53 research outputs found

    The Effect of Wheat Bran Added to Canola Silage on Feed Value and in Vitro Organic Matter Digestibility

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    This study was carried out to determine the effect of wheat bran as added to canola silage on the fermentation and in vitro organic matter digestibility. Canola was harvested and ensiled with 5% and 10% wheat bran in glass silos. With each treatment three parallel investigations were performed. Chemical, microbiological analyses and in vitro cellulase method were conducted on the silage which was opened on the 60th day of storage. According to the analysis of the control, 5% and 10% wheat bran treatments, crude protein reached 14.31%, 14.71% and 15.66%; ammonia-nitrogen reached 91.53, 85.43 and 85.34 g/kg TN; metabolisable energy reached 7.94, 8.27 and 8.51 MJ/kg KM; while organic matter digestibility was 61.45%, 63.93% and 62.92%, respectively. In conclusion, addition of wheat bran can increase dry matter content of canola silage

    Determination of Fermentation and Feed Value Characteristics of Grape Pomace Silage

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    DergiPark: 245872trakyafbdBu çalışma üzüm posası silajının fermantasyon özellikleri ve yem değerini belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Bu amaçla Tekirdağ Şarap Fabrikasından alınan üzüm posası plastik bidonlarda, herhangi bir katkı maddesi kullanılmadan 45 gün süre ile silolanmıştır. Silaj fermantasyonuna ilişkin olarak da pH, amonyak nitrojeni, suda çözünebilir karbonhidrat, organik asit (laktik, asetik, bütirik asit) analizleri yürütülmüş ve mikrobiyolojik analizler yapılmıştır. Üzüm posası silajının ham besin maddelerinin sindirilme dereceleri ve enerji içeriği klasik sindirim denemeleriyle saptanmıştır. Silaj örneklerinde kuru madde, amonyak nitrojeni, suda çözünebilir karbonhidratlar, laktik asit, asetik asit içerikleri ve pH değeri sırasıyla %35.16, 31.32 g/kg KM, 6.78 g/kg KM, %2.59 KM, %2.36 KM ve 3.55 olarak saptanmıştır. Üzüm posası silajının kuru madde, organik maddeler, ham protein, ham yağ, ham selüloz ve nitrojensiz öz maddelerin sindirilme dereceleri sırasıyla %40.85, 39.29, 1.01, 95.36, 22.68 ve 46.71, sindirilebilir kuru madde, organik maddeler, ham protein, ham yağ, ham selüloz ve nitrojensiz öz maddeler sırayla 408.5, 370.4, 1.1, 111.2, 72.2 ve 185.8 g/kg KM, metabolik enerji ve net enerji değerleri ise sırasıyla; 7.71 MJ ME/kg KM ve 4.29 MJ NEL/kg KM olarak bulunmuştur.This study was carried out to determine on the fermentation and feed value of grape pomace. In order to carry out the research the grape pomace taken from Tekirdağ wine factory were ensiled without any additive in plastic container for 45 days. Relating to silage fermentation analysis of pH, ammonia nitrogen, water soluble carbohydrate, organic acids (lactic, acetic and butyric acid) were carried out and microbiological analyses had been done. Digestional value and energy content of crude nutritive matters of grape pomace silage determined with classical digestive experiment. Dry matter, ammonia nitrogen, water soluble carbohydrate, lactic acid, acetic acid content and pH value of grape pomace silage were found as 35.16%, 31.32 g/kg DM, 6.78 g/kg DM, %2.59 DM, %2.36 DM and 3.55, respectively. Digestion coefficients of dry matter, organic matters, crude protein, ether extract, crude fiber and nitrogen free extracts of grape pomace silage were found as 40.85, 39.29, 1.01, 95.36, 22.68, and 46.71%, respectively. The contents of digestible dry matter, organic matters, crude protein, ether extracts, crude fiber and nitrogenfree extracts were found as 408.5, 370.4, 1.1, 111.2, 72.2, and 185.8 g/kg DM, respectively. Metabolisable energy and net energy values of grape pomace silage were found 7.71 MJ ME/kg DM and 4.29 MJ NEL/kg DM, respectively

    Farklı Olgunluk Dönemlerinde Hasat Edilen Yonca Bitkisinden Hazırlanan Silajlarda Laktik Asit Bakterisi ve Enzim Karışım İnokulant İlavesinin Silaj Fermantasyon Özellikleri ve Yem Değeri Üzerindeki Etkileri

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    This study was carried out to determine the effects of lactic acid bacteria+ enzyme (LAB+E)inoculants on the fermentation characteristics and feed values of silages prepared from alfalfaharvested at three maturity stages. Alfalfa was harvested at the early, middle and late floweringstages. Sil-All (Alltech, UK) were used as LAB+E inoculants. Inoculants were applied to thesilages at the rates of 1×105, 5×105and 1×106cfu/g levels in 1 liter capacity plastic bags. Thebags were stored at 20±2°C under the laboratory conditions. Three bags from each group weresampled for chemical and microbiological analyses on the 45th day after ensiling. The resultsshowed that LAB+E inoculants reduced pH values and ammonia-nitrogen content, whereasincreased lactic acid contents and lactobacillus count of alfalfa silages. High doses LAB+Einoculant decreased neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber content, increased in vitroorganic matter digestibility and metabolic energy of alfalfa silages. It has been demonstratedthat the most effective application dose of LAB+E inoculant to improve fermentation and feedvalue of alfalfa silage was 1×106cfu/g, but 1x105and 5×105cfu/g level can also be consideredas effective doseBu çalışma, üç ayrı vejetasyon döneminde hasat edilen yonca bitkisine farklı düzeylerde laktik asit bakteri+enzim (LAB+E) inokulantı ilavesinin silaj fermantasyon özellikleri ve yem değeri üzerindeki etkilerinin saptanması amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Yonca bitkisi çiçeklenme başlangıcı, çiçeklenme ortası ve çiçeklenme sonu döneminde hasat edilmiştir. Laktik asit bakteri+enzim karışımı inokulant kaynağı olarak Sil-All (Alltech, UK) kullanılmıştır. İnokulant, yonca hasıllarına 1×105 , 5×105 ve 1×106 kob/g düzeyinde katılmıştır. Kontrol ve katkı maddeleri ile muamele edilen yonca 1 litre hacimli polietilen torbalarda silolanmıştır. Torbalar laboratuvar koşullarında 20±2°C sıcaklıkta depolanmışlardır. Silolamadan sonraki 45. günde her gruptan 3'er torba açılarak silajlarda kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik analizler yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, LAB+E inokulantı silajların pH ve amonyak azotu içeriklerini azaltırken; laktik asit, asetik asit içerikleri ve lactobacilli sayısını artırmıştır. Yüksek dozda LAB+E ilavesi silajların nötr deterjanda çözünmeyen lif ve asit deterjanda çözünmeyen lif içeriğini azaltmış, in vitro organik madde sindirilebilirliğini ve metabolik enerji değerlerini artırmıştır. Yoncanın LAB+E inokulantı ilave edilerek silolanmasının fermantasyon özellikleri ve yem değerini iyileştirdiği, en etkili dozun 1×106 kob g/kg olmakla birlikte, 1×105 kob g/kg ve 5×105 kob/g dozlarında da uygulanabileceği belirlenmişti

    Laktik Asit Bakteri+Enzim Karışımı Silaj İnokulantının Buğday Silajı Üzerine Etkileri

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    This study was carried out to determine the effects of a commercial lactic acid bacteria+enzyme inoculants used as silage additive on the fermentation, crude nutritient contents, cell wall fractions and in vitro dry and organic matter digestibilities wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) harvested and ensiled at milk and dough stages of maturity. Sil-All (Altech, UK) containing water soluble Pediococcus acidilactici, Lactobacillus plantarum and Streptococcus faecium bacteria with cellulase, hemicellulase, pentosonase and amylase was used as bacterial inoculants. The inoculant was applied to the silages at 6.0 log10 cfu/g levels. Wheats were ensiled in 2 liter glass jars and stored at 25 ±2 C in the laboratory. Three jars from each group were sampled for pH, ammonia nitrogen, water soluble carbohydrates, organic acids (acetic, butyric and lactic), crude nutritients, cell wall fractions and microbiological analyses following the 75-day ensiling period. In additions in vitro dry and organic matters digestibility of the silages were determined with enzymatic methods. The inoculant improved fermentation characteristics, decreased neutral and acid detergent fiber contents of wheat silages. However, the in vitro dry and organic matter digestibilities of the silages were not affected by the treatments.Bu çalışma silaj katkı maddesi olarak kullanılan ticari bir laktik asit bakteri+enzim karışımı inokulantın, süt ve hamur olum dönemlerinde hasat edilip, silolanan buğday silajlarının fermantasyon özellikleri ile ham besin maddeleri içerikleri, hücre duvarı kapsamı, in vitro kuru ve organik madde sindirilebilirlikleri üzerindeki etkilerinin saptanması amacıyla düzenlenmiştir. İnokulant olarak Pediococcus acidilactici, Lactobacillus plantarum ve Streptococcus faecium bakterileri ile birlikte sellülaz, hemisellülaz, pentozanaz ve amilaz içeren Sil-All (Altech, UK) kullanılmıştır. İnokulant silajlara 6.0 log10 cfu/g düzeyinde katılmıştır. Silolama 2 litrelik cam kavanozlarda 25±2 °C sıcaklıktaki laboratuar koşullarında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Silolanmadan sonraki 75. günde kavanozlar açılarak, silajlarda pH ölçümleri, amonyak azotu, suda çözünebilir karbonhidrat, organik asit (asetik, bütrik ve laktik), ham besin madde, hücre duvarı fraksiyonlarının belilenmesi ve mikrobiyolojik analizler yapılmıştır. Ayrıca, enzimatik yöntemle silajların in vitro kuru ve organik madde sindirilebilirlikleri saptanmıştır. Laktik asit bakteri+enzim inokulantları buğday silajlarının fermantasyon özelliklerini olumlu yönde etkilemiş, nötr ve asit deterjanda çözünmeyen karbonhidrat kapsamlarını düşürmüş, bunlara karşın in vitro kuru ve organik madde sindirilebilirliklerini etkilememiştir

    Determination of Nutritional Quality and Aerobic Stability of Sorghum, Maize, and Sorghum-Maize Mixture Silages

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    The current study aimed to determine the nutritional quality and aerobic stability of sorghum, maize, and their mixture silages without any additives. Sorghum and maize were harvested at dough stage from a local farm in Tekirdag. Fresh plant materials were chopped to a length of 2-3 cm and packed into polythene bags, and vacuumed. A total of 12 vacuum-packed silos (4 replications in each treatment) were prepared with sorghum (S), maize (M), and a mixture of sorghum-maize (SM) forage (w:w, 50:50 according to dry matter) and stored at room temperature for 60 days. The chemical and microbiological composition of silages with the rate of aerobic deterioration upon aerobic exposure were evaluated. Based on the pH and ammonia nitrogen concentration, all silages could be classified as good quality. The water-soluble carbohydrate level of the SM group increased due to mixing S and M forages, leading to improved lactic acid content. The NDF and ADF values of silages varied between 520.52-588.32 and 234.98-309.01 g kg(-1), and the differences between silages were significant (P0.05). The pH, CO2, and yeast numbers were varied in groups between 4.88-6.74, 55.71-119.33 g kg(-1), and 8.40-9.01 log cfu g(-1). It was concluded that it is possible to improve the nutritional and fermentation characteristics of sorghum and maize silage by ensiling their mixture. However, it is highly recommended that silage additives should be used to guarantee and strengthen the fermentation and aerobic stability of silage mostly made by a mixture of these two energetic forage crops

    Effects of prepartum treatment with monensin or propylene glycol mixed with concentrate on milk yield and blood NEFA and BHBA levels in dairy cows

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    Sixty multiparous Holstein-Friesian dairy cows made up the study sample. Group M (n = 20) received 300 mg/day monensin (Kexxtone, Elanco) for 21 days prior to the expected calving date. Group PGC (n = 20) received propylene glycol, mixed with concentrate and fed separately from total mixed ration (TMR) twice a day in the last 21 days of gestation. The control group, Group C(n = 20) did not receive any treatment prior to parturition. Cows in all three groups received PG (300 mL/day) for 5 days after parturition. Blood samples were collected 21 and 7 days prior to the expected calving date, as well as 7 and 14 days after parturition. NEFA and BHBA levels did not differ between the treatment groups. However, milk yield of Group M was significantly higher than that of Group C during weeks 3, 4, and 5 of lactation. Although NEFA and BHBA levels were similar in both treatment groups, higher milk yield in monensin-treated cows could be related to an increase in glycogenic precursors resulting from favorable effects of monensin on ruminal bacterial flora

    The Changes of Chemical Content of Natural Pastures with Different Using History during Growing Season

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    Bu araştırma, Tekirdağ Karahisarlı köyünün otlanan, korunan ve sürülüp terkedilen meralarında iki yıl süreyle (2010 ve 2011) yürütülmüştür. Meraların her birinde 30x20 m (600 m2) 4'er örneklik alan içerisinde belirlenen 4 hat üzerinde 4 farklı noktadan 30 Mart-15 Temmuz arasında 15'er günlük aralıklar ile ot örnekleri alınmıştır. Mera otlarının iki yıllık ortalamalarına göre sırasıyla ham protein (HP), ham yağ (HY), ham kül (HK) oranları korunan merada % 10.93, % 1.78 ve % 7.71, otlanan merada % 9.46, % 2.03 ve % 7.86 ve sürülüp terkedilen merada % 8.55, % 1.69 ve % 8.55 olarak bulunmuştur. Mart-Temmuz arası 15 günlük aralıklarla alınan örneklerde en yüksek ham protein otlanan merada 30 Nisan'da (% 10.86), korunan merada 15 Mayıs'ta (% 12.17) ve sürülüp terkedilen merada 15 Nisan'da (% 14.92) belirlenmiştir. Otun, ADF ve NDF oranları sırasıyla korunan merada % 38.38 ve % 49.68, otlanan merada % 36.92 ve % 51.77 ve sürülüp terkedilen merada % 35.84 ve % 50.93 olarak bulunmuşturThis research was carried out on enclosured, grazed and abandoned pastures in Karahisarlı village in the province of Tekirdağ for two years (2010 and 2011). The measurements were taken on four line in each of four designated sampling areas on the pastures. The forage samples were taken between 30 March and 15 July for 15-days intervals. According to average of the two year, the ratio of crude protein, crude fat, crude ash content were found as 10.93%, 1.78% and 7.71% on enclosured pastures, 9.46%, 2.03% and 7.86% on grazed pastures and 8.55%, 1.69% and 8.55% on abandoned pastures, respectively. Between March and July, samples collected for 15-days intervals indicated that the highest ratioof crude protein was determined on 30 April on grazed pastures (10.86%), on 15 May on enclosured pastures (17.12%) and on 15 April on abandoned pastures (14.92%). ADF and NDF ratios which shows digestibility of feed were found in enclosured range as 38.28% and 49.68%, in the grazed range as 36.92% and 51.77%, on abandoned range as 35.84% and 50.93%, respectivel

    Effects of Apple Vinegar Addition on Aerobic Deterioration of Fermented High Moisture Maize Using Infrared Thermography as an Indicator

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    This study was carried out to determine the effects of apple vinegar and sodium diacetate addition on the aerobic stability of fermented high moisture maize grain (HMM) silage after opening. In the study, the effect of three different levels (0%, 0.5% and 1%) of apple vinegar (AV) and sodium diacetate (SDA) supplementation to fermented HMM at two different storage conditions (27–29?C, 48% Humidity; 35–37?C, 26% Humidity) were investigated. The material of the study was fermented rolled maize grain with 62% moisture content stored for about 120 days. Silage samples were subjected to aerobic stability test with three replicates for each treatment group. Wendee and microbiological analyses were made at 0, 2, 4, 7, and 12 days. Meanwhile, samples were displayed in the T200 IR brand thermal camera. According to the thermogram results, 1% SDA addition positively affected HMM silages at the second and fourth days of aerobic stability at both storage conditions (p < 0.05). Aerobic stability and infrared thermography analysis indicated that 1% AV, 0.5%, and 1% SDA additions to HMM silages had promising effects. Due to our results, we concluded that thermal camera images might be used as an alternative quality indicator for silages in laboratory conditions. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.The authors are grateful to the technical support of the Agricultural Faculty, Tekirdag Namik Kemal University, Turkey

    The Ensiling Capability of Various Commercial Mixture Additives on Sunflower Silage Composition, Organic Matter Digestibility and Microbial Profiles

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    Bu çalışma, ticari asit karışımlarının silaj katkı maddesi olarak ayçiçeği silajında kullanılmasının kimyasal kompozisyon, lactobacillus, maya ve küf içeriği ile organik madde sindirilebilirliği üzerine etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Muamele grupları; (1) kontrol ((K), katkı maddesi ilavesi yok), (2) formik asit, propiyonik asit ve lignosulfopikasit karışımı(1 g/kg, (SA), softacid®), (3) sodyum benzoat, sodyum metabisulfit ve kalsiyum formiyat karışımı (1 g/kg,(SM), Silamix®) ve (4) SA+ SM karışımı (1 g/kg SA+1 g/kg SM). Silaj materyalleri 6 tekerrürlü olarak bir litre hacimli vakum poşetlerinde vakumlanmış ve 90 gün süreyle fermantasyona bırakılmıştır. SA+SM grubunda kuru madde (KM) oranı K ve SA gruplarından, SM ve SA+SM gruplarında ham protein (HP) içeriği K ve SA gruplarından önemli derecede düşük bulunmuştur (P < 0,01). K grubunda ham selüloz (HS) ve asit deterjan fiber (ADF) içeriği diğer gruplardan daha yüksek bulunmuştur (P < 0,01). K grubunda hemiselüloz (HEM) içeriği SA+SM grubundan daha düşük (P < 0,05), SA grubunda lignin (ADL) içeriği diğer gruplardan daha yüksek bulunmuştur (P < 0,01). Asitlerin ilavesi ile toplam besin madde sindirilebilirliği oranı artmış; SA+SM grubunda laktik asit (LA) oranı diğer gruplardan ve SM grubunda organik madde sindirilebilirliği (OMS), K ve SA gruplarından daha yüksek bulunmuştur (P < 0,01). Asit ilaveleri ile silajlarda pH, ham yağ (HY), nötral deterjan fiber (NDF) ile lactobacillus ve maya sayısı etkilenmemiştir. Sonuç olarak, ayçiçeği silajlarına asit karışımı ilavelerinin KM, HP ve ADF oranında azalma, HEM, toplam sindirilebilir besin maddeleri (TSBM), LA ile OMS'nde artış meydana getirdiği ve ayçiçeği silajlarında katkı maddesi olarak kullanılmasının silaj kalitesini artırabileceği söylenebilirThe objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of commercial acid mixtures on silage chemical composition, lactobacillus, yeast and mold in the silages and organic matter digestibility. The treatment groups as follows: (1) Control (C, no additive), (2) formic acid, propionic acid and lignosulphopic acid mixture (1 g/kg, SA, soft acid&reg;), (3) calcium formiate, sodium benzoate and sodium metabisulfite mixture (1 g/kg, Silamix&reg;) and (4) SA+SM mixture (1 g/kg SA+1 g/kg SM) admixed to fresh sunflower crops. Then, fresh crop materials were filled one kg in vacuum nylons and vacuumed with six replicates and kept for 90 days at room temperature (about 20 to 26 &deg;C). Dry matter content of silages were lower in the SA+SM supplemented group than those of C and SA groups and crude protein content of SM and the SA+SM groups lower than those of C and SA groups (P &lt; 0.01). The crude fiber and acid detergent fiber ratio were higher in the C group than the other groups (P &lt; 0.01). In the C group the HEM content were lower than SA+SM group (P &lt; 0.05) and in the SA group's ADL were higher than those of other groups (P &lt; 0.01).Acids supplementations increased total digestibility nutrient ratio. The lactic acid concentration in the SA+SM group were higher than those of other groups and in the SM group, organic matter digestibility were higher than those of C and SA groups (P &lt; 0.01).Acid addition was not affect pH, ether extract, NDF, and lactobacillus and yeast count of silages. In conclusion, acids mixture supplementation to sunflower silage caused a decrease in DM, CP and ADF content, however, increased HEM, TDN, LA and OMD and so they may improve silage qualit