) larvae. The prevalence of O. ovis was 51.68 % in summer, 40.69 % in spring, 35.80 % in autumn, and 23.61 % in winter. The differences between seasons were statistically significant (P<0.05). Out of a total of 511 larvae collected, 17 % were L1, 29 % L2, and 54 % L3 larvae. All three larval instars were observed in all study months, apart from the fact that no first-stage larvae were seen in December and March. The overall larval intensity for the infested sheep was 4.02, with 3.42 in spring, 3.80 in summer, 4.03 in autumn and 5.82 in winter. The infestation rates were 41.26 % in female and 34.42 % in male sheep. The infestation rate in sheep less than 2-years-old was 23.33 %, in those 2 to 4 years-old 36.42 % and inj those older than 4 years old 48.43 %. Sheep with dark head color had a higher risk than sheep with white and spotted heads (P<0.05).Ovo istraživanje provedeno je radi procjene prevalencije, opterećenja ličinkama i čimbenika rizika estroze u 328 nasumično odabranih ovaca na klaonici u Van-u u istočnoj Turskoj. Od toga broja je 127 ovaca (38,71%) bilo invadirano ličinkama ovčjeg štrka Oestrus ovis (Linnaeus, 1761, Diptera: Oestridae). Prevalencija O. ovis iznosila je 51,68 % ljeti, 40,69 % u proljeće, 35,80 % u jesen i 23,61 % zimi. Sezonske razlike bile su statistički signifikantne (P<0,05). Od ukupno 511 prikupljenih ličinaka 17 % bile su ličinke L1, 29% L2 te 54 % L3. Razvoj svih triju stupnjeva ličinaka bio je promatran svaki mjesec tijekom istraživanja, osim što ličinke prvog stupnja nisu bile ustanovljene u prosincu i ožujku. Prosječna jačina invazije po ovci iznosila je 4,02: na proljeće 3,42, ljeti 3,80, u jesen 4,03 te zimi 5,82. Stupanj invazije iznosio je 41,26% u ovaca i 34,42% u ovnova. Stupanj invazije u životinja mlađih od 2 godine iznosio je 23,33%, u onih u dobi od 2 do 4 godine bio je 36,42 %, a u onih starijih od 4 godine bio je 48,43 %. Ovce s tamnom bojom dlake na glavi imale su veći rizik od oboljevanja u usporedbi s ovcama koje su imale bijelu ili šarenu glavu (P<0,05)

    seroprevalance of anaplasmosis in cattle in Van, Muş, Siirt and Diyarbakır Provinces

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    Rikettsiales dizisi, Anaplasmatacae ailesindeki Anaplasma türlerinin meydana getirdiği anaplasmosis, tropik ve subtropik iklim bölgelerindeki memeli hayvanlarda görülen enfeksiyöz bir hastalıktır. Sığır anaplasmosisi genellikle Anaplasma marginale ile ilişkilendirilir ve bu hastalık hem kan emici sinekler ile mekanik hem de keneler ile biyolojik yolla nakledilir. Bu çalışma Van, Muş, Siirt ve Diyarbakır İllerinde sığırlarda Anaplasma spp. seroprevalansının araştırılması amacıyla yapılmıştır. Serum örnekleri ticari cELISA kiti ile Anaplasma’ya karşı gelişen antikorlar yönünden analiz edilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda incelenen 182 sığırın 52’sinde (%28,6) Anaplasma spp. antikorları bakımından seropozitiflik saptanmıştır. Dişi sığırlarda seroprevalans %29.3, erkeklerde ise %27.1 olarak belirlenmiş ve bu farklılık istatistiksel açıdan önemsiz bulunmuştur. İstatiksel olarak sığırlarda yaş gruplarına göre farklı seropozitiflik saptanmış olup, en yüksek oran 3-5 (%45.1) yaş arasındaki hayvanlarda bulunmuştur. Ayrıca çalışma merkezleri arasında en yüksek seropozitiflik %78.7 oranı ile Siirt ilinde belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, Van, Muş, Siirt ve Diyarbakır illerinde sığırlarda subklinik ve kronik Anaplasma enfeksiyonlarının varlığı ortaya konulmuştur.Anaplasmosis, caused by the genus Anaplasma related to the family Anaplasmataceae the order Rickettsiales, is an infectious disease occurs in mammals in tropical and subtropical climatic regions. Bovine anaplasmosis is usually associated with Anaplasma marginale infection in cattle and its can be transmitted both mechanically by biting flies or and biologically by ticks. The purpose of this study was to investigate the presence of Anaplasma spp. in cattle in Van, Mus, Siirt and Diyabakir provinces. cELISA was used to detect specific anti-Anaplasma spp. antibodies in the serum samples. 52 (28.6%) of the 182 asymptomatic cattle were seropositive against Anaplasma. The prevalence of anaplasmosis in female and male cattle was found as 29.3% and 27.3%, respectively and this difference was not found significant. Seropositive rate was statistically differ among the age groups of cattle and the highest seropositive rate was found in 3-5 years. Moreover, the highest seropositive rate of study sites was determined in Siirt as 78.7%. As a result, this is serologic survey for subclinical and chronic Anaplasma spp. infections performed on cattle in Van, Mus, Siirt and Diyabakir province