126 research outputs found

    Knowledge Flows, Patent Citations and the Impact of Science on Technology

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    Technological innovation depends on knowledge developed by scientific research. The num-ber of citations made in patents to the scientific literature has been suggested as an indicator of this process of transfer of knowledge from science to technology. We provide an intersec-toral insight into this indicator, by breaking down patent citations into a sector-to-sector ma-trix of knowledge flows. We then propose a method to analyze this matrix and construct vari-ous indicators of science intensity of sectors, and the pervasiveness of knowledge flows. Our results indicate that the traditional measure of the number of citations to science literature per patent captures important aspects intersectoral knowledge flows, but that other aspects are not captured. In particular, we show that high science intensity implies that sectors are net suppli-ers of knowledge in the economic sector, but that science intensity does not say much about pervasiveness of either knowledge use or knowledge supply by sectors. We argue that these results are related to the specific and specialized nature of knowledge.Knowledge, Input-Output Analysis, Knowledge Flow Matrices, Science-to-Technology Transfer, Patents

    Technological Diffusion Patterns and their Effects on Industrial Dynamics

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    By focussing on cumulativeness and spillover effects of technological knowledge, theories on technological regimes are predominantly supply side oriented in explaining industrial dynamics. This paper introduces demand side considerations as an additional explanation for industrial dynamics. Given variations in consumer preferences over quality and network sizes of technologies, and different degrees of compatibility between succeeding technologies, we investigate how the resulting differences in the timing and frequency of new technology adoptions effect the industrial dynamics. The simulation results of the model indeed suggest a relationship between different patterns of new technology adoptions and the dynamics of the firm population.tecnological knowledge, demand, consumer preferences, industrial dynamics

    Perpetual growth, the labor share, and robots

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    The recent literature on the economic effects of machine learning, robotization and artificial intelligence suggests that there may be an upcoming wave of substitution of human labor by machines. We argue that these new technologies may lead to so-called perpetual growth, i.e. growth of per capita income with a non-progressing state of technology. We specify an exact parameter threshold beyond which perpetual growth emerges, and argue that ongoing technological change may bring the threshold in reach. We also show that in a state of perpetual growth, factor-eliminating technological progress reduces the role of labor in the production process and that this leads to a rising wage rate but ever-declining share of wage income. We present simulation experiments on several policy options to combat this inequality, including a universal basic income as well as an option in which workers become owners of ‘robots’

    Complexity research in economics: past, present and future

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    Analysing global value chains using input-output economics : proceed with care

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    Input-output economics has become a popular tool to analyse the international fragmentation of value chains, especially now that several multi-regional tables that cover large parts of the global economy have become available. It has been argued that these tables, when analysed with the help of the input-output economics toolbox, can provide better insights about global value chains than can be obtained by case studies of individual value chains. We argue that there are several problems related to the aggregated nature of the input-output table that may lead to large distortions and biases in the aggregate picture about global value chains that is obtained by input-output analysis. There are three main sources behind the distortion obtained in static decompositions of value chains: the average nature of value added to output ratios in the tables, the emergence of production cycles in the process of aggregating several value chains into a single table, and the characteristic of the so-called inverse Leontief matrix to even out the value added distribution. We provide an overview of how these distortions work, and argue that under a wide range of circumstances, input-output methods tend to overstate the contribution of the final sector to the value chain. We also show that this bias does not vanish when we compare input-output decompositions at two different points in time

    Perpetual growth, distribution, and robots

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    The current literature on the economic effects of machine learning, robotisation and artificial intelligence suggests that there may be an upcoming wave of substitution of human labour by machines (including software). We take this as a reason to rethink the traditional ways in which technological change has been represented in economic models. In doing so, we contribute to the recent literature on so-called perpetual growth, i.e., growth of per capita income without technological progress. When technology embodied in capital goods are sufficiently advanced, per capita growth becomes possible with a non-progressing state of technology. We present a simple Solow-like growth model that incorporates these ideas. The model predicts a rising wage rate but declining share of wage income in the steady state growth path. We present simulation experiments on several policy options to combat the inequality that results from this, including a universal basic income as well as an option in which workers become owners of "robots"

    Kilde kayma direnci parametrelerinin ölçümünde numune boyutlarının etkisi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Zeminlerin kayma direnci parametreleri, geoteknik mühendisliği ile ilgiliprojelendirme sırasında, oldukça önemli bir değere sahiptir. Zeminin kayma direnci,yenilmeye meydan vermeden karşı koyabileceği en büyük kayma gerilmesi olaraktanımlanır. Bir zeminde kayma direncinin belirlenebilmesi için kayma direnciparametreleri olan kayma direnci açısı (Ï ) ve kohezyon (c) değerlerinin arazi ya dalaboratuvar deneyleriyle saptanması gereklidir.Zeminlerde kayma direnci parametreleri olan kayma direnci açısı (Ï ) ve kohezyon(c) değerleri üzerinde; zeminin arazide yerindeki başlangıç durumunu yansıtankonsolidasyon basıncı, numuneye ait boşluk oranı, su muhtevası, suya doygunlukderecesi ve dane dağılımı etken faktörler olarak sayılabilir.Killi zeminlerin kayma direnci parametreleri laboratuvarda genellikle üç eksenlibasınç deneyi ile bulunmaktadır. Üç eksenli basınç deneyi, silindir şeklindehazırlanan numuneler üzerinde gerçekleştirilir. Silindir şeklindeki numuneboyutlarının, killi zeminlere ait kayma direnci parametrelerini etkileyipetkilemediğini incelemek amacıyla bu araştırma yapılmıştır.Bu çalışmada, Sakarya İli sınırları içinde değişik mahallerden farklı plastisiteye sahipörselenmiş killi zemin örnekleri alınarak, laboratuvarda optimum su muhtevası veproktor sıkılığında numuneler hazırlanmıştır. Numune boyutları R=3,50cmh=7,00cm silindirik, R=5,00cm h=10,00cm silindirik ve 6,00cmx6,00cmx2,00cmkare kesitli olarak seçilmiş ve bu numuneler üzerinde üç eksenli basınç ile kesmekutusu deneyleri uygulanmıştır.Yapılan üç eksenli basınç deneyleri sonucunda, doygun olmayan CL kilde, büyükboyutlu numuınede küçük boyutlu numuneye oranla kohezyon (c) değerinin düştüğü,kayma direnci açısı (Ï ) değerinin yükseldiği görülmüştür. Doygun ya da doygunayakın olan CI ve CH killerde ise, boyutları büyük ve küçük numunelerde ölçülenkayma direnci parametrelerinde önemli bir fark tesbit edilmemiştir. Kesme kutusudeney sonuçları ise, tüm numunelerde üç eksenli basınç deneyi sonuçlarından çokfarklı değerler vermiştirShear strength parameters of soils are very important values for geotechnicalengineering projects. The shear strength of soil is the value that is stand againstfailure before shear failure. It is necessary to obtain the values of shear strengthparameters as internal angle of friction (Ï ) and cohesion (c) by either in-situ orlaboratory tests.Consolidation pressure, void ratio, water content, degree of saturation and particlesize distrubution can be considered as effective factors for shear strength parametersof soils.The shear strength parametres can be determined in clayey soils by the triaxialcompression test in laboratory. The triaxial compression test can be employed on thecylindrical samples. The aim of this study is to determine the dimension size effectson the shear strength of clay.In this study, disturbed clay samples are taken from different regions of the Sakaryacity. Also they have different plasticity, optimum water content and standart proctorcompaction in laboratory. The dimension of the sample is R=5,00 cm h=7,00 cm incylindrical, R=5,00 cm h=10,00 cm in cylindrical and a=6,00 cm h=2,00 cm insquare prism. The triaxial compression test and shear box test are done on thesesamples.In the triaxial compression test, R=5,00 cm h=10,00 cm in cylindrical sample (CL)have less saturated ratio gives less cohesion (c) and high internal angle of friction (Ï )comparing to the R=3,50 cm h=7,00 cm in cylindrical sample (CL). According to theresults, there is not much difference between small and large samples in terms of soilsaturation. Also triaxial compression test results are completely different from shearbox test results