6 research outputs found

    Exploring the link between employment search time and reservation wages in Southern Europe

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    In our piece of work we are facing a two-fold problem: on the one hand, we study the behaviour of job seekers and the extent to which reservation wages and unemployment benefits play a relevant role in the transition into working life. On the other hand, we intend to find out whether the determinants of the job search process may also affect subsequent wages.transiciones laborales, prestaciones por desempleo, salarios de reserva, ganancias,earnings, transitions into work, unemployment benefits, reservation wages.

    New relative indices of inequality base don the lorenz curve: perimeter and longitudinal ratio measures?

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    Empleando como fuente estadística la Memoria de la Administración Tributaria del año 2005, este trabajo presenta dos medidas alternativas de la medición de la desigualdad del ingreso en España.inequality, relative indices of inequality

    La salud de los menores: ¿otra fuente de transmisión intergeneracional de desigualdades?

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    El presente documento aborda la potencial relación entre el estado de salud de progenitores y descendientes, y entre este último y el estatus socioeconómico familiar, partiendo de la base de que la comprensión de la asociación entre la salud de los menores y la de sus progenitores puede contribuir a un mejor entendimiento de los mecanismos que potencian o restringen las posibilidades de movilidad intergeneracional.Menores, salud, obesidad,movilidad intergeneracional.

    El efecto del capital cultural sobre el rendimiento educativo diferencial por género

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    Uno de los aspectos menos tratados respecto a las funciones de producción educativa, en España, es el de la influencia de los estilos de vida, como medio para caracterizar la influencia del contexto familiar en lo que respecta al denominado “capital cultural”. Este capital favorece la adquisición en la familia de valores y normas necesarios para potenciar un alto rendimiento académico. Este trabajo evalúa si las variables de capital cultural afectan de forma diferencial al rendimiento de niñas y niños en educación primaria y secundaria en Andalucía, empleando datos del curso 2009/10. En particular se pretende determinar hasta qué punto se pueden diseñar intervenciones que permitan corregir las diferencias de género tanto en rendimiento como en elección de campo de estudio, por cuanto ambas cuestiones no solo afectan a la desigualdad actual sino a potenciales diferencias en las carreras educativo-formativas futuras de mujeres y hombres, y a sus oportunidades laborales. Cuando se analizan las variables relativas al "capital cultural" los resultados mostrados en la literatura previa se ven matizados de forma significativa y se observan impactos diferenciales por razón de género que merecen ser puestos en valor y que dan robustez complementaria a algunos de los argumentos esgrimidos por la economía feminista.One of the less discussed issues in the literature on educational production functions, in Spain, is the influence of lifestyles as a way of characterizing more precisely the impact of gender and family background on educational outcomes, regarding the so-called "cultural capital." This capital potentially favors the acquisition of family values and norms necessary to boost educational outcomes. We intend to check whether this is supported by empirical evidence based on Spanish microdata (for the academic year 2009/10) and, additionally, whether these measures of cultural capital have any relationship with pupil’s subsequent educational choices at the end of compulsory education (age 16), both in terms of formal education and labor market opportunities. Once we control for "cultural capital" related variables significant nuances arise regarding to previous results dealing with gender differences, giving empirical additional support to many theories coming from the feminist economics

    Towards a framework to combine multiobjective optimization and econometrics and an application in economics of education

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    Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (project PID2020-115429GB-I00), by the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University (PAI group SEJ-532 and project UMA18-FEDERJA-024, also supported by FEDER funding), and by the University of Malaga (project B1-2020 18). Sandra Gonzalez-Gallardo is recipient of a research contract within “Ayudas para la Recualificación del Sistema Universitario Español, Modalidad Margarita Salas”, financiado por la Unión Europea – NextGenerationEU.In this paper, we propose a theoretical framework that combines econometric and multiobjective programming methodologies to help researchers to identify and achieve optimal solutions to socio-economic and management problems. Sometimes, it is important to analyse which combination of values of the explanatory variables -in an econometric model- would imply the simultaneous achievement of the best values of the response variables. In such situations, if certain degree of conflict is observed among the response variables, we propose to formulate a multiobjective optimization problem based on the conclusions obtained from a regression analysis. Subsequently, the application of multiobjective optimization techniques allows gaining a better insight about the conflicting relation between the response variables, and how a balanced “optimal” situation among them could be achieved. This piece of information can be hardly extracted just by econometric techniques. An application in the field of economics of education, related to the analysis of the students’ well-being as a way to improve their academic performance, demonstrates the potential of our proposal.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (project PID2020-115429GB-I00)Andalusian Regional Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University (PAI group SEJ-532 and project UMA18-FEDERJA-024, also supported by FEDER funding)University of Malaga (project B1-2020 18)“Ayudas para la Recualificación del Sistema Universitario Español, Modalidad Margarita Salas”, financiado por la Unión Europea – NextGenerationE