74 research outputs found

    Resistance of Salmonella and Shigella in Turkey

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    Geotechnical engineering education in METU and computer aided learning resources

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    In this paper, the state-of-practice in undergraduate geotechnical engineering (Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering) education in the Department of Civil Engineering of the Middle East Technical University (METU CE) is given. The use of computers in undergraduate courses is becoming a more widespread form of teaching in geotechnical engineering education. This paper also presents a list of web resources (e.g. PC Programs, web-based resources, cd-rom resources) currently available in geotechnical engineering education. An approach is proposed for the delivery of these courses by mixing traditional methods such as lectures, laboratory work and text books with interactive on-line learning resources (web based resources and cd-rom resources)

    Doksorubisin içeren polisebasik anhidrit bazlı nanokapsüllerin glutatyon s-transferaz aktivitesi üzerine etkisi.

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    Nanocapsules are used as drug delivery system commonly. Poly (sebacic anhydride) is a good candidate for the nanocapsule preparation since they are ideal for controlled release application with respect to biocompatibility, low cost, and the approval by US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The overactivity of glutathione S-transferase is generally related with the resistance of chemotherapy and this problem can be overcome through drug delivery systems. In this study, poly (sebacic anhydride) - poly (ethylene glycol) copolymer with the molecular weight of 5202 g/mol was synthesized successfully. In addition, doxorubicin loaded nanocapsules form this copolymer were prepared properly and the size of these nanocapsules were 200 nm approximately. The loading efficiency of these nanocapsules is 71.9%. The realese study indicated that these nanocapsules follows sustain drug release profile. Moreover, the effect of these nanocapsules on glutathione S-tranferase activity was examined and almost 60% inhibiton on the ezyme activity was observed.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Frost Susceptibility Properties of Soma-B Fly Ash

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    This paper assesses the effect of freeze-thaw properties of compacted fly ash specimens likely to affect its use as fill material, on the basis of laboratory investigations conducted on Soma-B Thermal Power plant ashes in western Turkey. Test specimens were subjected to compaction. Changes in strength with curing time and freeze-thaw cycles are measured using unconfined compression tests, and increases in strength with curing time and the number of freeze-thaw cycles were observed. The findings suggest that compacted Soma-B fly ash could serve as fill material, particularly over weak subgrades with no negative environmental effects, provided that the degree of saturation of the compacted fly ash embankment is at a specific value

    Report: Use of a computer program to estimate the thickness of a compacted clay liner in a landfill

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    Transit time analysis is used to estimate the thickness of a compacted clay liner of a landfill. A computer program has been developed based on an existing analytical solution for one-dimensional transient solute transport in saturated porous media. The formulation includes advective and dispersive transport in the clay as well as geochemical reactions. The computer program is relatively simple and can be used for the preliminary estimation of the thickness of a compacted clay liner

    Strut Destekli Diyafram Duvarların, 2 ve 3 Boyutlu Sonlu Elemanlar Metodu ile Analizleri ve Sonuçların Sahada Yapılan Ölçümlerle Karşılaştırılması

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    Plaxis paket programı diferansiyel denklemlerle ifade edilen fiziksel ortamın sonlu elemanlar yöntemiyle çözümünü sağlayan, zemin problemlerinin çözümü için geliştirilmiş bir paket programdır, 2 boyutlu (Plaxis 2D) ve 3 boyutlu (Plaxis 3D) versiyonları bulunmaktadır. İlk olarak derin kazılar hakkında genel literatür taraması yapılacak, ardından da zemin parametreleri ve zemin modeli seçildikten sonra, Plaxis 2D ve Plaxis 3D adlı sonlu elemanlar metodu analiz programları ile 2 ve 3 boyutlu analizler yapılacaktır. Daha sonra, Plaxis 2D ve Plaxis 3D sonuçları ile sahada inklinometre vasıtasıyla yapılan deformasyon sonuçları karşılaştırılacaktır. 2 ve 3 boyutlu modellerde elde edilen strut yükleri de birbirleriyle karşılaştırılacaktır. İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümünde Prof. Dr. Ufuk Ergun adına kayıtlı, Plaxis 2D ve Plaxis 3D programlarının lisansları bulunmaktadır. Bu projede elimizde bulunan eski Plaxis 2D ve Plaxis 3D programlarının güncellenmesi amaçlanmaktadır ve bu sayede problemin gerçeğe daha yakın modellenmesi ve daha gerçekçi analiz sonuçlarının elde edilebilmesi mümkün olacaktır. Bu çalışma kapsamında gerçekleştirilecek analizlerde her kazı aşamasında diyafram duvar ve kolonlardaki deplasmanlar ve kesit tesirleri raporlanacaktır. Bu çalışmada kazı aşamaları kesit tesirleri de dikkate alınarak yapı elemanları ile ilgili kesit tahkikleri gerçekleştirilecektir

    A computer program for the analysis of 1-D contaminant migration through a soil layer

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    The physical and chemical processes that influence contaminant transport through a saturated soil layer are presented. The computer program (1DContr) was developed based on existing analytical solutions for one-dimensional transport of contaminants in a saturated soil layer. The computer program is given for pulse and continuous source. The formulation includes advective and dispersive transport as well as sorption and first order transformation. The computer program that is based on analytical solutions is recommended for preliminary design

    Swelling potential of expansive soils with a critical appraisal of the identification of swelling of Ankara soils by methylene blue tests

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    Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Relationship between methylene blue value, initial soil suction and swell percent of expansive soils

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between methylene blue value, initial soil suction and the swell percentage of expansive soil samples. In this study, commercially processed kaolinite and bentonite mineral clays were mixed in preselected proportions to obtain soil samples possessing a wide range of plasticities and different swell percentages. The methylene blue adsorption tests, suction measurements using a thermocouple psychrometer technique and standard free swell tests in oedometer cells (ASTM D4546-90) were conducted on samples of kaolinite-bentonite mixtures. The results indicated a linear relationship between methylene blue value and swell percent and also between initial soil suction (Log) and swell percent. The experimental relationship which directly relates the methylene blue value and initial soil suction to the swell percent is established, the reliability of the swell percent prediction method based on methylene blue value and initial soil suction (Log10) data is evaluated, and the coefficient of correlation (R2) of this relationship is 0.992

    The civil engineering education at the middle east technical university

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    This paper reports the status of the Civil Engineering Department and the Civil Engineering undergraduate and graduate programs of the Middle East Technical University (METU). Information about: program objectives, admission process for students, evaluation and advising, undergraduate curriculum, laboratory and computer experience for students, student exchange, graduate programs, faculty, personnel and facilities are given in this paper