7 research outputs found

    Yükseköğretim kurumlarında alan bazlı akademik başarım değerlendirmesi için yeni bir çerçeve.

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    Measurement and evaluation of academic performance is an highly debated research area and results of the studies in this area are closely followed by a large segment of the society. In general, researches conducted in this domain evaluate higher education institutions as a whole, but such an approach actually represents an average performance of the research fields, which are actively studied by the members of institutions. This may be misleading, because academic performance varies for each university depending on the field of research. However, people who are interested in the results of these studies require more detailed information about field based academic performances of institutions. One of these studies mentioned above have been implemented in 2011 by University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP) research laboratory which was established in Middle East Technical University - Informatics Institute. In this study, 2000 universities around the world have been ranked according to multiple criteria in terms of overall academic performance. Interests shown to results of the system implemented by URAP revealed a need for a more comprehensive ranking system, which deals with the evaluation of field based academic performance. In this sense, within the scope of this study, universities ranked by URAP research laboratory were evaluated in terms of their academic performance in the following six research fields; Agriculture \& Environmental Sciences (AGE) Clinical Medicine (MED) Engineering, Computing \& Technology (ENG) Life Sciences (LIFE) Natural Sciences (SCI) Social Sciences (SOC) Institutions in this study has been evaluated according to data that have been collected from ISI - Web of Knowledge for the indicators listed below. Article Count (last year) Total Document Count (last 5 years) Cumulative Journal Impact (last 5 years) Total Citation Count (last 5 years) H-Index (average of last 5 years) The results indicate that status of universities from the point of academic performance varies according to the research field.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    SPEL: Development af a New Spectral Signature Library for Food Products

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    Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) has become a widely used nondestructive inspection method in Food Quality Assessment (FQA). In FQA studies, HSI is used to measure light reectance characteristics (spectra) of food products at different wavelengths. Obtained spectral characteristics of food products reveal detailed information such as freshness, suitability for consumption, potential diseases etc. In this study, development phases and features of METU - Spectral Signature Library of Food Products (METU SPEL) database based on U.S. Department of Agriculture - USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 26 is described. The main objective of METU SPEL is to build a library that contains spectral characteristics of food products to assist researchers working on FQA with HSI

    A Novel Semantic Content-Based Retrieval System for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery

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    With the growing use of hyperspectral remote sensing payloads, there has been a significant increase in the number of hyperspectral remote sensing image archives, leading to a massive amount of collected data. This highlights the need for an efficient content-based hyperspectral image retrieval (CBHIR) system to manage and enable better use of hyperspectral remote-sensing image archives. Conventional CBHIR systems characterize each image by a set of endmembers and then perform image retrieval based on pairwise distance measures. Such an approach significantly increases the computational complexity of the retrieval, mainly when the diversity of materials is high. Those systems also have difficulties in retrieving images containing particular materials with extremely low abundance compared to other materials, which leads to describing image content with inappropriate and/or insufficient spectral features. In this article, a novel CBHIR system to define global hyperspectral image representations based on a semantic approach to differentiate foreground and background image content for different retrieval scenarios is introduced to address these issues. The experiments conducted on a new benchmark archive of multi-label hyperspectral images, which is first introduced in this study, validate the retrieval accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed system. Comparative performance analysis with the state-of-the-art CBHIR systems demonstrates that modeling hyperspectral image content with foreground and background vocabularies has a positive effect on retrieval performance

    Hiperspektral Görüntülerde Arkeolojik Kalıntıların İncelenmesi

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    Bu projede hiperspektral imgelerin sahip olduğu yüksek spektral bilgi kullanılarak tarihi eserlerin kimyasal, fiziksel yapıları incelenecek, bu materyallerin yapım-oluşum zamanları ve bozulma durumları çalışılacaktır. Önerilen proje hiperspektral imgeler kullanılarak aşağıdaki problemler üzerinde çalışılması planlanmaktadır. Birinci problem alınan görüntülerdeki materyal bileşenlerinin tespiti olarak düşünülmüştür(hiperspektral ayrıştırma). Buna bağlı olarak malzemelerin bozulmalarının incelenmesidir (değişim tespiti). Ayrıca yapılan çalışmalarda malzemelerin daha önceki projede oluşturulan hiperspektral kütüphaneye eklenerek hiperspektral kütüphanenin geliştirilmesi düşünülmektedir


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    Yükseköğretim kurumlarında üretkenlik ve kalite ölçümü son yıllarda değerlendirmede objektif kriterlerin giderek önem kazanmaya başladığı bir araştırma olarak gelişmektedir. Akademik performansa dayalı sıralama sistemleri günümüzde kurumların kendi öz değerlendirmelerini gerçekleştirmelerine duyulan ihtiyaç doğrultusunda, hem diğer kurumlarla kıyaslamalı olarak hem de zaman planları çerçevesinde stratejik planlarını etkileyen veriler sağlayabilmektedir. Nesnel ve ölçülebilir kriterlere dayanan sıralama sistemleri kurumların mevcut konumunu, hedeflerini ve bu ikisi arasındaki mesafeyi tespit edebilmesi, böylece kendini geliştirme adına stratejik yol haritası çıkarabilmesi aşamalarında önemli bir ihtiyaca cevap vermektedir. Bu ihtiyaç doğrultusunda da literatür bibliometri (bibliometrics) ve bilimmetri (scientometrics) gibi yeni alanlar gelişim göstermektedir. Geçtiğimiz dört yılda URAP ulusal ve global düzeyde üniversite sıralama sistemleri geliştirilmiş ve bu geliştirmeyi bilimsel araştırma faaliyetleri çerçevesinde yürüterek geliştirilen sıralamaların nesnelliğini ve ölçülebilirliğini korumuştur. Bu proje, bilimsel zeminde daha önce geliştirilmesine başlanan akademik performans ölçüm ve sıralama sistemi çalışmasını alanda son yıllarda ortaya çıkan yöntemleri kullanarak genişletmeyi ve gerçekleştirilen çalışmaları bilimsel çıktıya dönüştürmeyi amaçlamaktadır