56 research outputs found

    Gingival ünite grefti ve trombositten zengin fibrin kullanılarak dişeti çekilmelerinin tedavisi: 3 Olgu sunumu

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    Dişeti çekilmesi; dişeti kenarının, mine-sement birleşiminden apikale yer değiştirmesi ile kök yüzeyinin açığa çıkması olarak tanımlanır. Dişeti çekilmeleri, çeşitli periodontal plastik cerrahi yöntemlerle tedavi edilebilmektedir. Serbest dişeti grefti (SDG), özellikle yapışık dişeti miktarını arttırmak adına yaygın olarak kullanılan ve öngörülebilir bir cerrahi yöntemdir. Bununla beraber, SDG ile yapışık dişeti miktarı arttırılırken, aynı zamanda belli ölçülerde kök kapanmasının elde edilmesi de mümkün olmaktadır. Son dönemde SDG’inin, marjinal ve interdental dişetini de içerecek şekilde modifiye edilmesi ile gingival ünite grefti (GÜG) geliştirilmiştir. Bu sayede daha başarılı kök kapanması elde edilebileceği literatürde belirtilmektir. Trombositten zengin fibrin (TZF), 2. nesil bir trombosit konsantrasyonudur ve lökositten ve trombositten zengin bir fibrin biyomateryalidir. Bu fibrin, büyüme faktörleri ve sitokinleri içerdiği için anjiogenezi ve yara iyileşmesini etkiler. Bu olgu raporunun amacı, mandibular anterior bölgede Miller II ve III dişeti çekilmeleri olan 3 hastanın, GÜG ve TZF ile tedavilerini ve bu tedavilerin sonuçlarını sunmaktır. Dişeti çekilme miktarı (DÇM), dişeti çekilme genişliği (DÇG), keratinize doku miktarı (KD), klinik ataçman seviyesi (KAS) ve sondlanabilir cep derinliği (CD) başlangıç ve post-operatif 6. ayda değerlendirildi. Elde edilen sonuçlarına göre, Miller Sınıf II ve III dişeti çekilmelerinde, kök kapanması ve KDM arttırılması açısından GÜG başarılı bulunmuştur


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    ABSTRACT Objectives: This study evaluated the clinical parameters [ plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), probing pocket depth (PPD), clinical attachment level (CAL) ] and the levels of Nadph Oxidase (NOX-1) in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) samples of pre-menopausal and post-menopausal periodontally healthy and periodontitis patients. Materials and Methods: Study included pre-menopausal periodontitis 15, post-menopausal periodontitis 15, pre-menopausal periodontally healthy 15 and post-menopausal periodontally healthy 15; a total of 60 individuals were included. Results: Clinical periodontal evaluation indices in the 6th week after treatment were found to be statistically significantly lower than the initial values of PI, GI, PPD, CAL in the periodontitis groups(p<0.05). Pre-treatment baseline NOX-1 values were singificantly higher in both periodontitis groups than healthy groups (p<0.05). While the pre-menopausal and post-menopausal periodontitis groups before treatment had similar PI, PPD and CAL values, the GI was found to be significantly higher in the post-menopausal periodontitis group(p <0.05). While NOX-1 values in pre-treatment GCF samples were similar in pre-menopausal and post-menopausal periodontitis groups, NOX-1 values in the post-menopausal periodontitis group at the 6th week after treatment were found to be statistically higher than the pre-menopausal periodontitis group (p <0.05). Conclusion: According to the results of our study, oxidative stress that increases with menopause may negatively affect the healing potential after periodontal treatment. Accordingly, antioxidant supplementation can be predicted with hormone replacement during this period

    The effect of granulocyte colony stimulating factor on genotoxicity in allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation donors: A prospective case-control study

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    Background. Every year, thousands of donors are exposed to granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) for stem cell mobilization in hematopoietic stem cell transplantations (HSCT). Previous studies about the genotoxicity of G-CSF were inconclusive. In this study, the genotoxic effects of G-CSF in peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) donors were evaluated prospectively by using three different validated and reliable methods for the first time in the literature to the best of our knowledge. Methods. Donors of PBSC transplantation (n=36), who received G-CSF were evaluated for genotoxicity by micronucleus test (MNT), nuclear division index (NDI), and comet assay (CA). Genotoxic effects are expected to cause an increase in MNT and CA values and decrease in NDI. Blood samples were collected at three time-points (TP): before starting G-CSF (TP1), after G-CSF for five days (TP2), and one month after the last dose (TP3). Sixteen controls were included for baseline comparison of genotoxicity tests. CD34 cell counts and hemograms were also analyzed. Results. MNT and CA parameters; comet and tail length, tail DNA%, and tail moment, showed no change in time whereas another CA parameter, Olive’s tail moment (OTM) was increased significantly at TP3 compared to both baseline and TP2 (p=0.002 and p=0.017, respectively). Nuclear division index decreased significantly at TP2 (p[removed]Ankara University Scientific Study Fun

    Effect of treatment applied in sepsis on intensive care unit and hospital stay: how effective are albumin/steroid/vasopressor agents?

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    Background: The incidence and prevalence of sepsis have increased in recent years and it is the most common cause of intensive care admission. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of albumin, steroid, and vasopressor agents and other possible factors on the duration of intensive care unit and hospital stay in sepsis patients. Open access data set obtained from Tohoku Sepsis Registry database was used. Four hundred sixty-two patients admitted to intensive care unit with the diagnosis of sepsis were divided into four groups according to their intensive care unit ( 5 days) and hospital length of stay ( 24 days). Demographic data, vital signs, laboratory values, mechanical ventilation requirement, and treatment protocols such as albumin, steroid, and vasopressor agent use were used in the evaluation of the groups

    Zoraki İgbo: Buchi Emecheta'nın Kehinde Eserinde Kültürel Kimlik Meselesi

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