2 research outputs found

    Unga vuxnas uppfattningar och upplevda ansvar om turismens miljöpÄverkan

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    Turismindustrin Ă€r en bransch som allt mer ökar och bidrar till en mycket positiv utveckling i form av arbetstillfĂ€llen, kulturutbyte och mĂ„nga andra positiva aspekter. Men dĂ„ det Ă€ven bidrar till negativ inverkan pĂ„ jordens miljö, som hotas av förstöras av det ökade resandet, mĂ„ste branschen ta sitt ansvar och gĂ„ mot en mer hĂ„llbar framtid som ocksĂ„ vĂ€rnar om miljön. Det krĂ€vs av industrin att gĂ„ mot en allt mer hĂ„llbar framtid dĂ€r miljön vĂ€rnas om och negativa effekter minskas, ett arbete som Ă€ven förvĂ€ntas förvaltas av turisterna sjĂ€lva. Det har i tidigare studier visats pĂ„ en stor skillnad mellan turisters attityd till miljöansvar och faktiska beteende. Individuella behov och preferenser prioriteras framför miljö och hĂ„llbart handlande i samband med en turistresa, Ă€r det dĂ„ möjligt att placera ett större ansvar pĂ„ den enskilda personen i framtiden? Syftet med denna studie Ă€r dĂ€rför att undersöka unga svenska personers förstĂ„else om den miljöproblematik som turism ger upphov till och vilket typ av ansvar den individuella personen Ă€r villig att ta för att minska denna problematik. Empirisk data har insamlats genom tio kvalitativa intervjuer med personer bosatta i Sverige i Ă„ldrarna 20-30 Ă„r, som reser utomlands i privat syfte minst en gĂ„ng per Ă„r. Studiens resultat visar att det finns en viss förstĂ„else för turismens negativa inverkan pĂ„ miljön, men att det inte sĂ€tts i relation till det individuella resandet. Det spelar heller inte nĂ„gon avgörande roll nĂ€r en resa planeras eller utförs, utan det som prioriteras Ă€r framförallt individuella intressen och preferenser. Trots att ansvaret gentemot miljön anses vara stort upplevs det vara svĂ„rt att ta hĂ€nsyn till miljö innan och under en utlandsresa, dĂ„ det riskerar hindra individuella intressen och huvudsakliga syften med att resa. Resultaten visar Ă€ven pĂ„ att förstĂ„else för den miljöproblematik som det individuella resandet bidrar till Ă€r lĂ„gt. Det finns dock en tydlig önskan om mer information och möjlighet till att göra val som Ă€r mer fördelaktiga för miljön. Detta upplevs kunna bidra till att mer hĂ€nsyn tas till miljö i samband med utlandsresor. NĂ„got som pĂ„ sikt kan innebĂ€ra ett allt mer hĂ„llbart privatresande.The tourism industry is growing every day and contributes to a more positive growth concerning work opportunities and cultural exchange to mention a few of the many positive effects. The industry also has a negative impact on the environment and is endangered to be destroyed due to the increased amount of travel, this is something which requires action from the industry that must head for a more sustainable future. It is required by the industry to aim for a more sustainable future where the environment is taken care of and negative effects decrease, a task that also is required by the tourists. Former studies have shown a significant difference between tourists’ attitude to environmental responsibilities compered to their actual behaviour. Individual needs and preferences are first priorities rather than environmental thinking and action connected toa trip. Is it therefore possible to put more individual responsibility on the people in the future? The purpose of this study is to examine knowledge of young adults living in Sweden about the problems that tourism contributes to and what kind of responsibility the individual person is willing to take in order to decrease these impacts. Empirical data has been collected thru ten qualitative interviews with persons living in Sweden, between the ages of 20-30 years old, that travels abroad for holidays at least once a year. The result of this study shows that there is some understanding for the negative effects that tourism cause to the environment, but not in relation to the individual travel. Neither does planning nor the traveling it self contain environmental thinking, what is mainly prioritised is mainly individual interests and preferences. Despite great perceived responsibility against the environment it is seendifficult to take the environment into account,before and during a holiday.As it risks interfering with individual interests and main purpose of traveling.The results also show that the perceived knowledge of environment problems caused by individual travelling and tourism is low. There is a clear wish for more information and abilities to make choices which are profitable for the environment. This indicates that more environmental responsibility might will be taken in relation to international travelling, which eventually will lead to a more sustainable travel

    Att vÀxa upp med en ensamstÄende förÀlder : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelser av att vÀxa upp i en modern typ av familj

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    The intention of this study is to examine experiences of growing up in single-parent families. With in-depth interviews with six young grown ups we learned about their childhood and perspective of growing up in this kind of families. We analysed their life-stories together with theories about identity and the effect of modern society on individuals from a sociological point of view. Departing from symbolic interactionism and previous research which shows that people who grow up in this type of families often have a difficult childhood and adulthood we analysed the empirical material. The result shows that most people in this type of families experience a good and safe childhood with a close-knit family. However, during some certain periods and situations some have not felt completely satisfied, due to lack of experienced attention and support from their parent. Almost all respondents have been partially responsible for the household and have also felt big emotional responsibility for their parent. Although, the vast majority of informants does not consider themselves or their upbringing much different from others and none of the respondents has expressed a wish for another type of family