53 research outputs found

    Relationship of Attention Deficit-hyperactivity Disorder on the Spectrum of Anorexia Nervosa to Obesity: A Case Report

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    Eating disorders are a growing health problem among adolescents and have increasingly become the focus of studies due to their prevalence. Both obesity and anorexia nervosa are associated maladaptive eating behaviours that may be relevant to development. With this case report, it is intended to discuss the diagnosis and management of a female adolescent patient, diagnosed with obesity and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A 16-year-old, female, obese adolescent was referred to our in-patient clinic due to maladaptive eating styles, depressive symptoms and ADHD symptoms. Her early course of illness, diagnostic process, treatment and short-term outcome are described. At the time of discharge, the patient’s Clinical Global Impression (CGI) scale severity item score was 2 (borderline mentally ill) and CGI improvement item score was 2 (much improved). We report the present case with the purpose of establishing a pediatric approach to obesity, a disease not included in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5 under eating disorders, yet we believe it shares common underlying genetic and environmental causes

    A follow-up and treatment model for pediatric eating disorders: examination of the clinical variables of a child and adolescent psychiatry eating disorder outpatient clinic

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    IntroductionAnorexia nervosa and other eating disorders are common in children and adolescents and are characterized by symptoms such as food restriction, efforts to lose weight, fear of gaining weight and impaired body image. Anorexia nervosa is a life-threatening psychiatric disorder and its management in the outpatient setting can be challenging for clinicians. The aim of this study was to introduce the subunit service model developed for the multidisciplinary diagnosis and management of eating disorders in the outpatient setting and to evaluate the clinical follow-up of patients.MethodsThe medical records of 37 patients who were followed up by the eating disorders team at our clinic between 2018 and 2022 were reviewed. The study was designed as retrospective case study.ResultsA diagnosis was made according to DSM-5 and a treatment plan was developed for each case. Body mass index (BMI), Clinic Global Impression (CGI) scale scores, duration of follow-up, number of interviews and other scale scores (The Turgay Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Scale and the Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire Scale) of 37 patients aged 12-17 years diagnosed with an eating disorder and followed up in our clinic were statistically compared.DiscussionThe Eating Disorder Follow-up Model developed and applied in our clinic had a positive effect on patients BMI scores, a significant improvement in CGI scores was observed. Conclusion: We believe that this multidisciplinary system will serve as a model for other mental health centers by raising awareness and guiding mental health professionals in the follow-up and treatment of eating disorders

    Temperamental Characteristi cs of Mothers of Preschool Children With Separati on Anxiety Disorder

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    Abstract Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 2009; Turkish Journal of Psychiatry Conclusion: The mothers of the children with separation anxiety disorder had higher scores on depressive, cyclothymic, irritability and anxious temperament scores than the control group mothers. We think that this study can be used to inform future community based, prospective studies


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    Objective: In this Article, we aimed to review the theory of mind, executive functions and weak central coherence diffi culties in autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Method: We browsed the pubmed search engine by using keywords “Autism, autistic spectrum disorders, theory of mind, social cognition, executive functions, central coherence, weak central coherence” and extended the search by scanning related Articles, reviewing collected data. Results: A wide range of studies with different methods from relatively easy false belief test and deception tests to more complicated ToM tasks (Strange Stories Test, Reading The Mind in the Voice/Films/Eyes tests) were with defi cits in the ASD group. It is well documented that ASD group has some executive function defi cits like defi cits in cognitive fl exibility, planning, generativitiy, and spatial working memory. Along with these defi cits, ASD group performed better on the visuospatial tasks that evaluated the weak central coherence than controls while they showed a global advantage on a hierarchization task (e.g. Navons’ hierarchical fi gures) similar to the controls; however they had defi cits in the verbal-semantic fi eld. Discussion: Identifi cation of the specifi c cognitive profi les in ASD is important since it is believed that it shall have an impact on discovering the responsible genetic factors as well as contributing to aproppriate educational approaches. However it is also clear that attempting to explain ASD signs with only one theory will fail inevitably since ASD is an also heterogeneous group within itself.Amaç: Bu makalede; Otizm Yelpaze Bozukluklarında (OYB), Zihin Kuramı (ZK), Yürütücü İşlevler ve Zayıf Merkezi Bütünleştirme güçlüklerinin gözden geçirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: PubMed arama motoru ile “autism (otizm), autism-spectrum disorders (otizm yelpaze bozuklukları), theory of mind (zihin kuramı), social cognition (sosyal biliş), executive functions (yürütücü işlevler), central coherence (merkezi bütünleştirme), weak central coherence (zayıf merkezi bütünleştirme)” anahtar kelimeleri kullanılarak ve ayrıca ilişkili makaleler taranarak çalışmalara ulaşılmış ve veriler gözden geçirilmiştir. Sonuçlar: OYB grubunda, gerek göreceli daha basit yanlış inanç testleri ve aldatma testlerinin kullanıldığı çalışmalarda gerekse daha karmaşık hikâyelerden, gözlerden ve sesten başkasının niyetini algılamayı ölçen gelişmiş ZK testlerinde, bozukluklar gösterilmiştir. OYB grubunda, bilişsel esneklik, üretebilirlik, planlama ve uzamsal işleyen bellek gibi yürütücü işlevlerde yetersizlikler saptanmıştır. Bu yetersizlikler yanı sıra otizm grubunda zayıf merkezi bütünleştirmeyi değerlendiren görsel-uzaysal testlerde kontrollere göre daha iyi performans ve Navon Hiyerarjik Figürler testinde kontrol grupları gibi global bir avantaj gösterildiği, ancak sözel-semantik alanda yetersizlikler gözlendiği belirtilmektedir. Tartışma: OYB’de özgün bilişsel yapıların belirlenmesinin, hastalıklardan sorumlu genetik faktörlerin keşfi nde önemli olabileceği gibi uygun eğitsel yaklaşımlara da katkı sağlayabileceği düşünülmektedir. Ancak kendi içinde de heterojen bir grup olan OYB belirtilerini tek teori ile açıklamaya çalışmanın yetersiz kalacağı açıktır

    Çoklu Antipsikotik İlaç Kullanımı ile Tetiklenen Atipik Nöroleptik Malign Sendromda Antipsikotik İlaç Başlama Güçlükleri: Cotard Sendromu Olgusu

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    Nöroleptik malign sendrom (NMS), nöroleptik ajanların kullanımıyla ortaya çıkan, bilinçte değişiklikler, rijidite, ateş yüksekliği ve otonomik değişiklikler ile karakterize olan, nadir fakat ölümcül bir idiosenkratik reaksiyondur. Cotard sendromu ise, kişinin bedeni ya da yaşamı ile ilişkili nihilistik sanrılarla karakterize bir sendromdur. Bu olgu sunumu ile, NMS sonrasında katatoni ve Cotard sendromu gelişen hastada, ayırıcı tanıları ve tedavi planını literatür eşliğinde tartışmayı amaçladık.Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is an uncommon but potentially fatal idiosyncratic reaction to neuroleptics and characterized by a distinctive clinical syndrome of mental status change, rigidity, fever, and dysautonomia. Cotard's syndrome is characterized by the appearance of nihilistic delusions concerning one's own body or life. By presenting this case, we aim to discuss the differential diagnosis and treatment plan of a patient with catatonia and Cotard's syndrome, which were noted after NMS, in light of the literature