258 research outputs found

    An investigation into the opinions of pre-service teachers toward uses of digital storytelling in literacy education

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    The goal of the current study was to examine the opinions of pre-service teachers about the use of digital storytelling in literacy education. This study was designed as a case study from qualitative research models. A total of 32 sophomore pre-service teachers studying at the Department of Literacy Education in the Faculty of Education in a state university during 2015-2016 academic year participated. The participants created digital stories based on the curriculum goals during the instructional technologies and material design course. The data was obtained from interviews with the students through the use of semi-structured interview forms, researcher’s field notes and students’ reflections. The obtained data were analyzed through content analysis. The results of this study indicate that digital storytelling is perceived as entertaining by pre-service teachers. Additionally, it was revealed that scenario and dubbing are of great importance in practicing digital storytelling. They also stated the importance of teaching with stories in their own profession. Another finding emerging from this study is that the participants had difficulty in using the software. Based on the findings, it can be noted that it would be beneficial to take the opinions of experts in selecting the software, optimize the technological infrastructure and refer to interdisciplinary studies. The study concludes with implications and recommendations for promoting digital storytelling. © 2020, Ozgen Korkmaz. All rights reserved

    Investigating the Effect of Differentiated Instruction on Academic Achievement and Self-Directed Learning Readiness in an Online Teaching Profession Course

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    This research investigated the effect of differentiated instruction on Turkish preservice teachers’ academic achievement and self-directed learning readiness in an online teaching profession course. The study utilized a pretest-posttest control group design. Data were collected through an achievement test and a self-directed learning readiness scale. The independent samples t-test, paired samples t-test and analysis of covariance were used to analyze the data. The findings revealed that online differentiated instruction had a significant impact on the academic achievement of preservice teachers while it did not create a significant difference in terms of self-directed learning readiness. As a reult, it is seen essential for teacher educators to conduct differentiated instruction in order to enhance preservice teachers’ academic achievement and motivate them to use this approach in their future classes. It is also suggested that preservice teachers be provided with sufficient scaffolding to improve their self-directed learning readiness

    An Analysis of the Relationship Between Values Perception and Self-Esteem of Religious Culture Teacher Candidates

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    The main aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between the values perception and self-esteem of religious culture and moral knowledge teacher candidates. The study group of the study is composed of 243 teacher candidates who are studying in the Primary Education Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge Teacher Program of the Faculty of Theology at Abant Izzet Baysal University and Necmettin Erbakan University.The study utilized “Dilmaç and Arıcak Values Scale” developed by Dilmaç and Arıcak to determine the value orientation of teacher candidates, “Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory” to determine their self-esteem, and “Personal Information Form” developed by researchers for their personal information. The data was analyzed by SPSS software package.In this study, the relationship between the value perception and self-esteem of teacher candidates studying in the Primary Education Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge Teacher Program of the Faculty of Theology was examined, the results of the relationship between the students’ values perception and self-esteem was summarized with the help of Schwartz theory of basic values, and some analyzes and assessments were made within this context.The t-test, ANOVA, and correlation analyzes were used to identify the effects of the variables on values perception. Keywords: Values, Self, Self-Esteem

    Güney Karaman Koyunlarında Koroner Arterler ve dalları Üüerine makroanatomik bir çalışma: Korozyon Kast tekniği ve Lateks yöntemi

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    This study was carried out to reveal the coronary arteries and their branches that provide vascularization of the heart in Southern Karaman sheep. Eight Southern Karaman sheep were used in the study. The coronary arteries and their branches providing arterial vascularization of the heart were determined using latex injection and corrosion casting technique. Arteria coronaria sinistra and its branches were observed to be more dominant than arteria coronaria dextra. It was determined that after the origin of arteria coronaria sinistra, it splits into two main branches as ramus interventricularis paraconalis and ramus circumflexus sinister. It was determined that arteria coronaria dextra continued on its way as ramus circumflexus dexter after reaching the sulcus coronarius and gave branches to ensure the vascularization of the region tissues. This study aimed to reveal the coronary arteries and their branches in Southern Karaman of Turkey's domestic sheep breeds, and it is thought that it will contribute to new studies on this breed.Bu çalışma Güney Karaman koyununda kalbin vaskularizasyonunu sağlayan koroner arterler ve dallarının ortaya çıkarılması amacıyla yapıldı. Çalışmada 8 adet Güney Karaman ırkı koyun kullanıldı. Lateks enjeksiyon ve korozyon kast teknikleri kullanılarak kalbin arteriyel vaskularizasyonunu sağlayan koroner arterler ve dalları belirlendi. Arteria coronaria sinistra ve dallarının arteria coronaria dextra’ya göre daha dominant olduğu gözlendi. Arteria coronaria sinistra’nın orijininden sonra ramus interventricularis paraconalis ve ramus circumflexus sinister olarak 2 ana dala ayrıldığı belirlendi. Arteria coronaria dextra’nın ise sulcus coronarius’a vardıktan sonra yoluna ramus circumflexus dexter olarak devam ettiği ve seyri esnasında bölge vaskularizasyonunu sağlamak üzere dallar verdiği tespit edildi. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’nin yerli koyun ırklarından biri olan Güney Karaman koyununda koroner arterler ve dalları ortaya konulmaya çalışılmış olup, çalışmanın bu ırk üzerine yapılacak olan yeni çalışmalara katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir

    A macroanatomical study on coronary veins in southern Karaman sheep

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    This study aimed to reveal the coronary veins and the branches that join it to provide venous drainage of the heart in Southern Karaman sheep. Material-Method: Eight Southern Karaman sheep’s heart tissues were used in the study. Latex injection techniques were used to determine the coronary veins and the branches that join it for providing venous drainage of the heart. Result: In the study, vena cordis magna, vena cordis media, and vv. cordis dextra was observed as venous drainage providing vessels. The vena cordis magna began in the lower third of the sulcus interventricularis paraconalis, called vena interventricularis paraconalis. This vein reached the sulcus coronarius and continued as vena circumflexus sinister. Vena cordis media was named as vena interventricularis subsinosus in sulcus interventricularis subsinosus. The vv. cordis dextra was responsible for the venous drainage of the facies atrialis of the heart. Conclusion: In the evaluation of the study findings, it was determined that the coronary veins and the branches joined it of Southern Karaman sheep were mainly similar to other sheep breeds in the literature. Still, there were some anatomical differences, for example; vena distalis ventriculi sinistri was opening into vena circumflexus sinister, vena apicis cordis was absent, vena semicircumflexa dextri was present

    Teacher Educators as Role Models for Technology: Pre-Service Teachers' Perceptions

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    This study investigates pre-service teachers' taking teacher educators as role models in the application of technologies in education. Following the development of data collection tool, researchers implemented a pilot study with 206 senior pre-service teachers. Following the pilot study 1040 senior level pre-service teachers participated in the study during the spring semester of the 2012-2013 educational year. The research was implemented following a survey model. Factor analysis, descriptive analysis, t-test and ANOVA analyses were conducted. It was observed that pre-service teachers take teacher educators as role models regarding the application of technologies (Mean=3.89). In terms of the pre-service teachers and their tendency to view teacher educators as role models, there were no significant differences between universities and between genders. However, when viewed in terms of their separate departments, there were significant differences. The results of the study emphasize the importance of the fact that pre-service teachers take teacher educators as their role models

    The Formation of Teacher Identity through Video Reflections during Teaching Practicum

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    This study aimed to investigate the identities of pre-service teachers and the effects of teaching practice and video reflections on the identities of pre-service teachers enrolled in the Turkish Language Teaching Department. In this study, a qualitative research design, mainly a case study, was employed. This study was conducted based on the voluntary participation of six senior pre-service teachers enrolled in the Teaching Practicum course in the spring semester of 2019. The data were collected through video reflections, pre-practice and post-practice teaching focus-group interviews. The data were analyzed through a cyclical – reiterative analysis process. The results showed that the identities of pre-service teachers could be grouped under three sub-identities: the subject-matter expert, didactical expert, and pedagogical expert identities. Also, pre-service Turkish Language teachers saw their identity at the beginning as being more cue-based and exemplar-based. However, at the end of the practicum, they heavily displayed rule-based identities due to the requirements of the Turkish educational system or schema-based identities that mainly emerged with the impact of contextual factors and conditions of the practicum schools. The findings of the study were discussed in detail and implications for practice and future research were provided

    Non-linear digital storytelling: Effect on technology utilization and writing self-efficacy

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    This study aimed to investigate the effect of non-linear digital storytelling on pre-service teachers’ use of information technologies and their writing self-efficacy. It also focused on the effects of non-linear digital storytelling in education environments. Convergent parallel design, one of the mixed methods, was used in the study. The quantitative part of the study was designed with pretest-posttest control group design while the qualitative part was designed as a case study. The study group consisted of pre-service teachers enrolled in the Multimedia Design and Development course at the Computer Education and Instructional Technologies Department. In the framework of the study, the pre-service teachers in the experimental group participated in the non-linear digital storytelling activity while the pre-service teachers in the control group participated in the linear digital storytelling activity. Self-Efficacy Scale for Using Communication and Information Technologies, Writing Self-Efficacy Scale, semi-structured interview form and student reflections were used to collect the data. Based on the results of the study, it was found that non-linear digital storytelling method did not significantly affect the use of information technologies and writing self-efficacy statistically. The analysis of qualitative data presented the advantages and various aspects of using the non-linear digital storytelling method in education. © 2021 Elsevier Lt

    Designing During the Pandemic: Understanding Teachers’ Challenges in eTwinning Projects

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    eTwinning projects support teachers and students from different countries to engage with each other through online learning. In 2020, the world started to battle with the pandemic and this shifted all educational practices from face to face to online learning. In this study, we tried to understand how the pandemic influenced the activity planning, design process, teacher connections, and in-class interactions from the teachers' viewpoint. To achieve this goal, we worked with a core group of eight elementary teachers who conducted eTwinning projects before and during the pandemic. These elementary teachers started developing eTwinning projects in 2019 by using a book designed to support interdisciplinary thinking with an emphasis on design with second grade students. When we examined the activities developed by these teachers, their emphasis on design and interdisciplinary connections continued during the pandemic with the same group of students when they were in third grade. While the mindset did not change for activity planning, the complete shift to online learning created several challenges for teachers. Teachers stated that their support for the design had decreased during the pandemic and they were more comfortable with assisting their students in face-to-face classes. The pandemic also reduced the connections among teachers and supporting group work became a challenge. When these aspects were combined, students had to complete an individual design experience during the pandemic and this resulted in several students missing the interdisciplinary connections in their design products

    The investigation of attitude and readiness of information and communication technologies pre-service teachers toward web based learning

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    5th International Conference on New Horizons in Education (INTE) -- JUN 25-27, 2014 -- Paris, FRANCEWOS: 000383740201030The present study aims to investigate attitudes and readiness of Information and Communication Technologies pre-service teachers toward web-based learning. In the study group of the research are 165 pre-service teachers. The study was conducted in the survey model. As data collection tools, 'Web-based Teaching Attitude Scale' and 'Readiness and Expectation Scale for e-Learning Process' were utilized. In analysis of the collected data, descriptive statistics, t-test, and ANOVA analysis were conducted. As a result of the research, it was found that attitude levels of pre-service teachers were lower than median; and their readiness levels were above the median. Moreover, in terms of gender, there was no significant difference between attitude and readiness scores. While there was no significant difference among attitude scores in terms of number of years in education, there was significant difference in readiness scores. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd