307 research outputs found

    Pottery Lecture and Demonstration - Print on Clay

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    Visiting artist, Jason Bige Burnett, potter and author, offering a Lecture and Demonstration on Printing on Clay. March 7th Lecture: 3-4:30PM F1622 Demonstration: 12-2PM, 6-9PMCeramics Studio E1526 Sponsored by Art Forum and a GSU Intellectual Life Gran

    Publicizing Private Information

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    How does greater public disclosure of arbitrage activity and informed trading affect price efficiency? To answer this, we exploit rule amendments in U.S. securities markets, which increased the frequency of public disclosure of short positions. Higher public disclosure can hurt the production of information and deteriorate efficiency, or it can be beneficial by helping short-sellers diffuse their information faster. With more frequent disclosure, information encapsulated within short interest is incorporated into prices faster, improving price efficiency. Furthermore, we find important reductions in short-sellers’ horizon risk, and increases in short-sales with the rule amendments

    Systematic liquidity and leverage

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    Does trader leverage exacerbate the liquidity comovement that we observe during crises? Using a regression discontinuity design, we exploit threshold rules governing margin eligibility in India to analyze the impact of trader leverage on systematic liquidity. We find that trader leverage causes sharp increases in comovement during severe market downturns, explaining about one third of the increase in liquidity commonality during these periods. Consistent with downward price pressure due to deleveraging, we also find that trader leverage causes stocks to exhibit large increases in return comovement during these periods of market stress.that leverage causes stocks to exhibit large increases in return comovement during crises

    Fear of Crime in Public Spaces: From the View of Women Living in Cities

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    World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium (WMCAUS) -- JUN 13-17, 2016 -- Prague, CZECH REPUBLICThis paper relates to fear of crime in public open spaces from the point of women living in cities. Fear of crime, in general terms, can be described as a feeling of fear and insecurity derived from a feeling of a person who senses his/her personal security to be under the threat. This fear of crime is a fact which has a considerable impact of the daily lifes of urban dwellers directly or indirectly by causing urban open spaces such as public parks, squares, plazas, streets not be used; causing routes preferred to travel between working places and dwelling places be changed; and causing roads and streets chosen for commerce be altered. According to the scientific researches, it has been detected that elders and women are more exposed to fear of crime in cities. Consequently, women have to prefer to stay closed and safeguarded places and to avoid urban streets, parks, plazas, public transportation vehicles and areas, especially in the evenings; they feel insecure while walking on the streets and even at their homes; they restrict the right to freedom of movement of their children in the city; and they have to take measures in public open spaces for the reason of this anxiety. This situation restrains the personal involvements of women in public life of the city. Discussing the reasons for fear of crime in public open spaces, in this paper, it is aimed to focus this fact from the point of women. To conclude, it is examined the reasons and degrees of fear of crime; measures taken due to this fact; and handicaps which restrains the personal involvements of women in public life of the city. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Poverty and socioeconomic injustice in Muslim geographies

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    This chapter critiques the extant literature’s lack of attention to poverty and socioeconomic injustice in Muslim geographies and offers a research agenda to critically examine these phenomena in the context of Islamic consumptionscapes. The authors locate the recent interest in understanding the connections between Islam, consumption and markets within the neoliberal political economy and argue that the subject of the existing research has mostly been the relatively wealthy, educated and urban Muslim consumers. Noting that a significant portion of Muslim geographies are characterized by poverty, underdevelopment and socioeconomic inequality, the authors advocate a critical research perspective on poor Muslim consumers

    Optimization of Spool Fabrication Process

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    Rafineri ve petrokimya tesislerinin kurulmasında boru sistemine ait bölümlerin (spool) fabrikaortamında imalatı son yıllarda tercih edilen bir yöntem olmuştur. Spool imalatı farklı boy vemiktarlarda boru ve bağlantı elemanı malzemelerinin kullanımını gerektirmektedir. Bir spooliçin kesilmesi gereken borular belirlenirken kayıp miktarının en az olması amaçlanmaktadır.Bu çalışmanın amacı, spool imalat sürecinde malzeme kayıplarını en aza indiren ve seçilenperformans kriterini (spool sayısı veya Weld Dia Inch (WDI toplamı)) maksimize eden stokmalzemenin belirlenmesidir. Gerçek bir fabrika için spool imalat sürecinin bütün aşamalarınıkapsayan bir dijital dönüşüm projesinin parçası olan çalışmada, NP-hard kategorisinde yeralan optimizasyon probleminin çözümü için bir Monte-Carlo algoritması geliştirilmiştir.Geliştirilen yöntem ile minimum kayıp ile en uygun performans kriterini sağlayan malzemeplanlaması (MRP) belirlenmektedir.Spool manufacturing in a workshop environment is a preferred method in recent years for refinery and petrochemical plants. Spool manufacturing involves cutting and welding pipe and fittings in different length and quantities. It is aimed to have the least amount of loss when determining pipes to be cut for a spool. The purpose of this study is to optimize stock material usage to maximize spool quantity or Weld Dia Inch (WDI) total depending on the selected performance criteria. As part of a digital transformation project that covers all stages of the spool manufacturing process for a real factory, a Monte-Carlo algorithm has been developed to solve the optimization problem in the NP-hard category. Material Resource Planning (MRP) which provides the best performance criterion with minimum loss, is determined with the developed method

    Dos efeitos jurídicos da união estável e do casamento

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    O conceito de família contemporânea é resultado de constantes mudanças da sociedade, que, via de regra, acaba tendo reflexo nas estruturas familiares, bem como na necessidade de o Estado acolher as diversas formas de se constituir família sem, com isso, limitar a liberdade de escolha dos indivíduos quanto ao tipo de grupo familiar que pretendem constituir. Desse modo, a família tradicional - patriarcal - deixou de ser a única forma legítima de constituir família, sobretudo a partir da promulgação da Constituição de 1988, nominada de Constituição Cidadã. Em face disso, este trabalho pretende analisar a evolução e o tratamento dado pela doutrina e, sobretudo, pela jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal quanto aos “meios” de formação de uma entidade familiar, notadamente, a união estável e o casamento. Tem-se como escopo buscar relacionar ambos os institutos, partindo-se dos princípios aplicáveis à família, na sequência abordam-se os efeitos existenciais no casamento e na união estável, especialmente no que concerne ao tratamento dado quanto ao estado civil dos sujeitos nesses arranjos familiares, seus direitos e deveres; analisar os efeitos patrimoniais – regime de bens, pactos antenupciais e a problemática da conversão da união estável em casamento; e, por fim, os efeitos sucessórios aplicáveis a ambos os institutos, à luz da jurisprudência atual do STF.Le concept de famille contemporain est résultat de constants changements de la société, qui, de règle, finit par avoir un réflexe dans les structures familiales, tout comme dans la nécessité de l’Etat á recevoir les diverses formes de constituer une famille sans toutefois limiter la liberté de choix des individus quant au type de groupe de famille qu’ ils prétendent constituer. Par ce mode, la famille traditionnelle - patriarche - a laissé d’ être l’ unique forme légitime de constituer une famille, surtout á partir de la promulgation de la Constitution de 1988, nommée la Constitution Citoyenne. Face á cela, ce travail prétend analyser l’évolution et le traitement donnés par la doctrine et surtout, par la jurisprudence du Suprême Tribunal Fédéral, quant aux moyens de formation d’une entité familiale, notamment, le concubinage et le mariage. Il revient comme plan, chercher á relationer les deux instituts, partant des principes applicables á la famille, en séquence aborder les effets existants dans le mariage et dans le concubinage spécialement en ce qui concerne le traitement donné quant á l’etat civil des sujets dans ces arrangements familiales, ses droits et devoirs; analyser les effets de patrimoines - régimes de bien, pactes Prénuptial et la problématique de conversion de la concubinage en mariage; et, enfin, les effets de succession applicables aux deux instituts, á la lumière de la jurisprudence actuelle de la STF