11,394 research outputs found

    The diameter of the generating graph of a finite soluble group

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    Let GG be a finite 2-generated soluble group and suppose that ⟨a1,b1⟩=⟨a2,b2⟩=G\langle a_1,b_1\rangle=\langle a_2,b_2\rangle=G. If either G′G^\prime is of odd order or G′G^\prime is nilpotent, then there exists b∈Gb \in G with ⟨a1,b⟩=⟨a2,b⟩=G.\langle a_1,b\rangle=\langle a_2,b\rangle=G. We construct a soluble 2-generated group GG of order 210⋅322^{10}\cdot 3^2 for which the previous result does not hold. However a weaker result is true for every finite soluble group: if ⟨a1,b1⟩=⟨a2,b2⟩=G\langle a_1,b_1\rangle=\langle a_2,b_2\rangle=G, then there exist c1,c2c_1, c_2 such that $\langle a_1, c_1\rangle = \langle c_1, c_2\rangle =\langle c_2, a_2\rangle=G.

    Detecting the prime divisors of the character degrees and the class sizes by a subgroup generated with few elements

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    We prove that every finite group G contains a three-generated subgroup H with the following property: a prime p divides the degree of an irreducible character of G if and only if it divides the degree of an irreducible character of H: There is no analogous result for the prime divisors of the sizes of the conjugacy classes

    A bound on the expected number of random elements to generate a finite group all of whose Sylow subgroups are d-generated

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    Assume that all the Sylow subgroups of a finite group G can be generated by d elements. Then the expected number of elements of G which have to be drawn at random, with replacement, before a set of generators is found, is at most d+ \u3b7 with \u3b7 3c 2.875065

    On the orders of the non-Frattini elements of a finite group

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    Let GG be a finite group and let p1,…,pnp_1,\dots,p_n be distinct primes. If GG contains an element of order p1⋯pn,p_1\cdots p_n, then there is an element in GG which is not contained in the Frattini subgroup of GG and whose order is divisible by $p_1\cdots p_n.

    The independence graph of a finite group

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    Given a finite group G,G, we denote by Δ(G)\Delta(G) the graph whose vertices are the elements GG and where two vertices xx and yy are adjacent if there exists a minimal generating set of GG containing xx and y.y. We prove that Δ(G)\Delta(G) is connected and classify the groups GG for which Δ(G)\Delta(G) is a planar graph

    Applying the K\"ov\'ari-S\'os-Tur\'an theorem to a question in group theory

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    Let m≤nm\leq n be positive integers and X\mathfrak X a class of groups which is closed for subgroups, quotient groups and extensions. Suppose that a finite group GG satisfies the condition that for every two subsets MM and NN of cardinalities mm and n,n, respectively, there exist x∈Mx \in M and y∈Ny \in N such that ⟨x,y⟩∈X.\langle x, y \rangle\in \mathfrak X. Then either G∈XG\in \mathfrak X or $|G|\leq \left(\frac{180}{53}\right)^m(n-1).

    A bound on the expected number of random elements to generate a finite group all of whose Sylow subgroups are d-generated

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    Assume that all the Sylow subgroups of a finite group GG can be generated by dd elements. Then the expected number of elements of GG which have to be drawn at random, with replacement, before a set of generators is found, is at most d+ηd+\eta with $\eta \sim 2.875065.

    Invariable generation of iterated wreath products of cyclic groups

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    Given a sequence Ci of cyclic groups of prime orders, let \u393 be the inverse limit of the iterated wreath products Cm 40 ef 40 C2 40 C1. We prove that the profinite group \u393 is not topologically finitely invariably generated
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