1 research outputs found

    The puppy’s physiological and social development’s impact on the need of care on animal hospital

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    Syftet med arbetet var att fĂ„ fördjupade kunskaper kring omvĂ„rdnadsbehovet hos den 8 - 16 veckor gamla valpen pĂ„ kliniker i Sverige. Även ökad förstĂ„else för de viktigaste fysiologiska och sociala parametrarna ville erhĂ„llas, vilket Ă„stadkoms genom litteraturstudie. Genom en kvalitativ telefonintervju-studie intervjuades fem anstĂ€llda pĂ„ olika klinikers vĂ„rdavdelningar anonymt. I arbetet medverkade totalt fem svenska djurkliniker. FrĂ„gorna i intervjuerna rörde separationsĂ„ngest, njurar, nutrition, immunsystem och kardiovaskulĂ€rt system. Vilken omvĂ„rdnad som Ă€r praktiskt genomförbar samt vilka omvĂ„rdnadsĂ„tgĂ€rder som Ă€r bĂ€st med avseende pĂ„ valpens fysiologiska och sociala utveckling diskuterades i arbetet. Metoder som klinikerna nĂ€mnde för att motverka separationsĂ„ngest hos valpar var bĂ€rpĂ„sar, sĂ€llskap av djurĂ€gare pĂ„ eget behandlingsrum, placering av valp dĂ€r personal finns i omedelbar nĂ€rhet och att personal hĂ„ller valpen sĂ€llskap. NĂ€r det kommer till njurar rastades valparna oftare Ă€n vuxna patienter enligt samtliga intervjuade kliniker. Absorberande hygienskydd nĂ€mndes som komplement i buren pĂ„ tre av fem intervjuade kliniker. Inom Ă€mnet nutrition fanns olika rutiner pĂ„ klinikerna. Gemensamt för samtliga var att valparna matades ofta. BetrĂ€ffande immunsystemet var den bĂ€sta lösningen att strikt isolera valpen. PĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt riskerade inte valpen att varken smitta eller smittas. Vad det gĂ€llde det kardiovaskulĂ€ra systemet Ă€r det viktigt att valpen hĂ„lls varm och vĂ€l syresatt. Den bĂ€sta lösningen inom detta Ă€mne ansĂ„gs vara att ha valpen i kuvös dĂ€r bĂ„de vĂ€rme och syre kunde anpassas. Bair hugger, filtar och portabelt syre var alternativa metoder om kliniken inte hade kuvös. En övergripande förbĂ€ttring kring omvĂ„rdnaden av valpar i Ă„ldern 8 - 16 veckor skulle generellt behövas pĂ„ djurkliniker i Sverige. BĂ„de för att underlĂ€tta och minska belastningen för personalen, men ocksĂ„ för valparnas vĂ€lmĂ„ende med avseende pĂ„ deras fysiologiska och sociala utveckling.The aim with this project was to receive deepened knowledge about 8 - 16 weeks old puppies need of care at veterinary clinics in Sweden. An even greater understanding of the most important physiological and social parameters wanted to be obtained, which was achieved with literature study. Through a qualitative telephone interview study, one employee at different clinic’s care unit was interviewed anonymously. A total of five Swedish veterinary clinics participated in the study. The questions in the interviews concerned separation anxiety, kidneys, nutrition, immune system and cardiovascular system. Which care being practically feasible and which care-arrangements being the most suitable regarding the puppy’s physiological and social development is discussed in the project. Methods mentioned to prevent separation anxiety in puppies in this study was “carrying pouch”, company from the owner in a separate treatment room, keeping the puppy where the staff is or having staff staying with the puppy. Concerning kidneys all veterinary clinics are walking the puppy more often than fully grown dogs. Three out of five clinics also mentioned absorbent hygiene protection as a complement in the puppy's cage. Referring to the nutrition there are different routines at the clinics, but in general all clinics fed the puppies more often. The most suitable solution regarding the immune system was to isolate the puppy strictly. In that way the puppy does not infect other dogs or risk being infected. Discussing the cardiovascular system, it is important to keep the puppy warm and well oxygenated. The most suitable solution within this subject was to keep the puppy in an incubator, where heat and oxygen can be set. Bair hugger, blankets and portable oxygen where mentioned as alternating methods if an incubator was not possessed. An overall nursing improvement to 8-16 weeks old puppies would generally be needed in Sweden. Both to facilitate and reduce the heavy workload to the staff, but also to the puppies wellbeing regarding the their physiological and social developmen