40 research outputs found

    ResViT: Residual vision transformers for multi-modal medical image synthesis

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    Multi-modal imaging is a key healthcare technology that is often underutilized due to costs associated with multiple separate scans. This limitation yields the need for synthesis of unacquired modalities from the subset of available modalities. In recent years, generative adversarial network (GAN) models with superior depiction of structural details have been established as state-of-the-art in numerous medical image synthesis tasks. GANs are characteristically based on convolutional neural network (CNN) backbones that perform local processing with compact filters. This inductive bias in turn compromises learning of contextual features. Here, we propose a novel generative adversarial approach for medical image synthesis, ResViT, to combine local precision of convolution operators with contextual sensitivity of vision transformers. ResViT employs a central bottleneck comprising novel aggregated residual transformer (ART) blocks that synergistically combine convolutional and transformer modules. Comprehensive demonstrations are performed for synthesizing missing sequences in multi-contrast MRI, and CT images from MRI. Our results indicate superiority of ResViT against competing methods in terms of qualitative observations and quantitative metrics

    HydraViT: Adaptive Multi-Branch Transformer for Multi-Label Disease Classification from Chest X-ray Images

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    Chest X-ray is an essential diagnostic tool in the identification of chest diseases given its high sensitivity to pathological abnormalities in the lungs. However, image-driven diagnosis is still challenging due to heterogeneity in size and location of pathology, as well as visual similarities and co-occurrence of separate pathology. Since disease-related regions often occupy a relatively small portion of diagnostic images, classification models based on traditional convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are adversely affected given their locality bias. While CNNs were previously augmented with attention maps or spatial masks to guide focus on potentially critical regions, learning localization guidance under heterogeneity in the spatial distribution of pathology is challenging. To improve multi-label classification performance, here we propose a novel method, HydraViT, that synergistically combines a transformer backbone with a multi-branch output module with learned weighting. The transformer backbone enhances sensitivity to long-range context in X-ray images, while using the self-attention mechanism to adaptively focus on task-critical regions. The multi-branch output module dedicates an independent branch to each disease label to attain robust learning across separate disease classes, along with an aggregated branch across labels to maintain sensitivity to co-occurrence relationships among pathology. Experiments demonstrate that, on average, HydraViT outperforms competing attention-guided methods by 1.2%, region-guided methods by 1.4%, and semantic-guided methods by 1.0% in multi-label classification performance

    Simultaneous use of Individual and Joint Regularization Terms in Compressive Sensing: Joint Reconstruction of Multi-Channel Multi-Contrast MRI Acquisitions

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    Purpose: A time-efficient strategy to acquire high-quality multi-contrast images is to reconstruct undersampled data with joint regularization terms that leverage common information across contrasts. However, these terms can cause leakage of uncommon features among contrasts, compromising diagnostic utility. The goal of this study is to develop a compressive sensing method for multi-channel multi-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that optimally utilizes shared information while preventing feature leakage. Theory: Joint regularization terms group sparsity and colour total variation are used to exploit common features across images while individual sparsity and total variation are also used to prevent leakage of distinct features across contrasts. The multi-channel multi-contrast reconstruction problem is solved via a fast algorithm based on Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers. Methods: The proposed method is compared against using only individual and only joint regularization terms in reconstruction. Comparisons were performed on single-channel simulated and multi-channel in-vivo datasets in terms of reconstruction quality and neuroradiologist reader scores. Results: The proposed method demonstrates rapid convergence and improved image quality for both simulated and in-vivo datasets. Furthermore, while reconstructions that solely use joint regularization terms are prone to leakage-of-features, the proposed method reliably avoids leakage via simultaneous use of joint and individual terms. Conclusion: The proposed compressive sensing method performs fast reconstruction of multi-channel multi-contrast MRI data with improved image quality. It offers reliability against feature leakage in joint reconstructions, thereby holding great promise for clinical use.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures. Submitted for possible publicatio

    CalibFPA: A Focal Plane Array Imaging System based on Online Deep-Learning Calibration

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    Compressive focal plane arrays (FPA) enable cost-effective high-resolution (HR) imaging by acquisition of several multiplexed measurements on a low-resolution (LR) sensor. Multiplexed encoding of the visual scene is typically performed via electronically controllable spatial light modulators (SLM). An HR image is then reconstructed from the encoded measurements by solving an inverse problem that involves the forward model of the imaging system. To capture system non-idealities such as optical aberrations, a mainstream approach is to conduct an offline calibration scan to measure the system response for a point source at each spatial location on the imaging grid. However, it is challenging to run calibration scans when using structured SLMs as they cannot encode individual grid locations. In this study, we propose a novel compressive FPA system based on online deep-learning calibration of multiplexed LR measurements (CalibFPA). We introduce a piezo-stage that locomotes a pre-printed fixed coded aperture. A deep neural network is then leveraged to correct for the influences of system non-idealities in multiplexed measurements without the need for offline calibration scans. Finally, a deep plug-and-play algorithm is used to reconstruct images from corrected measurements. On simulated and experimental datasets, we demonstrate that CalibFPA outperforms state-of-the-art compressive FPA methods. We also report analyses to validate the design elements in CalibFPA and assess computational complexity