22 research outputs found

    Metal-Insulator Transition in 2D: Experimental Test of the Two-Parameter Scaling

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    We report a detailed scaling analysis of resistivity \rho(T,n) measured for several high-mobility 2D electron systems in the vicinity of the 2D metal-insulator transition. We analyzed the data using the two parameter scaling approach and general scaling ideas. This enables us to determine the critical electron density, two critical indices, and temperature dependence for the separatrix in the self-consistent manner. In addition, we reconstruct the empirical scaling function describing a two-parameter surface which fits well the \rho(T,n) data.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Observation of Multi-Gap Superconductivity in GdO(F)FeAs by Andreev Spectroscopy

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    We have studied current-voltage characteristics of Andreev contacts in polycrystalline GdO0.88_{0.88}F0.12_{0.12}FeAs samples with bulk critical temperature Tc{T_c} = (52.5 \pm 1)K using break-junction technique. The data obtained cannot be described within the single-gap approach and suggests the existence of a multi-gap superconductivity in this compound. The large and small superconducting gap values estimated at T = 4.2K are {\Delta}L = 10.5 \pm 2 meV and {\Delta}S = 2.3 \pm 0.4 meV, respectively.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to JETP Letter


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    Since recently, a number of normative legal acts aimed at increasing the salaries of medical professionals in the Russian Federation have been implemented. As these decisions are not supported by increasing the financial bases of medical organizations, those institutions may develop the accounts payable status. Under these conditions, the efficient usage of hospital beds may bring a financial relief to these medical institutions. The present study addresses the assessment of bed usage and suggests a well-rationalized set of methods to evaluate and characterize the bed usage efficiency. The main indicators of this efficiency are: the number of beds, the bed turnover, the number of hospitalized patients, the average length of hospital stay per patient per year, and the average bed occupancy per year. In this study, we analyze the available data on the hospital bed usage taken from the annual statistical information published by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Using the method of chain substitutions we have found ways to improve the quality of medical services and reduce economic losses in medical organizations. Our results recommend implementing periodical analysis of the hospital bed usage both in general and in specialized clinics. The results also suggest mobilizing more reserves to increase the performance of hospital bed usage, mainly by increasing the bed occupancy in specialized round-the-clock hospitals. It is recommended to conduct a comparative analysis of the planned vs factual bed usage, to restructure the hospital setting with a possible change in the number of specialized beds, to optimize the routing of patients when providing primary medical care, as well as routing the patients when providing emergency service including emergency specialized medical care.Основной причиной для разработки методологии оценки эффективности использования коечного фонда стала необходимость выполнения медицинскими организациями ряда нормативных правовых актов, направленных на повышение заработной платы сотрудникам учреждений бюджетной сферы, в условиях прежнего уровня финансирования, что способствует формированию и росту кредиторской задолженности учреждений. В статье рассмотрены методологические аспекты оценки использования коечного фонда медицинских организаций, выявлена обоснованная совокупность приемов и методов структуры оценочной деятельности. Основными показателями эффективности использования коек являются: количество коек, оборот койки, количество госпитализированных больных, средняя длительность пребывания пациента на койке в году (в днях), средняя занятость койки в году (в днях), среднее время простоя койки. С целью оценки возможностей метода оценки эффективности использования коечного фонда в статье произведены расчеты и сравнения результатов по основным показателям эффективности использования коек на основе открытых данных (ежегодная статистическая информация, публикуемая Минздравом РФ). На основании проведенного анализа использования коечного фонда методом цепных подстановок в целях совершенствования качества медицинского обслуживания и снижения экономических потерь в медицинских организациях рекомендуется проводить анализ и оценку эффективности использования коечного фонда как в целом, так и по отдельным профилям, использовать дополнительные резервы повышения интенсивности использования коечного фонда, главным образом, за счет повышения средней занятости коек по отдельным профилям круглосуточных коек стационара, проводить сравнительный анализ плановых и фактических показателей использования коечного фонда, уделять внимание структурной перестройке стационара с возможным изменением количества профильных коек, уделять внимание маршрутизации пациентов при оказании первичной медико-санитарной помощи, уделять внимание маршрутизации при оказании скорой, в том числе скорой специализированной, медицинской помощи


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    Since recently, a number of normative legal acts aimed at increasing the salaries of medical professionals in the Russian Federation have been implemented. As these decisions are not supported by increasing the financial bases of medical organizations, those institutions may develop the accounts payable status. Under these conditions, the efficient usage of hospital beds may bring a financial relief to these medical institutions. The present study addresses the assessment of bed usage and suggests a well-rationalized set of methods to evaluate and characterize the bed usage efficiency. The main indicators of this efficiency are: the number of beds, the bed turnover, the number of hospitalized patients, the average length of hospital stay per patient per year, and the average bed occupancy per year. In this study, we analyze the available data on the hospital bed usage taken from the annual statistical information published by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Using the method of chain substitutions we have found ways to improve the quality of medical services and reduce economic losses in medical organizations. Our results recommend implementing periodical analysis of the hospital bed usage both in general and in specialized clinics. The results also suggest mobilizing more reserves to increase the performance of hospital bed usage, mainly by increasing the bed occupancy in specialized round-the-clock hospitals. It is recommended to conduct a comparative analysis of the planned vs factual bed usage, to restructure the hospital setting with a possible change in the number of specialized beds, to optimize the routing of patients when providing primary medical care, as well as routing the patients when providing emergency service including emergency specialized medical care

    Luminescence properties of transition-metal-doped GaSb

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    The luminescence properties of transition-metal (Cr, V, and Ru)-doped GaSb single crystals have been studied by a cathodoluminescence (CL) technique in a scanning electron microscope. Spatial segregation of impurities along the longitudinal direction of the crystals grown by the Bridgman method has been investigated. These dopants suppress the native acceptor concentration to varying extent. The behavior of Ru has been found to be different from the behavior of V and Cr. In particular the complete disappearance of the 777 meV (band A) emission has been observed in GaSb:Ru with a low doping level. A peak at 767 meV is also seen in this sample which, to the best of our knowledge, has not been previously observed in GaSb. The CL results have been complemented by x-ray-microanalysis measurements to ascertain the effect of doping level on the luminescence properties